В неврологической клинике существуют сложные для дифференциальной диагностики речевые нарушения, которые схожи с синдромом афазии, однако истинной афазией не являются. Они спровоцированы разными группами заболеваний: конверсионным невротическим расстройством, психическими нарушениями, деменцией и т.п. Системное практическое наблюдение данных форм речевых патологий позволило определить характерные признаки ложных афазий:
1) отсутствие первичного (пускового) механизма;
2) постепенное развитие речевых нарушений;
3) флуктуативность симптоматики;
4) нарушение невербального контакта;
5) вариативные изменения структуры личности в целом.
In neurological clinic, there are difficulties in differential diagnosis of speech disorders, which are similar to the aphasia syndrome, but are not the true aphasia. They are provoked by different groups of diseases: conversion neurotic disorder, mental disorders, dementia, etc. Systemic practical observation of these forms of speech pathologies made it possible to determine the characteristic signs of false aphasias:
1) absence of the primary (starting) mechanism;
2) gradual development of speech disorders;
3) fluctuation of symptoms;
4) violation of non-verbal contact;
5) Variable changes in the structure of the personality as a whole.
1. Зачиняева Е.Ф., Потехина Е.С., Ларина Т.К. К вопросу о проблеме восстановления речи у больных с афазией. Молодежный науч. вестн. 2016. http://www.mnvnauka.ru/2016.05/Potekhina / Zachiniaeva E.F., Potekhina E.S., Larina T.K. K voprosu o probleme vosstanovleniia rechi u bol'nykh s afaziei. Molodezhnyi nauch. vestn. 2016. http://www.mnvnauka.ru/2016.05/Potekhina [in Russian]
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3. Aben L et al. Memory self-efficacy and psychosocial factors in stroke. J Rehabil Med 2008; 40 (8): 681–3.
4. Breitenstein C et al. Intense language training for aphasia. Contribution of cognitive factors. Nervenarzt 2009; 80 (2): 149–50, 152–4.
5. Fredericu A et al. The role of left inferior frontal and superior temporal cortex in sentence comprehension: localizing syntactic and semantic processes. Cereb Cortex 2003; 13 (2): 170–7.
6. Jobard G. Evalution of the dual route theory of reading: a metaanalysis of 35 neuoimaing studies. Neuroimage 2003; 20 (2): 693–712.
7. Johnson RK, Hough MS, King KA et al. Functional communication in individuals with chronic severe aphasia using augmentative communication. Augment Altern Commun 2008; 24 (4): 269–80.
8. Meinzer M et al. Functional re-recruitment of dysfunctional brain areas predicts language recovery in chronic aphasia. Neuroimage 2007; 39 (4): 2038–46.
9. Muller NG. The functional neuroanatomy of working memory: Contributions of human brain lesions studies. Neuroscience 2006; 139 (1): 51–8.
10. Optiz B. Functional asymmetry of human prefrontal cortex: Eneding and retrieval of vertally and nonverbally coded information. Learn Mem 2000; 7 (2): 85–96.
1. Potekhina / Zachiniaeva E.F., Potekhina E.S., Larina T.K. K voprosu o probleme vosstanovleniia rechi u bol'nykh s afaziei. Molodezhnyi nauch. vestn. 2016. http://www.mnvnauka.ru/2016.05/Potekhina [in Russian]
2. Shklovskii V.M., Vizel' T.G. Vosstanovlenie rechevoi funktsii u bol'nykh s raznymi formami afazii. M.: Assotsiatsiia defektologov, 2000; s. 24–9, 41–3. [in Russian]
3. Aben L et al. Memory self-efficacy and psychosocial factors in stroke. J Rehabil Med 2008; 40 (8): 681–3.
4. Breitenstein C et al. Intense language training for aphasia. Contribution of cognitive factors. Nervenarzt 2009; 80 (2): 149–50, 152–4.
5. Fredericu A et al. The role of left inferior frontal and superior temporal cortex in sentence comprehension: localizing syntactic and semantic processes. Cereb Cortex 2003; 13 (2): 170–7.
6. Jobard G. Evalution of the dual route theory of reading: a metaanalysis of 35 neuoimaing studies. Neuroimage 2003; 20 (2): 693–712.
7. Johnson RK, Hough MS, King KA et al. Functional communication in individuals with chronic severe aphasia using augmentative communication. Augment Altern Commun 2008; 24 (4): 269–80.
8. Meinzer M et al. Functional re-recruitment of dysfunctional brain areas predicts language recovery in chronic aphasia. Neuroimage 2007; 39 (4): 2038–46.
9. Muller NG. The functional neuroanatomy of working memory: Contributions of human brain lesions studies. Neuroscience 2006; 139 (1): 51–8.
10. Optiz B. Functional asymmetry of human prefrontal cortex: Eneding and retrieval of vertally and nonverbally coded information. Learn Mem 2000; 7 (2): 85–96.
ГБУЗ МО «Московский областной научно-исследовательский клинический институт им. М.Ф.Владимирского». 129110, Россия, Москва, ул. Щепкина, д. 61/2 mmsch@mail.ru
M.F.Vladimirskiy Moscow Regional Clinical Institute. 129110, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Shchepkina, d. 61/2 mmsch@mail.ru