Боль и нагрубание молочных желез (мастодиния) встречаются у 50% женщин репродуктивного возраста и 5% пациенток в пери- и постменопаузе. Боли могут носить циклический или нециклический характер. Циклические боли связаны с гормональными изменениями, обычно двусторонние, наиболее выражены в верхнем наружном квадранте груди. Нециклические боли чаще бывают односторонними. Причиной их возникновения могут быть протоковая эктазия, мастит, воспалительный рак молочной железы, гнойный гидраденит, экстрамаммарные причины. Методами диагностики причин мастодинии являются физикальное обследование, ультразвуковое исследование и маммография. Терапия включает коррекцию образа жизни, гормональные и негормональные средства.
Mastodynia is a condition characterized by painful sensations in the breasts. It is diagnosed in middle-aged women in the reproductive 50%, while in the older age group it is significant;y lower – 5%. Pain in the breast may be cyclic and non-cyclic in nature. Cyclical is associated with the hormonal changes of the menstrual cycle, bilateral, more pronounced in the upper outer quadrant of the breast. Non-cyclic is permanent or intermittent in nature, one-way. Their cause is stretching in the Cooper ligaments, smoking, ductal ectasia, mastitis, an inflammatory cancer, pregnancy, thrombosis, trauma, cysts, previous breast surgery and the use of drugs. Diagnosis mastalgia includes patient survey, physical examination, ultrasound scan, and mammography. Treatment consists in the normalization of diet, and symptomatic medication.
1. Ader DN, Shriver CD. Cyclical mastalgia: prevalence and impact in an outpatient breast clinic sample. J Am Coll Surg 1997; 185: 466.
2. Seltzer MH. Breast complaints, biopsies, and cancer correlated with age in 10,000 consecutive new surgical referrals. Breast J 2004; 10: 111.
3. Scurr J, Hedger W, Morris P, Brown N. The prevalence, severity, and impact of breast pain in the general population. Breast J 2014; 20: 508.
4. Davies EL, Gateley CA, Miers M, Mansel RE. The long-term course of mastalgia. J R Soc Med 1998; 91: 462.
5. Ader DN, Browne MW. Prevalence and impact of cyclic mastalgia in a United States clinic-based sample. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1997; 177: 126.
6. Ader DN, South-Paul J, Adera T, Deuster PA. Cyclical mastalgia: prevalence and associated health and behavioral factors. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol 2001; 22: 71.
7. Levinson W, Dunn PM. Nonassociation of caffeine and fibrocystic breast disease. Arch Intern Med 1986; 146: 1773.
8. Jacobson MF, Liebman BF. Caffeine and benign breast disease. JAMA 1986; 255: 1438.
9. Heyden S, Muhlbaier LH. Prospective study of "fibrocystic breast disease" and caffeine consumption. Surgery 1984; 96: 479.
10. Minton JP, Foecking MK, Webster DJ, Matthews RH. Caffeine, cyclicnucleotides, andbreastdisease. Surgery 1979; 86: 105.
11. Abraham GE. Nutritional factors in the etiology of the premenstrual tension syndromes. J Reprod Med 1983; 28: 446.
12. Archer DR, Fischer LA, Rich D et al. Estracevs Premarin for treatment of menopausal symptoms: dosage comparison study. Advancesin Therapy 1992; 9: 21.
13. Bech P, Munk-Jensen N, Obel EB et al. Combined versus sequential hormonal replacement therapy: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study on quality of life-related outcome measures. Psychother Psychosom 1998; 67: 259.
14. Greendale GA, Reboussin BA, Hogan P et al. Symptom relief and side effects of postmenopausal hormones: results from the Postmenopausal Estrogen/Progestin Interventions Trial. Obstet Gynecol 1998; 92: 982.
15. Peters F, Diemer P, Mecks O, Behnken LLJ. Severity of mastalgia in relation to milk duct dilatation. Obstet Gynecol 2003; 101: 54.
16. Smith RL, Pruthi S, Fitzpatrick LA. Evaluation and management of breast pain. Mayo Clin Proc 2004; 79: 353.
17. Morley JE, Dawson M, Hodgkinson H, Kalk WJ. Galactorrhea and hyperprolactinemia associated with chest wall injury. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1977; 45: 931.
18. Love SM, Gelman RS, Silen W. Sounding board. Fibrocystic "disease" of the breast –a nondisease? N Engl J Med 1982; 307: 1010.
19. Devitt JE. Abandoning fibrocystic disease of the breast: timely end of an era. CMAJ 1986; 134: 217.
20. Hutter RV. Goodbye to "fibrocystic disease". N Engl J Med 1985; 312: 179.
21. Morrow M. The evaluation of common breast problems. Am Fam Physician 2000; 61: 2371.
22. Leddy R, Irshad A, Zerwas E et al. Role of breast ultrasound and mammography in evaluating patients presenting with focal breast pain in the absence of a palpable lump. Breast J 2013; 19: 582.
23. Boyd NF, McGuire V, Shannon P et al. Effect of a low-fat high-carbohydrate diet on symptoms of cyclical mastopathy. Lancet 1988; 2: 128.
24. Goodwin PJ, Miller A, Del Giudice ME et al. Elevated high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and dietary fat intake in women with cyclic mastopathy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998; 179: 430.
25. Ernster VL, Goodson WH 3rd, Hunt TK et al. Vitamin E and benign breast "disease": a double-blind, randomized clinical trial. Surgery 1985; 97: 490.
26. Blommers J, de Lange-De Klerk ES, Kuik DJ et al. Evening primrose oil and fish oil for severe chronic mastalgia: a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002; 187: 1389.
27. Wilson MC, Sellwood RA. Therapeutic value of a supporting brassière in mastodynia. Br Med J 1976; 2: 90.
28. Hadi MS. Sports Brassiere: Is It a Solution for Mastalgia? Breast J 2000; 6: 407.
29. Mason BR, Page KA, Fallon K. An analysis of movement and discomfort of the female breast during exercise and the effects of breast support in three cases. J Sci Med Sport 1999; 2: 134.
30. Colak T, Ipek T, Kanik A et al. Efficacy of topical nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs in mastalgia treatment. J Am Coll Surg 2003; 196: 525.
31. Diclofenac gel for osteoarthritis. Med Lett Drugs Ther 2008; 50: 31.
32. A diclofenac patch (Flector) for pain. Med Lett Drugs Ther 2008; 50: 1.
33. Dixon JM. Hormone replacement therapy and the breast. BMJ 2001; 323: 1381.
34. Graham CA, Sherwin BB. A prospective treatment study of premenstrual symptoms using a triphasic oral contraceptive. J Psychosom Res 1992; 36: 257.
35. Bancroft J, Rennie D. The impact of oral contraceptives on the experience of perimenstrual mood, clumsiness, food craving and other symptoms. J Psychosom Res 1993; 37: 195.
36. Euhus DM, Uyehara C. Influence of parenteral progesterones on the prevalence and severity of mastalgia in premenopausal women: a multi-institutional cross-sectional study. J Am Coll Surg 1997; 184: 596.
37. Uzan S, Denis C, Pomi V, Varin C. Double-blind trial of promegestone (R 5020) and lynestrenol in the treatment of benign breast disease. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 1992; 43: 219.
38. O'Brien PM, Abukhalil IE. Randomized controlled trial of the management of premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual mastalgia using luteal phase-only danazol. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1999; 180: 18.
39. Gateley CA, Miers M, Mansel RE, Hughes LE. Drug treatments for mastalgia: 17 years experience in the Cardiff Mastalgia Clinic. J R Soc Med 1992; 85: 12.
40. Srivastava A, Mansel RE, Arvind N et al. Evidence-based management of Mastalgia: a meta-analysis of randomised trials. Breast 2007; 16: 503.
41. Fentiman IS, Caleffi M, Hamed H, Chaudary MA. Dosage and duration of tamoxifen treatment for mastalgia: a controlled trial. Br J Surg 1988; 75: 845.
42. Parlati E, Polinari U, Salvi G et al. Bromocriptine for treatment of benign breast disease. A double-blind clinical trial versus placebo. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1987; 66: 483.
43. Sismondi P, Biglia N, Giai M, Defabiani E. GnRH analogs in benign breast disease and breast cancer chemoprevention. A challenge for the year 2000. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol 1994; 15: 108.
44. Wisbey JR, Kumar S, Mansel RE et al. Natural history of breast pain. Lancet 1983; 2: 672.
45. Kumar S, Mansel RE, Scanlon MF et al. Altered responses of prolactin, luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone secretion to thyrotrophin releasing hormone/gonadotrophin releasing hormone stimulation in cyclical mastalgia. Br J Surg 1984; 71: 870.
46. Gateley CA, Mansel RE. Management of the painful and nodular breast. Br Med Bull 1991; 47: 284.
47. Duijm LE, Guit GL, Hendriks JH et al. Value of breast imaging in women with painful breasts: observational follow up study. BMJ 1998; 317: 1492.
48. Goodwin PJ, DeBoer G, Clark RM et al. Cyclical mastopathy and premenopausal breast cancer risk. Results of a case-control study. Breast Cancer Res Treat 1995; 33: 63.
49. Plu-Bureau G, Thalabard JC, Sitruk-Ware R et al. Cyclical mastalgia as a marker of breast cancer susceptibility: results of a case-control study among French women. Br J Cancer 1992; 65: 945.
50. Aiello EJ, Buist DS, White E et al. Rate of breast cancer diagnoses among postmenopausal women with self-reported breast symptoms. J Am Board Fam Pract 2004; 17: 408.
1. Ader DN, Shriver CD. Cyclical mastalgia: prevalence and impact in an outpatient breast clinic sample. J Am Coll Surg 1997; 185: 466.
2. Seltzer MH. Breast complaints, biopsies, and cancer correlated with age in 10,000 consecutive new surgical referrals. Breast J 2004; 10: 111.
3. Scurr J, Hedger W, Morris P, Brown N. The prevalence, severity, and impact of breast pain in the general population. Breast J 2014; 20: 508.
4. Davies EL, Gateley CA, Miers M, Mansel RE. The long-term course of mastalgia. J R Soc Med 1998; 91: 462.
5. Ader DN, Browne MW. Prevalence and impact of cyclic mastalgia in a United States clinic-based sample. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1997; 177: 126.
6. Ader DN, South-Paul J, Adera T, Deuster PA. Cyclical mastalgia: prevalence and associated health and behavioral factors. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol 2001; 22: 71.
7. Levinson W, Dunn PM. Nonassociation of caffeine and fibrocystic breast disease. Arch Intern Med 1986; 146: 1773.
8. Jacobson MF, Liebman BF. Caffeine and benign breast disease. JAMA 1986; 255: 1438.
9. Heyden S, Muhlbaier LH. Prospective study of "fibrocystic breast disease" and caffeine consumption. Surgery 1984; 96: 479.
10. Minton JP, Foecking MK, Webster DJ, Matthews RH. Caffeine, cyclicnucleotides, andbreastdisease. Surgery 1979; 86: 105.
11. Abraham GE. Nutritional factors in the etiology of the premenstrual tension syndromes. J Reprod Med 1983; 28: 446.
12. Archer DR, Fischer LA, Rich D et al. Estracevs Premarin for treatment of menopausal symptoms: dosage comparison study. Advancesin Therapy 1992; 9: 21.
13. Bech P, Munk-Jensen N, Obel EB et al. Combined versus sequential hormonal replacement therapy: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study on quality of life-related outcome measures. Psychother Psychosom 1998; 67: 259.
14. Greendale GA, Reboussin BA, Hogan P et al. Symptom relief and side effects of postmenopausal hormones: results from the Postmenopausal Estrogen/Progestin Interventions Trial. Obstet Gynecol 1998; 92: 982.
15. Peters F, Diemer P, Mecks O, Behnken LLJ. Severity of mastalgia in relation to milk duct dilatation. Obstet Gynecol 2003; 101: 54.
16. Smith RL, Pruthi S, Fitzpatrick LA. Evaluation and management of breast pain. Mayo Clin Proc 2004; 79: 353.
17. Morley JE, Dawson M, Hodgkinson H, Kalk WJ. Galactorrhea and hyperprolactinemia associated with chest wall injury. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1977; 45: 931.
18. Love SM, Gelman RS, Silen W. Sounding board. Fibrocystic "disease" of the breast –a nondisease? N Engl J Med 1982; 307: 1010.
19. Devitt JE. Abandoning fibrocystic disease of the breast: timely end of an era. CMAJ 1986; 134: 217.
20. Hutter RV. Goodbye to "fibrocystic disease". N Engl J Med 1985; 312: 179.
21. Morrow M. The evaluation of common breast problems. Am Fam Physician 2000; 61: 2371.
22. Leddy R, Irshad A, Zerwas E et al. Role of breast ultrasound and mammography in evaluating patients presenting with focal breast pain in the absence of a palpable lump. Breast J 2013; 19: 582.
23. Boyd NF, McGuire V, Shannon P et al. Effect of a low-fat high-carbohydrate diet on symptoms of cyclical mastopathy. Lancet 1988; 2: 128.
24. Goodwin PJ, Miller A, Del Giudice ME et al. Elevated high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and dietary fat intake in women with cyclic mastopathy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998; 179: 430.
25. Ernster VL, Goodson WH 3rd, Hunt TK et al. Vitamin E and benign breast "disease": a double-blind, randomized clinical trial. Surgery 1985; 97: 490.
26. Blommers J, de Lange-De Klerk ES, Kuik DJ et al. Evening primrose oil and fish oil for severe chronic mastalgia: a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002; 187: 1389.
27. Wilson MC, Sellwood RA. Therapeutic value of a supporting brassière in mastodynia. Br Med J 1976; 2: 90.
28. Hadi MS. Sports Brassiere: Is It a Solution for Mastalgia? Breast J 2000; 6: 407.
29. Mason BR, Page KA, Fallon K. An analysis of movement and discomfort of the female breast during exercise and the effects of breast support in three cases. J Sci Med Sport 1999; 2: 134.
30. Colak T, Ipek T, Kanik A et al. Efficacy of topical nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs in mastalgia treatment. J Am Coll Surg 2003; 196: 525.
31. Diclofenac gel for osteoarthritis. Med Lett Drugs Ther 2008; 50: 31.
32. A diclofenac patch (Flector) for pain. Med Lett Drugs Ther 2008; 50: 1.
33. Dixon JM. Hormone replacement therapy and the breast. BMJ 2001; 323: 1381.
34. Graham CA, Sherwin BB. A prospective treatment study of premenstrual symptoms using a triphasic oral contraceptive. J Psychosom Res 1992; 36: 257.
35. Bancroft J, Rennie D. The impact of oral contraceptives on the experience of perimenstrual mood, clumsiness, food craving and other symptoms. J Psychosom Res 1993; 37: 195.
36. Euhus DM, Uyehara C. Influence of parenteral progesterones on the prevalence and severity of mastalgia in premenopausal women: a multi-institutional cross-sectional study. J Am Coll Surg 1997; 184: 596.
37. Uzan S, Denis C, Pomi V, Varin C. Double-blind trial of promegestone (R 5020) and lynestrenol in the treatment of benign breast disease. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 1992; 43: 219.
38. O'Brien PM, Abukhalil IE. Randomized controlled trial of the management of premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual mastalgia using luteal phase-only danazol. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1999; 180: 18.
39. Gateley CA, Miers M, Mansel RE, Hughes LE. Drug treatments for mastalgia: 17 years experience in the Cardiff Mastalgia Clinic. J R Soc Med 1992; 85: 12.
40. Srivastava A, Mansel RE, Arvind N et al. Evidence-based management of Mastalgia: a meta-analysis of randomised trials. Breast 2007; 16: 503.
41. Fentiman IS, Caleffi M, Hamed H, Chaudary MA. Dosage and duration of tamoxifen treatment for mastalgia: a controlled trial. Br J Surg 1988; 75: 845.
42. Parlati E, Polinari U, Salvi G et al. Bromocriptine for treatment of benign breast disease. A double-blind clinical trial versus placebo. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1987; 66: 483.
43. Sismondi P, Biglia N, Giai M, Defabiani E. GnRH analogs in benign breast disease and breast cancer chemoprevention. A challenge for the year 2000. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol 1994; 15: 108.
44. Wisbey JR, Kumar S, Mansel RE et al. Natural history of breast pain. Lancet 1983; 2: 672.
45. Kumar S, Mansel RE, Scanlon MF et al. Altered responses of prolactin, luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone secretion to thyrotrophin releasing hormone/gonadotrophin releasing hormone stimulation in cyclical mastalgia. Br J Surg 1984; 71: 870.
46. Gateley CA, Mansel RE. Management of the painful and nodular breast. Br Med Bull 1991; 47: 284.
47. Duijm LE, Guit GL, Hendriks JH et al. Value of breast imaging in women with painful breasts: observational follow up study. BMJ 1998; 317: 1492.
48. Goodwin PJ, DeBoer G, Clark RM et al. Cyclical mastopathy and premenopausal breast cancer risk. Results of a case-control study. Breast Cancer Res Treat 1995; 33: 63.
49. Plu-Bureau G, Thalabard JC, Sitruk-Ware R et al. Cyclical mastalgia as a marker of breast cancer susceptibility: results of a case-control study among French women. Br J Cancer 1992; 65: 945.
50. Aiello EJ, Buist DS, White E et al. Rate of breast cancer diagnoses among postmenopausal women with self-reported breast symptoms. J Am Board Fam Pract 2004; 17: 408.
С.А.Леваков, Е.И.Боровкова*
ГБОУ ВПО Первый Московский государственный медицинский университет им. И.М.Сеченова Минздрава России. 119991, Россия, Москва, ул. Трубецкая, д. 8, стр. 2
S.A.Levakov, E.I.Borovkova*
I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Trubetskaia, d. 8, str. 2