В статье представлено исследование безопасности и эффективности проведения гестагенной поддержки беременности у пациенток с метаболическим синдромом. Эффективность применения дидрогестерона при развитии угрозы прерывания в I триместре была доказана у 91% пациенток с метаболическим синдромом. Безопасность использования дидрогестерона подтверждена на основании отсутствия изменений в показателях системы гемостаза и компонентов липидного и углеводного обмена.
The paper presents a study of the safety and effectiveness of gestogen support of pregnancy in patients with metabolic syndrome. Efficacy of dydrogesterone in the development of the threat of termination in the first trimester has been demonstrated in 91% of patients with metabolic syndrome. Dydrogesterone use safety has been proven on the basis of no change in terms of the hemostatic system and components of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Key words: pregnancy, metabolic syndrome, threatened miscarriage, dydrogesterone, insulin resistance.
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7. Дубова Е.А., Павлов К.А., Боровкова Е.И. и др. Фактор роста эндотелия сосудов и его рецепторы в плаценте беременных с ожирением. Бюл. эксперим. биологии и медицины. 2011; 2: 218–23.
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9. Jackson AA. Nutrients, growth, and the development of programmed metabolic function. Adv Exp Med Biol 2000; 478: 41–55.
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11. Weiss JL, Malone FD, Emig D et al. FASTER research Consortium. Obesity, obstetric complications and Cesarean delivery rate – a population – based screening study. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2004; 190: 1091–7.
12. Ehrenberg HM, Iams JD. Maternal obesity, uterine activity, and the risk of spontaneous preterm birth. Obstet Gynecol 2009; 113: 48–52.
13. Queisser-Luft A. Dydrogesterone use during pregnancy: Overview of birth defects reported since 1977. Early Human Development 2009; 85 (6): 375–7.
14. Tausk M. A general summary of dydrogesterone, a derivative of retroprogesterone. In: International Encyclopaedia of pharmacology and Therapeutics. Section 48. Pharmacology of the Endocrine System and Related Drugs: Progesterone, Progestational Drugs and Antifertility DrugsOxford. New York: Pergamon Press, 1972; p. 481.
1. Боровкова Е.И., Макаров И.О., Байрамова М.А. Вероятность развития осложнений беременности у женщин с избыточным весом и ожирением. Вестн. Российского университета дружбы народов. 2011; 5: 151–7.
2. Макаров И.О., Шилов Е.М., Боровкова Е.И. Течение беременности, родов и послеродового периода у женщин с метаболическим синдромом. Рос. вестн. акушера-гинеколога. 2012; 12 (3): 36–42.
3. Bellver J, Melo MA, Bosch E. Obesity and poor reproductive outcome: the potential role of the endometrium. Fertil Steril 2007; 88: 446–51.
4. Calandra C, Abell DA, Beischer NA. Maternal obesity in pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 1981; 57: 8–12.
5. Brizzi P, Tonolo G, Esposito F. Lipoprotein metabolism during normal pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1999; 181: 430–34.
6. Catalano PM, Kirwan JP, Haugel-de Mouzon S. Gestational diabetes and insulin resistance: role in short- and long-term implications for mother and fetus. J Nutr 2003; 133: 1674S–1683S.
7. Дубова Е.А., Павлов К.А., Боровкова Е.И. и др. Фактор роста эндотелия сосудов и его рецепторы в плаценте беременных с ожирением. Бюл. эксперим. биологии и медицины. 2011; 2: 218–23.
8. Chen A, Feresu SA, Fernandez C. Maternal obesity and the risk of infant death in the United States. Epidemiology 2009; 20: 74–81.
9. Jackson AA. Nutrients, growth, and the development of programmed metabolic function. Adv Exp Med Biol 2000; 478: 41–55.
10. Waugh JJ, Clark TJ, Divakaran TG, Khan KS. Accuracy of urinalysis dipstick techniques in predicting significant proteinuria in pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 2004; 103: 769–77.
11. Weiss JL, Malone FD, Emig D et al. FASTER research Consortium. Obesity, obstetric complications and Cesarean delivery rate – a population – based screening study. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2004; 190: 1091–7.
12. Ehrenberg HM, Iams JD. Maternal obesity, uterine activity, and the risk of spontaneous preterm birth. Obstet Gynecol 2009; 113: 48–52.
13. Queisser-Luft A. Dydrogesterone use during pregnancy: Overview of birth defects reported since 1977. Early Human Development 2009; 85 (6): 375–7.
14. Tausk M. A general summary of dydrogesterone, a derivative of retroprogesterone. In: International Encyclopaedia of pharmacology and Therapeutics. Section 48. Pharmacology of the Endocrine System and Related Drugs: Progesterone, Progestational Drugs and Antifertility DrugsOxford. New York: Pergamon Press, 1972; p. 481.
ИПО ГБОУ ВПО Первый Московский государственный медицинский университет им. И.М.Сеченова Минздрава России