Себорейный дерматит (СД) является одной из актуальных проблем дерматокосметологии вследствие широкого распространения, постоянного роста заболеваемости и многофакторности этиопатогенеза. На наши вопросы о возможностях лечения пациентов с себорейным дерматитом ответила врач дерматовенеролог, трихолог, член Европейской академии дерматовенерологии (EADV), кандидат медицинских наук, Марина Михайловна Юдина.
Seborrheic dermatitis is one of actual problems of dermatology because of the wide distribution of the continuous growth of incidence and multifactorial etiopathogenesis. To our questions about treatment of patients with seborrheic dermatitis said the dermatologist, trichologist, member of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV), M.M.Yudina.
1. Gupta AK, Madzia SE, Batra R. Etiology and management of Seborrheic dermatitis. Dermatology 2004; 208: 89–93.
2. Dessinioti C, Katsambas A. Seborrheic dermatitis: etiology, risk factors, and treatments: facts and controversies. Clin Dermatol 2013; 31: 343–51.
3. Foley P, Zuo Y, Plunkett A et al. The frequency of common skin conditions in preschool-aged children in Australia: seborrheic dermatitis and pityriasis capitis (cradle cap). Arch Dermatol 2003; 139: 318–22.
4. Gupta AK, Bluhm R, Cooper EA et al. Seborrheic dermatitis. Dermatol Clin 2003; 21: 401–2.
5. Sampaio AL, Mameri AC, Vargas TJ et al. Seborrheic dermatitis. An Bras Dermatol 2011; 86: 1061–71.
6. Dunic I, Vesic S, Jevtovic DJ. Oral candidiasis and seborrheic dermatitis in HIV-infected patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy. HIV Med 2004; 5: 50–4.
7. Okada K, Endo Y, Fujisawa A et al. Refractory seborrheic dermatitis of the head in a patient with malignant lymphoma. Case Rep Dermatol 2014; 6: 279–82.
8. Maietta G, Fornaro P, Rongioletti F, Rebora A. Patients with mood depression have a high prevalence of seborrhoeic dermatitis. Acta Derm Venereol 1990; 70: 432–4.
9. Mastrolonardo M, Diaferio A, Logroscino G. Seborrheic dermatitis, increased sebum excretion, and Parkinson’s disease: a survey of (im) possible links. Med Hypotheses 2003; 60: 907–11.
10. Manuel F, Ranganathan S. A new postulate on two stages of dandruff: a clinical perspective. Int J Trichology 2011; 3: 3–6.
11. Schwartz JR, Cardin CW, Dawson TL. Seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff. In: Baran R, Maibach HI, editors. Textbook of Cosmetic dermatology. London: Martin Dunitz, Ltd, 2010; p. 230–41.
12. Naldi L, Rebora A. Clinical practice. Seborrheic dermatitis. N Engl J Med 2009; 360: 387–96.
13. Szepietowski JC, Reich A, Wesolowska-Szepietowska E, Baran E. National Quality of Life in Dermatology Group Quality of life in patients suffering from seborrheic dermatitis: influence of age, gender and education level. Mycoses 2009; 52: 357–63.
14. Schwartz RA, Janusz CA, Janniger CK. Seborrheic dermatitis: an overview. Am Fam Physician 2006; 74: 125–30.
15. Viodé C, Lejeune O, Turlier V et al. Cathepsin S, a new pruritus biomarker in clinical dandruff/seborrhoeic dermatitis evaluation. Exp Dermatol 2014; 23 (4): 274–5.
16. Gemmer CM, De Angelis YM, Theelen B et al. Fast, non-invasive method for molecular detection and differentiation of Malassezia yeast species on human skin and application of the method to dandruff microbiology. J Clin Microbiol 2002; 40: 3350–7.
17. Shuttleworth D, Squire RA, Boorman GC, Goode K. Comparative clinical efficacy of shampoos containing cliclopiroxolamine (1.5%) or ketoconazole (2%; Nizoral®) for the control of dandruff/seborrhoeic dermatitis. J Dermatol Treat 1998; 9: 157–62.
18. Юдина М.М. Эффективность комбинированного шампуня, содержащего 1,5% циклопироксамин и 1% пиритион цинка, при себорейном дерматите. Consilium Medicum. Дерматология (Прил.). 2015; 4: 13–6. / Iudina M.M. Effektivnost' kombinirovannogo shampunia, soderzhashchego 1,5% tsiklopiroksamin i 1% pirition tsinka, pri seboreinom dermatite. Consilium Medicum. Dermatology (Suppl.). 2015; 4: 13–6. [in Russian]
19. Pirkhammer D, Seeber A, Hönigsmann H et al. Narrow-band ultraviolet B (ATL-01) phototherapy is an effective and safe treatment option for patients with severe seborrhoeic dermatitis. Br J Dermatol 2000; 143 (5): 964–8.
1. Gupta AK, Madzia SE, Batra R. Etiology and management of Seborrheic dermatitis. Dermatology 2004; 208: 89–93.
2. Dessinioti C, Katsambas A. Seborrheic dermatitis: etiology, risk factors, and treatments: facts and controversies. Clin Dermatol 2013; 31: 343–51.
3. Foley P, Zuo Y, Plunkett A et al. The frequency of common skin conditions in preschool-aged children in Australia: seborrheic dermatitis and pityriasis capitis (cradle cap). Arch Dermatol 2003; 139: 318–22.
4. Gupta AK, Bluhm R, Cooper EA et al. Seborrheic dermatitis. Dermatol Clin 2003; 21: 401–2.
5. Sampaio AL, Mameri AC, Vargas TJ et al. Seborrheic dermatitis. An Bras Dermatol 2011; 86: 1061–71.
6. Dunic I, Vesic S, Jevtovic DJ. Oral candidiasis and seborrheic dermatitis in HIV-infected patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy. HIV Med 2004; 5: 50–4.
7. Okada K, Endo Y, Fujisawa A et al. Refractory seborrheic dermatitis of the head in a patient with malignant lymphoma. Case Rep Dermatol 2014; 6: 279–82.
8. Maietta G, Fornaro P, Rongioletti F, Rebora A. Patients with mood depression have a high prevalence of seborrhoeic dermatitis. Acta Derm Venereol 1990; 70: 432–4.
9. Mastrolonardo M, Diaferio A, Logroscino G. Seborrheic dermatitis, increased sebum excretion, and Parkinson’s disease: a survey of (im) possible links. Med Hypotheses 2003; 60: 907–11.
10. Manuel F, Ranganathan S. A new postulate on two stages of dandruff: a clinical perspective. Int J Trichology 2011; 3: 3–6.
11. Schwartz JR, Cardin CW, Dawson TL. Seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff. In: Baran R, Maibach HI, editors. Textbook of Cosmetic dermatology. London: Martin Dunitz, Ltd, 2010; p. 230–41.
12. Naldi L, Rebora A. Clinical practice. Seborrheic dermatitis. N Engl J Med 2009; 360: 387–96.
13. Szepietowski JC, Reich A, Wesolowska-Szepietowska E, Baran E. National Quality of Life in Dermatology Group Quality of life in patients suffering from seborrheic dermatitis: influence of age, gender and education level. Mycoses 2009; 52: 357–63.
14. Schwartz RA, Janusz CA, Janniger CK. Seborrheic dermatitis: an overview. Am Fam Physician 2006; 74: 125–30.
15. Viodé C, Lejeune O, Turlier V et al. Cathepsin S, a new pruritus biomarker in clinical dandruff/seborrhoeic dermatitis evaluation. Exp Dermatol 2014; 23 (4): 274–5.
16. Gemmer CM, De Angelis YM, Theelen B et al. Fast, non-invasive method for molecular detection and differentiation of Malassezia yeast species on human skin and application of the method to dandruff microbiology. J Clin Microbiol 2002; 40: 3350–7.
17. Shuttleworth D, Squire RA, Boorman GC, Goode K. Comparative clinical efficacy of shampoos containing cliclopiroxolamine (1.5%) or ketoconazole (2%; Nizoral®) for the control of dandruff/seborrhoeic dermatitis. J Dermatol Treat 1998; 9: 157–62.
18. Iudina M.M. Effektivnost' kombinirovannogo shampunia, soderzhashchego 1,5% tsiklopiroksamin i 1% pirition tsinka, pri seboreinom dermatite. Consilium Medicum. Dermatology (Suppl.). 2015; 4: 13–6. [in Russian]
19. Pirkhammer D, Seeber A, Hönigsmann H et al. Narrow-band ultraviolet B (ATL-01) phototherapy is an effective and safe treatment option for patients with severe seborrhoeic dermatitis. Br J Dermatol 2000; 143 (5): 964–8.