В статье приведены литературные данные о распространенности, диагностике и механизмах формирования «гипертонии на рабочем месте». Приведены результаты собственного исследования, которые свидетельствуют о наличии у больных «гипертонией на рабочем месте» ряда эмоционально-личностных особенностей – повышенной эмоциональности, подавления экспрессии эмоций, использования малоэффективных стратегий регуляции эмоций, выраженного перфекционизма с преобладанием в его структуре признаков социально предписанного перфекционизма.
This article discusses the literature data on the prevalence, diagnosis and mechanisms of development of “workplace hypertension”. The paper contains the results of our own studies indicating that patients with “workplace hypertension” are suffering from different emotional and personality traits, such as high emotionality, suppression of emotional expression, and use of inefficient emotion regulation strategies, significant perfectionism associated with socially prescribed perfectionism.
1. World Health Statistics 2016: Monitoring health for the SDGs. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2016.
2. Michalos AC (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer Netherlands, 2014.
3. Manuck SB. Cardiovascular reactivity in cardiovascular disease: “Once more unto the breach”. Int J Behav Med 1994; 1: 4–31.
4. Кобалава Ж.Д., Гудков К.М. Эволюция представлений о стресс-индуцированной артериальной гипертонии и применение антагонистов рецепторов ангиотензина II. Кардиоваск. терапия и профилактика. 2002; 1: 4–15. / Kobalava Zh.D., Gudkov K.M. Evoliutsiia predstavlenii o stress-indutsirovannoi arterial'noi gipertonii i primenenie antagonistov retseptorov angiotenzina II. Kardiovask. terapiia i profilaktika. 2002; 1: 4–15. [in Russian]
5. Kawabe H, Saito I, Saruta T. Status of home blood pressure measured in morning and evening: evaluation in normotensives and hypertensives in Japanese urban population. Hypertens Res 2005; 28: 491–8.
6. Pickering TG. Psychosocial stress and blood pressure. In Hypertension Primer. AHA 2000.
7. Schwartz JE, Pickering TG, Landsbergis PA. Work-related stress and blood pressure: current theoretical models and considerations from a behavioral medicine perspective. J Occup Health Psychol 1996, 1: 287–310.
8. Pickering TG, Devereux RB, James GD et al. Environmental influences on blood pressure and the role of job strain. J Hypertens Suppl 1996; 14: S179–S186.
9. Schnall PL, Pieper C, Schwartz JE et al. The relationship between 'job strain,' workplace diastolic blood pressure, and left ventricular mass index. JAMA 1990; 263: 1929–35.
10. Everson SA, Lynch JW, Chesney MA et al. Interaction of workplace demands and cardiovascular reactivity in progression of carotid atherosclerosis: population based study. BMJ 1997; 314: 553–8.
11. Bosma H, Marmot MG, Hemingway H et al. Low job control and risk of coronary heart disease in Whitehall 11 study. BMJ 1997; 314: 558–65.
12. Julius M, Harburg E, Cottington EM, Johnson EH. Anger-coping types, blood pressure, and all-cause mortality: a follow-up in Tecumseh, Michigan (1971–1983). Am J Epidemiologie 1986; 124: 220–33.
13. Pickerihg TG, Eguchi K, Kario K. Masked hypertension: a review. Hypertens Res 2007; 30: 479–88.
14. Guimont C, Brisson C, Dagenais GR et al. Effects of job strain on blood pressure: a prospective study of male and female white-collar workers. Am J Public Health 2006; 96: 1436–43.
15. Schnall PL, Schwartz JE, Landsbergis PA et al. A longitudinal study of job strain and ambulatory blood pressure: results from a three-year follow-up. Psychosom Med 1998; 60: 697–706.
16. Harada K, Karube Y, Saruhara H et al. Workplace hypertension is associated with obesity and family history of hypertension. Hypertens Res 2006; 29 (12): 969–76.
17. Trudel X, Brisson C, Larocque B, Milot A. Masked hypertension: different blood pressure measurement methodology and risk factors in a working population. J Hypertens 2009; 27 (8): 1560–7.
18. Trudel X, Brisson C, Milot A. Job strain and masked hypertension. Psychosom Med 2010; 72 (8): 786–93.
19. Stork J, Schrader J, Labrot B et al. Arbeitsassoziierter Blutdruckanstieg und Hypertoniepravalenz – eine Querschnittuntersuchung. Zbl Arbeitsmed 1992; 42 (Vr. 11): 468–72.
20. Landsbergis PA, Travis A, Schnall PL. High Blood Press. Cardiovasc Prev 2013; 20 (2): 69–76.
21. Kollmann K, Liiders S, Eckardt R et al. Blutdruckverhalten von Patienten mit Hypertonie bei der Arbeit im Vergleich zur Freizeit. Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 1996; 8: 352–4.
22. Light КС. Environmental and psychosocial stress in hypertension onset and progression. In: Hypertension. S.Oparil, M.Weber. 2000.
23. Karasek RA. Job decision latitude, and mental strain: Implications for jobs redesign. Admin Sci Q 1979; 24: 285–307.
24. Cotington EM, Matthws KA, Talbot D et al. Occupational stress, suppressed anger, and hypertension. Psychosom Med 1986; 48: 249–60.
25. Dressler WW. Education, lifestyle and arterial blood pressure. Psychosom Med 1990; 24: 515–23.
26. Schrader J, Luders S. Unerwunschtc. Arzneimittelwirkungen und Wechsclwirkungcn von AT1-rezeptorantagonisten. In: P.Dominiak, T.Unger. Angiotensin 11 AT1-rezeptor Antagonisten. Steinkopf Verlag Darmstadt 1997.
27. Pickering TG. Mental stress as a casual factor in the development of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Curr Hypertens Rep 2001; 3: 249–54.
28. Горбунов В.М., Смирнова М.И. Современные проблемы оценки эффективности антигипертензивной терапии: скрытая неэффективность лечения и «гипертония белого халата». Рацион. фармакотерапия в кардиологии. 2009; 3: 76–82. / Gorbunov V.M., Smirnova M.I. Sovremennye problemy otsenki effektivnosti antigipertenzivnoi terapii: skrytaia neeffektivnost' lecheniia i «gipertoniia belogo khalata». Ratsion. farmakoterapiia v kardiologii. 2009; 3: 76–82. [in Russian]
29. Mann SJ. Psychosomatic Research in Hypertension: The Lack of Impact of Decades of Research and New Directions to Consider. J Clin Hypertens 2012; 14 (10): 657–64.
30. Wise TN. Psychosomatics: Past, present and future. Psychother Psychosomat 2014; 83 (2): 65–9.
31. Gross JJ. Emotion Regulation: Current Status and Future Prospects. Psychol Inquiry 2015; 26: 1–26.
32. Rosenzweig S. The picture-association method and its application in a study of reactions to frustration. J Personality 1945; 14 (4): 3–23.
33. Тарабрина Н.В. Экспериментально-психологическая методика изучения фрустрационных реакций. Методические рекомендации. Л.: Изд-во Психоневрологического института им. В.М.Бехтерева, 1984. / Tarabrina N.V. Eksperimental'no-psikhologicheskaia metodika izucheniia frustratsionnykh reaktsii. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii. L.: Izd-vo Psikhonevrologicheskogo instituta im. V.M.Bekhtereva, 1984. [in Russian]
34. Первичко Е.И. Роль психологических факторов в возникновении минимальной морфофункциональной патологии сердца. Материалы Первой Всероссийской конференции «Психология сегодня». Ежегодник за 1996 г. М.: РПО, 1996; с. 16–7. / Pervichko E.I. Rol' psikhologicheskikh faktorov v vozniknovenii minimal'noi morfofunktsional'noi patologii serdtsa. Materialy Pervoi Vserossiiskoi konferentsii «Psikhologiia segodnia». Ezhegodnik za 1996 g. M.: RPO, 1996; s. 16–7. [in Russian]
35. Pervichko E, Zinchenko Y. Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Test Modification for a Study of Emotion Regulation Strategies Among the Patients with Stress-Induced Hypertension. Eur Psychiatry 2016; 33: S709–S710. DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.2115
36. Первичко Е.И. Стратегии регуляции эмоций: процессуальная модель Дж.Гросса и культурно-деятельностный подход. В 2 ч. Ч. 2. Культурно-деятельностный подход к проблеме стратегий и механизмов регуляции эмоций. Национальн. психол. журн. 2015; 1 (17): 39–51. / Pervichko E.I. Strategii reguliatsii emotsii: protsessual'naia model' Dzh.Grossa i kul'turno-deiatel'nostnyi podkhod. V 2 ch. Ch. 2. Kul'turno-deiatel'nostnyi podkhod k probleme strategii i mekhanizmov reguliatsii emotsii. Natsional'n. psikhol. zhurn. 2015; 1 (17): 39–51. [in Russian]
37. Зинченко Ю.П., Первичко Е.И. Клинико-психологическое исследование регуляции эмоций: культурно-деятельностный подход. Вопр. психологии. 2016; 3: 41–57. / Zinchenko Iu.P., Pervichko E.I. Kliniko-psikhologicheskoe issledovanie reguliatsii emotsii: kul'turno-deiatel'nostnyi podkhod. Vopr. psikhologii. 2016; 3: 41–57. [in Russian]
38. Koole S. The psychology of emotion regulation: An integrative review. Cognition Emotion 2009; 23 (1): 4–41.
39. Compas BE, Jaser SS, Dunbar JP et al. Coping and emotion regulation from childhood to early adulthood: Points of convergence and divergence. Aust J Psychol 2014; 66 (2): 71–81.
40. Hollender M. Perfectionism. Comprehensive Psychiatry 1965; 6: 94–103.
41. Hewitt P, Flett G. Dimensions of perfectionism. Cog Ther Res 1998; 7: 21–45.
42. Hewitt P, Flett G. Perfectionism and stress processes in psychopathology. Perfectionism: Theory, research, and treatment. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2002; p. 255–85.
43. Flett GL, Hewitt PL (Eds.). Perfectionism: Theory, research and treatment. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2002.
44. Гаранян Н.Г., Юдеева Т.Ю. Структура перфекционизма у пациентов с депрессивными и тревожными расстройствами. Психол. журн. 2009; 6: 93–103. / Garanian N.G., Iudeeva T.Iu. Struktura perfektsionizma u patsientov s depressivnymi i trevozhnymi rasstroistvami. Psikhol. zhurn. 2009; 6: 93–103. [in Russian]
45. Accordino DB, Accordino MP, Slaney RB. An investigation of perfectionism, mental health, achievement, and achievement motivation in adolescents. Psychol Schools 2000; 37 (6): 535–45. DOI: 10.1002/1520-6807
46. Rice KG, Ashby JS, Gilman R. Classifying adolescent perfectionists. Psychol Assessment 2011; 23 (3): 563–77. DOI:10.1037/a0022482
47. Ashby JS, Noble C, Gnilka PB. Multidimensional Perfectionism, Depression, and Satisfaction with Life: Differences among Perfectionists and Tests of a Stress-Mediation Model. J Coll Counsel 2012; 15: 130–43.
48. Hammen C. Generation of stress in the course of unipolar depression. J Abnorm Psychol 1991; 100 (1): 55–61.
49. Appleton PR, Hall HK, Hill AP. Relations between multidimensional perfectionism and burnout in junior-elite male athletes. Psychol Sport Exerc 2009; 10: 457–65. DOI: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2008.12.006
50. Tashman LS, Tenenbaum G, Eklund R. The effect of perceived stress on the relationship between perfectionism and burnout in coaches. Anxiety, Stress, Coping 2010; 23: 195–12. DOI: 10.1080/10615800802629922
51. Холмогорова А.Б., Гаранян Н.Г. Нарциссизм, перфекционизм и депрессия. Московский психотерапевт. журн. 2004; 1: 18–35. / Kholmogorova A.B., Garanian N.G. Nartsissizm, perfektsionizm i depressiia. Moskovskii psikhoterapevt. zhurn. 2004; 1: 18–35. [in Russian]
52. Sherry SB, Gralnick TM, Hewitt PL et al. Perfectionism and narcissism: Testing unique relationships and gender differences. Personality Individual Differences 2014; 61: 52–6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2014.01.007
53. Грачева И.И. Адаптация методики «Многомерная шкала перфекционизма» П.Хьюитта и Г.Флетта. Психол. журн. 2006; 27 (6): 73–80. / Gracheva I.I. Adaptatsiia metodiki «Mnogomernaia shkala perfektsionizma» P.Kh'iuitta i G.Fletta. Psi-khol. zhurn. 2006; 27 (6): 73–80. [in Russian]
1. World Health Statistics 2016: Monitoring health for the SDGs. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2016.
2. Michalos AC (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer Netherlands, 2014.
3. Manuck SB. Cardiovascular reactivity in cardiovascular disease: “Once more unto the breach”. Int J Behav Med 1994; 1: 4–31.
4. Kobalava Zh.D., Gudkov K.M. Evoliutsiia predstavlenii o stress-indutsirovannoi arterial'noi gipertonii i primenenie antagonistov retseptorov angiotenzina II. Kardiovask. terapiia i profilaktika. 2002; 1: 4–15. [in Russian]
5. Kawabe H, Saito I, Saruta T. Status of home blood pressure measured in morning and evening: evaluation in normotensives and hypertensives in Japanese urban population. Hypertens Res 2005; 28: 491–8.
6. Pickering TG. Psychosocial stress and blood pressure. In Hypertension Primer. AHA 2000.
7. Schwartz JE, Pickering TG, Landsbergis PA. Work-related stress and blood pressure: current theoretical models and considerations from a behavioral medicine perspective. J Occup Health Psychol 1996, 1: 287–310.
8. Pickering TG, Devereux RB, James GD et al. Environmental influences on blood pressure and the role of job strain. J Hypertens Suppl 1996; 14: S179–S186.
9. Schnall PL, Pieper C, Schwartz JE et al. The relationship between 'job strain,' workplace diastolic blood pressure, and left ventricular mass index. JAMA 1990; 263: 1929–35.
10. Everson SA, Lynch JW, Chesney MA et al. Interaction of workplace demands and cardiovascular reactivity in progression of carotid atherosclerosis: population based study. BMJ 1997; 314: 553–8.
11. Bosma H, Marmot MG, Hemingway H et al. Low job control and risk of coronary heart disease in Whitehall 11 study. BMJ 1997; 314: 558–65.
12. Julius M, Harburg E, Cottington EM, Johnson EH. Anger-coping types, blood pressure, and all-cause mortality: a follow-up in Tecumseh, Michigan (1971–1983). Am J Epidemiologie 1986; 124: 220–33.
13. Pickerihg TG, Eguchi K, Kario K. Masked hypertension: a review. Hypertens Res 2007; 30: 479–88.
14. Guimont C, Brisson C, Dagenais GR et al. Effects of job strain on blood pressure: a prospective study of male and female white-collar workers. Am J Public Health 2006; 96: 1436–43.
15. Schnall PL, Schwartz JE, Landsbergis PA et al. A longitudinal study of job strain and ambulatory blood pressure: results from a three-year follow-up. Psychosom Med 1998; 60: 697–706.
16. Harada K, Karube Y, Saruhara H et al. Workplace hypertension is associated with obesity and family history of hypertension. Hypertens Res 2006; 29 (12): 969–76.
17. Trudel X, Brisson C, Larocque B, Milot A. Masked hypertension: different blood pressure measurement methodology and risk factors in a working population. J Hypertens 2009; 27 (8): 1560–7.
18. Trudel X, Brisson C, Milot A. Job strain and masked hypertension. Psychosom Med 2010; 72 (8): 786–93.
19. Stork J, Schrader J, Labrot B et al. Arbeitsassoziierter Blutdruckanstieg und Hypertoniepravalenz – eine Querschnittuntersuchung. Zbl Arbeitsmed 1992; 42 (Vr. 11): 468–72.
20. Landsbergis PA, Travis A, Schnall PL. High Blood Press. Cardiovasc Prev 2013; 20 (2): 69–76.
21. Kollmann K, Liiders S, Eckardt R et al. Blutdruckverhalten von Patienten mit Hypertonie bei der Arbeit im Vergleich zur Freizeit. Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 1996; 8: 352–4.
22. Light КС. Environmental and psychosocial stress in hypertension onset and progression. In: Hypertension. S.Oparil, M.Weber. 2000.
23. Karasek RA. Job decision latitude, and mental strain: Implications for jobs redesign. Admin Sci Q 1979; 24: 285–307.
24. Cotington EM, Matthws KA, Talbot D et al. Occupational stress, suppressed anger, and hypertension. Psychosom Med 1986; 48: 249–60.
25. Dressler WW. Education, lifestyle and arterial blood pressure. Psychosom Med 1990; 24: 515–23.
26. Schrader J, Luders S. Unerwunschtc. Arzneimittelwirkungen und Wechsclwirkungcn von AT1-rezeptorantagonisten. In: P.Dominiak, T.Unger. Angiotensin 11 AT1-rezeptor Antagonisten. Steinkopf Verlag Darmstadt 1997.
27. Pickering TG. Mental stress as a casual factor in the development of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Curr Hypertens Rep 2001; 3: 249–54.
28. Gorbunov V.M., Smirnova M.I. Sovremennye problemy otsenki effektivnosti antigipertenzivnoi terapii: skrytaia neeffektivnost' lecheniia i «gipertoniia belogo khalata». Ratsion. farmakoterapiia v kardiologii. 2009; 3: 76–82. [in Russian]
29. Mann SJ. Psychosomatic Research in Hypertension: The Lack of Impact of Decades of Research and New Directions to Consider. J Clin Hypertens 2012; 14 (10): 657–64.
30. Wise TN. Psychosomatics: Past, present and future. Psychother Psychosomat 2014; 83 (2): 65–9.
31. Gross JJ. Emotion Regulation: Current Status and Future Prospects. Psychol Inquiry 2015; 26: 1–26.
32. Rosenzweig S. The picture-association method and its application in a study of reactions to frustration. J Personality 1945; 14 (4): 3–23.
33. Tarabrina N.V. Eksperimental'no-psikhologicheskaia metodika izucheniia frustratsionnykh reaktsii. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii. L.: Izd-vo Psikhonevrologicheskogo instituta im. V.M.Bekhtereva, 1984. [in Russian]
34. Pervichko E.I. Rol' psikhologicheskikh faktorov v vozniknovenii minimal'noi morfofunktsional'noi patologii serdtsa. Materialy Pervoi Vserossiiskoi konferentsii «Psikhologiia segodnia». Ezhegodnik za 1996 g. M.: RPO, 1996; s. 16–7. [in Russian]
35. Pervichko E, Zinchenko Y. Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Test Modification for a Study of Emotion Regulation Strategies Among the Patients with Stress-Induced Hypertension. Eur Psychiatry 2016; 33: S709–S710. DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.2115
36. Pervichko E.I. Strategii reguliatsii emotsii: protsessual'naia model' Dzh.Grossa i kul'turno-deiatel'nostnyi podkhod. V 2 ch. Ch. 2. Kul'turno-deiatel'nostnyi podkhod k probleme strategii i mekhanizmov reguliatsii emotsii. Natsional'n. psikhol. zhurn. 2015; 1 (17): 39–51. [in Russian]
37. Zinchenko Iu.P., Pervichko E.I. Kliniko-psikhologicheskoe issledovanie reguliatsii emotsii: kul'turno-deiatel'nostnyi podkhod. Vopr. psikhologii. 2016; 3: 41–57. [in Russian]
38. Koole S. The psychology of emotion regulation: An integrative review. Cognition Emotion 2009; 23 (1): 4–41.
39. Compas BE, Jaser SS, Dunbar JP et al. Coping and emotion regulation from childhood to early adulthood: Points of convergence and divergence. Aust J Psychol 2014; 66 (2): 71–81.
40. Hollender M. Perfectionism. Comprehensive Psychiatry 1965; 6: 94–103.
41. Hewitt P, Flett G. Dimensions of perfectionism. Cog Ther Res 1998; 7: 21–45.
42. Hewitt P, Flett G. Perfectionism and stress processes in psychopathology. Perfectionism: Theory, research, and treatment. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2002; p. 255–85.
43. Flett GL, Hewitt PL (Eds.). Perfectionism: Theory, research and treatment. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2002.
44. Garanian N.G., Iudeeva T.Iu. Struktura perfektsionizma u patsientov s depressivnymi i trevozhnymi rasstroistvami. Psikhol. zhurn. 2009; 6: 93–103. [in Russian]
45. Accordino DB, Accordino MP, Slaney RB. An investigation of perfectionism, mental health, achievement, and achievement motivation in adolescents. Psychol Schools 2000; 37 (6): 535–45. DOI: 10.1002/1520-6807
46. Rice KG, Ashby JS, Gilman R. Classifying adolescent perfectionists. Psychol Assessment 2011; 23 (3): 563–77. DOI:10.1037/a0022482
47. Ashby JS, Noble C, Gnilka PB. Multidimensional Perfectionism, Depression, and Satisfaction with Life: Differences among Perfectionists and Tests of a Stress-Mediation Model. J Coll Counsel 2012; 15: 130–43.
48. Hammen C. Generation of stress in the course of unipolar depression. J Abnorm Psychol 1991; 100 (1): 55–61.
49. Appleton PR, Hall HK, Hill AP. Relations between multidimensional perfectionism and burnout in junior-elite male athletes. Psychol Sport Exerc 2009; 10: 457–65. DOI: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2008.12.006
50. Tashman LS, Tenenbaum G, Eklund R. The effect of perceived stress on the relationship between perfectionism and burnout in coaches. Anxiety, Stress, Coping 2010; 23: 195–12. DOI: 10.1080/10615800802629922
51. Kholmogorova A.B., Garanian N.G. Nartsissizm, perfektsionizm i depressiia. Moskovskii psikhoterapevt. zhurn. 2004; 1: 18–35. [in Russian]
52. Sherry SB, Gralnick TM, Hewitt PL et al. Perfectionism and narcissism: Testing unique relationships and gender differences. Personality Individual Differences 2014; 61: 52–6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2014.01.007
53. Gracheva I.I. Adaptatsiia metodiki «Mnogomernaia shkala perfektsionizma» P.Kh'iuitta i G.Fletta. Psi-khol. zhurn. 2006; 27 (6): 73–80. [in Russian]
О.Д.Остроумова*1,2, Е.И.Первичко3, Ю.П.Зинченко3
1 ФГБОУ ВО Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет им. А.И.Евдокимова Минздрава России. 127473, Россия, Москва, ул. Делегатская, д. 20, стр. 1;
2 ФГБОУ ВО Первый Московский государственный медицинский университет им. И.М.Сеченова Минздрава России. 119991, Россия, Москва, ул. Трубецкая, д. 8, стр. 2;
3 ФГБОУ ВО Московский государственный университет им. М.В.Ломоносова. 125009, Россия, Москва, ул. Моховая, д. 11, стр. 9
1 A.I.Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 127473, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Delegatskaia, d. 20, str. 1;
2 I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Trubetskaia, d. 8, str. 2;
3 M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University. 125009, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Mokhovaia, d. 11, str. 9