Синдром чувствительной кожи в практике врача-дерматолога
Синдром чувствительной кожи в практике врача-дерматолога
Каиль-Горячкина М.В., Белоусова Т.А. Синдром чувствительной кожи в практике врача-дерматолога. Consilium Medicum. Дерматология (Прил.). 2016; 1: 22–26.
Kail-Goriachkina M.V., Belousova T.A. The sensitive skin syndrome in practice of a dermatologist. Consilium Medicum. Dermatology (Suppl.). 2016; 1: 22–26.
Синдром чувствительной кожи в практике врача-дерматолога
Каиль-Горячкина М.В., Белоусова Т.А. Синдром чувствительной кожи в практике врача-дерматолога. Consilium Medicum. Дерматология (Прил.). 2016; 1: 22–26.
Kail-Goriachkina M.V., Belousova T.A. The sensitive skin syndrome in practice of a dermatologist. Consilium Medicum. Dermatology (Suppl.). 2016; 1: 22–26.
В статье обсуждаются патогенез и клиническая картина синдрома чувствительной кожи. Рассмотрены вопросы лечения таких больных. Приведен клинический случай.
The article discusses the pathogenesis and clinical picture of the syndrome of sensitive skin. Discussed the issues of treatment of such patients. Provides clinical case.
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1. Baumann L. Kosmeticheskaia dermatologiia. M.: MEDpress-inform, 2012. [in Russian]
2. De Lacharriere O. Sensitive skin. Vestn. dermatologii i venerologii (Pril.). 2013; 1: 4–8. [in Russian]
3. Araviiskaia E.R. Simptomokompleks «chuvstvitel'noi» kozhi: mekhanizmy razvitiia i taktika vedeniia patsientov. Klin. dermatologiia i venerologiia. 2008; 5: 45–7. [in Russian]
4. Saint-Martor С, Roguedas-Contios АМ, Sibaud V et al. Sensitive skin is not limited to the face. Br J Dermatol 2008; 158 (1):130–3.
5. Misery L, Sibaud V, Ambronati M et al. Sensitive scalp: does this condition exist? An epidemiological study. Contact Dermatitis 2008; 58: 4234–8.
6. Berardesca E, Farage M, Maibach H. Sensitive skin: an overview. Int J Cosmet Sci 2013; 35 (1): 2–8.
7. Misery L. Sensitive Skin. Expert Rev Dermatol 2013; 8 (6): 631–7.
8. Farage MA. How do perceptions of sensitive skin differ at different anatomical sites? An epidemiological study. Clin Exp Dermatol 2009; 34: 521–30.
9. Misery L, Boussetta S, Nocera T et al. Sensitive skin in Europe. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2009; 23: 376–81.
10. Misery L, Sibaud V, Merial-Kieny C, Taieb C. Sensitive skin in the American population: prevalence, clinical data, and role of the dermatologist. Int J Dermatol 2011; 50 (8): 961–7.
11. Yang FZ, De Lacharriere O, Lian S et al. Sensitive skin: specific features in Chinese skin: a clinical study on 2,000 Chinese women. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2002; 129: 11–7.
12. Glad'ko V.V., Il'ina I.V., Masiukova S.A., Sanakoeva E.G. Nekotorye problemy chuvstvitel'noi kozhi. Consilium Medicum. Dermatology (Suppl.). 2014; 1: 4–7. [in Russian]
13. Ernandes E.A Chuvstvitel'naia kozha. M.: Kosmetika i meditsina, 2012. [in Russian]
14. Tan J, Schöfer H, Araviiskaia E et al. Prevalence of rosacea in the general population of Germany and Russia – The RISE study. JEADV 2016; 30: 428–34.
15. Dallos A, Kiss M, Polyánka H et al. Effects of the neuropeptides substance P, calcitonin gene-related peptide, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and galanin on the production of nerve growth factor and inflammatory cytokines in cultured human keratinocytes. Neuropeptides 2006; 40 (4): 251–63.
16. Ohta M, Hikima R, Ogawa Т. Physiological characteristics of sensitive skin classified by stinging test. J Cosmetic Sci Soc 2000; 23: 163–7.
17. Reilly DM, Parslew R, Sharpe GR et al. Inflammatory mediators in normal, sensitive and diseased skin types. Acta Derm Venereol 2000; 80 (3): 171–4.
18. Lev-Tov H, Maibach H. Sensitive skin syndrome. Indian J Dermatol 2012; 57: 419–23.
М.В.Каиль-Горячкина*, Т.А.Белоусова
ГБОУ ВПО Первый Московский государственный медицинский университет им. И.М.Сеченова Минздрава России. 119991, Россия, Москва, ул. Трубецкая, д. 8, стр. 2
M.V.Kail-Goriachkina*, T.A.Belousova
I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Trubetskaia, d. 8, str. 2