Современные международные и национальные рекомендации по выбору антибиотика и пробиотика в педиатрической практике
Современные международные и национальные рекомендации по выбору антибиотика и пробиотика в педиатрической практике
Урсова Н.И. Современные международные и национальные рекомендации по выбору антибиотика и пробиотика в педиатрической практике. Педиатрия (Прил. к журн. Consilium Medicum). 2018; 3: 74–79.
DOI: 10.26442/2413-8460_2018.3.74-79
Ursova N.I. Modern international and national recommendations for the selection of antibiotics and probiotics in pediatric practice. Pediatrics (Suppl. Consilium Medicum). 2018; 3: 74–79.
DOI: 10.26442/2413-8460_2018.3.74-79
Современные международные и национальные рекомендации по выбору антибиотика и пробиотика в педиатрической практике
Урсова Н.И. Современные международные и национальные рекомендации по выбору антибиотика и пробиотика в педиатрической практике. Педиатрия (Прил. к журн. Consilium Medicum). 2018; 3: 74–79.
DOI: 10.26442/2413-8460_2018.3.74-79
Ursova N.I. Modern international and national recommendations for the selection of antibiotics and probiotics in pediatric practice. Pediatrics (Suppl. Consilium Medicum). 2018; 3: 74–79.
DOI: 10.26442/2413-8460_2018.3.74-79
Обсуждаются неблагоприятные лекарственные реакции на кишечный микробиоценоз избыточного применения антибактериальной терапии в связи с высокой распространенностью и потенциальной серьезностью ее исхода. Вследствие очевидной связи антибиотикоассоциированной диареи с изменением фекальной микрофлоры восстановление последней является целью терапевтического вмешательства. Поскольку пробиотические свойства являются штаммоспецифическими, рассматриваются результаты позитивного действия Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. Нормобакт L содержит резистентный к антибиотикам штамм и может считаться препаратом выбора для сохранения и восстановления микробиоценозов при антибиотикотерапии. Ключевые слова: антибиотики, пробиотики, антибиотикоассоциированная диарея, дети, Нормобакт L.
Negative drug reactions of excessive use of antibacterial therapy are discussed in connection with the high prevalence and potential severity of its outcome in intestinal microbiocenosis. Due to the obvious connection of antibiotic-associated diarrhea with a change in the fecal microflora, the restoration of the latter is the goal of therapeutic intervention. Since the probiotic properties are strain-specific, the results of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG Normobact L positive influence are examined. The said medication contains an antibiotic resistant strain and can be considered a drug of choice for the preservation and restoration of microbiocenoses in antibiotic therapy. Key words: antibiotics, probiotics, antibiotic-associated diarrhea, children, Normobact L.
Список литературы
1. Marlies EJ, Hulsher L, Richard P et al. Antibiotic prescribing in hospitals: a social and behavioural scientific approach. Lancet Infect Dis 2010; 1 (4): 237–47.
2. Goossens H, Ferech M, Vander Stichele R, Elseviers M; ESAC Project Group. Outpatient antibiotic use in Europe and association with resistance: a cross-national database study. Lancet 2005; 365: 579–87.
3. Vander Stichele RH, Elseviers MM, Ferech M et al. Hospital consumption of antibiotics in 15 European countries: results of the ESAC Retrospective Data Collection (1997–2002). Antimicrob Chemother 2006; 58: 159–67.
4. Данные по потреблению противомикробных препаратов за 2011–2014 гг. Европейское бюро ВОЗ. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/2015/51028-WHO-Russian-AMC-report-final.pdf / Dannye po potrebleniiu protivomikrobnykh preparatov za 2011–2014 gg. Evropeiskoe biuro VOZ. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/
2015/51028-WHO-Russian-AMC-report-final.pdf [in Russian]
5. Бехтерева М.К., Волохова О.А., Вахнина А.В. Антибактериальная терапия инфекционных диарей у детей. https://www.Ivrach.ru/2013/08/15435777 / Bekhtereva M.K., Volokhova O.A., Vakhnina A.V. Antibakterial'naia terapiia infektsionnykh diarei u detei. https://www.Ivrach.ru/2013/08/15435777 [in Russian]
6. Tacconelli E. Antimicrobial use: risk driver of multidrug resistant microorganisms in healthcare settings. Curr Opin Infect Dis 2009; 22: 352–8.
7. Lopez-Lozano JM, Monnet DL, Yague A et al. Modelling and forecasting antimicrobial resistance and its dynamic relationship to antimicrobial use: a time series analysis. Int J Antimicrob Agents 2000; 14: 21–31.
8. Antibiotic resistance: Multi-country public awareness survey. World Health Organization. 2015. http://apps.who.int/medicinedocs/documents/s22245en/s22245en.pdf
9. Global action plan on antibiotic resistance//World Health Organization. 2015. http://www.who.int/antimicrobial-resistance/publications/global-action-plan/en
10. Проект Распоряжения Правительства Российской Федерации «Об утверждении Стратегии предупреждения и преодоления устойчивости микроорганизмов и вредных организмов растений к лекарственным препаратам, химическим и биологическим средствам на период до 2030 года и дальнейшую перспективу» (подготовлен Минздравом России 08.06.2017). http:/www.garant.ru/
products/ipo/prime/doc/56615311/#ixzz4m4H9f8Yy / Proekt Rasporiazheniia Pravitel'stva Rossiiskoi Federatsii “Ob utverzhdenii Strategii preduprezhdeniia i preodoleniia ustoichivosti mikroorganizmov i vrednykh organizmov rastenii k lekarstvennym preparatam, khimicheskim i biologicheskim sredstvam na period do 2030 goda i dal'neishuiu perspektivu” (podgotovlen Minzdravom Rossii 08.06.2017). http:/www.garant.ru/products/ipo/prime/doc/56615311/#ixzz4m4H9f8Yy [in Russian]
11. Hand TW, Vujkovic-Cvijin I, Ridaura VK, Belkaid Y. Linking the Microbiota, Chronic Disease, and the Immune System. Trends Endocrinol Metab 2016; 27 (12): 831–43.
12. Correa-Oliveira R, Fachi JL, Vieira A et al. Regulation of immune cell function by short-chain fatty acids. Clin Transl Immunology 2016; 5 (4): e73.
13. Elinav E, Strowig T, Kau AL et al. NLRP6 inflammasome regulates colonic microbial ecology and risk for colitis. Cell 2011; 145 (5): 745–57.
14. Frantz AL, Rogier EW, Weber CR et al. Targeted deletion of MyD88 in intestinal epithelial cells results in compromised antibacterial immunity associated with downregulation of polymeric immunoglobulin receptor, mucin-2, and antibacterial peptides. Mucosal Immunol 2012; 5 (5): 501–12.
15. Rodriguez JM, Murphy K, Stanton C et al. The composition of the gut microbiota throughout life, with an emphasis on early life. Microb Ecol Health Dis 2015; 26: 26050. DOI: 10.3402/mehd.v26.26050
16. Manyaka P, Khafipour E, Ghia JE. External influence of early childhood establishment of gut microbiota and subsequent health implications. Frontiers Pediatrics 2014; 2: 109–24.
17. Scholtens P, Oozeer R, Martin R et al. The early settlers: intestinal microbiology in early life. Ann Rev Food Sci Technol 2012; 3: 425–7.
18. Bischoff S. Gut health: a new objective in medicine? BMC Med 2011; 9: 24.
19. Faith JJ, Guruge JL, Charbonneau M et al. The long-term stability of the human gut microbiota. Science 2013; 341: 1237–439.
20. Gerritsen J, Smidt H, Rijkers GT, De Vos WM. Intestinal microbiota in human health and disease: the impact of probiotics. Genes Nutr 2011; 6: 209–40.
21. Wopereis H, Oozeer R, Knipping K et al. The first thousand days-intestinal microbiology of early life: establishing a symbiosis. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2014; 25: 428–38.
22. Parfrey LW, Knight R. Spatial and temporal variability of the human microbiota. Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18 (4): 8–11.
23. Guinane CM, Cotter PD. Role of the gut microbiota in health and chronic gastrointestinal disease: understanding a hidden metabolic organ. Therap Adv Gastroenterol 2013; 6: 295–308.
24. Smyth RM, Gargon E, Kirkham J et al. Adverse drug reactions in children a systematic review. PloS One 2012; 7 (3): e24061.
25. Стратегия и тактика рационального применения антимикробных средств в амбулаторной практике: Евразийские клинические рекомендации. Под ред. С.В.Яковлева, С.В.Сидоренко, В.В.Рафальского, Т.В.Спичак. М., 2016. / Strategiia i taktika ratsional'nogo primeneniia antimikrobnykh sredstv v ambulatornoi praktike: Evraziiskie klinicheskie rekomendatsii. Pod red. S.V.Iakovleva, S.V.Sidorenko, V.V.Rafal'skogo, T.V.Spichak. M., 2016. [in Russian]
26. Wistrom J, Norrby SR, Myhre EB. Frequency of antibioticassociated diarrhea in 2462 antibiotic-treatad hospitalized patients: a prospective study. J Antimicrob Chemother 2001; 47: 4350.
27. Bartlett JG. Antibioticassociated diarrhea. N Engl J Med 2002; 346 (5): 334339.
28. Turck D, Bernet JP, Marx J et al. Incidence and risk factors of oral antibiotic-associated diarrhea in an outpatient pediatric population. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2003; 37: 22–6.
29. Elstner CL, Lindsay AN, Book LS, Matsen JM. Lack of relationship of Clostridium difficile to antibiotic-associated diarrhea in children. Pediatr Inf Dis 1983; 2: 364–6.
30. Surawicz CM. Probiotics, antibiotic-associated diarrhea and Clostridium difficile diarrhea in humans. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 2003; 17: 775–83.
31. Chassany O, Michaux A, Bergmann JF. Drug-induced diarrhea. Drug Saf 2000; 22: 53–72.
32. Hogenauer C, Hammer H, Krejs G. Mechanisms and management of antibiotic associated diarrhea. Clin Inf Dis 1998; 27: 702–10.
33. McFarland LV. Facteurs de risque de la diarrhea associee aux antibiotiques. Une revue de la litterature. Ann Med Interne 1998; 149: 261–6.
34. Wilcox MH, Mooney L, Bendall R et al. A case-control study of community-acquired Clostridium difficile infection. J Antimicrob Chemother 2008; 62: 388–96.
35. Nerandzic MM, Pultz MJ, Donskey CJ. Examination of potential mechanisms to explain the association between proton pump inhibitors and Clostridium difficile infection. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2009; 53: 4133–7.
36. Johnston BC, Supina AL, Vohra S. Probiotics for pediatric antibiotic-associated diar-rhea: a meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials. CMAJ 2006; 175 (4): 377–83.
37. Johnston BC, Supina AL, Ospina M et al. Probiotics for the prevention of pediatric antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007; 2: CD004827.
38. D'Souza AL, Rajkumar C, Cooke J et al. Probiotics in prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea: meta-analysis. BMJ 2002; 324 (7350): 1361.
39. Szajewska H, Ruszczynski M, Radzikowski A. Probiotics in the prevention antibiotic-associated diarrhea in children: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Pediatr 2006; 149 (3): 367–72.
40. Videlock EJ, Cremonini F. Meta-analysis: probiotics in antibiotic-associated diar-rhea. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2012; 35 (12): 1355–69.
41. Lau SC, Chamberlain RS. Proboitics are effective at preventing Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Intern J General Med 2016; 22 (9): 27–37.
42. Goldenberg JZ, Lytvyn L, Steurich J et al. Probiotics for the prevention of pediatrics antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2015: 12: CD004827.
43. Zoppi G, Cinquetti M, Benini A et al. Modulation of the intestinal ecosystem by probiotics and lactulose in children during treatment with ceftriaxone. Curr Ther Res 2001; 62: 418–35.
44. Vesikari T, Uhari M, Renko M et al. Impact and effectiveness of RotaTeqR vaccine based on 3 years of surveillance following introduction of rotavirus immunization program in Finland. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2013; 32 (12): 1365–73.
45. Quigley MA, Kelly YJ, Sacker A. Breastfeeding and hospitalization for diarrheal and respiratory infection in the United Kingdom Millennium Cohort Study. Pediatrics 2007; 119: 837–42.
46. Guarino A, Albano F, Ashkenazi Sh et al. European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition/European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases Evidence-based Guidelines for the Management of Acute Gastroeteritis in Children in Europe. J Ped Gastroenterol Nutrition 2008; 46: 81–184.
47. Roberfroid MB. Prebiotics: the concept revisited. J Nutr 2007; 137 (3): 830–7.
48. Roberfroid M, Robertson D. Effect of inulin and oligofructose on health and well-being. Brit J Nutr 2005; 9 (1): 1–27.
49. Horvath A, Dziechciarz P, Szayewska H. Meta-analysis: Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG in functional gastrointestinal disoders associated with abdominal pain in childhood. Alimentary Pharmacol Ther 2013; 3: 1302–10.
50. Hojsak I, Snovak N, Abdovic S et al. Lactobacillus GG in the prevention og gastrointestinal and respiratory tract infections in children who attend care centers a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial. Clin Nutr 2010; 29 (3): 312–6.
51. Kianifar H, Jafari SA, Kiani M et al. Probiotic for irritable bower syndrome in pediatrics patients a randomized controlled clinical trial. Electron Physician 2015; 7 (5): 1255–60.
52. Derrien M, van Hylckama Vieg JET. Fate, activity, and impact of ingested bacteria within the human gut microbiota. Trends Microbiol 2015; 23 (6): 354–66.
53. Sanders ME. Impact of probiotics on colonizing microbiota of the gut. J Clin Gastroenterol 2011; 45 (3): S115–S119.
54. Martens U, Enck P, Zieseniss P. Probiotic treatment of irritable bowel syndrome in children. Ger Med Sci 2010; 8: 1–15.
1. Marlies EJ, Hulsher L, Richard P et al. Antibiotic prescribing in hospitals: a social and behavioural scientific approach. Lancet Infect Dis 2010; 1 (4): 237–47.
2. Goossens H, Ferech M, Vander Stichele R, Elseviers M; ESAC Project Group. Outpatient antibiotic use in Europe and association with resistance: a cross-national database study. Lancet 2005; 365: 579–87.
3. Vander Stichele RH, Elseviers MM, Ferech M et al. Hospital consumption of antibiotics in 15 European countries: results of the ESAC Retrospective Data Collection (1997–2002). Antimicrob Chemother 2006; 58: 159–67.
4. Dannye po potrebleniiu protivomikrobnykh preparatov za 2011–2014 gg. Evropeiskoe biuro VOZ. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/
2015/51028-WHO-Russian-AMC-report-final.pdf [in Russian]
5. Bekhtereva M.K., Volokhova O.A., Vakhnina A.V. Antibakterial'naia terapiia infektsionnykh diarei u detei. https://www.Ivrach.ru/2013/08/15435777 [in Russian]
6. Tacconelli E. Antimicrobial use: risk driver of multidrug resistant microorganisms in healthcare settings. Curr Opin Infect Dis 2009; 22: 352–8.
7. Lopez-Lozano JM, Monnet DL, Yague A et al. Modelling and forecasting antimicrobial resistance and its dynamic relationship to antimicrobial use: a time series analysis. Int J Antimicrob Agents 2000; 14: 21–31.
8. Antibiotic resistance: Multi-country public awareness survey. World Health Organization. 2015. http://apps.who.int/medicinedocs/documents/s22245en/s22245en.pdf
9. Global action plan on antibiotic resistance//World Health Organization. 2015. http://www.who.int/antimicrobial-resistance/publications/global-action-plan/en
10. Proekt Rasporiazheniia Pravitel'stva Rossiiskoi Federatsii “Ob utverzhdenii Strategii preduprezhdeniia i preodoleniia ustoichivosti mikroorganizmov i vrednykh organizmov rastenii k lekarstvennym preparatam, khimicheskim i biologicheskim sredstvam na period do 2030 goda i dal'neishuiu perspektivu” (podgotovlen Minzdravom Rossii 08.06.2017). http:/www.garant.ru/products/ipo/prime/doc/56615311/#ixzz4m4H9f8Yy [in Russian]
11. Hand TW, Vujkovic-Cvijin I, Ridaura VK, Belkaid Y. Linking the Microbiota, Chronic Disease, and the Immune System. Trends Endocrinol Metab 2016; 27 (12): 831–43.
12. Correa-Oliveira R, Fachi JL, Vieira A et al. Regulation of immune cell function by short-chain fatty acids. Clin Transl Immunology 2016; 5 (4): e73.
13. Elinav E, Strowig T, Kau AL et al. NLRP6 inflammasome regulates colonic microbial ecology and risk for colitis. Cell 2011; 145 (5): 745–57.
14. Frantz AL, Rogier EW, Weber CR et al. Targeted deletion of MyD88 in intestinal epithelial cells results in compromised antibacterial immunity associated with downregulation of polymeric immunoglobulin receptor, mucin-2, and antibacterial peptides. Mucosal Immunol 2012; 5 (5): 501–12.
15. Rodriguez JM, Murphy K, Stanton C et al. The composition of the gut microbiota throughout life, with an emphasis on early life. Microb Ecol Health Dis 2015; 26: 26050. DOI: 10.3402/mehd.v26.26050
16. Manyaka P, Khafipour E, Ghia JE. External influence of early childhood establishment of gut microbiota and subsequent health implications. Frontiers Pediatrics 2014; 2: 109–24.
17. Scholtens P, Oozeer R, Martin R et al. The early settlers: intestinal microbiology in early life. Ann Rev Food Sci Technol 2012; 3: 425–7.
18. Bischoff S. Gut health: a new objective in medicine? BMC Med 2011; 9: 24.
19. Faith JJ, Guruge JL, Charbonneau M et al. The long-term stability of the human gut microbiota. Science 2013; 341: 1237–439.
20. Gerritsen J, Smidt H, Rijkers GT, De Vos WM. Intestinal microbiota in human health and disease: the impact of probiotics. Genes Nutr 2011; 6: 209–40.
21. Wopereis H, Oozeer R, Knipping K et al. The first thousand days-intestinal microbiology of early life: establishing a symbiosis. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2014; 25: 428–38.
22. Parfrey LW, Knight R. Spatial and temporal variability of the human microbiota. Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18 (4): 8–11.
23. Guinane CM, Cotter PD. Role of the gut microbiota in health and chronic gastrointestinal disease: understanding a hidden metabolic organ. Therap Adv Gastroenterol 2013; 6: 295–308.
24. Smyth RM, Gargon E, Kirkham J et al. Adverse drug reactions in children a systematic review. PloS One 2012; 7 (3): e24061.
25. Strategiia i taktika ratsional'nogo primeneniia antimikrobnykh sredstv v ambulatornoi praktike: Evraziiskie klinicheskie rekomendatsii. Pod red. S.V.Iakovleva, S.V.Sidorenko, V.V.Rafal'skogo, T.V.Spichak. M., 2016. [in Russian]
26. Wistrom J, Norrby SR, Myhre EB. Frequency of antibioticassociated diarrhea in 2462 antibiotic-treatad hospitalized patients: a prospective study. J Antimicrob Chemother 2001; 47: 4350.
27. Bartlett JG. Antibioticassociated diarrhea. N Engl J Med 2002; 346 (5): 334339.
28. Turck D, Bernet JP, Marx J et al. Incidence and risk factors of oral antibiotic-associated diarrhea in an outpatient pediatric population. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2003; 37: 22–6.
29. Elstner CL, Lindsay AN, Book LS, Matsen JM. Lack of relationship of Clostridium difficile to antibiotic-associated diarrhea in children. Pediatr Inf Dis 1983; 2: 364–6.
30. Surawicz CM. Probiotics, antibiotic-associated diarrhea and Clostridium difficile diarrhea in humans. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 2003; 17: 775–83.
31. Chassany O, Michaux A, Bergmann JF. Drug-induced diarrhea. Drug Saf 2000; 22: 53–72.
32. Hogenauer C, Hammer H, Krejs G. Mechanisms and management of antibiotic associated diarrhea. Clin Inf Dis 1998; 27: 702–10.
33. McFarland LV. Facteurs de risque de la diarrhea associee aux antibiotiques. Une revue de la litterature. Ann Med Interne 1998; 149: 261–6.
34. Wilcox MH, Mooney L, Bendall R et al. A case-control study of community-acquired Clostridium difficile infection. J Antimicrob Chemother 2008; 62: 388–96.
35. Nerandzic MM, Pultz MJ, Donskey CJ. Examination of potential mechanisms to explain the association between proton pump inhibitors and Clostridium difficile infection. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2009; 53: 4133–7.
36. Johnston BC, Supina AL, Vohra S. Probiotics for pediatric antibiotic-associated diar-rhea: a meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials. CMAJ 2006; 175 (4): 377–83.
37. Johnston BC, Supina AL, Ospina M et al. Probiotics for the prevention of pediatric antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007; 2: CD004827.
38. D'Souza AL, Rajkumar C, Cooke J et al. Probiotics in prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea: meta-analysis. BMJ 2002; 324 (7350): 1361.
39. Szajewska H, Ruszczynski M, Radzikowski A. Probiotics in the prevention antibiotic-associated diarrhea in children: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Pediatr 2006; 149 (3): 367–72.
40. Videlock EJ, Cremonini F. Meta-analysis: probiotics in antibiotic-associated diar-rhea. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2012; 35 (12): 1355–69.
41. Lau SC, Chamberlain RS. Proboitics are effective at preventing Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Intern J General Med 2016; 22 (9): 27–37.
42. Goldenberg JZ, Lytvyn L, Steurich J et al. Probiotics for the prevention of pediatrics antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2015: 12: CD004827.
43. Zoppi G, Cinquetti M, Benini A et al. Modulation of the intestinal ecosystem by probiotics and lactulose in children during treatment with ceftriaxone. Curr Ther Res 2001; 62: 418–35.
44. Vesikari T, Uhari M, Renko M et al. Impact and effectiveness of RotaTeqR vaccine based on 3 years of surveillance following introduction of rotavirus immunization program in Finland. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2013; 32 (12): 1365–73.
45. Quigley MA, Kelly YJ, Sacker A. Breastfeeding and hospitalization for diarrheal and respiratory infection in the United Kingdom Millennium Cohort Study. Pediatrics 2007; 119: 837–42.
46. Guarino A, Albano F, Ashkenazi Sh et al. European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition/European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases Evidence-based Guidelines for the Management of Acute Gastroeteritis in Children in Europe. J Ped Gastroenterol Nutrition 2008; 46: 81–184.
47. Roberfroid MB. Prebiotics: the concept revisited. J Nutr 2007; 137 (3): 830–7.
48. Roberfroid M, Robertson D. Effect of inulin and oligofructose on health and well-being. Brit J Nutr 2005; 9 (1): 1–27.
49. Horvath A, Dziechciarz P, Szayewska H. Meta-analysis: Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG in functional gastrointestinal disoders associated with abdominal pain in childhood. Alimentary Pharmacol Ther 2013; 3: 1302–10.
50. Hojsak I, Snovak N, Abdovic S et al. Lactobacillus GG in the prevention og gastrointestinal and respiratory tract infections in children who attend care centers a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial. Clin Nutr 2010; 29 (3): 312–6.
51. Kianifar H, Jafari SA, Kiani M et al. Probiotic for irritable bower syndrome in pediatrics patients a randomized controlled clinical trial. Electron Physician 2015; 7 (5): 1255–60.
52. Derrien M, van Hylckama Vieg JET. Fate, activity, and impact of ingested bacteria within the human gut microbiota. Trends Microbiol 2015; 23 (6): 354–66.
53. Sanders ME. Impact of probiotics on colonizing microbiota of the gut. J Clin Gastroenterol 2011; 45 (3): S115–S119.
54. Martens U, Enck P, Zieseniss P. Probiotic treatment of irritable bowel syndrome in children. Ger Med Sci 2010; 8: 1–15.
ГБУЗ МО «Московский областной научно-исследовательский клинический институт им. М.Ф.Владимирского». 129110, Россия, Москва, ул. Щепкина, д. 61/2, корп. 5
M.F.Vladimirskiy Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute. 129110, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Shchepkina, d. 61/2