ОМ-85: новые молекулярно-клеточные механизмы противовирусного, антибактериального и противовоспалительного действия иммуномодулятора
ОМ-85: новые молекулярно-клеточные механизмы противовирусного, антибактериального и противовоспалительного действия иммуномодулятора
Караулов А.В. ОМ-85: новые молекулярно-клеточные механизмы противовирусного, антибактериального и противовоспалительного действия иммуномодулятора. Consilium Medicum. Болезни органов дыхания (Прил.). 2016; с. 11–15.
Karaulov A.V. OM-85: new molecular-cellular mechanisms of antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action of the immunomodulator. Consilium Medicum. Respiratory Organs Diseases (Suppl.). 2016; p. 11–15.
ОМ-85: новые молекулярно-клеточные механизмы противовирусного, антибактериального и противовоспалительного действия иммуномодулятора
Караулов А.В. ОМ-85: новые молекулярно-клеточные механизмы противовирусного, антибактериального и противовоспалительного действия иммуномодулятора. Consilium Medicum. Болезни органов дыхания (Прил.). 2016; с. 11–15.
Karaulov A.V. OM-85: new molecular-cellular mechanisms of antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action of the immunomodulator. Consilium Medicum. Respiratory Organs Diseases (Suppl.). 2016; p. 11–15.
Обзор посвящен анализу новых данных о механизме действия иммуномодулятора ОМ-85. Препарат повышает эффективность комплексной терапии респираторных инфекций на разных стадиях инфекционного процесса, как в остром периоде, так и у пациентов с рецидивирующими и хроническими заболеваниями дыхательных путей и ЛОР-органов. Эффективность препарата обусловлена стимуляцией антибактериального, противовирусного иммунитета с одновременным противовоспалительным действием. Мишенями действия препарата являются дендритные и Т-регуляторные клетки. ОМ-85 также активирует пролиферацию и созревание Т-хелперов 1-го типа с вовлечением макрофагального звена иммунитета, обеспечивающих эффективный фагоцитоз патогенов и их элиминацию из организма.
Ключевые слова: ОМ-85, иммунокоррекция, острые респираторные инфекции, рецидивирующие и хронические заболевания дыхательных путей и ЛОР-органов.
The review deals with the analysis of new data on the mechanism of action of OM-85 immunomodulator. The drug increases the efficiency of complex therapy of respiratory infections at various stages of the infection process, both in the acute stage, as well as in patients with recurrent and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract and upper respiratory tract. The effectiveness of the drug due to the stimulation of the antibacterial, antiviral immunity while anti-inflammatory action. The targets of the drug are dendritic and T-regulatory cells. OM-85 also activates the proliferation and maturation of T-helper type 1 involving macrophage immunity to ensure effective phagocytosis of pathogens and their elimination from the body.
Key words: OM-85, immunotherapy, acute respiratory infections, recurrent and chronic respiratory diseases and upper respiratory tract.
1. Сильвестров В.П., Караулов А.В. Принципы иммунорегулирующей терапии некоторых заболеваний органов дыхания. Тер. архив. 1982; 4: 3–9. / Sil'vestrov V.P., Karaulov A.V. Printsipy immunoreguliruiushchei terapii nekotorykh zabolevanii organov dykhaniia. Ter. arkhiv. 1982; 4: 3–9. [in Russian]
2. Караулов А.В., Калюжин О.В. Иммунотерапия инфекционных болезней: проблемы и перспективы. Тер. архив. 2013; 11: 100–8. / Karaulov A.V., Kaliuzhin O.V. Immunoterapiia infektsionnykh boleznei: problemy i perspektivy. Ter. arkhiv. 2013; 11: 100–8. [in Russian]
3. Pasquali C, Salami O, Taneja M et al. Enhanced Mucosal Antibody Production and Protection against Respiratory Infections Following an Orally Administered Bacterial. Front Med (Lausanne) 2014; 1: 41. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2014.00041.
4. Hong Luan, Qian Zhang, Le Wang et al. OM85-BV induced the productions of IL-1 ß, IL-6, and TNF-a via TLR4 and TLR2-mediated ERK1/2/NF-kB pathway in RAW264.7 cells. J Interferon Cytokine Res 2014; 34 (7): 526–36.
5. Navarro S, Cossalter G, Chiavaroli C et. al. The oral administration of bacterial extracts prevents asthma via the recruitment of regulatory T cells to the airways. Mucosal Immunol 2011; 4 (1): 53–65.
6. Караулов А.В. Комментарий к статье А.С.Колбина, А.В.Харчева «Применения иммуностимуляторов при острых инфекциях дыхательных путей у детей». Зарубежный опыт – взгляд с позиций доказательной медицины. Педиатр. фармакология. 2007; 4: 6–7. / Karaulov A.V. Kommentarii k stat'e A.S.Kolbina, A.V.Kharcheva “Primeneniia immunostimuliatorov pri ostrykh infektsiiakh dykhatel'nykh putei u detei”. Zarubezhnyi opyt – vzgliad s pozitsii dokazatel'noi meditsiny. Pediatr. farmakologiia. 2007; 4: 6–7. [in Russian]
7. Feleszko W, Ruszczynski M, Zalewski BM. Non-specific immune stimulation in respiratory tract infections. Separating the wheat from the chaff. Pediatr Res Rev 2014; 15: 200–6.
8. Караулов А.В., Калюжин О.В., Евсегнеева И.В. и др. Эволюция Т-клеточных парадигм при иммунозависимых заболеваниях. Аллергология и иммунология. 2011; 12 (2): 196–8. / Karaulov A.V., Kaliuzhin O.V., Evsegneeva I.V. i dr. Evoliutsiia T-kletochnykh paradigm pri immunozavisimykh zabolevaniiakh. Allergologiia i immunologiia. 2011; 12 (2): 196–8. [in Russian]
9. Huber M, Mossmann H, Bessler WG. Th1-orientated immunological properties of the bacterial extract OM-85-BV. Eur J Med Res 2005; 10 (5): 209–17.
10. Schaad UB, Mütterlein R, Goffin H. Immunostimulation with OM-85 in children with recurrent infections of the upper respiratory tract. Chest 2002; 122: 2042–9.
11. Bessler WG, Huber M, Baier W. Bacterial cell wall components as immunomodulators-II. The bacterial cell wall extract OM-85-BV as unspecific activator, immunogen and adjuvant in mice. Int J Immunopharmac 1997; 19: 551–8.
12. Караулов А.В., Климов Э.В. Клиническая эффективность бактериальных иммуномодуляторов и их влияние на гуморальные и секреторные факторы часто болеющих детей. Педиатрия. 2001; 4: 86–90. / Karaulov A.V., Klimov E.V. Klinicheskaia effektivnost' bakterial'nykh immunomoduliatorov i ikh vliianie na gumoral'nye i sekretornye faktory chasto boleiushchikh detei. Pediatriia. 2001; 4: 86–90. [in Russian]
13. Evans SE, Scott BL, Clement CG et al. Stimulated innate resistance of lung epithelium protects mice broadly against bacteria and fungi. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2010; 42 (1): 40–50.
14. Razi CH, Harmanci K, Abaci A et al. The immunostimulant OM-85 BV prevents wheezing attacks in preschool children. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2010; 126: 763–69.
15. Varghese J. OM-85 in the prevention of asthma in high-risk children. WHO international clinical trials registry platform at http://apps.who.int/trialsearch/Trial2.aspx?TrialID=ACT RN12612000518864 (accessed July 15, 2015).
16. Байракова А.Л., Воропаева Е.А., Афанасьева С.С. и др. Роль и биологическое значение TOLL-LIKERECEPTOR в антиинфекционной резистентности организма. Вестн. РАМН. 2008; 1: 45–54. / Bairakova A.L., Voropaeva E.A., Afanas'eva S.S.
i dr. Rol' i biologicheskoe znachenie TOLL-LIKERECEPTOR v antiinfektsionnoi rezistentnosti organizma. Vestn. RAMN. 2008; 1: 45–54. [in Russian]
17. Караулов А.В., Несвижский Ю.В., Афанасьев С.С и др. Сравнительный анализ информативно-диагностических свойств показателей иммунореактивности слизистых. ЖМЭИ. 2014; 3: 21–7. / Karaulov A.V., Nesvizhskii Iu.V., Afanas'ev S.S
i dr. Sravnitel'nyi analiz informativno-diagnosticheskikh svoistv pokazatelei immunoreaktivnosti slizistykh. ZhMEI. 2014; 3: 21–7. [in Russian]
18. Zelle-Rieser C, Ramoner R, Bartsch G, Thurnher M. A clinically approved oral vaccine against pneumotropic bacteria induces the terminal maturation of CD83+ immunostimulatory dendritic cells. Immunol Lett 2001; 76: 63–7.
19. Parola C, Salogni L, Vaira X et al. Selective Activation of Human Dendritic Cells by OM-85 through a NF-kB and MAPK Dependent Pathway. PLoS ONE 2013; 8 (12): e82867. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0082867
20. Tao Y, Yuan T, Li X et al. Bacterial extract OM-85 BV protects mice against experimental chronic rhinosinusitis. J Clin Exp Pathol 2015; 8 (6): 6800–6.
21. Alyanakian MA, Grela F, Aumeunier A et al. Transforming growth factor-beta and natural killer T-cells are involved in the protective effect of a bacterial extract on type 1 diabetes. Diabetes 2006; 55: 179–85.
22. Fluckiger AC, Garrone P, Durand I et al. Interleukin 10 (IL-10) upregulates functional high affinity IL-2 receptors on normal and leukemic B lymphocytes. J Exp Med 1993; 178: 1473–81.
23. Rousset F, Garcia E, Defrance T et al. Interleukin 10 is a potent growth and differentiation factor for activated human B lymphocytes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1992; 89: 1890–3.
24. Jego G, Palucka AK, Blanck JP et al. Plasmacytoid dendritic cells induce plasma cell differentiation through type I interferon and interleukin 6. Immunity 2003; 19: 225–34.
25. Cerutti A, Chen K, Chorny A. Immunoglobulin responses at the mucosal interface. Ann Rev Immunol 2011; 29: 273–93.
26. Steurer-Stey C, Lagler L, Straub DA et al. Oral purified bacterial extracts in acute respiratory tract infections in childhood: a systematic quantitative review. Eur J Pediatr 2007; 166: 365–76.
27. Del-Rio-Navarro BE, Blandon-Vigil V. Commentary on ‘‘Oral purified bacterial extracts in acute respiratory tract infections in childhood: a systematic review”. Eur J Pediatr 2008; 167: 121–2.
28. Caramori G, Casolari P, Adcock I. Role of transcription factors in the pathogenesis of asthma and COPD. Cell Commun Adhes 2013; 20: 21–40.
29. Mauel J. Stimulation of immunoprotective mechanisms by OM-85 BV. A review of results from in vivo and in vitro studies. Respiration 1994; 61 (Suppl. 1): 8–15.
30. Collet JP, Shapiro P, Ernst P et al. Effects of an immunostimulating agent on acute exacerbations and hospitalizations in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The PARI-IS Study Steering Committee and Research Group. Prevention of Acute Respiratory Infection by an Immunostimulant. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997; 156: 1719–24.
31. Williams IR. CCR6 and CCL20: partners in intestinal immunity and lymphorganogenesis. Ann N Y AcadSci 2006; 1072: 52–61.
32. Schutyser E, Struyf S, Van Damme J. The CC chemokine CCL20 and its receptor CCR6. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev 2003; 14: 409–26.
33. Yamashita U, Kuroda E. Regulation of macrophage-derived chemokine (MDC, CCL22) production. Crit Rev Immunol 2002; 22: 105–14.
34. Грачев А.Н. Гетерогенность и функциональная пластичность макрофагов второго типа активации. Автореф. дис. … д-ра биол. наук. М., 1998. / Grachev A.N. Geterogennost' i funktsional'naia plastichnost' makrofagov vtorogo tipa aktivatsii. Avtoref. dis. … d-ra biol. nauk. M., 1998. [in Russian]
35. Jian Wang, Fengqi Li, Rui Sun et al. Bacterial colonization dampens influenza-mediated acute lung injury via induction of M2 alveolar macrophages. Nature Communication 2013; 3 DOI^10.1038/3106
36. van den Bergh MR et al. Associations between pathogens in the upper respiratory tract of young children: interplay between viruses and bacteria. PLoS One 2012; 7 (10): e47711.
37. Караулов А.В., Быков А.С., Быков А.С. Иммунология, микробиология и иммунопатология кожи. М.: Бином, 2012. / Karaulov A.V., Bykov A.S., Bykov A.S. Immunologiia, mikrobiologiia i immunopatologiia kozhi. M.: Binom, 2012. [in Russian]
1. Sil'vestrov V.P., Karaulov A.V. Printsipy immunoreguliruiushchei terapii nekotorykh zabolevanii organov dykhaniia. Ter. arkhiv. 1982; 4: 3–9. [in Russian]
2. Karaulov A.V., Kaliuzhin O.V. Immunoterapiia infektsionnykh boleznei: problemy i perspektivy. Ter. arkhiv. 2013; 11: 100–8. [in Russian]
3. Pasquali C, Salami O, Taneja M et al. Enhanced Mucosal Antibody Production and Protection against Respiratory Infections Following an Orally Administered Bacterial. Front Med (Lausanne) 2014; 1: 41. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2014.00041.
4. Hong Luan, Qian Zhang, Le Wang et al. OM85-BV induced the productions of IL-1 ß, IL-6, and TNF-a via TLR4 and TLR2-mediated ERK1/2/NF-kB pathway in RAW264.7 cells. J Interferon Cytokine Res 2014; 34 (7): 526–36.
5. Navarro S, Cossalter G, Chiavaroli C et. al. The oral administration of bacterial extracts prevents asthma via the recruitment of regulatory T cells to the airways. Mucosal Immunol 2011; 4 (1): 53–65.
6. Karaulov A.V. Kommentarii k stat'e A.S.Kolbina, A.V.Kharcheva “Primeneniia immunostimuliatorov pri ostrykh infektsiiakh dykhatel'nykh putei u detei”. Zarubezhnyi opyt – vzgliad s pozitsii dokazatel'noi meditsiny. Pediatr. farmakologiia. 2007; 4: 6–7. [in Russian]
7. Feleszko W, Ruszczynski M, Zalewski BM. Non-specific immune stimulation in respiratory tract infections. Separating the wheat from the chaff. Pediatr Res Rev 2014; 15: 200–6.
8. Karaulov A.V., Kaliuzhin O.V., Evsegneeva I.V. i dr. Evoliutsiia T-kletochnykh paradigm pri immunozavisimykh zabolevaniiakh. Allergologiia i immunologiia. 2011; 12 (2): 196–8. [in Russian]
9. Huber M, Mossmann H, Bessler WG. Th1-orientated immunological properties of the bacterial extract OM-85-BV. Eur J Med Res 2005; 10 (5): 209–17.
10. Schaad UB, Mütterlein R, Goffin H. Immunostimulation with OM-85 in children with recurrent infections of the upper respiratory tract. Chest 2002; 122: 2042–9.
11. Bessler WG, Huber M, Baier W. Bacterial cell wall components as immunomodulators-II. The bacterial cell wall extract OM-85-BV as unspecific activator, immunogen and adjuvant in mice. Int J Immunopharmac 1997; 19: 551–8.
12. Karaulov A.V., Klimov E.V. Klinicheskaia effektivnost' bakterial'nykh immunomoduliatorov i ikh vliianie na gumoral'nye i sekretornye faktory chasto boleiushchikh detei. Pediatriia. 2001; 4: 86–90. [in Russian]
13. Evans SE, Scott BL, Clement CG et al. Stimulated innate resistance of lung epithelium protects mice broadly against bacteria and fungi. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2010; 42 (1): 40–50.
14. Razi CH, Harmanci K, Abaci A et al. The immunostimulant OM-85 BV prevents wheezing attacks in preschool children. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2010; 126: 763–69.
15. Varghese J. OM-85 in the prevention of asthma in high-risk children. WHO international clinical trials registry platform at http://apps.who.int/trialsearch/Trial2.aspx?TrialID=ACT RN12612000518864 (accessed July 15, 2015).
16. Bairakova A.L., Voropaeva E.A., Afanas'eva S.S.
i dr. Rol' i biologicheskoe znachenie TOLL-LIKERECEPTOR v antiinfektsionnoi rezistentnosti organizma. Vestn. RAMN. 2008; 1: 45–54. [in Russian]
17. Karaulov A.V., Nesvizhskii Iu.V., Afanas'ev S.S
i dr. Sravnitel'nyi analiz informativno-diagnosticheskikh svoistv pokazatelei immunoreaktivnosti slizistykh. ZhMEI. 2014; 3: 21–7. [in Russian]
18. Zelle-Rieser C, Ramoner R, Bartsch G, Thurnher M. A clinically approved oral vaccine against pneumotropic bacteria induces the terminal maturation of CD83+ immunostimulatory dendritic cells. Immunol Lett 2001; 76: 63–7.
19. Parola C, Salogni L, Vaira X et al. Selective Activation of Human Dendritic Cells by OM-85 through a NF-kB and MAPK Dependent Pathway. PLoS ONE 2013; 8 (12): e82867. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0082867
20. Tao Y, Yuan T, Li X et al. Bacterial extract OM-85 BV protects mice against experimental chronic rhinosinusitis. J Clin Exp Pathol 2015; 8 (6): 6800–6.
21. Alyanakian MA, Grela F, Aumeunier A et al. Transforming growth factor-beta and natural killer T-cells are involved in the protective effect of a bacterial extract on type 1 diabetes. Diabetes 2006; 55: 179–85.
22. Fluckiger AC, Garrone P, Durand I et al. Interleukin 10 (IL-10) upregulates functional high affinity IL-2 receptors on normal and leukemic B lymphocytes. J Exp Med 1993; 178: 1473–81.
23. Rousset F, Garcia E, Defrance T et al. Interleukin 10 is a potent growth and differentiation factor for activated human B lymphocytes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1992; 89: 1890–3.
24. Jego G, Palucka AK, Blanck JP et al. Plasmacytoid dendritic cells induce plasma cell differentiation through type I interferon and interleukin 6. Immunity 2003; 19: 225–34.
25. Cerutti A, Chen K, Chorny A. Immunoglobulin responses at the mucosal interface. Ann Rev Immunol 2011; 29: 273–93.
26. Steurer-Stey C, Lagler L, Straub DA et al. Oral purified bacterial extracts in acute respiratory tract infections in childhood: a systematic quantitative review. Eur J Pediatr 2007; 166: 365–76.
27. Del-Rio-Navarro BE, Blandon-Vigil V. Commentary on ‘‘Oral purified bacterial extracts in acute respiratory tract infections in childhood: a systematic review”. Eur J Pediatr 2008; 167: 121–2.
28. Caramori G, Casolari P, Adcock I. Role of transcription factors in the pathogenesis of asthma and COPD. Cell Commun Adhes 2013; 20: 21–40.
29. Mauel J. Stimulation of immunoprotective mechanisms by OM-85 BV. A review of results from in vivo and in vitro studies. Respiration 1994; 61 (Suppl. 1): 8–15.
30. Collet JP, Shapiro P, Ernst P et al. Effects of an immunostimulating agent on acute exacerbations and hospitalizations in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The PARI-IS Study Steering Committee and Research Group. Prevention of Acute Respiratory Infection by an Immunostimulant. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997; 156: 1719–24.
31. Williams IR. CCR6 and CCL20: partners in intestinal immunity and lymphorganogenesis. Ann N Y AcadSci 2006; 1072: 52–61.
32. Schutyser E, Struyf S, Van Damme J. The CC chemokine CCL20 and its receptor CCR6. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev 2003; 14: 409–26.
33. Yamashita U, Kuroda E. Regulation of macrophage-derived chemokine (MDC, CCL22) production. Crit Rev Immunol 2002; 22: 105–14.
34. Grachev A.N. Geterogennost' i funktsional'naia plastichnost' makrofagov vtorogo tipa aktivatsii. Avtoref. dis. … d-ra biol. nauk. M., 1998. [in Russian]
35. Jian Wang, Fengqi Li, Rui Sun et al. Bacterial colonization dampens influenza-mediated acute lung injury via induction of M2 alveolar macrophages. Nature Communication 2013; 3 DOI^10.1038/3106
36. van den Bergh MR et al. Associations between pathogens in the upper respiratory tract of young children: interplay between viruses and bacteria. PLoS One 2012; 7 (10): e47711.
37. Karaulov A.V., Bykov A.S., Bykov A.S. Immunologiia, mikrobiologiia i immunopatologiia kozhi. M.: Binom, 2012. [in Russian]
ФГБОУ ВО Первый Московский государственный медицинский университет им. И.М.Сеченова Минздрава России. 119991, Россия, Москва, ул. Трубецкая, д. 8, стр. 2
I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Trubetskaia, d. 8, str. 2