Щеголев А.И., Туманова У.Н., Мишнёв О.Д. Влияние курения на развитие поражений плаценты. Гинекология. 2018; 20 (2): 34–40.
DOI: 10.26442/2079-5696_2018.2.34-40
Shchegolev A.I., Tumanova U.N., Mishnev O.D. Effect of smoking on the development of placental lesions. Gynecology. 2018; 20 (2): 34–40.
DOI: 10.26442/2079-5696_2018.2.34-40
Влияние курения на развитие поражений плаценты
Щеголев А.И., Туманова У.Н., Мишнёв О.Д. Влияние курения на развитие поражений плаценты. Гинекология. 2018; 20 (2): 34–40.
DOI: 10.26442/2079-5696_2018.2.34-40
Shchegolev A.I., Tumanova U.N., Mishnev O.D. Effect of smoking on the development of placental lesions. Gynecology. 2018; 20 (2): 34–40.
DOI: 10.26442/2079-5696_2018.2.34-40
Приведен анализ данных литературы о влиянии курения на развитие поражений плаценты и осложнений беременности. В основе неблагоприятного действия курения на морфофункциональное состояние плаценты лежат выделяющиеся при курении токсические вещества. Нарушения развития плаценты отмечаются как при активном, так и при пассивном курении, при курении до беременности и во время нее. Курение и табачный дым способствуют более частому развитию выкидыша, хориоамнионита, нарушениям васкуляризации ворсин хориона, предлежания и отслойки плаценты, преждевременного разрыва плодных оболочек, что делает необходимым констатацию факта курения беременной в клиническом диагнозе. Вместе с тем курение относится к предотвратимым факторам риска развития осложнений беременности и плода. Ключевые слова: курение, табак, беременность, плацента, предлежание плаценты, отслойка плаценты, преэклампсия, перинатальная смерть.
The literature data on the effect of smoking on the development of placental lesions and complications of pregnancy are analyzed. The adverse effect of smoking on the morphofunctional state of the placenta is based on toxic substances that are released during smoking. Disturbances in the development of the placenta are noted both with active smoking and with passive smoking, both with smoking before pregnancy and during it. Smoking and tobacco smoke contribute to the more frequent development of miscarriage, chorioamnionitis, impaired of vascularization of chorion villi, previa and placental abruption, premature rupture of the membranes. Therefore, it is necessary to state the fact of smoking a pregnant woman in a clinical diagnosis. At the same time, smoking refers to preventable risk factors for complications of pregnancy and fetus.
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2. Shafey O, Eriksen MP, Ross H et al. The tobacco atlas, 3rd edn. Atlanta, GA: American Cancer Society and World Lung Foundation. 2009.
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Reproductive Health. State Prenatal Smoking Databook, 1999. CDC, 2002; p. 14–7.
4. Kirkland SA, Dodds LA, Brosky G. The natural history of smoking during pregnancy among women in Nova Scotia. CMAJ 2000; 163: 281–2.
5. Kilbane S, Knudston E, Vesha K. Smoking cessation in women. Prim. Care Update Obstet Gynecol 2002; 9: 164–8.
6. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Smoking and Women’s Health. ACOG Educational Bulletin 240. Washington, DC: ACOG, 1997.
7. Fildinq JE. Smoking and women: Tragedy of the majority. New Engl J Med 2006; 317: 1343–5.
8. Камардина Т.В. Современное состояние проблемы табакокурения и возможные пути ее решения. Общественное здоровье и профилактика заболеваний. 2004; 5: 46. / Kamardina T.V. Sovremennoe sostoianie problemy tabakokureniia i vozmozhnye puti ee resheniia. Obshchestvennoe zdorov'e i profilaktika zabolevanii. 2004; 5: 46. [in Russian]
9. Öberg M, Woodward A, Jaakkola MS et al. Global estimate of the burden of disease from second-hand smoke. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2010.
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12. Rodgman A, Perfetti T. The chemical components of tobacco and tobacco smoke. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2009; p. 1483–784.
13. Talbot P, Riveles K. Smoking and reproduction: The oviduct as a target of cigarette smoke. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 2005; 3: 52.
14. Schick S, Glantz S. Philip Morris toxicological experiments with fresh sidestream smoke: more toxic than mainstream smoke. Tob Control 2005; 14: 396–404.
15. Berlin I, Heilbronner C, Georgieu S et al. Newborns’ cord blood plasma cotinine concentrations are similar to that of their delivering smoking mothers. Drug Alcohol Depend 2010; 107: 250–2.
16. Lindbohm M-L, Sallmén M, Taskinen H. Effects of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke on reproductive health. Scand J Work Environ Health 2002; 28: 84–96.
17. Wu FY, Chiu HT, Wu HDI et al. Comparison of urinary and plasma cotinine levels during the three trimesters of pregnancy. Paediatr Perinatal Epidemiol 2008; 22: 296–301.
18. Kharrazi M, DeLorenze GN, Kaufman FL et al. Environmental tobacco smoke and pregnancy outcome. Epidemiology 2004; 15: 660–70.
19. Weinberg CR, Wilcox AJ, Baird DD. Reduced fecundability in women with prenatal exposure to cigarette smoking. Am J Epidemiol 1989; 129: 1072–8.
20. Jensen TK, Henriksen TB, Hjollund NHI et al. Adult and prenatal exposures to tobacco smoke as risk indicators of fertility among 430 Danish couples. Am J Epidemiol 1998; 148: 992–7.
21. Hull MGR, North K, Taylor H et al. Delayed conception and active and passive smoking. Fertil Steril 2000; 74: 725–33.
22. Daling JR. Cigarette smoking and primary tubal infertility. In Smoking and Reproductive Health. Ed by: M.J.R.Littleton. MA, PSG Publishers. 1987; p. 40–6.
23. Zdravkovic T, Genbacev O, McMaster MT, Fisher SJ. The adverse effects of maternal smoking on the human placenta: a review. Placenta 2005; 19: S81–S86.
24. Arnholdt H, Meisel F, Fandrey K, Lohrs U. Proliferation of villous trophoblast of the human placenta in normal and abnormal pregnancies. Virchows Arch. B Cell Pathol Incl Mol Patho 1991; 60: 365–72.
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1. Sakharova G.M., Antonov N.S. Harmful effects of tobacco Smoking on health and treatment of tobacco dependence. Handbook for Practitioners Doctors. 2008; 14–15: 16–20. [in Russian]
2. Shafey O, Eriksen MP, Ross H et al. The tobacco atlas, 3rd edn. Atlanta, GA: American Cancer Society and World Lung Foundation. 2009.
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Reproductive Health. State Prenatal Smoking Databook, 1999. CDC, 2002; p. 14–7.
4. Kirkland SA, Dodds LA, Brosky G. The natural history of smoking during pregnancy among women in Nova Scotia. CMAJ 2000; 163: 281–2.
5. Kilbane S, Knudston E, Vesha K. Smoking cessation in women. Prim. Care Update Obstet Gynecol 2002; 9: 164–8.
6. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Smoking and Women’s Health. ACOG Educational Bulletin 240. Washington, DC: ACOG, 1997.
7. Fildinq JE. Smoking and women: Tragedy of the majority. New Engl J Med 2006; 317: 1343–5.
8. Kamardina T.V. Sovremennoe sostoianie problemy tabakokureniia i vozmozhnye puti ee resheniia. Obshchestvennoe zdorov'e i profilaktika zabolevanii. 2004; 5: 46. [in Russian]
9. Öberg M, Woodward A, Jaakkola MS et al. Global estimate of the burden of disease from second-hand smoke. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2010.
10. Kuzina O.A., Shchetinina Iu.S., Zinchenko E.A. K probleme kureniia pri beremennosti. Teoriia i praktika aktual'nykh issledovanii. 2016; 11: 119–26. [in Russian]
11. Parran TV. The physician’s role in smoking cessation. J Respir Dis 1998; 19: S6–12.
12. Rodgman A, Perfetti T. The chemical components of tobacco and tobacco smoke. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2009; p. 1483–784.
13. Talbot P, Riveles K. Smoking and reproduction: The oviduct as a target of cigarette smoke. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 2005; 3: 52.
14. Schick S, Glantz S. Philip Morris toxicological experiments with fresh sidestream smoke: more toxic than mainstream smoke. Tob Control 2005; 14: 396–404.
15. Berlin I, Heilbronner C, Georgieu S et al. Newborns’ cord blood plasma cotinine concentrations are similar to that of their delivering smoking mothers. Drug Alcohol Depend 2010; 107: 250–2.
16. Lindbohm M-L, Sallmén M, Taskinen H. Effects of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke on reproductive health. Scand J Work Environ Health 2002; 28: 84–96.
17. Wu FY, Chiu HT, Wu HDI et al. Comparison of urinary and plasma cotinine levels during the three trimesters of pregnancy. Paediatr Perinatal Epidemiol 2008; 22: 296–301.
18. Kharrazi M, DeLorenze GN, Kaufman FL et al. Environmental tobacco smoke and pregnancy outcome. Epidemiology 2004; 15: 660–70.
19. Weinberg CR, Wilcox AJ, Baird DD. Reduced fecundability in women with prenatal exposure to cigarette smoking. Am J Epidemiol 1989; 129: 1072–8.
20. Jensen TK, Henriksen TB, Hjollund NHI et al. Adult and prenatal exposures to tobacco smoke as risk indicators of fertility among 430 Danish couples. Am J Epidemiol 1998; 148: 992–7.
21. Hull MGR, North K, Taylor H et al. Delayed conception and active and passive smoking. Fertil Steril 2000; 74: 725–33.
22. Daling JR. Cigarette smoking and primary tubal infertility. In Smoking and Reproductive Health. Ed by: M.J.R.Littleton. MA, PSG Publishers. 1987; p. 40–6.
23. Zdravkovic T, Genbacev O, McMaster MT, Fisher SJ. The adverse effects of maternal smoking on the human placenta: a review. Placenta 2005; 19: S81–S86.
24. Arnholdt H, Meisel F, Fandrey K, Lohrs U. Proliferation of villous trophoblast of the human placenta in normal and abnormal pregnancies. Virchows Arch. B Cell Pathol Incl Mol Patho 1991; 60: 365–72.
25. Salmasi G, Grady R, Jones J et al. Environmental tobacco smoke exposure and perinatal outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analyses. Acta Obstet Gynecol 2010; 89: 423–1.
26. Sidorova I.S., Makarov I.O. Kliniko-diagnosticheskie aspekty fetoplatsentarnoi nedostatochnosti. M.: MIA, 2005. [in Russian]
27. Shchegolev A.I. Sovremennaia morfologicheskaia klassifikatsiia povrezhdenii platsenty. Akusherstvo i ginekologiia. 2016; 4: 16–23. [in Russian]
28. Gryzunova E.M., Sovershaeva S.L., Solov'ev A.G. i dr. Sostoianie gemodinamiki v sisteme “mat' – platsenta – plod” u kuriashchikh beremennykh. Ekologiia cheloveka. 2016; 9: 15–20. [in Russian]
29. Bureau MA, Monette J, Shapcott D et al. Carboxy haemoglobin concentration in fetal cord blood and in blood of mothers who smoked during labor. Pediatrics 1982; 69: 371–3.
30. Mayhew TM, Jackson MR, Haas JD. Oxygen diffusive conductances of human placentae from term pregnancies at low and high altitudes. Placenta 1990; 11: 493–503.
31. Bush G, Mayhew TM, Abramovich DR et al. A quantitative study on the effects of maternal smoking on placental morphology and cadmium concentration. Placenta 2000; 21: 247–56.
32. Van der Velde WJ, Copius-Peereboom Stegman JH, Treffers PE, James J. Structural changes in the placenta of smoking mothers: a quantitative study. Placenta 1983; 4: 231–40.
33. Burton GJ, Palmer ME, Dalton KJ. Morphometric differences between the placental vasculature of non-smokers, smokers and ex-smokers. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1989; 96: 907–15.
34. Larsen LG, Clausen HV, Jønsson L. Stereologic examination of placentas from mothers who smoke during pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002; 186: 531–7.
35. Zhao H, Wu L, Wang Y et al. Nicotine promotes vascular endothelial growth factor secretion by human trophoblast cells under hypoxic conditions and improves the proliferation and tube formation capacity of human umbilical endothelial cells. Reprod Bio Med Online 2017; 34: 406–13.
36. Fan X, Rai A, Kambham N et al. Endometrial VEGF induces placental sFLT1 and leads to pregnancy complications. J Clin Invest 2014; 124: 4941–52.
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А.И.Щеголев*1,2, У.Н.Туманова2, О.Д.Мишнёв2
1. ФГБУ «Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр акушерства, гинекологии и перинатологии им. акад. В.И.Кулакова» Минздрава России. 117997, Россия, Москва, ул. Академика Опарина, д. 4;
2. ФГБОУ ВО «Российский национальный исследовательский медицинский университет им. Н.И.Пирогова» Минздрава России. 117997, Россия, Москва, ул. Островитянова, д. 1.
A.I.Shchegolev*1,2, U.N.Tumanova1, O.D.Mishnev2
1. V.I.Kulakov National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 117997, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Akademika Oparina, d. 4;
2. N.I.Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 117997, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Ostrovitianova, d. 1