Своевременное выявление причин хронического аденоидита у ребенка является важным вопросом в детской оториноларингологии, что приводит к предотвращению ряда осложнений. Несмотря на знание возможных причин аденоидитов, лечение детей с данной патологией остается нерешенной проблемой. Под наблюдением находились 18 часто болеющих детей с признаками аденоидита и ларингофарингеального рефлюкса, при их обследовании выявлено наличие глютенассоциированных заболеваний, таких как целиакия, аллергия на пшеницу и глютеновая чувствительность, которые наиболее часто проявляются симптомами со стороны желудочно-кишечного тракта и разными иммунодефицитными состояниями. У 2 часто болеющих детей обнаружена целиакия, 5 – чувствительность к глютену, 11 – аллергия на пшеницу. На фоне соблюдения аглютеновой диеты дети перестали часто болеть, их самочувствие улучшилось, носовое дыхание нормализовалось.
Timely identification of the causes of chronic adenoiditis a child is an important issue in pediatric otolaryngology, which leads to the prevention of a number of complications. Despite the knowledge of the possible reasons adenoiditis, treatment of children with this pathology remains an unresolved problem. The study included 18 sickly children with signs and adenoiditis of laringofaringeal reflux, when the survey revealed the presence of gluten associated diseases such as celiac disease, an allergy to wheat and gluten sensitivity, which are most often manifested by symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract and various immunodeficiency. In two sickly children detected celiac disease, 5 – gluten sensitivity, 11 – are allergic to wheat. Against the background of compliance with a gluten-free diet the children no longer get sick often, they feel better, nasal breathing returned to normal.
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4. Iqbal FR, Goh BS, Mazita A. The role of proton pump inhibitors in adenoid hypertrophy in children. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2012; 147 (2): 329–34.
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12. Sapone A, Lammers KM, Casolaro V et al. Divergence of gut permeability and mucosal immune gene expression in two gluten-associated conditions: celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. BMC Med 2011; 9: 23.
13. Keet CA, Matsui EC, Dhillon G et al. The natural history of wheat allergy. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2009; 102 (5): 410–5.
14. Gee SJ. On the coeliac affection St. Bartholomews Hospital Report 1888; 24: 17–20.
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1. Karpova E.P., Tulupov D.A., Bozhatova M.P. i dr. Consillium Medicum. Pediatrics (Suppl.). 2008; 10 (2). [in Russian]
2. Chistiakova V.R. Adenoidy. Otorinolaringologiia: natsional'noe Rukovodstvo. Pod red. V.T.Pal'chun. M., 2008; s. 705–15. [in Russian]
3. Taylan I, Ozcan I, Mumcuoglu I. Comparison of the Surface and Core Bacteria in Tonsillar and Adenoid Tissue With Beta-Lactamase Production. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2011; 63 (3): 223–8.
4. Iqbal FR, Goh BS, Mazita A. The role of proton pump inhibitors in adenoid hypertrophy in children. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2012; 147 (2): 329–34.
5. Allegrucci M et al. Phenotypic characterization of Streptococcus pneumoniae biofi lm development. J Bacteriol 2006; 188 (7): 2325–35.
6. Karpishchenko S.A., Kolesnikova O.M. Vozmozhnosti lecheniia ostroi boli v gorle. Vrach. 2014; 2: 19–23. [in Russian]
7. Karpishchenko S.A., Skidanova I.A. Metodika lazerindutsirovannoi interstitsial'noi termoterapii v khirurgicheskom lechenii zabolevanii nosoglotki. Folia Otorhinolaryngologica. 2011; 17 (4): 30–9. [in Russian]
8. Leonard M, Vasagar B. US perspective on gluten – related diseases. Clin Exper Gastroenterol 2014; 7: 25–37.
9. Catassi C, Kryszak D, Bhatti B et al. Natural history of celiac disease autoimmunity in a USA cohort followed since 1974. Ann Med 2010; 42 (7): 530–8.
10. Zuidmeer L, Goldhahn K, Rona RJ et al. The prevalence of plant food allergies: a systematic review. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2008; 121 (5): 1210–8.
11. Sapone A, Bai JC, Ciacci C et al. Spectrum of gluten-related disorders: Consensus on new nomenclature and classification. BMC Med 2012; 10: 13.
12. Sapone A, Lammers KM, Casolaro V et al. Divergence of gut permeability and mucosal immune gene expression in two gluten-associated conditions: celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. BMC Med 2011; 9: 23.
13. Keet CA, Matsui EC, Dhillon G et al. The natural history of wheat allergy. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2009; 102 (5): 410–5.
14. Gee SJ. On the coeliac affection St. Bartholomews Hospital Report 1888; 24: 17–20.
15. Dicke WK, Weijers HA, Kamer JH. Coeliac disease. The presence in wheat of a factor having a deleterious effect in cases of coeliac disease. Acta Paediate 1953; 42 (1): 34–42.
16. Sapone A, Lammers KM, Mazzarella G et al. Differential mucosal IL-17 expression in two gliadin-induced disorders: Gluten sensitivity and the autoimmune enteropathy celiac disease. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2010; 152: 75–80.
М.А.Рябова*, О.М.Колесникова
ГБОУ ВПО Первый Санкт-Петербургский государственный медицинский университет им. акад. И.П.Павлова Минздрава России. 197022, Россия, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Льва Толстого, д. 6/8
M.A.Ryabova*, O.M.Kolesnikova
I.M.Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 197022, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, ul. L'va Tolstogo, d. 6/8