Материалы доступны только для специалистов сферы здравоохранения. Авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйтесь.
Новые подходы к терапии функционального запора
Bochkareva Yu.V., Osadchuk M.A. New approaches to the treatment of functional constipation. Consilum Medicum. Gastroenterology (Suppl.). 2015; 2: 23–27.
Материалы доступны только для специалистов сферы здравоохранения. Авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйтесь.
Ключевые слова: функциональный запор, запор, Колофорт, паттерн стула, качество жизни, эффективная терапия.
This article deals with the latest information on the diagnostic criteria, etiology and pathogenesis of functional constipation (FC). It is currently know that FC can be associated with disturbed motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole and the colon in particular, decreased sensitivity of rectal mucosa, or insufficiency/lack of postprandial gastrorectal reflex. The treatment should not solely focus on restoration of regular bowel emptying; it also should relieve the disturbing symptoms and improve patient quality of live. The study objective was to assess Kolofort’s safety and efficacy in treating FC. A total of 50 patients (11 men and 39 women) aged between 24 and 66 years were recruited. Kolofort is formulated on the basis of affinity purified release-active antibodies to human tumor necrosis factor a, brain-specific S-100 protein, and histamine. The patients received 2 tablets of sublingual Kolofort 3 times daily for two weeks, followed by 2 tablets twice daily from day 15 up to week 12. All patients had clinical symptoms typical of functional constipation, and the diagnosis was verified according to the Rome III criteria (2006) excluding any structural or biochemical changes in the intestine, which was confirmed by a series of instrumental and laboratory tests. The study demonstrated normalization of gastrointestinal motility and evacuatory function as well as improved stool pattern (form and frequency) following Kolofort administration in patients with functional constipation. During the first two week of Kolofort treatment, 62% of patients had an increase of stool frequency of one more bowel movement per week, and 44% improved their stool consistency/form up to types 3 and 4, reporting reduced abdominal pain. After 3 months of Kolofort treatment, 100% of patients had type 3 to 5 stool as rated on the Bristol stool scale, including normal stool (type 3 and 4 in 16 and 76% of patients, respectively), with the weekly number of acts of defecation increased to 5.12±1.64. The reduction of clinical symptoms was accompanied by improved visceral sensitivity and patient quality of life indices.
Key words: functional constipation, constipation, Kolofort, stool pattern, quality of life, effective treatment.
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3. Maev I.V., Samsonov A.A., Dicheva D.T., Andreev D.N. Obstipatsionnyi sindrom. Med. vestn. MVD. 2012; 4: 42–5. [in Russian]
4. Suares NC, Ford AC. Prevalence of, and risk factors for, chronic idiopathic constipation in the community: systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Gastroenterol 2011; 106: 1582–91. Doi:10.1038/ajg.2011.164.
5. Nyrop KA, Palsson OS, Levy RL et al. Costs of health care for irritable bowel syndrome, chronic constipation, functional diarrhea and functional abdominal pain. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2007; 26: 237–48. Doi:10.1111/j.1365-2036.2007.03370.x.
6. Lacy BE, Levenick JM, Crowell M. Chronic constipation: new diagnostic and treatment approaches. Therap Adv Gastroenterol 2012; 5 (4): 233–47.
7. Wald A, Scarpignato C, Kamm MA et al. The burden of constipation on quality of life: results of a multinational survey. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2007; 26: 227–36. Doi:10.1111/j.1365-2036.2007.03376.x.
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11. Cheremushkin S.V., Kucheriavyi Iu.A. Printsipy lecheniia khronicheskogo zapora. Med. sovet. 2012; 9: 52–7. [in Russian]
12. Tack J, Mueller-Lissner S, Dubois D, Schenck F. Only 27% of European patients with chronic constipation are satisfied with current treatment options. UEGW/WCOG. Gut 2009; 58 (II).
13. Osadchuk M.A. Kolofort – novyi preparat v terapii funktsional'nykh rasstroistv kishechnika. Med. al'manakh. 2015; 1 (36): 57–9. [in Russian]
14. Osadchuk M.A., Burdina V.O. Novye patogeneticheskie podkhody k terapii sindroma razdrazhennogo kishechnika, osnovannye na morfofunktsional'nykh osobennostiakh dannoi patologii. Prakt. meditsina. 2014; 1 (77): 12–20. [in Russian]
1 ГБОУ ДПО Пензенский институт усовершенствования врачей Минздрава России. 440060, Россия, Пенза, ул. Стасова, д. 8а;
2 ГБОУ ВПО Первый Московский государственный университет им. И.М.Сеченова Минздрава России. 119991, Россия, Москва, ул. Трубецкая, д. 8, стр. 2
Yu.V.Bochkareva*1, M.A.Osadchuk2
1 Penza Institute of Postgraduate Medical of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 440060, Russian Federation, Penza, ul. Stasova, d. 8a;
2 I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Trubetskaia, d. 8, str. 2