Диагностика и спорные вопросы лечения сердечной недостаточности с сохраненной фракцией выброса
Диагностика и спорные вопросы лечения сердечной недостаточности с сохраненной фракцией выброса
Ахильгова З.М., Куркина М.В., Джиоева З.Р. и др. Диагностика и спорные вопросы лечения сердечной недостаточности с сохраненной фракцией выброса. CardioСоматика. 2018; 9 (4): 32–37. DOI: 10.26442/22217185. 2018.4.000013
Akhilgova Z.M., Kurkina M.V., Dzhioeva Z.R. et al. Diagnosis and the debatable issues of the treatment of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Cardiosomatics. 2018; 9 (4): 32–37. DOI: 10.26442/22217185.2018.4.000013
Диагностика и спорные вопросы лечения сердечной недостаточности с сохраненной фракцией выброса
Ахильгова З.М., Куркина М.В., Джиоева З.Р. и др. Диагностика и спорные вопросы лечения сердечной недостаточности с сохраненной фракцией выброса. CardioСоматика. 2018; 9 (4): 32–37. DOI: 10.26442/22217185. 2018.4.000013
Akhilgova Z.M., Kurkina M.V., Dzhioeva Z.R. et al. Diagnosis and the debatable issues of the treatment of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Cardiosomatics. 2018; 9 (4): 32–37. DOI: 10.26442/22217185.2018.4.000013
Сердечная недостаточность с сохраненной фракцией выброса (СНсФВ) составляет 1/2 от общего числа случаев сердечной недостаточности и продолжает прогрессивно расти. В обзоре обсуждаются вопросы патогенеза СНсФВ, освещенные в современной литературе за последние годы. Учитывая гетерогенность патофизиологии данного синдрома и результаты проведенных на сегодняшний день крупных исследований, рассматриваются спорные вопросы применения разных лекарственных препаратов в профилактике осложнений и прогрессирования СНсФВ.
Heart failure with preserved fraction (HFpEF) amount for a half of the general heart failure and increasing progressively. In this review we discuss the issues of pathogenesis of HFpEF, illuminated in the recent literature in the last years. Considering the heterogeneity of the pathophysiology of this syndrome and the results of large-scale studies conducted nowadays, it considers the debatable treatment issues of the applying different drugs in the prevention of HFpEF.
Key words: heart failure with preserved fraction, pathophysiology, prevention, treatment.
1. ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure: The Task Force for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Developed with the special contribution of the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC 2016. Eur Heart J 2016; 37 (27): 2129–200.
2. Upadhya B, Taffet GE, Cheng CP, Kitzman DW. Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction in the Elderly: Scope of the Problem. J Mol Cell Cardiol 2015; 83: 73–87.
3. Tribouilloy C, Rusinaru D, Mahjoub H et al. Prognosis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a 5 year prospective population-based study. Eur Heart J 2008; 29 (3): 339–47.
4. Zile MR, Claggett BL, Prescott MF et. al. Prognostic Implications of Changes in N-Terminal Pro-B-Type Natriuretic Peptide in Patients With Heart Failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 2016; 68 (22): 2425–36.
5. Nanayakkara S, Patel HC, Kaye DM. Hospitalisation in Patients With Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction. Clin Med Insights Cardiol 2018; 12: 1179546817751609.
6. Paulus WJ, Tschöpe C. A Novel Paradigm for Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction: Comorbidities Drive Myocardial Dysfunction and Remodeling Through Coronary Microvascular Endothelial Inflammation. J Am Coll Cardiol 2013; 62 (4): 263–71.
7. Liu T, Song D, Dong J et al. Current Understanding of the Pathophysiology of Myocardial Fibrosis and Its Quantitative Assessment in Heart Failure. Front Physiol 2017, 8: 238.
8. Bonnans C, Chou J, Werb Z. Remodelling the extracellular matrix in development and disease. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2014; 15 (12): 786–801.
9. Pries AR, Badimon L, Bugiardini R. Coronary vascular regulation, remodelling, and collateralization: mechanisms and clinical implications on behalf of the working group on coronary pathophysiology and microcirculation. Eur Heart J 2015; 36 (45): 3134–46.
10. An integrative translational approach to study heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a posicion paper from the Working Group on Myocardial Function of the European Society of Cardiology. Eur J Heart Fail 2018; 20 (2): 216–27.
11. Levy BI. How to Explain the Differences Between Renin Angiotensin System Modulators. Am J Hypertens 2005; 18 (S5): 134S–141S.
12. Mohammed SF, Hussain I, Abou Ezzeddine OF et al. Right Ventricular Function in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: A Community Based Studу. Circulation 2014; 130 (25): 2310–20.
13. Haykowsky MJ, Brubaker PH, John JM et al. Determinants of exercise intolerance in elderly heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction. J Am Coll Cardiol Foundation 2011; 58 (3): 265–74.
14. Brilla CG, Funck RC, Rupp H. Lisinopril-mediated regression of myocardial fibrosis in patients with hypertensive heart disease. Circulation 2000; 102 (12): 1388–93.
15. Díez J, Querejeta R, López B et al. Losartan-dependent regression of myocardial fibrosis is associated with reduction of left ventricular chamber stiffness in hypertensive patients. Circulation 2002; 105 (21): 2512–7.
16. Yip GW, Wang M, Wang T et al. The Hong Kong diastolic heart failure study: a randomised controlled trial of diuretics, irbesartan and ramipril on quality of life, exercise capacity, left ventricular global and regional function in heart failure with a normal ejection fraction. Heart 2008; 94 (5): 573–80.
17. Zheng SL, Chan FT, Nabeebaccus AA et al. Drug treatment effects on outcomes in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Heart 2018; 104 (5): 407–15.
18. Kosmala W, Przewlocka-Kosmala M, Szczepanik-Osadnik H et al. Fibrosis and cardiac function in obesity: a randomised controlled trial of aldosterone blockade. Heart 2013; 99 (5): 320–6.
19. Mak GJ, Ledwidge MT, Watson CJ et. al. Natural history of markers of collagen turnover in patients with early diastolic dysfunction and impact of eplerenone. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009; 54 (18): 1674–82.
20. Deswal A, Richardson P, Bozkurt B et al. Results of the Randomized Aldosterone Antagonism in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction trial (RAAM-PEF). J Card Fail 2011; 17 (8): 634–42.
21. Lu Fang, Murphy AJ, Dart AM. A Clinical Perspective of Anti-Fibrotic Therapies for Cardiovascular Disease. Front Pharmacol 2017; 8: 186.
22. Ganado P, Ruiz E, Del Rio M et al. Growth inhibitory activity of indapamide on vascular smooth muscle cells. Eur J Pharmacol 2001; 428 (1): 19–27.
23. Carretta R, Fabris B, Bardelli M et al. Arterial compliance and baroreceptor sensitivity after chronic treatment with indapamide. J Hum Hypertens 1988; 2 (3): 171–5.
24. Antoniades C, Bakogiannis C, Leeson P et al. Rapid, direct effects of statin treatment on arterial redox state and nitric oxide bioavailability in human atherosclerosis via tetrahydrobiopterin-mediated endothelial nitric oxide synthase coupling. Circulation 2011; 124 (3): 335–45.
25. Koh KK, Han SH, AHN JY et al. Amlodipine improves endothelial function and metabolic parameters in patients with hypertension. Int J Cardiol 2009; 133 (1): 23–31.
26. De Ciuceis C, Salvetti M, Paini A et al. Comparison of lercanidipine plus hydrochlorothiazide vs. lercanidipine plus enalapril on micro and macrocirculation in patients with mild essential hypertension. Intern Emerg Med 2017; 12 (7): 963–74.
27. Solomon SD, Zile M, Pieske B et al. The angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitor LCZ696 in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a phase 2 double-blind randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2012; 380 (9851): 1387–95.
28. Guazzi M, Vicenzi M, Arena R. Pulmonary hypertension in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a target of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibition in a 1-year studу. Circulation 2011; 124 (2): 164–74.
29. Redfield MM, Chen HH, Borlaug BA et al. Effect of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibition on exercise capacity and clinical status in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2013; 309 (12): 1268–77.
30. Clozel M, Salloukh H. Role of endothelin in fibrosis and anti-fibrotic potential of bosentan. Ann Med 2005; 37 (1): 2–12.
31. Edgley AJ, Krum H, Kelly DJ. Targeting fibrosis for the treatment of heart failure: a role for transforming growth factor-β. Cardiovasc Ther 2012; 30 (1): e30-40.
32. Zammit SC, Cox AJ, Gow RM et al. Evaluation and optimization of antifibrotic activity of cinnamoyl anthranilates. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2009; 19 (24): 7003–6.
33. Abdulhalim Jamal, Kinsara Yasser, Mansour Ismail. Metformin in heart failure patients. Indian Heart Journal 2018; 70 (1): 175–6.
34. Evans JM, Doney AS, AlZadjali MA. Effect of Metformin on mortality in patients with heart failure and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Am J Cardiol 2010; 106 (7): 1006–10.
1. ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure: The Task Force for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Developed with the special contribution of the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC 2016. Eur Heart J 2016; 37 (27): 2129–200.
2. Upadhya B, Taffet GE, Cheng CP, Kitzman DW. Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction in the Elderly: Scope of the Problem. J Mol Cell Cardiol 2015; 83: 73–87.
3. Tribouilloy C, Rusinaru D, Mahjoub H et al. Prognosis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a 5 year prospective population-based study. Eur Heart J 2008; 29 (3): 339–47.
4. Zile MR, Claggett BL, Prescott MF et. al. Prognostic Implications of Changes in N-Terminal Pro-B-Type Natriuretic Peptide in Patients With Heart Failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 2016; 68 (22): 2425–36.
5. Nanayakkara S, Patel HC, Kaye DM. Hospitalisation in Patients With Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction. Clin Med Insights Cardiol 2018; 12: 1179546817751609.
6. Paulus WJ, Tschöpe C. A Novel Paradigm for Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction: Comorbidities Drive Myocardial Dysfunction and Remodeling Through Coronary Microvascular Endothelial Inflammation. J Am Coll Cardiol 2013; 62 (4): 263–71.
7. Liu T, Song D, Dong J et al. Current Understanding of the Pathophysiology of Myocardial Fibrosis and Its Quantitative Assessment in Heart Failure. Front Physiol 2017, 8: 238.
8. Bonnans C, Chou J, Werb Z. Remodelling the extracellular matrix in development and disease. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2014; 15 (12): 786–801.
9. Pries AR, Badimon L, Bugiardini R. Coronary vascular regulation, remodelling, and collateralization: mechanisms and clinical implications on behalf of the working group on coronary pathophysiology and microcirculation. Eur Heart J 2015; 36 (45): 3134–46.
10. An integrative translational approach to study heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a posicion paper from the Working Group on Myocardial Function of the European Society of Cardiology. Eur J Heart Fail 2018; 20 (2): 216–27.
11. Levy BI. How to Explain the Differences Between Renin Angiotensin System Modulators. Am J Hypertens 2005; 18 (S5): 134S–141S.
12. Mohammed SF, Hussain I, Abou Ezzeddine OF et al. Right Ventricular Function in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: A Community Based Studу. Circulation 2014; 130 (25): 2310–20.
13. Haykowsky MJ, Brubaker PH, John JM et al. Determinants of exercise intolerance in elderly heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction. J Am Coll Cardiol Foundation 2011; 58 (3): 265–74.
14. Brilla CG, Funck RC, Rupp H. Lisinopril-mediated regression of myocardial fibrosis in patients with hypertensive heart disease. Circulation 2000; 102 (12): 1388–93.
15. Díez J, Querejeta R, López B et al. Losartan-dependent regression of myocardial fibrosis is associated with reduction of left ventricular chamber stiffness in hypertensive patients. Circulation 2002; 105 (21): 2512–7.
16. Yip GW, Wang M, Wang T et al. The Hong Kong diastolic heart failure study: a randomised controlled trial of diuretics, irbesartan and ramipril on quality of life, exercise capacity, left ventricular global and regional function in heart failure with a normal ejection fraction. Heart 2008; 94 (5): 573–80.
17. Zheng SL, Chan FT, Nabeebaccus AA et al. Drug treatment effects on outcomes in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Heart 2018; 104 (5): 407–15.
18. Kosmala W, Przewlocka-Kosmala M, Szczepanik-Osadnik H et al. Fibrosis and cardiac function in obesity: a randomised controlled trial of aldosterone blockade. Heart 2013; 99 (5): 320–6.
19. Mak GJ, Ledwidge MT, Watson CJ et. al. Natural history of markers of collagen turnover in patients with early diastolic dysfunction and impact of eplerenone. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009; 54 (18): 1674–82.
20. Deswal A, Richardson P, Bozkurt B et al. Results of the Randomized Aldosterone Antagonism in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction trial (RAAM-PEF). J Card Fail 2011; 17 (8): 634–42.
21. Lu Fang, Murphy AJ, Dart AM. A Clinical Perspective of Anti-Fibrotic Therapies for Cardiovascular Disease. Front Pharmacol 2017; 8: 186.
22. Ganado P, Ruiz E, Del Rio M et al. Growth inhibitory activity of indapamide on vascular smooth muscle cells. Eur J Pharmacol 2001; 428 (1): 19–27.
23. Carretta R, Fabris B, Bardelli M et al. Arterial compliance and baroreceptor sensitivity after chronic treatment with indapamide. J Hum Hypertens 1988; 2 (3): 171–5.
24. Antoniades C, Bakogiannis C, Leeson P et al. Rapid, direct effects of statin treatment on arterial redox state and nitric oxide bioavailability in human atherosclerosis via tetrahydrobiopterin-mediated endothelial nitric oxide synthase coupling. Circulation 2011; 124 (3): 335–45.
25. Koh KK, Han SH, AHN JY et al. Amlodipine improves endothelial function and metabolic parameters in patients with hypertension. Int J Cardiol 2009; 133 (1): 23–31.
26. De Ciuceis C, Salvetti M, Paini A et al. Comparison of lercanidipine plus hydrochlorothiazide vs. lercanidipine plus enalapril on micro and macrocirculation in patients with mild essential hypertension. Intern Emerg Med 2017; 12 (7): 963–74.
27. Solomon SD, Zile M, Pieske B et al. The angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitor LCZ696 in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a phase 2 double-blind randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2012; 380 (9851): 1387–95.
28. Guazzi M, Vicenzi M, Arena R. Pulmonary hypertension in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a target of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibition in a 1-year studу. Circulation 2011; 124 (2): 164–74.
29. Redfield MM, Chen HH, Borlaug BA et al. Effect of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibition on exercise capacity and clinical status in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2013; 309 (12): 1268–77.
30. Clozel M, Salloukh H. Role of endothelin in fibrosis and anti-fibrotic potential of bosentan. Ann Med 2005; 37 (1): 2–12.
31. Edgley AJ, Krum H, Kelly DJ. Targeting fibrosis for the treatment of heart failure: a role for transforming growth factor-β. Cardiovasc Ther 2012; 30 (1): e30-40.
32. Zammit SC, Cox AJ, Gow RM et al. Evaluation and optimization of antifibrotic activity of cinnamoyl anthranilates. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2009; 19 (24): 7003–6.
33. Abdulhalim Jamal, Kinsara Yasser, Mansour Ismail. Metformin in heart failure patients. Indian Heart Journal 2018; 70 (1): 175–6.
34. Evans JM, Doney AS, AlZadjali MA. Effect of Metformin on mortality in patients with heart failure and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Am J Cardiol 2010; 106 (7): 1006–10.
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Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 125993, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Barrikadnaia, d. 2/1 *Zarina.akhilgova@mail.ru