Материалы доступны только для специалистов сферы здравоохранения. Авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйтесь.
Синдром хронической тазовой боли, ассоциированный с герпес-вирусной инфекцией, как междисциплинарная проблема
Синдром хронической тазовой боли, ассоциированный с герпес-вирусной инфекцией, как междисциплинарная проблема
Тапильская Н.И. Синдром хронической тазовой боли, ассоциированный с герпес-вирусной инфекцией, как междисциплинарная проблема. Consilium Medicum. 2014; 16 (6): 24–28.
Материалы доступны только для специалистов сферы здравоохранения. Авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйтесь.
Полный текст
Список литературы
1. Dick ML. Chronic pelvic pain in women: assessment and management. Aust Fam Physician 2004; 33 (12): 971–6.
2. Halioua B, Malkin JE. Epidemiology of genital herpes – recent advances. Eur J Dermatol 1999; 9 (3): 177–84.
3. Van Der Pol B. Sexually transmitted infections in women. Scand
J Clin Lab Invest (Suppl.) 2014; 74 (244): 68–74.
4. Yamada S, Kameyama T, Nagaya S et al. Relapsing herpes simplex encephalitis: Pathological confirmation of viral reactivation. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2003; 74: 262–4.
5. Gadient PM, Smith JH. The neuralgias: diagnosis and management. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep 2014; 14 (7): 459.
6. Генитальный герпес. Клинические рекомендации. Под ред. А.А.Кубановой. Российское общество дерматовенерологов.
М.: ДЭКС-Пресс, 2010.
7. Haanpää M, Paavonen J. Transient urinary retention and chronic neuropathic pain associated with genital herpes simplex virus infection. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2004; 83 (10): 946–9.
8. Prasad KM, Shirts BH, Yolken RH et al. Brain morphological changes associated with exposure to HSV1 in first-episode schizophrenia. Mol Psychiatry 2007; 12: 105–13.
9. Schweinhardt P, Lee M, Tracey I. Imaging pain in patients: Is it meaningful? Curr Opin Neurol 2006; 19: 392–400.
10. Banks WA, Watkins LR. Mediation of chronic pain: Not by neurons alone. Pain 2006; 124: 1–2.
11. Kallio-Laine K, Seppänen M, Lokki ML et al. Widespread unilateral pain associated with herpes simplex virus infections. Pain 2008;
9 (7): 658–65.
12. Lefrancq T, Orain I, Michalak S et al. Herpetic salpingitis and fallopian tube prolapsed. Histopathology 1999; 34 (6): 548–50.
13. Болевые синдромы в неврологической практике. Под ред. В.Л.Голубева. М.: МЕДпресс-информ, 2010.
14. Wong JM, Huang PH, Wei SCh. Education and imaging: Gastrointestinal: Herpes vasculitis in an ulcerative colitis patient. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2013; 28 (3): 586.
15. Bosch PC, Bosch DC. Treating interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome as a chronic disease. Rev Urol 2014; 16 (2): 83–7.
16. Mancino P, Dalessandro M, Falasca K et al. Acute urinary retention due to HSV-1: a case report. Infez Med 2009; 17 (1): 38–40.
17. Sakakibara R, Yamanishi T, Uchiyama T, Hattori T. Acute urinary retention due to benign inflammatory nervous diseases. J Neurol 2006; 253 (8): 1103–10.
18. Brisby H, Olmarker K, Larsson K et al. Proinflammatory cytokines in cerebrospinal fluid and serum in patients with disc herniation and sciatica. Eur Spine J 2002; 11: 62–6.
19. Косарев В.В., Бабанов С.А. Клиническая фармакология и рациональная фармакотерапия. М.: Вузовский учебник; Инфра-М, 2012.
2. Halioua B, Malkin JE. Epidemiology of genital herpes – recent advances. Eur J Dermatol 1999; 9 (3): 177–84.
3. Van Der Pol B. Sexually transmitted infections in women. Scand
J Clin Lab Invest (Suppl.) 2014; 74 (244): 68–74.
4. Yamada S, Kameyama T, Nagaya S et al. Relapsing herpes simplex encephalitis: Pathological confirmation of viral reactivation. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2003; 74: 262–4.
5. Gadient PM, Smith JH. The neuralgias: diagnosis and management. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep 2014; 14 (7): 459.
6. Генитальный герпес. Клинические рекомендации. Под ред. А.А.Кубановой. Российское общество дерматовенерологов.
М.: ДЭКС-Пресс, 2010.
7. Haanpää M, Paavonen J. Transient urinary retention and chronic neuropathic pain associated with genital herpes simplex virus infection. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2004; 83 (10): 946–9.
8. Prasad KM, Shirts BH, Yolken RH et al. Brain morphological changes associated with exposure to HSV1 in first-episode schizophrenia. Mol Psychiatry 2007; 12: 105–13.
9. Schweinhardt P, Lee M, Tracey I. Imaging pain in patients: Is it meaningful? Curr Opin Neurol 2006; 19: 392–400.
10. Banks WA, Watkins LR. Mediation of chronic pain: Not by neurons alone. Pain 2006; 124: 1–2.
11. Kallio-Laine K, Seppänen M, Lokki ML et al. Widespread unilateral pain associated with herpes simplex virus infections. Pain 2008;
9 (7): 658–65.
12. Lefrancq T, Orain I, Michalak S et al. Herpetic salpingitis and fallopian tube prolapsed. Histopathology 1999; 34 (6): 548–50.
13. Болевые синдромы в неврологической практике. Под ред. В.Л.Голубева. М.: МЕДпресс-информ, 2010.
14. Wong JM, Huang PH, Wei SCh. Education and imaging: Gastrointestinal: Herpes vasculitis in an ulcerative colitis patient. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2013; 28 (3): 586.
15. Bosch PC, Bosch DC. Treating interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome as a chronic disease. Rev Urol 2014; 16 (2): 83–7.
16. Mancino P, Dalessandro M, Falasca K et al. Acute urinary retention due to HSV-1: a case report. Infez Med 2009; 17 (1): 38–40.
17. Sakakibara R, Yamanishi T, Uchiyama T, Hattori T. Acute urinary retention due to benign inflammatory nervous diseases. J Neurol 2006; 253 (8): 1103–10.
18. Brisby H, Olmarker K, Larsson K et al. Proinflammatory cytokines in cerebrospinal fluid and serum in patients with disc herniation and sciatica. Eur Spine J 2002; 11: 62–6.
19. Косарев В.В., Бабанов С.А. Клиническая фармакология и рациональная фармакотерапия. М.: Вузовский учебник; Инфра-М, 2012.
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ГБОУ ВПО Санкт-Петербургский государственный педиатрический медицинский университет Минздрава России
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