Билиарный аскаридоз: возможности современных методов диагностики
Билиарный аскаридоз: возможности современных методов диагностики
Костюченко М.В., Долотова В.Н. Билиарный аскаридоз: возможности современных методов диагностики. Consilium Medicum. Хирургия (Прил.). 2015; 1: 11–14.
Kostyuchenko M.V., Dolotova V.N. Biliary ascariasis: the possibilities of modern methods of diagnosis. Consilium Medicum. Surgery (Suppl.). 2015; 1: 11–14.
Билиарный аскаридоз: возможности современных методов диагностики
Костюченко М.В., Долотова В.Н. Билиарный аскаридоз: возможности современных методов диагностики. Consilium Medicum. Хирургия (Прил.). 2015; 1: 11–14.
Kostyuchenko M.V., Dolotova V.N. Biliary ascariasis: the possibilities of modern methods of diagnosis. Consilium Medicum. Surgery (Suppl.). 2015; 1: 11–14.
Миграция аскарид из просвета тонкой кишки в билиарную систему ранее считалась очень редкой патологией и практически не поддавалась диагностике без специфических методов обследования. В настоящее время в связи с повсеместным активным распространением ультразвуковых технологий в работе экстренной хирургической службы диагностика аскаридоза желчного пузыря и протоков стала более доступной. В работе приводится анализ литературы по проблеме билиарного аскаридоза и современных методов диагностики и лечения.
Migration of ascaris from the lumen of the small intestine to the biliary system was previously thought to be very rare pathology and the diagnosis had not be without specific examination methods. At the present time widespread active ultrasonic technologies in the emergency surgical service can became more accessible to show wormin a gall bladder and ducts. The paper presents an analysis of the literature on the problem of biliary ascariasis and contemporary methods of diagnosis and treatment.
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11. Javid G, Wani N, Gulzar GM et al. Gallbladder ascariasis: presentation and management. Br J Surg 1999; 86: 1526–7.
12. Jethwani U, Singh GJ, Sarangi P, Kandwal V. Laproscopic Management of Wandering Biliary Ascariasis. Case Reports in Surgery 2012; 2012. Article ID 561563, 4 pages.-doi:10.1155/2012/561563.
13. Khanduri S, Parashari UC, Agrawal D, Bhadury S. Ascariasis of gallbladder: a rare case report and a review of the literature Tropical Doctor 2014; 44 (1): 50–2.
14. Mittal G, Gupta R, Mittal P. Magnetic resonance demonstration of gall bladder ascariasis. Indian J Gastroenterology 2011; 42.
15. Misra MK, Singh S, Bhagat TS. Successful Elimination of Ascaris lumbricoides from the Gallbladder by Conservative Medical Therapy. Indian J Surg 2013; 75 (Suppl. 1): S379–S381.
16. Montiel-Jarquín A, Carrillo-Ríos C, Flores-Flores J. Gallbladder ascariasis with acute hepatitis. Conservative treatment. Cir Cir 2003; 71 (4): 314–8.
17. Mukhopadhyay M. Biliary ascariasis in the Indian subcontinent: A study of 42 cases. Saudi J Gastroenterol 2009; 15: 121–4.
18. Palmer P, Reeder M. The Imaging of Tropical Diseases. 2005. http://tmcr.usuhs.mil/tmcr/main.htm
19. Sanai FM, Al-Karawi MA. Biliary ascariasis: Report of a complicated case and literature review. Saudi J Gastroenterol 2007; 13: 25–32.
20. Sandouk F, Haffar S, Zada MM et al. Pancreatic-biliary ascariasis: experience of 300 cases. Am J Gastroenterol 1997; 92 (12): 2264–7.
21. Wani I. Gallbladder ascariasis. Turk J Gastroenterol 2011; 22 (2): 178–82.
1. Gubergrits N.B., Zagorenko Iu.A., Golubova O.A. i dr. Porazhenie podzheludochnoi zhelezy pri askaridoze. Novosti meditsiny i farmatsii. Gastroenterologiia. 2008; 239. http://www.mif-ua.com/archive/issue-4836/article-4872/ [in Russian]
2. Maidannik V.G. Askaridoz u detei. Zdorov'e Ukrainy. 2012; 8 (285): 66–7. [in Russian]
3. Soldatova M.V. Ekologo-sotsial'nye osnovy profilaktiki askaridoza na iuge evropeiskoi chasti Rossii (na primere Stavropol'skogo kraia): Avtoref. dis. … kand. biol. nauk. M., 2007. [in Russian]
4. Tal'man I.M. Khirurgiia zhelchnogo puzyria i zhelchnykh protokov. L., 1963. [in Russian]
5. Tkachenko T.N. Askaridoz. Novosibirsk: Otdel operativnoi pechati ZAO «Vektor-Best», 2010. [in Russian]
6. Alam S, Mustafa G, Rahman S et al. Comparative study on presentation of biliary ascariasis with dead and living worms. Saudi J Gastroenterology 2010; 16 (3): 203-6.
7. Chakrabarti I, Giri A, De Aand Roy AC. Radiopathological diagnosis of hepatobiliary ascariasis: a rare entity. J Cytol 2011; 28: 114–6.
8. Das AK. Hepatic and Biliary Ascariasis. J Glob Infect Dis 2014; 6 (2): 65–72.
9. Ghonge NP. Gastric Migration of Intestinal Ascariasis J Ultrasound Med 2008; 27:1799–1801
10. Ibrarullah Md, Mishra T, Dash AP, Upadhaya UN. Biliary ascariasis – role of endoscopic intervention. Tropical Gastroenterology 2011; 32 (3): 210–3.
11. Javid G, Wani N, Gulzar GM et al. Gallbladder ascariasis: presentation and management. Br J Surg 1999; 86: 1526–7.
12. Jethwani U, Singh GJ, Sarangi P, Kandwal V. Laproscopic Management of Wandering Biliary Ascariasis. Case Reports in Surgery 2012; 2012. Article ID 561563, 4 pages.-doi:10.1155/2012/561563.
13. Khanduri S, Parashari UC, Agrawal D, Bhadury S. Ascariasis of gallbladder: a rare case report and a review of the literature Tropical Doctor 2014; 44 (1): 50–2.
14. Mittal G, Gupta R, Mittal P. Magnetic resonance demonstration of gall bladder ascariasis. Indian J Gastroenterology 2011; 42.
15. Misra MK, Singh S, Bhagat TS. Successful Elimination of Ascaris lumbricoides from the Gallbladder by Conservative Medical Therapy. Indian J Surg 2013; 75 (Suppl. 1): S379–S381.
16. Montiel-Jarquín A, Carrillo-Ríos C, Flores-Flores J. Gallbladder ascariasis with acute hepatitis. Conservative treatment. Cir Cir 2003; 71 (4): 314–8.
17. Mukhopadhyay M. Biliary ascariasis in the Indian subcontinent: A study of 42 cases. Saudi J Gastroenterol 2009; 15: 121–4.
18. Palmer P, Reeder M. The Imaging of Tropical Diseases. 2005. http://tmcr.usuhs.mil/tmcr/main.htm
19. Sanai FM, Al-Karawi MA. Biliary ascariasis: Report of a complicated case and literature review. Saudi J Gastroenterol 2007; 13: 25–32.
20. Sandouk F, Haffar S, Zada MM et al. Pancreatic-biliary ascariasis: experience of 300 cases. Am J Gastroenterol 1997; 92 (12): 2264–7.
21. Wani I. Gallbladder ascariasis. Turk J Gastroenterol 2011; 22 (2): 178–82.
М.В.Костюченко*1, В.Н.Долотова2
1 Медицинский институт усовершенствования врачей ФГБОУ ВПО Московский государственный университет пищевых производств. 125080, Россия, Москва, Волоколамское ш., д. 11;
2 ГБУЗ Городская клиническая больница №15 им. О.М.Филатова Департамента здравоохранения г. Москвы. 111539, Россия, Москва, ул. Вешняковская, д. 23
M.V.Kostyuchenko*1, V.N.Dolotova2
1 Medical Institute of postgraduate medical of Moscow State University of Food Production 125080, Russian Federation, Moscow, Volokolamskoe sh., d. 11;
2 O.M.Filatov City clinical hospital №15 of the Department of Health of Moscow. 111539, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Veshniakovskaia, d. 23