Материалы доступны только для специалистов сферы здравоохранения. Авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйтесь.
Когнитивные нарушения при некоторых распространенных соматических заболеваниях: когнитивный резерв и терапевтические подходы
Pizova N.V. Cognitive impairment in some common medical disorders: cognitive reserve and therapeutic approaches. Consilium Medicum. Neurology and Rheumatology (Suppl.). 20015; 2: 27–32.
Материалы доступны только для специалистов сферы здравоохранения. Авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйтесь.
Ключевые слова: когнитивные нарушения, артериальная гипертензия, хроническая сердечная недостаточность, нарушения сердечного ритма, системная красная волчанка, гипотиреоз, профилактика, лечение, витамины группы В.
Cognitive impairments (CI) as one of the symptoms of the nervous system are often found in different somatic diseases. There is strong evidence that in hypertension, congestive heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, systemic rheumatic diseases, hypothyroidism CI is one of the main manifestations of the central nervous system. The possible mechanisms of damage to brain neurons in certain somatic diseases. The results of randomized clinical studies examining the efficacy of vitamins in patients with CN. Special attention is given to vitamins and minerals Berroka.
Key words: cognitive impairment, hypertension, chronic heart failure, heart rhythm disorders, systemic lupus erythematosus, hypothyroidism, prevention, treatment, vitamin B.
2. Яхно Н.Н., Захаров В.В., Локшина А.Б. и др. Деменции. Руководство для врачей. 2-е изд. М.: МЕДпресс-информ, 2010. / Iakhno N.N., Zakharov V.V., Lokshina A.B. i dr. Dementsii. Rukovodstvo dlia vrachei. 2-e izd. M.: MEDpress-inform, 2010. [in Russian]
3. Larrabee GJ, Crook TM. Estimated prevalence of age associated memory impairment derived from standardized tests of memory function. Int Psychogeriatr 1994; 6 (1): 95–104.
4. Захаров В.В. Когнитивные нарушения в неврологической практике. Трудный пациент. 2005; 5: 15–8. / Zakharov V.V. Kognitivnye narusheniia v nevrologicheskoi praktike. Trudnyi patsient. 2005; 5: 15–8. [in Russian]
5. Golomb J, Kluger A, Garrard P, Ferris S. Clinician’s manual on mild cognitive impairment. London: Science Press Ltd., 2001.
6. Jonsson L, Gustavsson A, Cortes F et al. International differences in Resource Use and Cost of Care in alzgeimer’s disease: baseline data from the Ictus Study. Neurodegenerative Dis 2007; 4 (1): 122.
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10. Geroldi C, Ferrucci L, Bandinelli S et al. Mild cognitive deterioration with subcortical features: prevalence, clinical characteristics, and association with cardiovascular risk factors in community-dwelling older persons (The InCHIANTI Study). J Am Ger Soc 2003; 51: 1064–71.
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12. De Leeuw FE, van Gijn J. Vascular dementia. Pract Neurol 2003; 3: 86–91.
13. Elias PK, Elias MF, Robbins MA et al. Blood Pressure-Related Cognitive Decline. Does Age Make a Difference? Hypertension 2004; 44: 631–6.
14. Harrington F, Saxby BK, McKeith IG et al. Cognitive performance in hypertensive and normotensive older subjects. Hypertension 2000; 36: 1079–85.
15. Singh-Manoux A, Marmot M. High blood pressure was associated with cognitive function in middle-age in the Whitehall II study. J Clin Epidemiol 2005; 58: 1308–15.
16. Launer LJ, Masaki K, Petrovitch H et al. The association between midlife blood pressure level and late–life cognitive function. The Honolulu-Asia Aging Study. JAMA 1995; 274 (23): 1846–51.
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20. Bennett SJ, Sauve MJ. Cognitive deficits in patients with heart failure: a review of the literature. J Cardiovasc Nurs 2003; 18 (3): 219–42.
21. Vogels RLC, Scheltens P, Schroeder-Tanka JM., Weinstein HC. Cognitive impairment in heart failure: a systematic review of the literature. Eur J Heart Failure 2007; 9 (5): 440–9.
22. Vogels RLC, Oosterman JM, Van Harten B et al. Profile of cognitive impairment in chronic heart failure. J Ame Geriatr Soc 2007; 55 (11): 1764–70.
23. Bauer LC, Johnson JK, Pozehl BJ. Cognition in heart failure: an overview of the concepts and their measures. J Am Acad Nurse Pract 2011; 23 (11): 577–85.
24. Pullicino PM, Hart J. Cognitive Impairment in congestive heart failure. Neurology 2001; 57 (11): 1945–6.
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33. Abend WK, Tyler H.R. Thyroid disease and the Nervous System. In: Neurology and General Medicine. The Neurological Aspects of Medical Disorders. Second edition. Ed. by M.J.Aminoff. Chapter 18. New York etc.: Churchill Livingstone 1995; p. 333–47.
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41. Brey RL, Holliday SL, Saklad AR et al. Neuropsychiatric syndromes in lupus. Prevalence using standardized definitions. Neurology 2002; 58: 1214–20.
42. Mok CC, To CH, Mak A. Neuropsychiatric damage in Southern Chinese patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Medicine (Baltimore) 2006; 85 (4): 221–8.
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2. Iakhno N.N., Zakharov V.V., Lokshina A.B. i dr. Dementsii. Rukovodstvo dlia vrachei. 2-e izd. M.: MEDpress-inform, 2010. [in Russian]
3. Larrabee GJ, Crook TM. Estimated prevalence of age associated memory impairment derived from standardized tests of memory function. Int Psychogeriatr 1994; 6 (1): 95–104.
4. Zakharov V.V. Kognitivnye narusheniia v nevrologicheskoi praktike. Trudnyi patsient. 2005; 5: 15–8. [in Russian]
5. Golomb J, Kluger A, Garrard P, Ferris S. Clinician’s manual on mild cognitive impairment. London: Science Press Ltd., 2001.
6. Jonsson L, Gustavsson A, Cortes F et al. International differences in Resource Use and Cost of Care in alzgeimer’s disease: baseline data from the Ictus Study. Neurodegenerative Dis 2007; 4 (1): 122.
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8. Damulin I.V. Bolezn' Al'tsgeimera i sosudistaia dementsiia. Pod red. N.N.Iakhno. M., 2002. [in Russian]
9. Damulin I.V. Sosudistye kognitivnye narusheniia: klinicheskie i terapevticheskie aspekty. Rus. med. zhurn. 2006; 9: 658–64. [in Russian]
10. Geroldi C, Ferrucci L, Bandinelli S et al. Mild cognitive deterioration with subcortical features: prevalence, clinical characteristics, and association with cardiovascular risk factors in community-dwelling older persons (The InCHIANTI Study). J Am Ger Soc 2003; 51: 1064–71.
11. Varakin Iu.Ia. Profilaktika narushenii mozgovogo krovoobrashcheniia. Ocherki angionevrologii. Red. Z.A.Suslina. M., 2005. [in Russian]
12. De Leeuw FE, van Gijn J. Vascular dementia. Pract Neurol 2003; 3: 86–91.
13. Elias PK, Elias MF, Robbins MA et al. Blood Pressure-Related Cognitive Decline. Does Age Make a Difference? Hypertension 2004; 44: 631–6.
14. Harrington F, Saxby BK, McKeith IG et al. Cognitive performance in hypertensive and normotensive older subjects. Hypertension 2000; 36: 1079–85.
15. Singh-Manoux A, Marmot M. High blood pressure was associated with cognitive function in middle-age in the Whitehall II study. J Clin Epidemiol 2005; 58: 1308–15.
16. Launer LJ, Masaki K, Petrovitch H et al. The association between midlife blood pressure level and late–life cognitive function. The Honolulu-Asia Aging Study. JAMA 1995; 274 (23): 1846–51.
17. Levin O.S. Diagnostika i lechenie dementsii v klinicheskoi praktike. M.: MEDpress-inform, 2010. [in Russian]
18. Starr JM, Whalley LJ, Inch S, Shering PA. Blood pressure and cognitive functions in healthy old people. J Am Geriatr Soc 1993; 41: 153–6.
19. Kilander L., Niman N., Boberg M. i dr. Vzaimosviaz' arterial'noi gipertenzii s kognitivnymi narusheniiami: Rezul'taty 20-letnego nabliudeniia 999 patsientov. Obzory klin. kardiologii. 2005; 2: 37–49. [in Russian]
20. Bennett SJ, Sauve MJ. Cognitive deficits in patients with heart failure: a review of the literature. J Cardiovasc Nurs 2003; 18 (3): 219–42.
21. Vogels RLC, Scheltens P, Schroeder-Tanka JM., Weinstein HC. Cognitive impairment in heart failure: a systematic review of the literature. Eur J Heart Failure 2007; 9 (5): 440–9.
22. Vogels RLC, Oosterman JM, Van Harten B et al. Profile of cognitive impairment in chronic heart failure. J Ame Geriatr Soc 2007; 55 (11): 1764–70.
23. Bauer LC, Johnson JK, Pozehl BJ. Cognition in heart failure: an overview of the concepts and their measures. J Am Acad Nurse Pract 2011; 23 (11): 577–85.
24. Pullicino PM, Hart J. Cognitive Impairment in congestive heart failure. Neurology 2001; 57 (11): 1945–6.
25. Alekhin A.N., Trifonova E.A., Lebedev D.S., Mikhailov E.N. Psikhologicheskie problemy v aritmologii (na modeli fibrilliatsii predserdii). Vestn. aritmologii. 2011; 63 (63): 45–54. [in Russian]
26. Puccio D, Novo G, Baiamonte V, et al. Atrial fibrillation and mild cognitive impairment: what correlation? Minerva Cardioangiol 2009; 57 (2): 143–50.
27. Skoog I, Gustafson D. Clinical trials for primary prevention in dementia. In: Dementia therapeutic research. K.Rockwood, S.Gauthier, editors. London & New York: Taylor a Francis; 2006; p. 189–212.
28. Levin O.S. Kognitivnye narusheniia v praktike terapevta: zabolevaniia serdechno-sosudistoi sistemy. Consilium Medicum. 2009; 11 (2): 55–61. [in Russian]
29. Lane DA, Langman СМ, Lip GY. Illness perceptions, affective response, and healthrelated quality of life in patients with atrial fibrillation. J Psychosom Res 2009; 66 (3): 203–10.
30. Shi J, Yang SH, Stubley L et al. Hypoperfusion induces overexpression of betaamyloid precursor protein mRNA in a focal ischemic rodent model. Brain Res 2000; 853 (1): 1–4.
31. Sparks DL, Scheff SW, Liu H et al. Increased incidence of neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) in non-demented individuals with hypertension. J Neurol Sci 1995; 131 (2): 162–9.
32. Smith JW, Evans AT, Costall B, Smythe JW. Thyroid hormones, brain function and cognition: a brief review. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2002; 26 (1): 45–60.
33. Abend WK, Tyler H.R. Thyroid disease and the Nervous System. In: Neurology and General Medicine. The Neurological Aspects of Medical Disorders. Second edition. Ed. by M.J.Aminoff. Chapter 18. New York etc.: Churchill Livingstone 1995; p. 333–47.
34. Damulin I.V., Orazmuradov G.O. Nevrologicheskie narusheniia pri gipotireoze. Zhurn. nevrologii i psikhiatrii. 2011; 111 (3): 82–6. [in Russian]
35. Greenberg DA, Aminoff MJ, Simon RP. Clinical Neurology. Fifth edition. Chapter 1:Disorders of Consciousness. New York etc.: Lange Medical Books McGraw-Hill, 2002; p. 1–70.
36. Carlomagni S, Migliaresi S, Ambrosone L et al. Cognitive impairment in systemic lupus erythematosus: a follow-up study. J Neurol 2000; 247: 273–9.
37. Glanz BI, Slonim D, Urowitz MB et al. Pattern of neuropsychological dysfunction in inactive systemic lupus erythematosus. Neuropsychiatry Neuropsychol Behav Neurol 1997; 10: 232–8.
38. Hanly JG, Fisk JD, Sherwood G et al. Cognitive impairment in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. J Rheumatol 1992; 19: 562–7.
39. Hay EM, Black D, Huddy A et al. Psychiatric disorder and cognitive impairment in systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum 1992; 35: 411–6.
40. Kozora E, Thompson LL, West SG et al. Analysis of cognitive and psychological deficits in systemic lupus erythematosus patients without overt central nervous system disease. Arthritis Rheum 1996; 39: 2035–45.
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N.V. Pizova*
Yaroslavl State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 150000, Russian Federation, Yaroslavl, ul. Revoliutsionnaia, d. 5