Rivkin V.L., Kapuller L.L. Are nonspecific ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease of the large intestine the same disease? Consilum Medicum. Gastroenterology. (Suppl.). 2015; 1: 29–32.
Неспецифический язвенный колит и болезнь Крона толстой кишки – одно заболевание?
Rivkin V.L., Kapuller L.L. Are nonspecific ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease of the large intestine the same disease? Consilum Medicum. Gastroenterology. (Suppl.). 2015; 1: 29–32.
Обсуждаются спорные и нерешенные вопросы сходства и различия клиники и морфологии двух основных форм неинфекционных диффузных поражений кишечника – неспецифического язвенного колита и болезни Крона. Многими исследователями, в том числе авторами, высказана и подтверждается идея, что эти заболевания по сути две разные формы одного неспецифического воспаления толстой кишки.
This article deals with the discussion of the disputable and unresolved questions of the similarities and differences between the morphology and aspect of disease of two main forms of non-communicable diffuse enteropathy such as nonspecific ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Many researchers, including the authors, express and confirm the idea that these diseases are in fact two different forms of nonspecific inflammatory bowel disease.
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28. Schlenker Ch, Eng SC, Surawicz ChM Consideration in the Differential Diagnosis of Colitis. In: Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Ed. by S.R.Targan et al. UK, 2010; 21: 292–302.
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30. Telakis E, Tsironi E. Indeterminate colitis. Ann Gastroenterol 2008; 21: 173–9.
31. Targan SR, Shanagan F, Karp LC (ed-s). Inflammatory Bowel Disease. UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
1. Aminev A.M. Rukovodstvo po proktologii. V 4 t. Kuibyshev. 1965–1979. [in Russian]
2. Aruin L.I., Kapuller L.L., Isakov V.A. Morfologicheskaia diagnostika boleznei zheludka i kishechnika. M., 1998. [in Russian]
3. Baranovskii A.Iu. Shchukina O.B. Nekotorye aspekty patomorfologii bolezni Krona. V sb.: Problemy proktologii. M., 2006; s. 487–91. [in Russian]
4. Zalit N.Iu. Problema raka obodochnoi kishki na rubezhe tret'ego tysiacheletiia. Sb.. Aktual'nye problemy koloproktologii. Samara, 2003; s. 233–4. [in Russian]
5. Kapuller L.L., Konovich E.A. Nespetsificheskoe granulematoznoe vospalenie pri bolezni Krona. Arkh. patologii. 2012; 5: 53–60. [in Russian]
6. Kapuller L.L., Rumiantsev V.G. Rol' sosudistykh rasstroistv v patogeneze iazvennogo kolita i ego oslozhnenii. Arkh. patologii. 2010, 3: 540–59. [in Russian]
7. Levitan M.Kh., Kapuller L.L. Bolezn' Krona. M., 1982. [in Russian]
8. Rivkin V.L., Fain S.N., Bronshtein A.S., An V.K. Rukovodstvo po koloproktologii, M., 2004; s. 204–38. [in Russian]
9. Rivkin V.L., Kapuller L.L., Belousova E.A. Koloproktologiia. M., 2011; s. 202–26. [in Russian]
10. Ryzhikh A.N. Khirurgiia priamoi kishki. M., 1956. [in Russian]
11. Iukhvidova Zh.M., Levitan M.Kh. Nespetsificheskii iazvennyi kolit. M., 1969. [in Russian]
12. Adler G. Morbus Crohn – Colitis ulcerosa. Berlin: Springer-Ferlag, 1996.
13. Ali UA, Martin ST, Rao AD. Impact of Preoperative Immunosuppressive Agents on Postoperative Outcomes in Crohn’s Disease. Dis Colon Rectum 2015; 57 (1): 121–9.
14. Bukhchandani J, Polites SF, Wagie AE. More National Trends for Restorative Proctocolectomy for Chronic Ulcerative Colitis. Dis Colon Rectum 2015; 57 (2): 345–50. Purchase Access.
15. Bikhchandani J, Polites SF, Wagie AE et al. Less. Dis Colon Rectum 2015; 58 (2): 199–204.
16. Bing XIA et al. Inflammatory bowel diseases. World J Gastroenterol 1998; 4: 446–58.
17. Colombel J-F et al. Clinical characteristics of Crohn’s disease in 72 families. Gastroenterology 1966; 3: 604–7.
18. Dalton HR, Jewel DR. The Immunology of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. In: Inflammatory Bowel Disease. N-Y, 1992.
19. Grisham MB et al. The Role of the Vasculature in Chronic Intestinal Inflammation. In: Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Ed. by S.R.Targan et al. UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010; 11: 157–70.
20. Karif V. Indeterminate colitis. Tel Aviv, 2007.
21. Lockhart-Mummery HE, Morson BC. Crohn’s Disease (Regional Enteritis) of the Large Intestine and its distinction from Ulcerative Colitis. Gut 1960; 1: 87–93.
22. McIntyre PB et al. Indeterminate colitis. Dis Colon Rectum 1995; 38: 51–4.
23. Morson BC, Dawson IMP. Gastrointestinal pathology. Oxford, London, 1972.
24. Nivatvongs S. In: Basic Surgical Practice. Philadelphia, 1987; p. 325–43.
25. Novotny DA et al Arterial thromboembolic complications of inflammatory bowel disease. Dis Colon Rectum 1992; 35: 193–6.
26. Price AB. Overlap in the spectrum of non-specific inflammatory bowel disease: colitis indeterminate. J Clin Pathol 1978; 31: 567–77.
27. Silverberg MS, Satsangi J, Ahmad T et al Report of a Working Party of the 2005 Montreal World Congress of Gastroenterology. Can J Gastroenterol 2005, 19 (Suppl. A): 5–36.
28. Schlenker Ch, Eng SC, Surawicz ChM Consideration in the Differential Diagnosis of Colitis. In: Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Ed. by S.R.Targan et al. UK, 2010; 21: 292–302.
29. Schreiber S. Aspects of Immunology of IBD. Nantes 1997.
30. Telakis E, Tsironi E. Indeterminate colitis. Ann Gastroenterol 2008; 21: 173–9.
31. Targan SR, Shanagan F, Karp LC (ed-s). Inflammatory Bowel Disease. UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
В.Л.Ривкин*1, Л.Л.Капуллер2
1 ЗАО Центр эндохирургии и литотрипсии. 111123, Россия, Москва, ш. Энтузиастов, д. 62;
2 ФГБУ Государственный научный центр колопроктологии им. А.Н.Рыжих Минздрава России. 123423, Россия, Москва, ул. Саляма Адиля, д. 2
V.L.Rivkin*1, L.L.Kapuller2
1 The Center of Endosurgery and Lithotripsy. 111123, Russian Federation, Moscow, sh. Entuziastov, d. 62;
2 A.N.Ryzikh State Scientific Center for Coloproctology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 123423, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Saliama Adilia, d. 2