Применение терапевтического лекарственного мониторинга вальпроатов при эпилепсии в клинической практике
Применение терапевтического лекарственного мониторинга вальпроатов при эпилепсии в клинической практике
Леонова М.В., Алимова Э.Э., Тищенкова И.Ф. Применение терапевтического лекарственного мониторинга вальпроатов при эпилепсии в клинической практике. Неврология и Ревматология (Прил. к журн. Consilium Medicum). 2018; 1: 28–35. DOI: 10.26442/2414-357X_2018.1.28-35
Leonova M.V., Alimova E.E., Tischenkova I.F. The use of therapeutic drug monitoring valproate with epilepsy in clinical practice. Neurology and Rheumatology (Suppl. Consilium Medicum). 2018; 1: 28–35. DOI: 10.26442/2414-357X_2018.1.28-35
Применение терапевтического лекарственного мониторинга вальпроатов при эпилепсии в клинической практике
Леонова М.В., Алимова Э.Э., Тищенкова И.Ф. Применение терапевтического лекарственного мониторинга вальпроатов при эпилепсии в клинической практике. Неврология и Ревматология (Прил. к журн. Consilium Medicum). 2018; 1: 28–35. DOI: 10.26442/2414-357X_2018.1.28-35
Leonova M.V., Alimova E.E., Tischenkova I.F. The use of therapeutic drug monitoring valproate with epilepsy in clinical practice. Neurology and Rheumatology (Suppl. Consilium Medicum). 2018; 1: 28–35. DOI: 10.26442/2414-357X_2018.1.28-35
Вальпроаты являются высокоэффективными антиконвульсантами для лечения эпилепсии у взрослых и детей, но имеют узкий терапевтический индекс и значительную межиндивидуальную вариабельность плазменной концентрации. Терапевтический лекарственный мониторинг является инструментом индивидуализации для оценки эффективности и безопасности применения антиконвульсантов. Цель – анализ результатов терапевтического лекарственного мониторинга вальпроатов у взрослых и детей с эпилепсией в условиях реальной клинической практики. Материалы и методы. Проводилось проспективное наблюдательное исследование терапевтического лекарственного мониторинга вальпроатов у 295 взрослых, 75 детей в возрасте 4–18 лет и 59 недоношенных новорожденных в возрасте 0–90 дней жизни. Концентрация вальпроевой кислоты определялась с помощью высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии; устанавливали минимальную (Cmin) и максимальную плазменную концентрацию (Cmax); терапевтический диапазон концентраций – 50–150 мг/л. Результаты. Частота достижения терапевтического диапазона Cmin и Cmax вальпроевой кислоты у взрослых составила 66,4%, у детей – 77,3% и только 33,9% – у новорожденных. Сверхтерапевтические концентрации Cmax отмечены в 1% у взрослых, 9,3% детей и 11,7% новорожденных.
У последних отсутствовала корреляция между дозировкой и концентрацией. Лекарственные взаимодействия вальпроатов с карбамазепином приводили к снижению частоты терапевтического уровня вальпроевой кислоты вдвое (до 34%). Выводы. Проведение терапевтического лекарственного мониторинга вальпроатов в реальной практике является актуальным методом контроля эффективности и безопасности лечения пациентов с эпилепсией.
Valproates are highly effective anticonvulsants for treatment of epilepsy in adults and children, but have a narrow therapeutic index and significant interindividual variability in plasma concentrations. Therapeutic drug monitoring is an instrument of individualization to assess the effectiveness and safety of anticonvulsants. Objective – to analyze the results of therapeutic drug monitoring of valproates in adults and children with epilepsy in real-world clinical practice. Materials and methods. A prospective observational study of therapeutic drug monitoring of valproate in 295 adults, 75 children aged 4–18 years, and 59 preterm newborns and infants aged 0–90 days of life. The concentration of valproic acid was determined by HPLC; minimum plasma concentration (Cmin) and maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) were determined; therapeutic range of concentrations is 50–150 mg/l. Results. The frequency of achievement the therapeutic range of Cmin and Cmax concentrations of valproic acid in adults was 66.4%, in children – 77.3%, and only 33.9% in newborns. Overtherapeutic concentrations of Cmax were noted in 1% of adults, in 9.3% of children and in 11.7% in newborns. Neonates did not have a correlation between dose and concentration. Drug interactions of valproates with carbamazepine led to a decrease in the frequency of the therapeutic level of valproic acid in half (up to 34%). Conclusion. The therapeutic drug monitoring of valproate in real practice is an actual method of monitoring the efficacy and safety of treating patients with epilepsy.
1. Patsalos PN, Berry DJ, Bourgeois BF et al. Antiepileptic drugs-best practice guidelines for therapeutic drug monitoring: a position paper by the subcommission on therapeutic drug monitoring, ILAE Commission on Therapeutic Strategies. Epilepsia 2008; 49 (7): 1239–76.
2. Baumann P, Hiemke C, Ulrich S et al. AGNP-TDM expert group consensus guidelines: therapeutic drug monitoring in psychiatry. Pharmacopsychiatry 2004; 37 (6): 243–65.
3. Johannessen SI, Landmark CJ. Value of therapeutic drug monitoring in epilepsy. Expert Rev Neurother 2008; 8 (6): 929–39.
4. Neels HM, Sierens AC, Naelaerts K et al. Therapeutic drug monitoring of old and newer antiepileptic drugs. Clin Chem Lab Med 2004; 42 (11): 1228–55.
5. Morselli PL, Franco-Morselli R, Bossi L. Clinical Pharmacokinetics in Newborns and Infants: Age-related Differences and Therapeutic Implications. Clin Pharmacokinet 1980; 5: 485–527.
6. Milsap RL, Jusko WJ. Pharmacokinetics in the Infant. Environ Health Perspect 1994; 102 (11): 107–10.
7. Walson PD. Role of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) in Pediatric Anti-Convulsant Drug Dosing. Brain Dev 1994; 16 (1): 23–6.
8. Gilmall JT. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in the Neonate and Paediatric Age Group: Problems and Clinical Pharmacokinetic Implications. Clin Pharmacokinet 1990; 19: 1–10.
9. Bodalia PN, Grosso AM, Sofat R et al. Comparative efficacy and tolerability of anti-epileptic drugs for refractory focal epilepsy: systematic review and network meta-analysis reveals the need for long term comparator trials. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2013; 76 (5): 649–67.
10. Campos MS, Ayres LR, Morelo MR et al. Efficacy and Tolerability of Antiepileptic Drugs in Patients with Focal Epilepsy: Systematic Review and Network Meta-analyses. Pharmacotherapy 2016; 36 (12): 1255–71.
11. Nevitt SJ, Sudell M, Weston J et al. Antiepileptic drug monotherapy for epilepsy: a network meta-analysis of individual participant data. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2017; 6: CD011412.
12. Aldaz A, Ferriols R, Aumente D et al. Pharmacokinetic Monitoring of Antiepileptic Drugs. Farm Hosp 2011; 35: 326–39.
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14. Warner A, Privitera M, David B. Standards of laboratory practice: antiepileptic drug monitoring. Clinical Chemistry 1998; 44 (5): 1085–95.
15. Ghodke-Puranik Y, Thorn CF, Lamba JK et al. Valproic acid pathway: pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Pharmacogenet Genom 2013; 23 (4): 236–41.
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17. Saruwatari J, Ishitsu T, Nakagawa К. Update on the genetic polymorphisms of drug-metabolizing enzymes in antiepileptic drug therapy. Pharmaceuticals 2010; 3: 2709–32.
18. Johannessen SI, Landmark CJ. Antiepileptic drug interactions – principles and clinical implications. Cur Neuropharmacol 2010; 8: 254–67.
19. Perucca E. Clinically relevant drug interactions with antiepileptic drugs. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2006; 61: 246–55.
1. Patsalos PN, Berry DJ, Bourgeois BF et al. Antiepileptic drugs-best practice guidelines for therapeutic drug monitoring: a position paper by the subcommission on therapeutic drug monitoring, ILAE Commission on Therapeutic Strategies. Epilepsia 2008; 49 (7): 1239–76.
2. Baumann P, Hiemke C, Ulrich S et al. AGNP-TDM expert group consensus guidelines: therapeutic drug monitoring in psychiatry. Pharmacopsychiatry 2004; 37 (6): 243–65.
3. Johannessen SI, Landmark CJ. Value of therapeutic drug monitoring in epilepsy. Expert Rev Neurother 2008; 8 (6): 929–39.
4. Neels HM, Sierens AC, Naelaerts K et al. Therapeutic drug monitoring of old and newer antiepileptic drugs. Clin Chem Lab Med 2004; 42 (11): 1228–55.
5. Morselli PL, Franco-Morselli R, Bossi L. Clinical Pharmacokinetics in Newborns and Infants: Age-related Differences and Therapeutic Implications. Clin Pharmacokinet 1980; 5: 485–527.
6. Milsap RL, Jusko WJ. Pharmacokinetics in the Infant. Environ Health Perspect 1994; 102 (11): 107–10.
7. Walson PD. Role of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) in Pediatric Anti-Convulsant Drug Dosing. Brain Dev 1994; 16 (1): 23–6.
8. Gilmall JT. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in the Neonate and Paediatric Age Group: Problems and Clinical Pharmacokinetic Implications. Clin Pharmacokinet 1990; 19: 1–10.
9. Bodalia PN, Grosso AM, Sofat R et al. Comparative efficacy and tolerability of anti-epileptic drugs for refractory focal epilepsy: systematic review and network meta-analysis reveals the need for long term comparator trials. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2013; 76 (5): 649–67.
10. Campos MS, Ayres LR, Morelo MR et al. Efficacy and Tolerability of Antiepileptic Drugs in Patients with Focal Epilepsy: Systematic Review and Network Meta-analyses. Pharmacotherapy 2016; 36 (12): 1255–71.
11. Nevitt SJ, Sudell M, Weston J et al. Antiepileptic drug monotherapy for epilepsy: a network meta-analysis of individual participant data. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2017; 6: CD011412.
12. Aldaz A, Ferriols R, Aumente D et al. Pharmacokinetic Monitoring of Antiepileptic Drugs. Farm Hosp 2011; 35: 326–39.
13. Gusev E.I., Belousov Yu.B., Gekht A.B. i dr. Lechenie epilepsii: racional'noe dozirovanie antikonvul'santov. SPb.: Rech', 2000. [in Russian]
14. Warner A, Privitera M, David B. Standards of laboratory practice: antiepileptic drug monitoring. Clinical Chemistry 1998; 44 (5): 1085–95.
15. Ghodke-Puranik Y, Thorn CF, Lamba JK et al. Valproic acid pathway: pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Pharmacogenet Genom 2013; 23 (4): 236–41.
16. Shnajder N.A., Dmitrenko D.V., Pilyugina M.S. Farmakogenetika antiepilepticheskih preparatov. Byul. sibirskoj mediciny. 2008; 4: 111–9. [in Russian]
17. Saruwatari J, Ishitsu T, Nakagawa К. Update on the genetic polymorphisms of drug-metabolizing enzymes in antiepileptic drug therapy. Pharmaceuticals 2010; 3: 2709–32.
18. Johannessen SI, Landmark CJ. Antiepileptic drug interactions – principles and clinical implications. Cur Neuropharmacol 2010; 8: 254–67.
19. Perucca E. Clinically relevant drug interactions with antiepileptic drugs. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2006; 61: 246–55.
М.В.Леонова, Э.Э.Алимова, И.Ф.Тищенкова
ФГБОУ ВО «Российский национальный исследовательский медицинский университет им. Н.И.Пирогова» Минздрава России. 117997, Россия, Москва, ул. Островитянова, д. 1
N.I.Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 117997, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Ostrovitianova, d. 1