Статья посвящена клиническому и прогностическому значению уровней маркеров, традиционно определяемых при раке молочной железы, в когортах пациенток с доброкачественными заболеваниями молочных желез. Анализируются следующие параметры: рецепторы к стероидным гормонам, пролиферативная активность, микро-РНК, экспрессия циклооксигеназы 2-го типа, Е-кадхерина, амплификация генов с-erb-B2 и ТР53. Определяются наиболее значимые из них при различных доброкачественных заболеваниях, а также наиболее типичные изменения, встречающиеся при диффузной дисгормональной дисплазии, фиброаденомах и атипичных гиперплазиях.
Ключевые слова: молочная железа, диффузная дисгормональная дисплазия, опухолевые маркеры, рецепторы к стероидным гормонам, пролиферативная активность, микро-РНК, экспрессия циклооксигеназы 2-го типа, экспрессия Е-кадхерина, амплификация генов с-еrb-B2 и ТР53.
The article is devoted to clinical and prognostic significance of the levels of markers, traditionally defined in breast cancer in the cohort of patients with benign breast diseases. The following parameters are analyzed: steroid hormone receptors, the proliferative activity of the micro-RNA, the expression of COX-2, E-cadherin gene amplification of c-erb-B2 and TP53. Identify the most important of them in various benign diseases and akzhe most typical changes that occur in diffuse dyshormonal dysplasia, fibroadenomas and atypical hyperplasia.
Key words: breast, diffuse dyshormonal dysplasia, tumor markers, receptors for steroid hormones, proliferative activity, micro-RNA, the expression of COX-2, the expression of E-cadherin, gene amplification of the c-erb-B2 and TP53.
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15. Schmitt FC, Leal C, Lopes C. p53 protein expression and nuclear DNA content in breast intraductal proliferations. J Pathol 1995 Jul; 176 (3): 233–41.
16. Bartek J, Bartkova J, Vojtesek В et al. Patterns of expression of the p53 tumour suppressor in human breast tissues and tumours in situ and in vitro. Int J of Cancer 1990; 46 (5): 839–44.
17. Younes M, Lebovitz RM, Bommer KE et al. p53 accumulation in benign breast biopsy specimens. Hum Pathol 1995; 26 (2): 155–8.
18. Rohan TE, Hartwick W, Miller AB, Kandel RA. Immunohistochemical Detection of c-erbB-2 and p53 in Benign Breast Disease and Breast Cancer Risk. J National Cancer Institute 1998 September 2; 90 (17).
19. Lidereau R, Collin F, Arnal M et al. Benign Breast Disease: Absence of Genetic Alterations at Several Loci Implicated in Breast Cancer Malignancy. Clin Cancer Res 15.
20. Akhtar K, Bharduaj S, Naim M et al. Diagnostic Value of Cytokeratin 5 and Cytokeratin 6 in Benign and Malignant Lesions of Breast. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2015; 2 (4): 403–10.
21. Hartmann LC et al. N Engl J Med 2015; 372: 78–89.
22. Tjoe JA, Neitzel G, Singh M et al. Does expression of estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, and HER2 in atypical breast lesions predict a subsequent clinically significant event? J Clin Oncol 2014; 32 (Suppl 26; abstr 34).
23. Visscher DW et al. Association between cyclooxygenase-2 expression in atypical hyperplasia and risk of breast cancer. JNCI 2008; 100 (6): 421–7.
24. Lingle W, Negron V, Bruzek А, Hartmann L. Centrosome Amplification is Greatest in Benign Breast Lesions Associated with an Increase in Risk of Cancer. Poster presentation: San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, Annual Meeting, December 16, 2006. San Antonio, 2006.
25. Chan JA, Krichevsky AM, Kosik KS. MicroRNA-21 is an antiapoptotic factor in human glioblastoma cells. Cancer Res 2005; 65: 6029–33.
26. Zhao J-J, Lin J, Yang H et al. MicroRNA-221/222 negatively regulates estrogen receptor-alpha and is associated with tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer. J Biol Chem 2008; 283: 31079–86.
27. Stinson S, Lackner MR, Adai AT et al. TRPS1 targeting by miR-221/222 promotes the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in breast cancer. Sci Signal 2011; 4 (177): 41.
28. Medina PP, Slack FJ. MicroRNAs and cancer: an overview. Cell Cycle 2008; 7: 2485–92.
29. Tili E, Michaille J-J, Wernicke D et al. Mutator activity induced by microRNA-155 (miR-155) links inflammation and cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2011 Mar 22; 108 (12): 4908–13. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1101795108
30. Wu H, Zhu S, Mo YY. Suppression of cell growth and invasion by miR-205 in breast cancer. Cell Res 2009; 19 (4): 439–48.
31. Jazbutyte V, Thum T. MicroRNA-21: from cancer to cardiovascular disease. Curr Drug Targets 2010; 11: 926–35.
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1. Semiglazov V.F. Skrining raka molochnoj zhelezy. Prakticheskaja onkologija. 2005; 11 (2): 60–5. [in Russian]
2. Koljadina I.V., Poddubnaja I.V., Komov D.V. Skrining raka molochnoj zhelezy: mirovoj opyt i perspektivy (obzor). Ros. onkol. zhurn. 2015; 1: 42–6. [in Russian]
3. Sasaki Y, Takagi K, Akashira J-I et al. Immunolocalisation or estrogen-producing and metabolizing enzymes in bening breast disease: comparison with normal breast and breast сarcinoma. JCA 2010. Cancer Sci 2010; 101: 2286–92.
4. Cheng et al. Differential regulation of estrogen receptor (ER) alpha and ERbeta in primate mammary gland. J Clin Endocrinal Metab 2005; 90: 435–44.
5. Gruvberger-Saal et al. Estrogen receptor beta expression is associated with tamoxifen response in ERalpha-negative breast carcinoma. Clin. Cancer Res 2007; 13: 1987–94.
6. Koljadina I.V., Poddubnaja I.V., Frank G.A. i dr. Prognosticheskoe znachenie receptornogo statusa opuholi pri rannem rake molochnoj zhelezy. Sovrem. tehnologii v medicine. 2012; 4: 48–53. [in Russian]
7. Stettner et al. The relevance of estrogen receptor-β expression to the antiproliferative effects. Mol Cancer Ther 2007; 6 (10): 2626–33.
8. Zhao et al. Regulation of estrogen receptor signaling in breast carcinogenesis and breast cancer therapy. Cell Mol Life Sci 2014; 71 (8): 1549.
9. Lukavenko I.M., Andrjushhenko V.V., Kononenko N.G. Klinicheskoe znachenie jekspressii receptorov jestrogena, progesterona i mammaglobina pri predopuholevoj patologii molochnyh zhelez v praktike hirurga-mammologa. Zhurn. klіn. ta eksperim. med. doslіdzh. 2013; 1: 51–4. [in Russian]
10. Yu H. Estrogen-receptor status patients with breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat 1996; 40: 171–8.
11. Diaz LК, Sahin A, Sneige N. Progesterone receptors and estrogen receptor alpha expression in normal breast tissue and fi broadenomas. Ann Diagn Pathol 2004; 8: 23–7.
12. Kogan I.Ju. Mastopatija, novye podhody k diagnostike i patogeneticheskoj terapii. Akusherstvo i zhenskie bolezni. 2010; 1: 66–9. [in Russian]
13. Koljadina I.V., Poddubnaja I.V., C.J.H. van de Velde i dr. Prognosticheskoe znachenie jekspressii r53 u bol'nyh rakom molochnoj zhelezy I stadii. Journal of Modern Oncology. 2013; 15 (2): 17–21. [in Russian]
14. Koljadina I.V. Avtoref. dis. … dok-ra med. nauk. M., 2015; s. 164–9. [in Russian]
15. Schmitt FC, Leal C, Lopes C. p53 protein expression and nuclear DNA content in breast intraductal proliferations. J Pathol 1995 Jul; 176 (3): 233–41.
16. Bartek J, Bartkova J, Vojtesek В et al. Patterns of expression of the p53 tumour suppressor in human breast tissues and tumours in situ and in vitro. Int J of Cancer 1990; 46 (5): 839–44.
17. Younes M, Lebovitz RM, Bommer KE et al. p53 accumulation in benign breast biopsy specimens. Hum Pathol 1995; 26 (2): 155–8.
18. Rohan TE, Hartwick W, Miller AB, Kandel RA. Immunohistochemical Detection of c-erbB-2 and p53 in Benign Breast Disease and Breast Cancer Risk. J National Cancer Institute 1998 September 2; 90 (17).
19. Lidereau R, Collin F, Arnal M et al. Benign Breast Disease: Absence of Genetic Alterations at Several Loci Implicated in Breast Cancer Malignancy. Clin Cancer Res 15.
20. Akhtar K, Bharduaj S, Naim M et al. Diagnostic Value of Cytokeratin 5 and Cytokeratin 6 in Benign and Malignant Lesions of Breast. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2015; 2 (4): 403–10.
21. Hartmann LC et al. N Engl J Med 2015; 372: 78–89.
22. Tjoe JA, Neitzel G, Singh M et al. Does expression of estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, and HER2 in atypical breast lesions predict a subsequent clinically significant event? J Clin Oncol 2014; 32 (Suppl 26; abstr 34).
23. Visscher DW et al. Association between cyclooxygenase-2 expression in atypical hyperplasia and risk of breast cancer. JNCI 2008; 100 (6): 421–7.
24. Lingle W, Negron V, Bruzek А, Hartmann L. Centrosome Amplification is Greatest in Benign Breast Lesions Associated with an Increase in Risk of Cancer. Poster presentation: San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, Annual Meeting, December 16, 2006. San Antonio, 2006.
25. Chan JA, Krichevsky AM, Kosik KS. MicroRNA-21 is an antiapoptotic factor in human glioblastoma cells. Cancer Res 2005; 65: 6029–33.
26. Zhao J-J, Lin J, Yang H et al. MicroRNA-221/222 negatively regulates estrogen receptor-alpha and is associated with tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer. J Biol Chem 2008; 283: 31079–86.
27. Stinson S, Lackner MR, Adai AT et al. TRPS1 targeting by miR-221/222 promotes the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in breast cancer. Sci Signal 2011; 4 (177): 41.
28. Medina PP, Slack FJ. MicroRNAs and cancer: an overview. Cell Cycle 2008; 7: 2485–92.
29. Tili E, Michaille J-J, Wernicke D et al. Mutator activity induced by microRNA-155 (miR-155) links inflammation and cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2011 Mar 22; 108 (12): 4908–13. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1101795108
30. Wu H, Zhu S, Mo YY. Suppression of cell growth and invasion by miR-205 in breast cancer. Cell Res 2009; 19 (4): 439–48.
31. Jazbutyte V, Thum T. MicroRNA-21: from cancer to cardiovascular disease. Curr Drug Targets 2010; 11: 926–35.
32. Kozlov V.I. Rol' molekuljarnyh markerov v diagnostike i lechenii raka molochnoj zhelezy. Avtoref. diss. … kand. med. nauk. Novosibirsk, 2014. [in Russian]
И.В.Высоцкая*1, В.П.Летягин2, Е.М.Погодина2
1 ФГАОУ ВО «Первый Московский государственный медицинский университет им. И.М.Сеченова» Минздрава России. 119991, Россия, Москва, ул. Трубецкая, д. 8, стр. 1;
2 ФГБУ «Российский онкологический научный центр им. Н.Н.Блохина» Минздрава России. 115478, Россия, Москва, Каширское ш., д. 23
I.V.Vysotskaya*1, V.P.Letyagin2, E.M.Pogodina2
1 I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Trubetskaia d. 8, str. 1;
2 N.N.Blokhin Russian Cancer Reseach Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 115478, Russian Federation, Moscow, Kashirskoe sh., d. 23