Обзор посвящен проблеме развития нарушений углеводного обмена у пациентов, длительно принимающих статины. Проанализированы данные рандомизированных клинических исследований, метаанализов и экспериментальных работ, свидетельствующие о наличии диабетогенного эффекта у большинства статинов. Представлены возможные механизмы влияния терапии статинами на обмен углеводов. Особое внимание уделено месту питавастатина в контексте данной проблемы в связи с его низкой диабетогенностью и минимальным риском лекарственных взаимодействий, а также необходимости учета риск-факторов развития диабета у больных, получающих терапию статинами, и возможности его предотвращения.
In this review, the focus is to investigate the effects of long-term statin therapy on glucose metabolism. The author analyzed the evidences of randomized clinical trials, meta-analyses, and experimental studies indicating the diabetogenic effect of the most of statins. Possible mechanisms of influence of statins on carbohydrate metabolism are presented. Particular attention is paid to the place of pitavastatin, due to its low diabetogenicity and minimal risk of drug interactions, as well as the need of taking into consideration the risk factors of diabetes and the preventive measures in patients receiving statin therapy.
1. IDF Diabetes Atlas, 9 th Edition, 2019. http://www.diabetesatlas.org/resources/2019-atlas.html
2. Алгоритмы специализированной медицинской помощи больным сахарным диабетом. 9-й вып., 2019. Под ред. И.И.Дедова, М.В.Шестаковой, А.Ю.Майорова. Сахарный диабет. 2019; 22 (1S1): 1–144.
[Standards of specialized diabetes care. Edited by I.I.Dedov, M.V.Shestakova, AYu.Mayorov. 9th Edition (revised). Diabetes Mellitus 2019; 22 (1S1): 1–144 (in Russian).]
3. Cosentino F, Grant PJ, Aboyans V et al. 2019 ESC guidelines on diabetes,pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases developed in collaboration with the EASD. Eur Heart J 2020; 41 (2): 255–323.
4. Authors/Task Force Members, ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines (CPG); ESC National Cardiac Societies. 2019 ESC/EAS guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias: Lipid modification to reduce cardiovascular risk. Atherosclerosis 2019; 290: 140–205.
5. Кухарчук В.В., Ежов М.В., Сергиенко И.В. и др. Диагностика и коррекция нарушений липидного обмена с целью профилактики и лечения атеросклероза. Российские рекомендации, VII пересмотр. Атеросклероз и дислипидемии. 2020;
1 (38): 7–42.
[Kukharchuk V.V, Ezhov MV, Sergienko IV et al. Diagnostics and correction of lipid metabolism disorders in order to prevent and treat atherosclerosis. Russian recommendations VII revision. Atherosclerosis and Dyslipidaemias 2020; 1 (38): 7–42 (in Russian).]
6. Sniderman AD, Lamarche B, Tilley J et al. Hypertriglyceridemic hyperapoB in type 2 diabetes Diabetes Care 2002; 25 (3): 579–82.
7. Уразгильдеева С.А., Малыгина О.Ф. Особенности лечения дислипидемии у больных сахарным диабетом 2-го типа. Мед. совет. 2016; 3: 48–53.
[Urazgildeeva S.A., Malygina O.F. Peculiarities of treatment of dyslipidemia in patients with type 2 diabetes. Med. Sovet. 2016; 3: 48–53 (in Russian).]
8. Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’ (CTT) Collaborators. Efficacy of cholesterol-lowering therapy in 18,686 people with diabetes in 14 randomised trials of statins: a meta-analysis. Lancet 2008; 371 (9607): 117–25.
9. Knopp RH, d'Emden M, Smilde JG, Pocock SJ. Efficacy and safety of atorvastatin in the prevention of cardiovascular end points in subjects with type 2 diabetes: the Atorvastatin Study for Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease Endpoints in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (ASPEN). Diabetes Care 2006; 29 (7): 1478–85.
10. Livingstone SJ, Looker HC, Akbar T et al. Effect of atorvastatin on glycaemia progression in patients with diabetes: an analysis from the Collaborative Atorvastatin in Diabetes Trial (CARDS). Diabetologia 2016; 59 (2): 299–306.
11. Hiro T, Kimura T, Morimoto T et al. Diabetes mellitus is a major negative determinant of coronary plaque regression during statin therapy in patients with acute coronary syndrome – serial intravascular ultrasound observations from the Japan Assessment of Pitavastatin and Atorvastatin in Acute Coronary Syndrome Trial (the JAPAN-ACS Trial). Circ J 2010; 74 (6): 1165–74.
12. Bays HE. Lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Int J Gen Med 2014; 7: 355–64.
13. Freeman DJ, Norrie J, Sattar N. et al. Pravastatin and the development of diabetes mellitus: evidence for a protective treatment effect in the West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study. Circulation 2001; 103 (3): 357–62.
14. Ray K. Statin diabetogenicity: guidance for clinicians. Cardiovasc Diabetol 2013; 12 (Suppl. 1): S3.
15. Ridker PM, Danielson E, Fonseca FA et al. Rosuvastatin to prevent vascular events in men and women with elevated C-reactive protein. N Engl J Med 2008; 359 (21): 2195–207.
16. Sattar N, Preiss D, Murray HM et al. el. Statins and risk of incident diabetes: a collaborative meta-analysis of randomised statin trials. Lancet 2010; 375: 735–42.
17. Preiss D, Seshasai SR, Welsh P et al. Risk of incident diabetes with intensive-dose compared with moderate-dose statin therapy: a meta-analysis. JAMA 2011; 305 (24): 2556–64.
18. Zaharan NL, Williams D, Bennett K. Statins and risk of treated incident diabetes in a primary care population. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2013; 75: 1118–24.
19. Rha SW, Choi BG, Seo HS et al. Impact of Statin Use on Development of New-Onset Diabetes Mellitus in Asian Population. Am J Cardiol 2016; 117 (3): 382–7.
20. Liew SM, Lee PY, Hanafi NS et al. Statins use is associated with poorer glycaemic control in a cohort of hypertensive patients with diabetes and without diabetes. Diabetol Metab Syndr 2014; 6: 53.
21. Chen X, Huang D, Huang M et al. [Effects of lovastatin on plasma lipid, plasma glucose and insulin metabolism of patients with type II B hyperlipemia]. Hua Xi Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao 1999; 30 (4): 444–5: 454.
22. Betteridge DJ, Carmena R. The diabetogenic action of statins – mechanisms and clinical implications. Nat Rev Endocrinol 2016; 12: 90–110.
23. Sasaki J, Iwashita M, Kono S. Statins: beneficial or adverse for glucose metabolism. J Atheroscler Thromb 2006; 13 (3): 123–9.
24. Carter AA, Gomes T, Camacho X et al. Risk of incident diabetes among patients treated with statins: population based study. Brit Med J 2013; 346: f2610.
25. Navarese EP, Buffon A, Andreotti F et al. Meta-analysis of impact of different types and doses of statins on new-onset diabetes mellitus. Am J Cardiol 2013; 111 (8): 1123–30.
26. Thakker D, Nair S, Pagada A et al. Statin use and the risk of developing diabetes: a network meta-analysis. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2016; 25 (10): 1131–49.
27. Cho Y, Choe E, Lee YH et al. Risk of diabetes in patients treated with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors. Metabolism 2015; 64 (4): 482–8.
28. Kostapanos MS, Agouridis AP, Elisaf MS. Variable effects of statins on glucose homeostasis parameters and their diabetogenic role. Diabetologia 2015; 58 (8): 1960–1.
29. Kim W, Hong MJ, Woo JS et al. Rosuvastatin does not affect fasting glucose, insulin resistance, or adiponectin in patients with mild to moderate hypertension. Chonnam Med J 2013; 49 (1): 31–7.
30. Kameda A, Nakamura A, Kondo Y et al. Effects of switching to low-dose rosuvastatin (5 mg/day) on glucose metabolism and lipid profiles in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes and dyslipidemia: a single-arm, prospective, interventional trial. Diabetol Int 2017; 8 (4): 383–91.
31. Ishikawa M, Namiki A, Kubota T et al. Effect of pravastatin and atorvastatin on glucose metabolism in nondiabetic patients with hypercholesterolemia. Intern Med 2006; 45 (2): 51–5.
32. Kanno H, Iwai M, Inaba S et al. Improvement of glucose intolerance by combination of pravastatin and olmesartan in type II diabetic KK-A (y) mice. Hypertens Res 2009; 32 (8): 706–11.
33. Sattar NA, Ginsberg H, Ray K et al. The use of statins in people at risk of developing diabetes mellitus: evidence and guidance for clinical practice. Atheroscler Suppl 2014; 15 (1): 1–15.
34. Yoon D, Sheen SS, Lee S et al. Statins and risk for new-onset diabetes mellitus. A real-world cohort study using a clinical research database. Medicine (Baltimore) 2016; 95 (46): e5429.
35. Yokote K, Saito Y; CHIBA. Influence of statins on glucose tolerance in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: subanalysis of the collaborative study on hypercholesterolemia drug intervention and their benefits for atherosclerosis prevention (CHIBA study). J Atheroscler Thromb 2009; 16 (3): 297–8.
36. Teramoto T. Pitavastatin: clinical effects from the LIVES Study. Atheroscler Suppl 2011; 12 (3): 285–8.
37. Da Silva PM. Are all statins the same? Focus on the efficacy and tolerability of pitavastatin. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs 2011; 11 (2): 93–107.
38. Daido H, Horikawa Y, Takeda J. The effects of pitavastatin on glucose metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes with hypercholesterolemia. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2014; 106 (3): 531 7.
39. Mita T, Nakayama S, Abe H et al. Comparison of effects of pitavastatin and atorvastatin on glucose metabolism in type 2 diabetic patients with hypercholesterolemia. J Diabetes Investig 2013; 4 (3): 297–303.
40. Vallejo-Vaz AJ, Kondapally Seshasai SR, Kurogi K et al. Effect of pitavastatin on glucose, HbA1c and incident diabetes: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials in individuals without diabetes. Atherosclerosis 2015; 241 (2): 409–18.
41. Kawai Y, Sato-Ishida R, Motoyama A, Kajinami K. Place of pitavastatin in the statin armamentarium: promising evidence for a role in diabetes mellitus. Drug Des Devel Ther 2011; 5: 283–97.
42. Odawara M, Yamazaki T, Kishimoto J et al. Effect of pitavastatin on the incidence of diabetes in Japanese individuals with impaired glucose tolerance. Abstracts of 43th EASD Congress, Barcelona, 2013. https: //www.easd.org/virtualmeeting/home.html#!resources/effect-of-pitavastatin-on-the-incidence-of-diabetes...
43. Barrios V, Escobar C. Clinical benefits of pitavastatin: focus on patients with diabetes or at risk of developing diabetes. Future Cardiol 2016; 12 (4): 449–66.
44. Shimada A, Kimura H, Oida K et al. Serum CETP status is independently associated with reduction rates in LDL-C in pitavastatin-treated diabetic patients and possible involvement of LXR in its association. Lipids Health Dis 2016; 15: 57.
45. Arnaboldi L, Corsini A. Could changes in adiponectin drive the effect of statins on the risk of new-onset diabetes? The case of pitavastatin. Atheroscler Suppl 2015; 16: 1–27.
46. Kurogi K, Sugiyama S, Sakamoto K et al. Comparison of pitavastatin with atorvastatin in increasing HDL-cholesterol and adiponectin in patients with dyslipidemia and coronary artery disease: the COMPACT-CAD study. J Cardiol 2013; 62 (2): 87–94.
47. Cho Y, Lee H, Park HK et al. Differential Diabetogenic Effect of Pitavastatin and Rosuvastatin, in vitro and in vivo. J Atheroscler Thromb 2019. DOI: 10.5551/jat.50039
48. Ohigashi M, Kobara M, Takahashi T et al. Pitavastatin suppresses hyperglycaemia-induced podocyte injury via bone morphogenetic protein-7 preservation. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 2017; 44 (3): 378–85.
49. Kimura K, Shimano H, Yokote K et al. Effects of pitavastatin (LIVALO tablet) on the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in hypercholesterolemic patients with chronic kidney disease. Sub-analysis of the LIVALO Effectiveness and Safety (LIVES) Study. J Atheroscler Thromb 2010; 17 (6): 601–9.
50. Radford NB, DeFina LF, Barlow CT et al. Effect of fitness on incident diabetes from statin use in primary prevention. Atherosclerosis 2015; 239 (1): 43–9.
51. Waters DD, Ho JE, DeMicco DA et al. Predictors of new-onset diabetes in patients treated with atorvastatin: results from 3 large randomized clinical trials. J Am Coll Cardiol 2011; 57 (14): 1535–45.
52. LeRoith D Dyslipidemia and glucose dysregulation in overweight and obese patients. Clin Cornerstone 2007; 8 (3): 38–52.
1. IDF Diabetes Atlas, 9 th Edition, 2019. http://www.diabetesatlas.org/resources/2019-atlas.html
2. Standards of specialized diabetes care. Edited by I.I.Dedov, M.V.Shestakova, AYu.Mayorov. 9th Edition (revised). Diabetes Mellitus 2019; 22 (1S1): 1–144 (in Russian).
3. Cosentino F, Grant PJ, Aboyans V et al. 2019 ESC guidelines on diabetes,pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases developed in collaboration with the EASD. Eur Heart J 2020; 41 (2): 255–323.
4. Authors/Task Force Members, ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines (CPG); ESC National Cardiac Societies. 2019 ESC/EAS guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias: Lipid modification to reduce cardiovascular risk. Atherosclerosis 2019; 290: 140–205.
5. Kukharchuk V.V, Ezhov MV, Sergienko IV et al. Diagnostics and correction of lipid metabolism disorders in order to prevent and treat atherosclerosis. Russian recommendations VII revision. Atherosclerosis and Dyslipidaemias 2020; 1 (38): 7–42 (in Russian).
6. Sniderman AD, Lamarche B, Tilley J et al. Hypertriglyceridemic hyperapoB in type 2 diabetes Diabetes Care 2002; 25 (3): 579–82.
7. Urazgildeeva S.A., Malygina O.F. Peculiarities of treatment of dyslipidemia in patients with type 2 diabetes. Med. Sovet. 2016; 3: 48–53 (in Russian).
8. Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’ (CTT) Collaborators. Efficacy of cholesterol-lowering therapy in 18,686 people with diabetes in 14 randomised trials of statins: a meta-analysis. Lancet 2008; 371 (9607): 117–25.
9. Knopp RH, d'Emden M, Smilde JG, Pocock SJ. Efficacy and safety of atorvastatin in the prevention of cardiovascular end points in subjects with type 2 diabetes: the Atorvastatin Study for Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease Endpoints in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (ASPEN). Diabetes Care 2006; 29 (7): 1478–85.
10. Livingstone SJ, Looker HC, Akbar T et al. Effect of atorvastatin on glycaemia progression in patients with diabetes: an analysis from the Collaborative Atorvastatin in Diabetes Trial (CARDS). Diabetologia 2016; 59 (2): 299–306.
11. Hiro T, Kimura T, Morimoto T et al. Diabetes mellitus is a major negative determinant of coronary plaque regression during statin therapy in patients with acute coronary syndrome – serial intravascular ultrasound observations from the Japan Assessment of Pitavastatin and Atorvastatin in Acute Coronary Syndrome Trial (the JAPAN-ACS Trial). Circ J 2010; 74 (6): 1165–74.
12. Bays HE. Lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Int J Gen Med 2014;
7: 355–64.
13. Freeman DJ, Norrie J, Sattar N. et al. Pravastatin and the development of diabetes mellitus: evidence for a protective treatment effect in the West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study. Circulation 2001; 103 (3): 357–62.
14. Ray K. Statin diabetogenicity: guidance for clinicians. Cardiovasc Diabetol 2013; 12 (Suppl. 1): S3.
15. Ridker PM, Danielson E, Fonseca FA et al. Rosuvastatin to prevent vascular events in men and women with elevated C-reactive protein. N Engl J Med 2008; 359 (21): 2195–207.
16. Sattar N, Preiss D, Murray HM et al. el. Statins and risk of incident diabetes: a collaborative meta-analysis of randomised statin trials. Lancet 2010; 375: 735–42.
17. Preiss D, Seshasai SR, Welsh P et al. Risk of incident diabetes with intensive-dose compared with moderate-dose statin therapy: a meta-analysis. JAMA 2011; 305 (24): 2556–64.
18. Zaharan NL, Williams D, Bennett K. Statins and risk of treated incident diabetes in a primary care population. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2013; 75: 1118–24.
19. Rha SW, Choi BG, Seo HS et al. Impact of Statin Use on Development of New-Onset Diabetes Mellitus in Asian Population.
Am J Cardiol 2016; 117 (3): 382–7.
20. Liew SM, Lee PY, Hanafi NS et al. Statins use is associated with poorer glycaemic control in a cohort of hypertensive patients with diabetes and without diabetes. Diabetol Metab Syndr 2014; 6: 53.
21. Chen X, Huang D, Huang M et al. [Effects of lovastatin on plasma lipid, plasma glucose and insulin metabolism of patients with type II B hyperlipemia]. Hua Xi Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao 1999; 30 (4): 444–5: 454.
22. Betteridge DJ, Carmena R. The diabetogenic action of statins – mechanisms and clinical implications. Nat Rev Endocrinol 2016; 12: 90–110.
23. Sasaki J, Iwashita M, Kono S. Statins: beneficial or adverse for glucose metabolism. J Atheroscler Thromb 2006; 13 (3): 123–9.
24. Carter AA, Gomes T, Camacho X et al. Risk of incident diabetes among patients treated with statins: population based study. Brit Med J 2013; 346: f2610.
25. Navarese EP, Buffon A, Andreotti F et al. Meta-analysis of impact of different types and doses of statins on new-onset diabetes mellitus. Am J Cardiol 2013; 111 (8): 1123–30.
26. Thakker D, Nair S, Pagada A et al. Statin use and the risk of developing diabetes: a network meta-analysis. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2016; 25 (10): 1131–49.
27. Cho Y, Choe E, Lee YH et al. Risk of diabetes in patients treated with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors. Metabolism 2015; 64 (4): 482–8.
28. Kostapanos MS, Agouridis AP, Elisaf MS. Variable effects of statins on glucose homeostasis parameters and their diabetogenic role. Diabetologia 2015; 58 (8): 1960–1.
29. Kim W, Hong MJ, Woo JS et al. Rosuvastatin does not affect fasting glucose, insulin resistance, or adiponectin in patients with mild to moderate hypertension. Chonnam Med J 2013; 49 (1): 31–7.
30. Kameda A, Nakamura A, Kondo Y et al. Effects of switching to low-dose rosuvastatin (5 mg/day) on glucose metabolism and lipid profiles in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes and dyslipidemia: a single-arm, prospective, interventional trial. Diabetol Int 2017; 8 (4): 383–91.
31. Ishikawa M, Namiki A, Kubota T et al. Effect of pravastatin and atorvastatin on glucose metabolism in nondiabetic patients with hypercholesterolemia. Intern Med 2006; 45 (2): 51–5.
32. Kanno H, Iwai M, Inaba S et al. Improvement of glucose intolerance by combination of pravastatin and olmesartan in type II diabetic KK-A (y) mice. Hypertens Res 2009; 32 (8): 706–11.
33. Sattar NA, Ginsberg H, Ray K et al. The use of statins in people at risk of developing diabetes mellitus: evidence and guidance for clinical practice. Atheroscler Suppl 2014; 15 (1): 1–15.
34. Yoon D, Sheen SS, Lee S et al. Statins and risk for new-onset diabetes mellitus. A real-world cohort study using a clinical research database. Medicine (Baltimore) 2016; 95 (46): e5429.
35. Yokote K, Saito Y; CHIBA. Influence of statins on glucose tolerance in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: subanalysis of the collaborative study on hypercholesterolemia drug intervention and their benefits for atherosclerosis prevention (CHIBA study). J Atheroscler Thromb 2009; 16 (3): 297–8.
36. Teramoto T. Pitavastatin: clinical effects from the LIVES Study. Atheroscler Suppl 2011; 12 (3): 285–8.
37. Da Silva PM. Are all statins the same? Focus on the efficacy and tolerability of pitavastatin. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs 2011; 11 (2): 93–107.
38. Daido H, Horikawa Y, Takeda J. The effects of pitavastatin on glucose metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes with hypercholesterolemia. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2014; 106 (3): 531 7.
39. Mita T, Nakayama S, Abe H et al. Comparison of effects of pitavastatin and atorvastatin on glucose metabolism in type 2 diabetic patients with hypercholesterolemia. J Diabetes Investig 2013; 4 (3): 297–303.
40. Vallejo-Vaz AJ, Kondapally Seshasai SR, Kurogi K et al. Effect of pitavastatin on glucose, HbA1c and incident diabetes: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials in individuals without diabetes. Atherosclerosis 2015; 241 (2): 409–18.
41. Kawai Y, Sato-Ishida R, Motoyama A, Kajinami K. Place of pitavastatin in the statin armamentarium: promising evidence for a role in diabetes mellitus. Drug Des Devel Ther 2011; 5: 283–97.
42. Odawara M, Yamazaki T, Kishimoto J et al. Effect of pitavastatin on the incidence of diabetes in Japanese individuals with impaired glucose tolerance. Abstracts of 43th EASD Congress, Barcelona, 2013. https: //www.easd.org/virtualmeeting/home.html#!resources/effect-of-pitavastatin-on-the-incidence-of-diabetes...
43. Barrios V, Escobar C. Clinical benefits of pitavastatin: focus on patients with diabetes or at risk of developing diabetes. Future Cardiol 2016; 12 (4): 449–66.
44. Shimada A, Kimura H, Oida K et al. Serum CETP status is independently associated with reduction rates in LDL-C in pitavastatin-treated diabetic patients and possible involvement of LXR in its association. Lipids Health Dis 2016; 15: 57.
45. Arnaboldi L, Corsini A. Could changes in adiponectin drive the effect of statins on the risk of new-onset diabetes? The case of pitavastatin. Atheroscler Suppl 2015; 16: 1–27.
46. Kurogi K, Sugiyama S, Sakamoto K et al. Comparison of pitavastatin with atorvastatin in increasing HDL-cholesterol and adiponectin in patients with dyslipidemia and coronary artery disease: the COMPACT-CAD study. J Cardiol 2013; 62 (2): 87–94.
47. Cho Y, Lee H, Park HK et al. Differential Diabetogenic Effect of Pitavastatin and Rosuvastatin, in vitro and in vivo. J Atheroscler Thromb 2019. DOI: 10.5551/jat.50039
48. Ohigashi M, Kobara M, Takahashi T et al. Pitavastatin suppresses hyperglycaemia-induced podocyte injury via bone morphogenetic protein-7 preservation. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 2017; 44 (3): 378–85.
49. Kimura K, Shimano H, Yokote K et al. Effects of pitavastatin (LIVALO tablet) on the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in hypercholesterolemic patients with chronic kidney disease. Sub-analysis of the LIVALO Effectiveness and Safety (LIVES) Study. J Atheroscler Thromb 2010; 17 (6): 601–9.
50. Radford NB, DeFina LF, Barlow CT et al. Effect of fitness on incident diabetes from statin use in primary prevention. Atherosclerosis 2015; 239 (1): 43–9.
51. Waters DD, Ho JE, DeMicco DA et al. Predictors of new-onset diabetes in patients treated with atorvastatin: results from 3 large randomized clinical trials. J Am Coll Cardiol 2011; 57 (14): 1535–45.
52. LeRoith D Dyslipidemia and glucose dysregulation in overweight and obese patients. Clin Cornerstone 2007; 8 (3): 38–52.
С.А. Уразгильдеева*
1 ФГБОУ ВО «Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет», Санкт-Петербург, Россия;
2 Центр клинической липидологии Центра сердечной медицины «Черная Речка», Санкт-Петербург, Россия;
3 ФГБУЗ «Клиническая больница №122 им. Л.Г. Соколова» ФМБА России, Санкт-Петербург, Россия
Soreiia A. Urazgildeeva*
1 Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia;
2 Center for Clinical Lipidology of the Center of heart medicine "Chernaya Rechka", Saint Petersburg, Russia;
3 Sokolov Clinical Hospital №122, Saint Petersburg, Russia