Мужское бесплодие. Применение цинка и антиоксидантов в терапии нарушений фертильности и воспалительных заболеваний мужских гениталий (клиническая лекция)
Мужское бесплодие. Применение цинка и антиоксидантов в терапии нарушений фертильности и воспалительных заболеваний мужских гениталий (клиническая лекция)
Борисов В.В. Мужское бесплодие. Применение цинка и антиоксидантов в терапии нарушений фертильности и воспалительных заболеваний мужских гениталий (клиническая лекция). Consilium Medicum. 2015; 17 (7): 16–23. DOI: 10.26442/2075-1753_2015.7.16-23
Borisov V.V. Male infertility. The use of antioxidants and zinc in the treatment of fertility disorders and inflammatory diseases of male genitalia (clinical lecture). Consilium Medicum. 2015; 17 (7): 16–23. DOI: 10.26442/2075-1753_2015.7.16-23
Мужское бесплодие. Применение цинка и антиоксидантов в терапии нарушений фертильности и воспалительных заболеваний мужских гениталий (клиническая лекция)
Борисов В.В. Мужское бесплодие. Применение цинка и антиоксидантов в терапии нарушений фертильности и воспалительных заболеваний мужских гениталий (клиническая лекция). Consilium Medicum. 2015; 17 (7): 16–23. DOI: 10.26442/2075-1753_2015.7.16-23
Borisov V.V. Male infertility. The use of antioxidants and zinc in the treatment of fertility disorders and inflammatory diseases of male genitalia (clinical lecture). Consilium Medicum. 2015; 17 (7): 16–23. DOI: 10.26442/2075-1753_2015.7.16-23
В виде клинической лекции статья рассматривает современные демографические проблемы России, динамику рождаемости и смертности, социальные аспекты проблемы. Представлены данные о мужском бесплодии, его причинах и их последствиях. Особое место уделено здоровью подрастающего поколения, его демографическим перспективам, а также современным представлениям о браке и семье в аспекте мужского бесплодия, осложнений при оплодотворении, беременности и родах. При рассмотрении проблем, связанных с инфекциями, передаваемыми половым путем, и неспецифических воспалений мужских гениталий основное внимание уделено не только их распространенности, но и существенной роли в развитии нарушений мужской инфертильности и бесплодного брака. При рассмотрении патогенеза мужского бесплодия основное внимание уделено проблемам оксидативного стресса и дефициту микроэлементов, возможностям современной комплексной терапии препаратом цинка, антиоксидантами и ее перспективам.
This clinical lecture paper examines the current demographic problems of Russia, the dynamics of fertility and mortality, social aspects. The data on male infertility, its causes and consequences. Particular attention is paid to the health of the younger generation, its demographic prospects, as well as modern concepts of marriage and the family in terms of male infertility, complications during fertilization, pregnancy and childbirth is presented. In considering the problems associated with infections, sexually transmitted infections, and nonspecific inflammation male genitalia focuses on not only their frequency but also a significant role in the development of disorders of male infertility and infertile marriages. When considering the pathogenesis of male infertility focuses on the problems of oxidative stress and micronutrient deficiencies, possibilities of modern complex therapy with zinc, antioxidants and its prospects.
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2. ВОЗ – Всемирная организация здравоохранения. Официальный сайт. http://www.who.int/ru/ / VOZ – Vsemirnaia organizatsiia zdravookhraneniia. Ofitsial'nyi sait. http://www.who.int/ru/
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6. Lotti F, Corona G, Vitale P et al. Current smoking is associated with lower seminal vesicles and ejaculate volume, despite higher testosterone levels, in male subjects of infertile couples. Hum Reprod 2015; 30: 590–602.
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13. Zini A, San Gabriel M, Baazeem A. Antioxidants and sperm DNA damage: a clinical perspective. J Assist Reprod Genet 2009; 26: 427–32.
14. Aitken RJ, de Iuliis GN, Finnie JM et al. Analysis of the relationships between oxidative stress, DNA damage and sperm vitality in a patient population: development of diagnostic criteria. Hum Reprod 2010; 25: 2415–26.
15. Fraga CG, Motchnik PA, Shigenaga MK et al. Ascorbic acid protects against endogenous oxidative DNA damage in human sperm. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1991; 88: 11003–6.
16. Iwasaki A, Gagnon C. Formation of reactive oxygen species in spermatozoa of infertile patients. Fertil Steril 1992; 57: 409–16.
17. Zini A, Sigman M. Are tests of sperm DNA damage clinically useful? Pros and cons. J Androl 2009; 30: 219–29.
18. Agarwal A, Nallella KP, Allamaneni SS, Said TM. Role of antioxidants in treatment of male infertility: an overview of the literature. Reprod Biomed Online 2004; 8: 616–27.
19. Aitken RJ, Paterson M, Fisher H et al. Redox regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation in human spermatozoa and its role in the control of human sperm function. J Cell Sci 1995; 108 (Pt. 5): 2017–25.
20. Griveau JF, Le Lannou D. Reactive oxygen species and human spermatozoa: physiology and pathology. Int J Androl 1997; 20: 61–9.
21. De Lamirande E, Jiang H, Zini A et al. Reactive oxygen species and sperm physiology. Rev Reprod 1997; 2: 48–54.
22. Aitken RJ, Clarkson JS. Cellular basis of defective sperm function and its association with the genesis of reactive oxygen species by human spermatozoa. J Reprod Fertil 1987; 81: 459–69.
23. De Lamirande E, Gagnon C. Reactive oxygen species and human spermatozoa. I. Effects on the motility of intact spermatozoa and on sperm axonemes. J Androl 1992; 13: 368–78.
24. Zini A, Garrels K, Phang D. Antioxidant activity in the semen of fertile and infertile men. Urology 2000; 55: 922–6.
25. Alvarez JG, Touchstone JC, Blasco L, Storey BT. Spontaneous lipid peroxidation and production of hydrogen peroxide and superoxide in human spermatozoa. Superoxide dismutase as major enzyme protectant against oxygen toxicity. J Androl 1987; 8: 338–48.
26. Twigg J, Fulton N, Gomez E et al. Analysis of the impact of intracellular reactive oxygen species generation on the structural and functional integrity of human spermatozoa: lipid peroxidation, DNA fragmentation and effectiveness of antioxidants. Hum Reprod 1998; 13: 1429–36.
27. Chabory E, Damon C, Lenoir A et al. Epididymis seleno-independent glutathione peroxidase 5 maintains sperm DNA integrity in mice. J Clin Invest 2009; 119: 2074–85.
28. Weir CP, Robaire B. Spermatozoa have decreased antioxidant enzymatic capacity and increased reactive oxygen species production during aging in the Brown Norway rat. J Androl 2007; 28: 229–40.
29. Zini A, de Lamirande E, Gagnon C. Low levels of nitric oxide promote human sperm capacitation in vitro. J Androl 1995; 16: 424–31.
30. Smith R, Vantman D, Ponce J, Escobar J, Lissi E. Total antioxidant capacity of human seminal plasma. Hum Reprod 1996; 11: 1655–60.
31. Zini A, De Lamirande E, Gagnon C. Reactive oxygen species in semen of infertile patients: levels of superoxide dismutase- and catalase-like activities in seminal plasma and spermatozoa. Int J Androl 1993; 16: 183–8.
32. Kobayashi T, Miyazaki T, Natori M, Nozawa S. Protective role of superoxide dismutase in human sperm motility: superoxide dismutase activity and lipid peroxide in human seminal plasma and spermatozoa. Hum Reprod 1991; 6: 987–91.
33. Zini A, Schlegel PN. Catalase mRNA expression in the male rat reproductive tract. J Androl 1996; 17: 473–80.
34. Thiele JJ, Friesleben HJ, Fuchs J, Ochsendorf FR. Ascorbic acid and urate in human seminal plasma: determination and interrelationships with chemiluminescence in washed semen. Hum Reprod 1995; 10: 110–5.
35. Kalthur G, Adiga SK, Upadhya D et al. Effect of cryopreservation on sperm DNA integrity in patients with teratospermia. Fertil Steril 2008; 89: 1723–7.
36. Tauber PF, Zaneveld LJ, Propping D, Schumacher GF. Components of human split ejaculates. I. Spermatozoa, fructose, immunoglobulins, albumin, lactoferrin, transferrin and other plasma proteins. J Reprod Fertil 1975; 43: 249–67.
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39. Sanocka D, Miesel R, Jedrzejczak P, Kurpisz MK. Oxidative stress and male infertility. J Androl 1996; 17: 449–54.
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1. Federal'naia sluzhba gosudarstvennoi statistiki. Ofitsial'nyi sait. http://www.gks.ru/ [in Russian]
2. VOZ – Vsemirnaia organizatsiia zdravookhraneniia. Ofitsial'nyi sait. http://www.who.int/ru/
[in Russian]
3. Borisov V.V. Antioksidativnaia terapiia muzhskikh seksual'nykh i reproduktivnykh rasstroistv. Consilium Medicum. 2014; 16 (7): 41. [in Russian]
4. UroWeb.ru. Урологический информационный портал, 2015. / UroWeb.ru. Urologicheskii informatsionnyi portal, 2015. [in Russian]
5. Shaderkina V.A., Bolotova E.V. Problema zdorov'ia mal'chikov v sovremennoi Rossii. UroWeb.ru. Urologicheskii informatsionnyi portal. 2015. [in Russian]
6. Lotti F, Corona G, Vitale P et al. Current smoking is associated with lower seminal vesicles and ejaculate volume, despite higher testosterone levels, in male subjects of infertile couples. Hum Reprod 2015; 30: 590–602.
7. Br Med J Open, 2015.
8. Tiuzikov I.A., Kalinchenko S.Iu., Vorslov L.O., Tishova Iu.A. Besplodie: opredelenie, epidemiologiia, prichiny, klassifikatsiia, kriterii prognoza. Eksperim. i klin. urologiia. 2014; 2. [in Russian]
9. Panda B, Dash C, Padhy RN, Routray P. Effect of age and abstinence on semen quality: A retrospective study in a teaching hospital Priyadarsini Sunanda. Asian Pacific J Reprod 2014.
10. Vinogradov I.V., Strashnova A.L., Afanas'eva L.M. i dr. Primenenie razlichnykh metodov otsenki spermatozoidov v klinicheskoi praktike. Materialy XI Kongressa «Muzhskoe zdorov'e». M., 2010; s. 195–7. [in Russian]
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12. Zini A, Al-Hathal N. Antioxidant therapy in male infertility: fact or fiction? Asian J Androl 2011; 13: 374
13. Zini A, San Gabriel M, Baazeem A. Antioxidants and sperm DNA damage: a clinical perspective. J Assist Reprod Genet 2009; 26: 427–32.
14. Aitken RJ, de Iuliis GN, Finnie JM et al. Analysis of the relationships between oxidative stress, DNA damage and sperm vitality in a patient population: development of diagnostic criteria. Hum Reprod 2010; 25: 2415–26.
15. Fraga CG, Motchnik PA, Shigenaga MK et al. Ascorbic acid protects against endogenous oxidative DNA damage in human sperm. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1991; 88: 11003–6.
16. Iwasaki A, Gagnon C. Formation of reactive oxygen species in spermatozoa of infertile patients. Fertil Steril 1992; 57: 409–16.
17. Zini A, Sigman M. Are tests of sperm DNA damage clinically useful? Pros and cons. J Androl 2009; 30: 219–29.
18. Agarwal A, Nallella KP, Allamaneni SS, Said TM. Role of antioxidants in treatment of male infertility: an overview of the literature. Reprod Biomed Online 2004; 8: 616–27.
19. Aitken RJ, Paterson M, Fisher H et al. Redox regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation in human spermatozoa and its role in the control of human sperm function. J Cell Sci 1995; 108 (Pt. 5): 2017–25.
20. Griveau JF, Le Lannou D. Reactive oxygen species and human spermatozoa: physiology and pathology. Int J Androl 1997; 20: 61–9.
21. De Lamirande E, Jiang H, Zini A et al. Reactive oxygen species and sperm physiology. Rev Reprod 1997; 2: 48–54.
22. Aitken RJ, Clarkson JS. Cellular basis of defective sperm function and its association with the genesis of reactive oxygen species by human spermatozoa. J Reprod Fertil 1987; 81: 459–69.
23. De Lamirande E, Gagnon C. Reactive oxygen species and human spermatozoa. I. Effects on the motility of intact spermatozoa and on sperm axonemes. J Androl 1992; 13: 368–78.
24. Zini A, Garrels K, Phang D. Antioxidant activity in the semen of fertile and infertile men. Urology 2000; 55: 922–6.
25. Alvarez JG, Touchstone JC, Blasco L, Storey BT. Spontaneous lipid peroxidation and production of hydrogen peroxide and superoxide in human spermatozoa. Superoxide dismutase as major enzyme protectant against oxygen toxicity. J Androl 1987; 8: 338–48.
26. Twigg J, Fulton N, Gomez E et al. Analysis of the impact of intracellular reactive oxygen species generation on the structural and functional integrity of human spermatozoa: lipid peroxidation, DNA fragmentation and effectiveness of antioxidants. Hum Reprod 1998; 13: 1429–36.
27. Chabory E, Damon C, Lenoir A et al. Epididymis seleno-independent glutathione peroxidase 5 maintains sperm DNA integrity in mice. J Clin Invest 2009; 119: 2074–85.
28. Weir CP, Robaire B. Spermatozoa have decreased antioxidant enzymatic capacity and increased reactive oxygen species production during aging in the Brown Norway rat. J Androl 2007; 28: 229–40.
29. Zini A, de Lamirande E, Gagnon C. Low levels of nitric oxide promote human sperm capacitation in vitro. J Androl 1995; 16: 424–31.
30. Smith R, Vantman D, Ponce J, Escobar J, Lissi E. Total antioxidant capacity of human seminal plasma. Hum Reprod 1996; 11: 1655–60.
31. Zini A, De Lamirande E, Gagnon C. Reactive oxygen species in semen of infertile patients: levels of superoxide dismutase- and catalase-like activities in seminal plasma and spermatozoa. Int J Androl 1993; 16: 183–8.
32. Kobayashi T, Miyazaki T, Natori M, Nozawa S. Protective role of superoxide dismutase in human sperm motility: superoxide dismutase activity and lipid peroxide in human seminal plasma and spermatozoa. Hum Reprod 1991; 6: 987–91.
33. Zini A, Schlegel PN. Catalase mRNA expression in the male rat reproductive tract. J Androl 1996; 17: 473–80.
34. Thiele JJ, Friesleben HJ, Fuchs J, Ochsendorf FR. Ascorbic acid and urate in human seminal plasma: determination and interrelationships with chemiluminescence in washed semen. Hum Reprod 1995; 10: 110–5.
35. Kalthur G, Adiga SK, Upadhya D et al. Effect of cryopreservation on sperm DNA integrity in patients with teratospermia. Fertil Steril 2008; 89: 1723–7.
36. Tauber PF, Zaneveld LJ, Propping D, Schumacher GF. Components of human split ejaculates. I. Spermatozoa, fructose, immunoglobulins, albumin, lactoferrin, transferrin and other plasma proteins. J Reprod Fertil 1975; 43: 249–67.
37. Smith R, Vantman D, Ponce J et al. Total antioxidant capacity of human seminal plasma. Hum Reprod 1996; 11: 1655–60.
38. Lewis SE, Sterling ES, Young IS, Thompson W. Comparison of individual antioxidants of sperm and seminal plasma in fertile and infertile men. Fertil Steril 1997; 67: 142–7.
39. Sanocka D, Miesel R, Jedrzejczak P, Kurpisz MK. Oxidative stress and male infertility. J Androl 1996; 17: 449–54.
40. Lewis SE, Boyle PM, McKinney KA, Young IS, Thompson W. Total antioxidant capacity of seminal plasma is different in fertile and infertile men. Fertil Steril 1995; 64: 868–70.
41. Appasamy M, Muttukrishna S, Pizzey AR et al. Relationship between male reproductive hormones, sperm DNA damage and markers of oxidative stress in infertility. Reprod Biomed Online 2007; 14: 159–65.
42. Verit FF, Verit A, Kocyigit A et al. No increase in sperm DNA damage and seminal oxidative stress in patients with idiopathic infertility. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2006; 274: 339–44.
43. Hampl JS, Taylor CA, Johnston CS. Vitamin C deficiency and depletion in the United States: the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988 to 1994. Am J Public Health 2004; 94: 870–5.
44. Mukhina Iu.G., Kliuchnikov S.O., Netrebenko O.K., Shchepliagina L.A. Klinicheskoe znachenie narushenii metabolizma tsinka. 2011. [in Russian]
45. Efremov E.A., Okhobotov D.A., Mel'nik Ia.I. Primenenie preparata Seltsink Plius v kombinirovannoi terapii khronicheskogo prostatita i dobrokachestvennoi giperplazii predstatel'noi zhelezy. Eksperim. i klin. urologiia, 2014. [in Russian]
46. Kozarenko V.G. Defitsit tsinka u detei s zaderzhkoi rosta i polovogo razvitiia. Avtoref. dis. … kand. med. nauk. SPb., 2008. [in Russian]
47. Avtsyn A.P., Zhavoronkov A.A., Rish M.A. i dr. Mikroelementozy cheloveka: etiologiia, klassifikatsiia, organopatologiia. M., 1991. [in Russian]
48. Alekseenko V.A., Aleshchukin L.V. i dr. Tsink i kadmii v okruzhaiushchei srede. M., 1992. [in Russian]
49. Skal'nyi A.V. Ekologo-fiziologicheskoe obosnovanie effektivnosti ispol'zovaniia makro- i mikroelementov pri narusheniiakh gomeostaza u obsleduemykh iz razlichnykh klimatogeograficheskikh regionov. Dis. … d-ra med. nauk. M., 2000. [in Russian]
50. Golubkina N.A., Alfthan G.V. The human selenium status in 27 regions of Russia. J Trace Elem Med Biol 1999; 13: 15–20.
51. Korovina N.A. Profilaktika rakhita u detei: primenenie kal'tsiia. Lechashchii vrach. 2004; 1: 56–8. [in Russian]
52. Ruel MT, Rivera JA, Santizo M-C et al. Impact of Zinc Supplementation on Morbidity From Diarrhea and Respiratory Infections Among Rural Guatemalan Children. Pediatrics 1997; 99: 808–13. [in Russian]
ГБОУ ВПО Первый Московский государственный медицинский университет им. И.М.Сеченова Минздрава России. 119991, Россия, Москва, ул. Трубецкая, д. 8, стр. 2 vvb56@yandex.ru
I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Trubetskaia, d. 8, str. 2 vvb56@yandex.ru