Современные возможности применения торасемида в клинической практике
Современные возможности применения торасемида в клинической практике
Батищева Г.А., Мубаракшина О.А., Сомова М.Н., Евстигнеева А.С. Современные возможности применения торасемида в клинической практике. Consilium Medicum. 2017; 19 (5): 64–67.
Batishcheva G.A., Mubarakshina O.A., Somova M.N., Evstigneeva A.S. Modern possibilities of torasemide application in clinical practice. Consilium Medicum. 2017; 19 (5): 64–67.
Современные возможности применения торасемида в клинической практике
Батищева Г.А., Мубаракшина О.А., Сомова М.Н., Евстигнеева А.С. Современные возможности применения торасемида в клинической практике. Consilium Medicum. 2017; 19 (5): 64–67.
Batishcheva G.A., Mubarakshina O.A., Somova M.N., Evstigneeva A.S. Modern possibilities of torasemide application in clinical practice. Consilium Medicum. 2017; 19 (5): 64–67.
Представитель нового поколения петлевых диуретиков торасемид демонстрирует высокую эффективность и высокий профиль безопасности при лечении пациентов с сердечной недостаточностью и артериальной гипертензией. Препарат не только оказывает влияние на симптомы, но и вмешивается в патогенез сердечно-сосудистого континуума, улучшает качество жизни и прогноз кардиологических пациентов. Подтвержденная в клинических исследованиях эффективность и хорошая переносимость позволяют широко рекомендовать отечественный препарат торасемида Тригрим® в терапии пациентов с артериальной гипертензией, отечным синдромом, в том числе на фоне хронической сердечной недостаточности.
Torasemide is a representative of a new generation of loop diuretics, which shows high efficacy and safety in the treatment of patients with heart failure and arterial hypertension. This drug does not only affect the symptoms, but also intervenes in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease continuum, improves the quality of life and the prognosis of cardiac patients. The clinical studies showed the efficacy and good tolerability of Trigrim® (local drug torasemide) which could be widely recommend in the treatment of patients with arterial hypertension, edema syndrome, and in presence of chronic heart failure.
1. Withering W. An acconnt ot the fox-glove and some of its medical uses; with practical remarks of dropsy and other diseases. Birmingham, 1885.
2. Hutchen DE, Mehta D, Romano A. Diuretic action of furosemide. Arch Intern Med 1965; 115: 542.
3. Saxl P, Heiling R. Uber die diuretiche Wircung von Novasurol und anderen Quecksiberinjektionen. Wein Klin Wochenschr 1920; 33: 943.
4. Roush GC, Kaur R, Ernst ME. Diuretics: a review and update. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther 2014; 19 (1): 5–13.
5. Метелица В.И. Справочник по клинической фармакологии сердечно-сосудистых лекарственных средств. М.: МИА, 2005. / Metelitsa V.I. Spravochnik po klinicheskoi farmakologii serdechno-sosudistykh lekarstvennykh sredstv. M.: MIA, 2005. [in Russian]
6. Мареев В.Ю., Выгодин В.А., Беленков Ю.Н. Диyретическая терапия Эффективными дозами пероральных диуретиков торасемида (диувера) и фуросемида в лечении больных с обострением Хронической Сердечной Недостаточности (ДУЭЛЬ – ХСН). Сердечная недостаточность. 2011; 12 (3): 3–10. / Mareev V.Iu., Vygodin V.A., Belenkov Iu.N. Diyreticheskaia terapiia Effektivnymi dozami peroral'nykh diuretikov torasemida (diuvera) i furosemida v lechenii bol'nykh s obostreniem Khronicheskoi Serdechnoi Nedostatochnosti (DUEL'' – KhSN). Serdechnaia nedostatochnost'. 2011; 12 (3): 3–10. [in Russian]
7. Преображенский Д.В., Некрасова Н.И., Талызина И.В., Патарая С.А. Торасемид – петлевой диуретик нового поколения: особенности фармакологии и клиническая эффективность при сердечной недостаточности. Сердечная недостаточность. 2010; 11 (5): 294–300. / Preobrazhenskii D.V., Nekrasova N.I., Talyzina I.V., Pataraia S.A. Torasemid – petlevoi diuretik novogo pokoleniia: osobennosti farmakologii i klinicheskaia effektivnost' pri serdechnoi nedostatochnosti. Serdechnaia nedostatochnost'. 2010; 11 (5): 294–300. [in Russian]
8. Rosón M, Cavallero S, Della Penna S et al. Acute sodium overload produces renal tubulointerstitial inflammation in normal rats. Kidney Int 2006; 70 (8): 1439–46.
9. Claxton AJ, Cramer J, Pierce C. A systematic review of the associations between dose regimens and medication compliance. Clin Ther 2001; 23: 1296–10.
10. Goodfriend TL, Ball DL, Oelkers W et al. Torasemide inhibits aldosterone secretion in vitro. Life Sci 1998; 63 (3): L45–50.
11. Yamato M, Sasaki T, Honda K et al. Effects of torasemide on left ventricular function and neurohumoral factors in patients with chronic heart failure. Circulat J 2003; 67 (Suppl. 5): 384–90.
12. Goodfriend TL, Ball DL, Oelkers W et al. Torasemide inhibits aldosterone secretion in vitro. Life Sci 1998; 63 (3): L45–50.
13. Cosin J, Diez J. and TORIC investigators. Torasemide in chronic heart failure: results of the TORIC study. Eur J Heart Fail 2002; 4 (Suppl. 4): 507–13.
14. Murray M, Deer M, Ferguson J et al. Open-label randomized trial of torsemide compared with furosemide therapy for patients with heart failure. Am J Med 2001; 111 (Suppl. 7): 513–20.
15. Spannheimer A, Muller K, Falkenstein P et al. Long-term diuretic treatment in heart failure: are there differences between furo-semide and torasemide? Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax 2002; 91 (Suppl. 37): 1467–75.
16. Muller K, Gamba G, Jaquet F, Hess B. Torasemide vs. furosemide in primary care patients with chronic heart failure NYHA II to IV – efficacy and quality of life. Eur J Heart Fail 2003; 5 (Suppl. 6): 793–801.
17. Balsam P, Ozierański K, Tymińska A et al. The impact of torasemide on haemodynamic and neurohormonal stress, and cardiac remodelling in heart failure - TORNADO: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2017; 18 (1): 36.
18. Han LN, Guo SL, Lin XM et al. Torasemide reduces dilated cardiomyopathy, complication of arrhythmia, and progression to heart failure. Genet Mol Res 2014; 13 (3): 7262–74.
19. Knauf H, Mutschler E, Velazquez H, Giebisch G. Tora semide significantly reduces thiazide-induced potassium and magnesium loss despite supra-additive natriuresis. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2009; 65: 465–72.
20. Porcellati C, Verdecchia P, Schillaci G et al. La torasemide, nuovo diuretico del’ansa, nell trattamento dell’ipertensione ar-teriosa: Studio con trolla to in doppla cecita. Bas Razion Terapia 1990; 20: 407–10.
21. Baumgart P, Walger P, von Eiff M, Achhammer I. Long-term efficacy and tolerance of torasemide in hypertension. In: Progress in pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology. Stuttgart: Gustav-Fischer-Verlag, 1990; 8: 169–81.
22. Boelke T, Piesche L. Influence of 2,5-5 mg torasemide o.d. versus 25-50 mg HCTZ/50-100 triamterene o.d. on serum parameters in elderly patients with mild to moderate hypertension. In: Diuretics IV: Chemistry, Pharmacology and clinical Applications. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica, 1993; p. 279–82.
23. Achhammer I, Eberhard R. Comparison of serum potassium levels during long-term treatment of hypertension patients with 2,5 mg torasemide o.d. or 50 mg triamterene/25 mg hydrochlorothi-azide o.d. In: Progress in Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology. Stuttgart: Gustav-Fischer-Verlag, 1990; 8: 211–20.
24. Теблоев К.И., Евдокимова А.Г., Ложкина М.В., Евдокимов В.В. Современные возможности оптимизации лечения больных АГ и ХСН при применении торасемида. РМЖ. 2013; 27: 1388. / Tebloev K.I., Evdokimova A.G., Lozhkina M.V., Evdokimov V.V. Sovremennye vozmozhnosti optimizatsii lecheniia bol'nykh AG i KhSN pri primenenii torasemida. RMZh. 2013; 27: 1388. [in Russian]
25. Свиряев Ю.В., Звартау Н.Э., Коростовцева Л.С. и др. Сравнительная оценка эффективности и безопасности Тригрима и Арифона Ретард у больных с арТериальной гипертонией в слепом рандомизированном исследовании в параллельных группах (исследование СТАРТ). Сердце. 2014; 13 (6): 389–95. / Sviriaev Iu.V., Zvartau N.E., Korostovtseva L.S. i dr. Sravnitel'naia otsenka effektivnosti i bezopasnosti Trigrima i Arifona Retard u bol'nykh s arTerial'noi gipertoniei v slepom randomizirovannom issledovanii v parallel'nykh gruppakh (issledovanie START). Serdtse. 2014; 13 (6): 389–95. [in Russian]
1. Withering W. An acconnt ot the fox-glove and some of its medical uses; with practical remarks of dropsy and other diseases. Birmingham, 1885.
2. Hutchen DE, Mehta D, Romano A. Diuretic action of furosemide. Arch Intern Med 1965; 115: 542.
3. Saxl P, Heiling R. Uber die diuretiche Wircung von Novasurol und anderen Quecksiberinjektionen. Wein Klin Wochenschr 1920; 33: 943.
4. Roush GC, Kaur R, Ernst ME. Diuretics: a review and update. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther 2014; 19 (1): 5–13.
5. Metelitsa V.I. Spravochnik po klinicheskoi farmakologii serdechno-sosudistykh lekarstvennykh sredstv. M.: MIA, 2005. [in Russian]
6. Mareev V.Iu., Vygodin V.A., Belenkov Iu.N. Diyreticheskaia terapiia Effektivnymi dozami peroral'nykh diuretikov torasemida (diuvera) i furosemida v lechenii bol'nykh s obostreniem Khronicheskoi Serdechnoi Nedostatochnosti (DUEL'' – KhSN). Serdechnaia nedostatochnost'. 2011; 12 (3): 3–10. [in Russian]
7. Preobrazhenskii D.V., Nekrasova N.I., Talyzina I.V., Pataraia S.A. Torasemid – petlevoi diuretik novogo pokoleniia: osobennosti farmakologii i klinicheskaia effektivnost' pri serdechnoi nedostatochnosti. Serdechnaia nedostatochnost'. 2010; 11 (5): 294–300. [in Russian]
8. Rosón M, Cavallero S, Della Penna S et al. Acute sodium overload produces renal tubulointerstitial inflammation in normal rats. Kidney Int 2006; 70 (8): 1439–46.
9. Claxton AJ, Cramer J, Pierce C. A systematic review of the associations between dose regimens and medication compliance. Clin Ther 2001; 23: 1296–10.
10. Goodfriend TL, Ball DL, Oelkers W et al. Torasemide inhibits aldosterone secretion in vitro. Life Sci 1998; 63 (3): L45–50.
11. Yamato M, Sasaki T, Honda K et al. Effects of torasemide on left ventricular function and neurohumoral factors in patients with chronic heart failure. Circulat J 2003; 67 (Suppl. 5): 384–90.
12. Goodfriend TL, Ball DL, Oelkers W et al. Torasemide inhibits aldosterone secretion in vitro. Life Sci 1998; 63 (3): L45–50.
13. Cosin J, Diez J. and TORIC investigators. Torasemide in chronic heart failure: results of the TORIC study. Eur J Heart Fail 2002; 4 (Suppl. 4): 507–13.
14. Murray M, Deer M, Ferguson J et al. Open-label randomized trial of torsemide compared with furosemide therapy for patients with heart failure. Am J Med 2001; 111 (Suppl. 7): 513–20.
15. Spannheimer A, Muller K, Falkenstein P et al. Long-term diuretic treatment in heart failure: are there differences between furo-semide and torasemide? Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax 2002; 91 (Suppl. 37): 1467–75.
16. Muller K, Gamba G, Jaquet F, Hess B. Torasemide vs. furosemide in primary care patients with chronic heart failure NYHA II to IV – efficacy and quality of life. Eur J Heart Fail 2003; 5 (Suppl. 6): 793–801.
17. Balsam P, Ozierański K, Tymińska A et al. The impact of torasemide on haemodynamic and neurohormonal stress, and cardiac remodelling in heart failure - TORNADO: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2017; 18 (1): 36.
18. Han LN, Guo SL, Lin XM et al. Torasemide reduces dilated cardiomyopathy, complication of arrhythmia, and progression to heart failure. Genet Mol Res 2014; 13 (3): 7262–74.
19. Knauf H, Mutschler E, Velazquez H, Giebisch G. Tora semide significantly reduces thiazide-induced potassium and magnesium loss despite supra-additive natriuresis. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2009; 65: 465–72.
20. Porcellati C, Verdecchia P, Schillaci G et al. La torasemide, nuovo diuretico del’ansa, nell trattamento dell’ipertensione ar-teriosa: Studio con trolla to in doppla cecita. Bas Razion Terapia 1990; 20: 407–10.
21. Baumgart P, Walger P, von Eiff M, Achhammer I. Long-term efficacy and tolerance of torasemide in hypertension. In: Progress in pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology. Stuttgart: Gustav-Fischer-Verlag, 1990; 8: 169–81.
22. Boelke T, Piesche L. Influence of 2,5-5 mg torasemide o.d. versus 25-50 mg HCTZ/50-100 triamterene o.d. on serum parameters in elderly patients with mild to moderate hypertension. In: Diuretics IV: Chemistry, Pharmacology and clinical Applications. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica, 1993; p. 279–82.
23. Achhammer I, Eberhard R. Comparison of serum potassium levels during long-term treatment of hypertension patients with 2,5 mg torasemide o.d. or 50 mg triamterene/25 mg hydrochlorothi-azide o.d. In: Progress in Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology. Stuttgart: Gustav-Fischer-Verlag, 1990; 8: 211–20.
24. Tebloev K.I., Evdokimova A.G., Lozhkina M.V., Evdokimov V.V. Sovremennye vozmozhnosti optimizatsii lecheniia bol'nykh AG i KhSN pri primenenii torasemida. RMZh. 2013; 27: 1388. [in Russian]
25. Sviriaev Iu.V., Zvartau N.E., Korostovtseva L.S. i dr. Sravnitel'naia otsenka effektivnosti i bezopasnosti Trigrima i Arifona Retard u bol'nykh s arTerial'noi gipertoniei v slepom randomizirovannom issledovanii v parallel'nykh gruppakh (issledovanie START). Serdtse. 2014; 13 (6): 389–95. [in Russian]
ФГБОУ ВО «Воронежский государственный медицинский университет им. Н.Н.Бурденко» Минздрава России. 394036, Россия, Воронеж, ул. Студенческая, д. 10 *mubarakshina@mail.ru
Voronezh State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 394036, Russian Federation, Voronezh, ul. Studencheskaia, d. 10 *mubarakshina@mail.ru