Особенности диуретической терапии при хронической сердечной недостаточности
Особенности диуретической терапии при хронической сердечной недостаточности
Евдокимова А.Г., Коваленко Е.В., Ложкина М.В. и др. Особенности диуретической терапии при хронической сердечной недостаточности. Consilium Medicum. 2016; 18 (1): 32–37. DOI: 10.26442/2075-1753_2016.1.32-37
Evdokimova A.G., Kovalenko E.V., Lozhkina M.V. et al. Characteristics of diuretic therapy in chronic heart failure. Consilium Medicum. 2016; 18 (1): 32–37. DOI: 10.26442/2075-1753_2016.1.32-37
Особенности диуретической терапии при хронической сердечной недостаточности
Евдокимова А.Г., Коваленко Е.В., Ложкина М.В. и др. Особенности диуретической терапии при хронической сердечной недостаточности. Consilium Medicum. 2016; 18 (1): 32–37. DOI: 10.26442/2075-1753_2016.1.32-37
Evdokimova A.G., Kovalenko E.V., Lozhkina M.V. et al. Characteristics of diuretic therapy in chronic heart failure. Consilium Medicum. 2016; 18 (1): 32–37. DOI: 10.26442/2075-1753_2016.1.32-37
В статье рассматривается значимость диуретической терапии у больных с хронической сердечной недостаточностью с учетом имеющейся доказательной базы, контроля ее эффективности и безопасности. Особое внимание уделяется петлевым диуретикам, в частности торасемиду, рекомендованному для длительного применения не только с целью диуретической терапии, но и с позиций органопротекции в качестве современного нейрогуморального модулятора.
The article discusses the importance of diuretic therapy in patients with chronic heart failure, using evidence-based results, monitoring the efficacy and safety. Special attention is paid to the loop diuretics, especially torsemide, recommended for long-term use not only as diuretic therapy, but also as a novel neurohumoral modulator from the standpoint of organoprotective property.
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3. Агеев Ф.Т., Беленков Ю.Н., Фомин И.В. и др. Распространенность хронической сердечной недостаточности в Европейской части Российской Федерации – данные ЭПОХА–ХСН. Сердечная недостаточность. 2006; 7 (1): 112–5. / Ageev F.T., Belenkov Iu.N., Fomin I.V. i dr. Rasprostranennost' khronicheskoi serdechnoi nedostatochnosti v Evropeiskoi chasti Rossiiskoi Federatsii – dannye EPOKhA–KhSN. Serdechnaia nedostatochnost'. 2006; 7 (1): 112–5. [in Russian]
4. Беленков Ю.Н., Фомин И.В., Мареев В.Ю. и др. Распространенность хронической сердечной недостаточности в Европейской части Российской Федерации – данные ЭПОХА–ХСН (часть 2). Сердечная недостаточность. 2006; 7 (3): 3–7. / Belenkov Iu.N., Fomin I.V., Mareev V.Iu. i dr. Rasprostranennost' khronicheskoi serdechnoi nedostatochnosti v Evropeiskoi chasti Rossiiskoi Federatsii – dannye EPOKhA–KhSN (chast' 2). Serdechnaia nedostatochnost'. 2006; 7 (3): 3–7. [in Russian]
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6. Cleland JG, Swedberg K, Follath F et al. The EuroHeart Failure survey programme a survey on the quality of care among patients with heart failure in Europe. Part 1: patient characteristics and diagnosis. Eur Heart J 2003; 24 (5): 442–63.
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10. Моисеев В.С., Мухин Н.А., Смирнов А.В. и др. Национальные рекомендации РКО, НОНР, РАЭ, РМОАГ, НОА, РНМОТ. Сердечно-сосудистый риск и хроническая болезнь почек: стратегии кардио-нефропротекции. Рос. кардиол. журн. 2014; 8 (112): 7–37. / Moiseev V.S., Mukhin N.A., Smirnov A.V. i dr. Natsional'nye rekomendatsii RKO, NONR, RAE, RMOAG, NOA, RNMOT. Serdechno-sosudistyi risk i khronicheskaia bolezn' pochek: strategii kardio-nefroprotektsii. Ros. kardiol. zhurn. 2014; 8 (112): 7–37. [in Russian]
11. McMurray JJ, Adamopoulos S, Anker SD et al. ESC guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2012: The Task Force for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute and Chronic Heart Failure 2012 of the European Society of Cardiology. Developed in collaboration with the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC. Eur J Heart Fail 2012; 14 (8): 803–69.
12. Dormans TP, van Meyel JJ, Gerlag PG et al. Diuretic efficacy of high dose furosemide in severe heart failure: bolus injection versus continuous infusion. J Am Coll Cardiol 1996; 28 (2): 376–82.
13. Brater DC. Diuretic therapy. N Engl J Med 1998; 339 (6): 387–95.
14. Vargo DL, Kramer WG, Black PK et al. Bioavailability, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of torasemide and furosemide in patients with congestive heart failure. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1995; 57: 601–9.
15. Bolke T, Achhammer I. Torasemide: review of its pharmacology and therapeutic use. Drugs Today 1994; 8: 1–28.
16. Murray MD, Haag KM, Blak PK et al. Variable furosemide absorption and poor predictability of response in elderly patients. Pharmacotherapy 1997; 17: 98–106.
17. Veeraveedu PT, Watanabe K, Ma M et al. Comparative effects of torasemide and furosemide in rats with heart failure. Biochem Pharmacol 2007; 23: 143–8.
18. Noe LL, Vreeland MG, Pezzella SM, Trotter JP. A pharmacoenomic аssessment of torasemide and furosemide in the treatment of patients with congestive heart failure. Clin Ther 1999; 21 (5): 854–6.
19. Brater DC, Leinfelder J, Anderson SA. Clinical pharmacology of torasemide, a new loop diuretic. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1987; 42: 187–92.
20. Евдокимов В.В., Евдокимова А.Г., Ложкина М.В., Теблоев К.И. Особенности применения торасемида у больных с артериальной гипертензией и хронической сердечной недостаточностью. Consilium Medicum. 2015; 17 (10): 50–6. / Evdokimov V.V., Evdokimova A.G., Lozhkina M.V., Tebloev K.I. The characteristics of torasemide application in patients with arterial hypertension and chronic heart failure. Consilium Medicum. 2015; 17 (10): 50–6. [in Russian]
21. Fortuno A, Muniz P, Ravassa S. Torasemide inhibits angiotensin II-induced vasoconstriction and intracellular calcium increase in the aorta of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Hypertension 1999; 34: 138–43.
22. Harada K, Izawa H, Nishizawa T et al. Beneficial effects of torasemide on systolic wall stress and sympathetic nervous activity in asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic patients with heart failure: comparison with azosemide. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2009; 53 (6): 468–73.
23. Kasama S, Toyama T, Hatori T et al. Effects of torasemide on cardiac sympathetic nerve activity and left ventricular remodeling in patients with congestive heart failure. Heart 2006; 92: 1434–40.
24. Uchida T, Yananaga K, Nishikawa M et al. Anti-aldosteronergic effect of torasemide. Eur J Pharmacol 1991; 205: 145–50.
25. Goodfriend TL, Ball DL, Oelkers W et al. Torasemide inhibits aldosterone secretion in vitro. Life Sci 1998; 63: 97–105.
26. Lopez B, Querejeta R, Gonzalez A et al. Effects of loop diuretics on myocardial fibrosis and collagen type I turnover in chronic heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 2004; 43 (11): 2028–35.
27. Lopez B, Gonzalez A, Beaumont J et al. Identification of a potential cardiac antifibrotic mechanism of torasemide in patients with chronic heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 2007; 50 (9): 859–67.
28. Агеев Ф.Т., Жубрина Е.С., Гиляревский С.Р. и др. Сравнительная эффективность и безопасность длительного применения торасемида у больных с компенсированной сердечной недостаточностью. Влияние на маркеры фиброза миокарда. Сердечная недостаточность. 2013; 14 (2): 55–62. / Ageev F.T., Zhubrina E.S., Giliarevskii S.R. i dr. Sravnitel'naia effektivnost' i bezopasnost' dlitel'nogo primeneniia torasemida u bol'nykh s kompensirovannoi serdechnoi nedostatochnost'iu. Vliianie na markery fibroza miokarda. Serdechnaia nedostatochnost'. 2013; 14 (2): 55–62. [in Russian]
29. The TORAFIC Investigators Group. Effects of Prolonged-Release Torasemide Versus Furosemide on Myocardial Fibrosis in Hypertensive Patients with Chronic Heart Failure: A Randomized, Blinded-End Point, Active-Controlled Study. Clin Ther 2011; 33 (9): 1204–13.
30. Noe LL, Vreeland MG, Pezzella SM, Trotter JP. A pharmacoenomic аssessment of torasemide and furosemide in the treatment of patients with congestive heart failure. Clin Ther 1999; 21 (5): 854–6.
31. Murray M, Deer M, Ferguson J et al. Open-label randomized trial of torsemide compared with furosemide therapy for patients with heart failure. Am J Med 2001; 111 (7): 513–20.
32. Spannheimer A, Muller K, Falkenstein P et al. Long-term diuretic treatment in heart failure: are there differences between furosemide end torasemide? Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax 2002; 91 (37): 1467–75.
33. Cosin J, Diez J, TORIC Investigators. Torasemide in chronic heart failure: results of the TORIC study. Eur J Heart Fail 2002; 4 (4): 507–13.
34. Yamato M, Sasaki T, Honda M et al. Effects of torasemide on left ventricular function and neurohumoral factors in patients with chronic heart failure. Circulat J 2003; 67 (5): 384–90.
35. Мареев В.Ю., Выгодин В.А., Беленков Ю.Н. Диyретическая терапия эффективными дозами пероральных диуретиков торасемида (диувера) и фуросемида в лечении больных с обострением Хронической Сердечной Недостаточности (ДУЭЛЬ-ХСН). Сердечная недостаточность. 2011; 12 (3): 3–10. / Mareev V.Iu., Vygodin V.A., Belenkov Iu.N. Diyreticheskaia terapiia effektivnymi dozami peroral'nykh diuretikov torasemida (diuvera) i furosemide v lechenii bol'nykh s obostreniem Khronicheskoi Serdechnoi Nedostatochnosti (DUEL''-KhSN). Serdechnaia nedostatochnost'. 2011; 12 (3): 3–10. [in Russian]
36. Беркинбаев С.Ф., Джунусбекова Г.А., Исабекова А.Х. Клиническая эффективность петлевого диуретика торасемида в лечении больных хронической сердечной недостаточностью. Результаты казахстанского многоцентрового исследования «ПОЭТ». Рациональная фармакотерапия в кардиологии. 2014; 10 (5): 495–9. / Berkinbaev S.F., Dzhunusbekova G.A., Isabekova A.Kh. Klinicheskaia effektivnost' petlevogo diuretika torasemida v lechenii bol'nykh khronicheskoi serdechnoi nedostatochnost'iu. Rezul'taty kazakhstanskogo mnogotsentrovogo issledovaniia «POET». Ratsional'naia farmakoterapiia v kardiologii. 2014; 10 (5): 495–9. [in Russian]
1. Belenkov Iu.N., Fomin I.V., Mareev V.Iu. i dr. Pervye rezul'taty Rossiiskogo epidemiologicheskogo issledovaniia po KhSN. Serdechnaia nedostatochnost'. 2003; 4 (1): 26–30. [in Russian]
2. Ageev F.T., Danielian M.O., Mareev V.Iu. i dr. Bol'nye s khronicheskoi serdechnoi nedostatochnost'iu v rossiiskoi ambulatornoi praktike: osobennosti kontingenta, diagnostiki i lecheniia (po materialam issledovaniia EPOKhA–O–KhSN). Serdechnaia nedostatochnost'. 2004; 5 (1): 4–7. [in Russian]
3. Ageev F.T., Belenkov Iu.N., Fomin I.V. i dr. Rasprostranennost' khronicheskoi serdechnoi nedostatochnosti v Evropeiskoi chasti Rossiiskoi Federatsii – dannye EPOKhA–KhSN. Serdechnaia nedostatochnost'. 2006; 7 (1): 112–5. [in Russian]
4. Belenkov Iu.N., Fomin I.V., Mareev V.Iu. i dr. Rasprostranennost' khronicheskoi serdechnoi nedostatochnosti v Evropeiskoi chasti Rossiiskoi Federatsii – dannye EPOKhA–KhSN (chast' 2). Serdechnaia nedostatochnost'. 2006; 7 (3): 3–7. [in Russian]
5. Badin Iu.V., Fomin I.V. Vyzhivaemost' bol'nykh KhSN v kogortnoi vyborke Nizhegorodskoi oblasti (dannye 1998–2002 godov). Vserossiiskaia konferentsiia OSSN «Serdechnaia nedostatochnost', 2005 god». M., 2005; s. 31–2. [in Russian]
6. Cleland JG, Swedberg K, Follath F et al. The EuroHeart Failure survey programme a survey on the quality of care among patients with heart failure in Europe. Part 1: patient characteristics and diagnosis. Eur Heart J 2003; 24 (5): 442–63.
7. Mareev V.Iu, Ageev F.T., Arutiunov G.P. i dr. Natsional'nye rekomendatsii OSSN, RKO i RNMOT po diagnostike i lecheniiu khronicheskoi serdechnoi nedostatochnosti (chetvertyi peresmotr). Serdechnaia nedostatochnost'. 2013; 14 (7): 379–472. [in Russian]
8. Metelitsa V.I. Spravochnik po klinicheskoi farmakologii serdechno-sosudistykh lekarstvennykh sredstv. 3-e izd. M., 2005. [in Russian]
9. Muhin N.A., Kozlovskaja L.V., Shilov E.M. i dr. Racional'naja farmakoterapija v nefrologii: rukovodstvo dlja praktikujushhih vrachej. M.: Litterra, 2006. [in Russian]
10. Moiseev V.S., Mukhin N.A., Smirnov A.V. i dr. Natsional'nye rekomendatsii RKO, NONR, RAE, RMOAG, NOA, RNMOT. Serdechno-sosudistyi risk i khronicheskaia bolezn' pochek: strategii kardio-nefroprotektsii. Ros. kardiol. zhurn. 2014; 8 (112): 7–37. [in Russian]
11. McMurray JJ, Adamopoulos S, Anker SD et al. ESC guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2012: The Task Force for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute and Chronic Heart Failure 2012 of the European Society of Cardiology. Developed in collaboration with the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC. Eur J Heart Fail 2012; 14 (8): 803–69.
12. Dormans TP, van Meyel JJ, Gerlag PG et al. Diuretic efficacy of high dose furosemide in severe heart failure: bolus injection versus continuous infusion. J Am Coll Cardiol 1996; 28 (2): 376–82.
13. Brater DC. Diuretic therapy. N Engl J Med 1998; 339 (6): 387–95.
14. Vargo DL, Kramer WG, Black PK et al. Bioavailability, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of torasemide and furosemide in patients with congestive heart failure. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1995; 57: 601–9.
15. Bolke T, Achhammer I. Torasemide: review of its pharmacology and therapeutic use. Drugs Today 1994; 8: 1–28.
16. Murray MD, Haag KM, Blak PK et al. Variable furosemide absorption and poor predictability of response in elderly patients. Pharmacotherapy 1997; 17: 98–106.
17. Veeraveedu PT, Watanabe K, Ma M et al. Comparative effects of torasemide and furosemide in rats with heart failure. Biochem Pharmacol 2007; 23: 143–8.
18. Noe LL, Vreeland MG, Pezzella SM, Trotter JP. A pharmacoenomic аssessment of torasemide and furosemide in the treatment of patients with congestive heart failure. Clin Ther 1999; 21 (5): 854–6.
19. Brater DC, Leinfelder J, Anderson SA. Clinical pharmacology of torasemide, a new loop diuretic. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1987; 42: 187–92.
20. Evdokimov V.V., Evdokimova A.G., Lozhkina M.V., Tebloev K.I. The characteristics of torasemide application in patients with arterial hypertension and chronic heart failure. Consilium Medicum. 2015; 17 (10): 50–6. [in Russian]
21. Fortuno A, Muniz P, Ravassa S. Torasemide inhibits angiotensin II-induced vasoconstriction and intracellular calcium increase in the aorta of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Hypertension 1999; 34: 138–43.
22. Harada K, Izawa H, Nishizawa T et al. Beneficial effects of torasemide on systolic wall stress and sympathetic nervous activity in asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic patients with heart failure: comparison with azosemide. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2009; 53 (6): 468–73.
23. Kasama S, Toyama T, Hatori T et al. Effects of torasemide on cardiac sympathetic nerve activity and left ventricular remodeling in patients with congestive heart failure. Heart 2006; 92: 1434–40.
24. Uchida T, Yananaga K, Nishikawa M et al. Anti-aldosteronergic effect of torasemide. Eur J Pharmacol 1991; 205: 145–50.
25. Goodfriend TL, Ball DL, Oelkers W et al. Torasemide inhibits aldosterone secretion in vitro. Life Sci 1998; 63: 97–105.
26. Lopez B, Querejeta R, Gonzalez A et al. Effects of loop diuretics on myocardial fibrosis and collagen type I turnover in chronic heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 2004; 43 (11): 2028–35.
27. Lopez B, Gonzalez A, Beaumont J et al. Identification of a potential cardiac antifibrotic mechanism of torasemide in patients with chronic heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 2007; 50 (9): 859–67.
28. Ageev F.T., Zhubrina E.S., Giliarevskii S.R. i dr. Sravnitel'naia effektivnost' i bezopasnost' dlitel'nogo primeneniia torasemida u bol'nykh s kompensirovannoi serdechnoi nedostatochnost'iu. Vliianie na markery fibroza miokarda. Serdechnaia nedostatochnost'. 2013; 14 (2): 55–62. [in Russian]
29. The TORAFIC Investigators Group. Effects of Prolonged-Release Torasemide Versus Furosemide on Myocardial Fibrosis in Hypertensive Patients with Chronic Heart Failure: A Randomized, Blinded-End Point, Active-Controlled Study. Clin Ther 2011; 33 (9): 1204–13.
30. Noe LL, Vreeland MG, Pezzella SM, Trotter JP. A pharmacoenomic аssessment of torasemide and furosemide in the treatment of patients with congestive heart failure. Clin Ther 1999; 21 (5): 854–6.
31. Murray M, Deer M, Ferguson J et al. Open-label randomized trial of torsemide compared with furosemide therapy for patients with heart failure. Am J Med 2001; 111 (7): 513–20.
32. Spannheimer A, Muller K, Falkenstein P et al. Long-term diuretic treatment in heart failure: are there differences between furosemide end torasemide? Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax 2002; 91 (37): 1467–75.
33. Cosin J, Diez J, TORIC Investigators. Torasemide in chronic heart failure: results of the TORIC study. Eur J Heart Fail 2002; 4 (4): 507–13.
34. Yamato M, Sasaki T, Honda M et al. Effects of torasemide on left ventricular function and neurohumoral factors in patients with chronic heart failure. Circulat J 2003; 67 (5): 384–90.
35. Mareev V.Iu., Vygodin V.A., Belenkov Iu.N. Diyreticheskaia terapiia effektivnymi dozami peroral'nykh diuretikov torasemida (diuvera) i furosemide v lechenii bol'nykh s obostreniem Khronicheskoi Serdechnoi Nedostatochnosti (DUEL''-KhSN). Serdechnaia nedostatochnost'. 2011; 12 (3): 3–10. [in Russian]
36. Berkinbaev S.F., Dzhunusbekova G.A., Isabekova A.Kh. Klinicheskaia effektivnost' petlevogo diuretika torasemida v lechenii bol'nykh khronicheskoi serdechnoi nedostatochnost'iu. Rezul'taty kazakhstanskogo mnogotsentrovogo issledovaniia «POET». Ratsional'naia farmakoterapiia v kardiologii. 2014; 10 (5): 495–9. [in Russian]
ГБОУ ВПО Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет им. А.И.Евдокимова Минздрава России. 127473, Россия, Москва, ул. Делегатская, д. 20, стр. 1
A.I.Evdokimov Moscow State Medical and Dental University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 127473, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Delegatskaia, d. 20, str. 1