В настоящее время не существует консенсуса в вопросе этиопатогенетической природы эндометриоза. Причины агрессивного прогрессирующего инфильтративного роста эндометриоидной ткани также неясны. Важной проблемой остается высокая частота рецидивов эндометриоза, несмотря на наличие современных медикаментозных и хирургических методов лечения. Изучение центральных сигнальных путей и поиск новых ключевых молекул имеют первостепенное значение для лучшего понимания патогенеза заболевания, а также являются важным шагом в разработке новых стратегий диагностики, профилактики и лечения эндометриоза.
There is currently no consensus on the etiopathogenetic nature of endometriosis. The causes of aggressive, progressive, infiltrative growth of endometrioid tissue also remain unclear. An important problem remains the high recurrence rate of endometriosis, despite the availability of modern drug and surgical methods of treatment. The study of the central signaling pathways and the search for new key molecules is of paramount importance for a better understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease, and is also an important step in the development of new strategies for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of endometriosis.
Key words: deep infiltrative endometriosis, pathogenesis of endometriosis, biomarkers, signaling pathways.
1. Минздрав России. Заболеваемость населения России в 2010–2017 гг. Статистические материалы. Часть IV, Москва, 2011–2018 гг. Справочно-информационные материалы службы охраны здоровья матери и ребенка, Москва, с 2005 г. М., 2018.
[Ministry of Health. Morbidity of the population of Russia in 2010–2017 Statistical materials. Part IV, Moscow, 2011–2018 reference and information materials of the maternal and child health service, Moscow, since 2005. Moscow, 2018 (in Russian).]
2. Bendifallah S, Roman H, Mathieu d’Argent E et al. Colorectal endometriosis-associated infertility: should surgery precede ART? Fertil Stiril 2017; 108 (3): 525–31.
3. Darai E, Cohen J, Ballester M. Colorectal endometriosis and fertility. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2017; 209: 86–94.
4. Wang L, Zhao J, Li Y et al. Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation in endometriosis using Illumina Human Methylation 450 K BeadChips. Mol Reprod Dev 2019; 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1002/mrd.23127
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8. Liu Z, Yi L, Du M et al. Overexpression of TGF-b enhances the migration and invasive ability of ectopic endometrial cells via ERK/MAPK signaling pathway. Exp Therapeutic Med 2019; 17: 4457–64.
9. Hoque R, Malik AF, Gorelick F, Mehal WZ. Sterile inflammatory response in acute pancreatitis. Pancreas 2012; 41: 353–7.
10. Kajihara H, Yamada Y, Kanayama S et al. New insights into the pathophysiology of endometriosis: from chronic inflammation to danger signal. Gynecol Endocrinol 2011; 27: 73–9.
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[El'chaninov A.V., Fatkhudinov T.Kh., Kananykhina E.Yu. et al. Aktivnost' genov NOTCH-signal'nogo puti i NOTCH-zavisimykh genov v pecheni krys posle subtotal'noi rezektsii. Geny&Kletki. 2016; 11 (3): 40–6 (in Russian).]
12. Kobayashi H, Higashiura Y, Shigetomi H, Kajihara H. Pathogenesis of endometriosis: The role of initial infection and subsequent sterile inflammation (Review). Mol Med Rep 2014; 9: 9–15. https://doi.org/10.3892/mmr.2013.1755
13. Invitti AL, Schor E, Parreira RM et al. Inflammatory cytokine profile of co cultivated primary cells from the endometrium of women with and without endometriosis. Mol Med Rep 2018; 18: 1287–96.
14. Durmus AB, Cengiz SD, Yilmaz H et al. The levels of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin in different stages of endometriosis. J Obstetrics Gynaecol 2019; 39 (7): 991–5. DOI: 10.1080/01443615.2019.1584889
15. Ferreira EM, Giorgi VSI, Rodrigues JK et al. Systemic oxidative stress in the early follicular phase as a possible mechanism underlying the pathogenesis of mild endometriosis-related infertility and a helpful tool to predict ICSI outcomes: a pilot study. Reprod BioMed Online 2019; 39 (5): 785–94. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rbmo.2019.06.011
16. Nisenblat V, Bossuyt P, Shaikh R et al. Blood biomarkers for the non-invasive diagnosis of endometriosis (Review). Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2016; 5: CD012179.
17. González-Foruria I, Santulli P, Chouzenoux S et al. Dysregulation of the ADAM17/Notch signalling pathways in endometriosis: from oxidative stress to fibrosis. Mol Human Reprod 2017; 23 (7): 488–99.
18. Kavian N, Servettaz A, Mongaret C et al. Targeting ADAM-17/notch signaling abrogates the development of systemic sclerosis in a murine model. Arthritis Rheum 2010: 62 (11): 3477–87.
19. Sua R-W, Struga MR, Jeonga J-W et al. Aberrant activation of canonical Notch1 signaling in the mouse uterus decreases progesterone receptor by hypermethylation and leads to infertility. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2016; 113 (8): 2300–5.
20. Su RW, Strug MR, Joshi NR et al. Decreased Notch pathway signaling in the endometrium of women with endometriosis impairs decidualization. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2015; 100 (3): E433–E442.
21. Bulun SE, Cheng YH, Yin P et al. Progesterone resistance in endometriosis: link to failure to metabolize estradiol. Mol Cell Endocrinol 2006; 248: 94–103.
22. Chae U, Min JY, Kim SH et al. Decreased Progesterone Receptor B/A Ratio in Endometrial Cells by Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha and Peritoneal Fluid from Patients with Endometriosis. Yonsei Med J 2016; 57 (6): 1468–74.
23. Bulun SE, Monsavais D, Pavone ME et al. Role of estrogen receptor-beta in endometriosis. Semin Reprod Med 2012; 30: 39–45.
24. Lessey BA, Lebovic DI, Taylor RN. Eutopic endometrium in women with endometriosis: ground zero for the study of implantation defects. Semin Reprod Med 2013; 31: 109–24.
25. Liao T, Lee Y-C, Tzeng C-R et al. Mitochondrial translocation of estrogen receptor-b affords resistance to oxidative insult-induced apoptosis and contributes to the pathogenesis of endometriosis. Free Radic Biol Med 2019; 134: 359–73.
26. Nisenblat V, Prentice L, Bossuyt P et al. Combination of the non-invasive tests for the diagnosis of endometriosis (Review). Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2016; 7: CD012281.
1. Ministry of Health. Morbidity of the population of Russia in 2010–2017 Statistical materials. Part IV, Moscow, 2011–2018 reference and information materials of the maternal and child health service, Moscow, since 2005. Moscow, 2018 (in Russian).
2. Bendifallah S, Roman H, Mathieu d’Argent E et al. Colorectal endometriosis-associated infertility: should surgery precede ART? Fertil Stiril 2017; 108 (3): 525–31.
3. Darai E, Cohen J, Ballester M. Colorectal endometriosis and fertility. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2017; 209: 86–94.
4. Wang L, Zhao J, Li Y et al. Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation in endometriosis using Illumina Human Methylation 450 K BeadChips. Mol Reprod Dev 2019; 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1002/mrd.23127
5. Baskakov V.P, Tsvelev Iu.V., Kira E.F. Endometrioid disease. Saint Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo N-L, 2002 (in Russian).
6. Zakiian S.M., Vlasova V.V., Dement'eva E.V. Epigenetics. Moscow: SO RAN, 2012 (in Russian).
7. Adamian L.V., Aznaurova Ia.B. Molekuliarnye aspekty patogeneza endometrioza. Problemy reproduktsii. 2015; 21 (2): 66–77 (in Russian).
8. Liu Z, Yi L, Du M et al. Overexpression of TGF-b enhances the migration and invasive ability of ectopic endometrial cells via ERK/MAPK signaling pathway. Exp Therapeutic Med 2019; 17: 4457–64.
9. Hoque R, Malik AF, Gorelick F, Mehal WZ. Sterile inflammatory response in acute pancreatitis. Pancreas 2012; 41: 353–7.
10. Kajihara H, Yamada Y, Kanayama S et al. New insights into the pathophysiology of endometriosis: from chronic inflammation to danger signal. Gynecol Endocrinol 2011; 27: 73–9.
11. El'chaninov A.V., Fatkhudinov T.Kh., Kananykhina E.Yu. et al. Aktivnost' genov NOTCH-signal'nogo puti i NOTCH-zavisimykh genov v pecheni krys posle subtotal'noi rezektsii. Geny&Kletki. 2016; 11 (3): 40–6 (in Russian).
12. Kobayashi H, Higashiura Y, Shigetomi H, Kajihara H. Pathogenesis of endometriosis: The role of initial infection and subsequent sterile inflammation (Review). Mol Med Rep 2014; 9: 9–15. https://doi.org/10.3892/mmr.2013.1755
13. Invitti AL, Schor E, Parreira RM et al. Inflammatory cytokine profile of co cultivated primary cells from the endometrium of women with and without endometriosis. Mol Med Rep 2018; 18: 1287–96.
14. Durmus AB, Cengiz SD, Yilmaz H et al. The levels of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin in different stages of endometriosis. J Obstetrics Gynaecol 2019; 39 (7): 991–5. DOI: 10.1080/01443615.2019.1584889
15. Ferreira EM, Giorgi VSI, Rodrigues JK et al. Systemic oxidative stress in the early follicular phase as a possible mechanism underlying the pathogenesis of mild endometriosis-related infertility and a helpful tool to predict ICSI outcomes: a pilot study. Reprod BioMed Online 2019; 39 (5): 785–94. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rbmo.2019.06.011
16. Nisenblat V, Bossuyt P, Shaikh R et al. Blood biomarkers for the non-invasive diagnosis of endometriosis (Review). Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2016; 5: CD012179.
17. González-Foruria I, Santulli P, Chouzenoux S et al. Dysregulation of the ADAM17/Notch signalling pathways in endometriosis: from oxidative stress to fibrosis. Mol Human Reprod 2017; 23 (7): 488–99.
18. Kavian N, Servettaz A, Mongaret C et al. Targeting ADAM-17/notch signaling abrogates the development of systemic sclerosis in a murine model. Arthritis Rheum 2010: 62 (11): 3477–87.
19. Sua R-W, Struga MR, Jeonga J-W et al. Aberrant activation of canonical Notch1 signaling in the mouse uterus decreases progesterone receptor by hypermethylation and leads to infertility. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2016; 113 (8): 2300–5.
20. Su RW, Strug MR, Joshi NR et al. Decreased Notch pathway signaling in the endometrium of women with endometriosis impairs decidualization. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2015; 100 (3): E433–E442.
21. Bulun SE, Cheng YH, Yin P et al. Progesterone resistance in endometriosis: link to failure to metabolize estradiol. Mol Cell Endocrinol 2006; 248: 94–103.
22. Chae U, Min JY, Kim SH et al. Decreased Progesterone Receptor B/A Ratio in Endometrial Cells by Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha and Peritoneal Fluid from Patients with Endometriosis. Yonsei Med J 2016; 57 (6): 1468–74.
23. Bulun SE, Monsavais D, Pavone ME et al. Role of estrogen receptor-beta in endometriosis. Semin Reprod Med 2012; 30: 39–45.
24. Lessey BA, Lebovic DI, Taylor RN. Eutopic endometrium in women with endometriosis: ground zero for the study of implantation defects. Semin Reprod Med 2013; 31: 109–24.
25. Liao T, Lee Y-C, Tzeng C-R et al. Mitochondrial translocation of estrogen receptor-b affords resistance to oxidative insult-induced apoptosis and contributes to the pathogenesis of endometriosis. Free Radic Biol Med 2019; 134: 359–73.
26. Nisenblat V, Prentice L, Bossuyt P et al. Combination of the non-invasive tests for the diagnosis of endometriosis (Review). Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2016; 7: CD012281.
ФГБУ «Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр акушерства, гинекологии и перинатологии
им. акад. В.И. Кулакова» Минздрава России, Москва, Россия
Anastasiia S. Safronova, Mikhail Yu. Vysokikh, Vladimir D. Chuprynin, Natalia A. Buralkina*
Kulakov National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Moscow, Russia