Суточный ритм мочеобразования и мочеотделения при недержании мочи у женщин
Суточный ритм мочеобразования и мочеотделения при недержании мочи у женщин
Осипова Н.А., Ниаури Д.А., Зиятдинова Г.М. Суточный ритм мочеобразования и мочеотделения при недержании мочи у женщин. Гинекология. 2015; 17(2): 74–76.
Osipova N.A., Niaury D.A., Ziyatdinova G.M. The circadian rhythm of urine formation in incontinent women. Ginecology. 2015; 17(2): 74–76.
Суточный ритм мочеобразования и мочеотделения при недержании мочи у женщин
Осипова Н.А., Ниаури Д.А., Зиятдинова Г.М. Суточный ритм мочеобразования и мочеотделения при недержании мочи у женщин. Гинекология. 2015; 17(2): 74–76.
Osipova N.A., Niaury D.A., Ziyatdinova G.M. The circadian rhythm of urine formation in incontinent women. Ginecology. 2015; 17(2): 74–76.
Целью настоящего исследования явилась оценка изменений суточного ритма мочеобразования как этиологического фактора развития ноктурии у женщин с недержанием мочи.
Были обследованы 277 женщин с недержанием мочи в возрасте от 18 до 55 лет. Обследование включало: клиническое обследование, эхографию уретровезикального сегмента и уродинамическое исследование. У 143 женщин было диагностировано стрессовое недержание мочи, у 43 – императивное и 91 – смешанное. Для оценки качества жизни женщин с недержанием мочи использовали индекс оценки качества жизни – QOL (оценка качества жизни в связи с имеющимися расстройствами мочеиспускания) и шкалу суммарной оценки симптомов инконтиненции – IIQ (Incontinence Impact Questionnarie).
Из 277 обследованных женщин с недержанием мочи ноктурия была выявлена у 110 (39,7±2,9%). У 26 (23,6±4,1%) пациенток причиной учащенного ночного мочеиспускания явилось снижение ночной емкости мочевого пузыря, у 33 (30,0±4,4%) – ночная полиурия (ноктурия),
у 27 (24,5±4,1%) – сочетание ночной полиурии и снижения ночной емкости мочевого пузыря, у 24 (21,8±3,9%) – полиурия. Таким образом, инверсия суточного ритма мочеобразования – ноктурия имела место у 60 (54,5±4,7%) женщин с учащенным ночным мочеиспусканием (ноктурией). Частота ноктурии была одинакова при всех типах недержания мочи, но увеличивалась с возрастом (r=0,84, p<0,001). При сравнительной оценке качества жизни при разных типах недержания мочи оказалось, что женщины с императивным недержанием мочи чаще дают максимально негативную оценку своему состоянию независимо от числа ночных мочеиспусканий. Ключевые слова: суточный ритм мочеобразования, недержание мочи, ноктурия.
The objective of this study was to estimate the circadian rhythm of urine formation and its association with the quality of life in incontinent women.
277 patients with complaints of urinary incontinence were analysed according to a specific protocol: urodynamic testing, transperineal ureterovesical segment ultrasonography, a 3-day frequency-volume (FV) chart. Subjects had to fill in a standardised quality of life questionnaire as well. Nocturia was defined as two or more micturitions per night calculated from the FV chart. The overall prevalence of nocturia was 39,7%. The nocturics were classified into one of the responsible pathophysiologic categories: nocturnal polyuria in 30%, a low functional bladder capacity in 23,6%, a combination of both in 24,5%, polyuria in 21,8% of the cases. In 54,5% of nocturics nocturia is due to change of physiological urine formation rhythm-nocturnal polyuria. So nocturnal polyuria is a frequent symptom among urinaryincontinent patients, with a negative impact on several aspects of the quality of life. Key words: circadian rhythm of urine formation, urinary incontinence, nocturnal polyuria.
1. Аполихина И.А., Ромих В.В., Андикян В.М. Современные принципы консервативного лечения недержания мочи у женщин. Урология. 2005; 5: 72–5. / Apolikhina I.A., Romikh V.V., Andikyan V.M. Sovremennye printsipy konservativnogo lecheniya nederzhaniya mochi u zhenshchin. Urologiya. 2005; 5: 72–5. [in Russian]
2. Балан В.Е., Анкирская А.С., Есесидзе З.Т. и др. Патогенез атрофического цистоуретрита и различные виды недержания мочи у женщин в климактерии. Consilium Medicum. 2001; 3 (7): 326–31. / Balan V.E., Ankirskaia A.S., Esesidze Z.T. et al. Patogenez atroficheskogo tsistouretrita i razlichnye vidy nederzhaniia mochi u zhenshchin v klimakterii. Consilium Medicum. 2001; 3 (7): 326–31. [in Russian]
3. Cooper J, Annappa M, Quigley A et al. Prevalence of female urinary incontinence and its impact on quality of life in a cluster population in the United Kingdom (UK): a community survey. Prim Health Care Res Dev 2014; 2: 1–6.
4. Kogan MI, Zachoval R, Ozyurt C et al. Epidemiology and impact of urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, and other lower urinarytract symptoms: results of the EPIC survey in Russia, Czech Republic, and Turkey. Curr Med Res Opin 2014; 30 (10): 2119–30.
5. Zumrutbas AE, Bozkurt AI, Tas E et al. Prevalence of lower urinary tract symptoms, overactive bladder and urinary incontinence in western Turkey: results of a population-based survey. Int J Urol 2014; 21 (10): 1027–33.
6. Massolt ET, Wooning MM, Stijnen T, Vierhout ME. Prevalence, impact on the quality of life and pathophysiological determinants of nocturia in urinary incontinent women. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2005; 16 (2): 132–7.
7. Van Kerrebroeck P, Abrams P, Chaikin D et al. The standardization of terminology in nocturia: report from the Standardization Subcommittee of the International Continence Society Neurourol Urodyn 2000; 211: 79–83.
8. Yoo SS, Shim BS, Lee DH et al. Correlation between Nocturia and Sleep: A Questionnaire Based Analysis. Korean J Urol 2010; 51 (11): 757–62.
9. Clinical guidelines for nocturia. Committee for Establishment of the Clinical Guidelines for Nocturia of the Neurogenic Bladder Society. Int J Urol 2010; 17 (5): 397–409.
10. Desgrandchamps F, Cortesse A, Rousseau T et al. Normal voiding behaviour in women. Study of the I-PSS in an unselected population of women in general practice. Eur Urol 1996; 30 (1): 18–23.
11. Hsu A, Nakagawa S, Walter LC et al. The burden of nocturia among middle-aged and older women. Obstet Gynecol 2015; 125 (1): 35–43.
12. Blanker MH, Bernsen RM, Bosch JL et al. Relation between nocturnal voiding frequency and nocturnal urine production in older men: a population-based study. Urology 2002; 60 (4): 612–5.
13. Saito M, Kondo A, Kato T, Yamada Y. Frequency-volume charts: comparison of frequency between elderly and adult patients. Br J Urol 1993; 72 (1): 38–41.
14. Kay L, Stigsby B, Brasso K et al. Lower urinary tract symptoms-a population survey using the Danish Prostatic Symptom Score (DAN-PSS) questionnaire. Scand J Urol Nephrol 1999; 33 (2): 94–9.
15. Jackson S. Lower urinary tract symptoms and nocturia in men and women: prevalence, aetiology and diagnosis. BJU Int 1999; 84 (Suppl. 1): 5–8.
16. Weiss JP, Blaivas JG. Nocturia. J Urol. 2000; 163 (1): 5–12.
17. Puri VN. Urinary levels of antidiuretic hormone in nocturnal enuresis. Indian Pediatr 1980; 17 (8): 675–6.
18. Djurhuus JC, Nørgaard JP, Rittig S. Monosymptomatic bedwetting. Scand J Urol Nephrol (Suppl.) 1992; 141: 7–17; discussion 18–9.
19. Kamperis K, Rittig S, Radvanska E et al. The effect of desmopressin on renal water and solute handling in desmopressin resistant monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis. J Urol 2008; 180 (2): 707–13; discussion 713–4.
20. Kuznetsova AA, Natochchin IuV, Papaian AV. A physiological analysis of kidney ion-regulating function in children with enuresis. Fiziol Zh Im I M Sechenova 1996; 82 (12): 78–86.
21. Natochin YV, Kuznetsova AA. Nocturnal enuresis: correction of renal function by desmopressin and diclofenac. Pediatr Nephrol 2000; 14 (1): 42–7.
22. Van Herzeele C, de Bruyne P, Evans J et al. Safety profile of desmopressin tablet for enuresis in a prospective study. Adv Ther 2014; 31 (12): 1306–16.
1. Apolikhina I.A., Romikh V.V., Andikyan V.M. Sovremennye printsipy konservativnogo lecheniya nederzhaniya mochi u zhenshchin. Urologiya. 2005; 5: 72–5. [in Russian]
2. Balan V.E., Ankirskaia A.S., Esesidze Z.T. et al. Patogenez atroficheskogo tsistouretrita i razlichnye vidy nederzhaniia mochi u zhenshchin v klimakterii. Consilium Medicum. 2001; 3 (7): 326–31. [in Russian]
3. Cooper J, Annappa M, Quigley A et al. Prevalence of female urinary incontinence and its impact on quality of life in a cluster population in the United Kingdom (UK): a community survey. Prim Health Care Res Dev 2014; 2: 1–6.
4. Kogan MI, Zachoval R, Ozyurt C et al. Epidemiology and impact of urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, and other lower urinarytract symptoms: results of the EPIC survey in Russia, Czech Republic, and Turkey. Curr Med Res Opin 2014; 30 (10): 2119–30.
5. Zumrutbas AE, Bozkurt AI, Tas E et al. Prevalence of lower urinary tract symptoms, overactive bladder and urinary incontinence in western Turkey: results of a population-based survey. Int J Urol 2014; 21 (10): 1027–33.
6. Massolt ET, Wooning MM, Stijnen T, Vierhout ME. Prevalence, impact on the quality of life and pathophysiological determinants of nocturia in urinary incontinent women. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2005; 16 (2): 132–7.
7. Van Kerrebroeck P, Abrams P, Chaikin D et al. The standardization of terminology in nocturia: report from the Standardization Subcommittee of the International Continence Society Neurourol Urodyn 2000; 211: 79–83.
8. Yoo SS, Shim BS, Lee DH et al. Correlation between Nocturia and Sleep: A Questionnaire Based Analysis. Korean J Urol 2010; 51 (11): 757–62.
9. Clinical guidelines for nocturia. Committee for Establishment of the Clinical Guidelines for Nocturia of the Neurogenic Bladder Society. Int J Urol 2010; 17 (5): 397–409.
10. Desgrandchamps F, Cortesse A, Rousseau T et al. Normal voiding behaviour in women. Study of the I-PSS in an unselected population of women in general practice. Eur Urol 1996; 30 (1): 18–23.
11. Hsu A, Nakagawa S, Walter LC et al. The burden of nocturia among middle-aged and older women. Obstet Gynecol 2015; 125 (1): 35–43.
12. Blanker MH, Bernsen RM, Bosch JL et al. Relation between nocturnal voiding frequency and nocturnal urine production in older men: a population-based study. Urology 2002; 60 (4): 612–5.
13. Saito M, Kondo A, Kato T, Yamada Y. Frequency-volume charts: comparison of frequency between elderly and adult patients. Br J Urol 1993; 72 (1): 38–41.
14. Kay L, Stigsby B, Brasso K et al. Lower urinary tract symptoms-a population survey using the Danish Prostatic Symptom Score (DAN-PSS) questionnaire. Scand J Urol Nephrol 1999; 33 (2): 94–9.
15. Jackson S. Lower urinary tract symptoms and nocturia in men and women: prevalence, aetiology and diagnosis. BJU Int 1999; 84 (Suppl. 1): 5–8.
16. Weiss JP, Blaivas JG. Nocturia. J Urol. 2000; 163 (1): 5–12.
17. Puri VN. Urinary levels of antidiuretic hormone in nocturnal enuresis. Indian Pediatr 1980; 17 (8): 675–6.
18. Djurhuus JC, Nørgaard JP, Rittig S. Monosymptomatic bedwetting. Scand J Urol Nephrol (Suppl.) 1992; 141: 7–17; discussion 18–9.
19. Kamperis K, Rittig S, Radvanska E et al. The effect of desmopressin on renal water and solute handling in desmopressin resistant monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis. J Urol 2008; 180 (2): 707–13; discussion 713–4.
20. Kuznetsova AA, Natochchin IuV, Papaian AV. A physiological analysis of kidney ion-regulating function in children with enuresis. Fiziol Zh Im I M Sechenova 1996; 82 (12): 78–86.
21. Natochin YV, Kuznetsova AA. Nocturnal enuresis: correction of renal function by desmopressin and diclofenac. Pediatr Nephrol 2000; 14 (1): 42–7.
22. Van Herzeele C, de Bruyne P, Evans J et al. Safety profile of desmopressin tablet for enuresis in a prospective study. Adv Ther 2014; 31 (12): 1306–16.
Н.А.Осипова*1, 2, Д.А.Ниаури2, Г.М.Зиятдинова2
1. ФГБУ Северо-Западный федеральный медицинский исследовательский центр Минздрава России. 197341, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Аккуратова, д. 2;
2. ФГБОУ ВПО Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет. 2199034, Санкт-Петербург, Университетская наб., д. 7–9
N.A.Osipova*1, 2, D.A.Niaury2, G.M.Ziyatdinova2
1. Federal state budgetary institution Northwest Federal Medical Research Center of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 197341, Saint Petersburg, ul. Akkuratov, d. 2;
2. Federal public budgetary educational institution of higher education St. Petersburg State University. 199034, Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., d. 7–9