Представлен современный взгляд на комплексную терапию синдрома раздраженного кишечника (СРК), которая включает использование миотропных спазмолитиков, объемных слабительных, антидиарейных, психотропных средств. Рассматриваются особенности патогенетического лечения больных с СРК. Подчеркивается, что в лечении СРК особое место занимает использование препаратов, корригирующих микрофлору кишечника: кишечных антисептиков, про- и пребиотиков, а также оказывающих противовоспалительное действие, регулирующее тонус и моторику желудочно-кишечного тракта, – Иберогаст®.
The article presents modern view on the complex therapy of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which includes the use of miotropic spasmolytics, bulk laxatives, antimotility agents and psychotropic drugs. The features of pathogenetic treatment of patients with IBS. It is emphasized that the use of drugs correcting intestinal microflora – intestinal antiseptics, probiotics, prebiotics, including anti-inflammatory, regulating tone and motility of the gastrointestinal tract Iberogast®.
1. Маев И.В., Черемушкин С.В., Кучерявый Ю.А.. Синдром раздраженного кишечника. Римские критерии IV. О роли висцеральной гиперчувствительности и способах ее коррекции. Методическое пособие. М., 2016. / Maev I.V., Cheremushkin S.V., Kucheriavyi Iu.A.. Sindrom razdrazhennogo kishechnika. Rimskie kriterii IV. O roli vistseral'noi giperchuvstvitel'nosti i sposobakh ee korrektsii. Metodicheskoe posobie. M., 2016. [in Russian]
2. Шептулин А.А., Визе-Хрипунова М.А. Римские критерии синдрома раздраженного кишечника IV пересмотра: есть ли принципиальные изменения? Национальная школа гастроэнтерологов, гепатологов. Рос. журн. гастроэнтерологии, гепатологии, колопроктологии. 2016; 26 (5): 99–103. / Sheptulin A.A., Vize-Khripunova M.A. Rimskie kriterii sindroma razdrazhennogo kishechnika IV peresmotra: est' li printsipial'nye izmeneniia? Natsional'naia shkola gastroenterologov, gepatologov. Ros. zhurn. gastroenterologii, gepatologii, koloproktologii. 2016; 26 (5): 99–103. [in Russian]
3. Brandt LJ, Chey WD, Foxx-Orenstein AE et al. An evidence-based position statement on the management of irritable bowel syndrome. Am J Gastroenterol 2009; 104 (1): 1–35.
4. Lacy BE, Mearin FТn, Lin Chang et al. Bowel Disorders. Gastroenterology 2016; 150: 1393–407.
5. Canavan C, West J, Card T. The epidemiology of irritable bowel syndrome. Clin Epidemiol 2014; 6: 71–80.
6. Chaudhary NA, Trulove SC. The irritable colon syndrome. A study of the clinical features, predisposing causes, and prognosis in 130 cases. Q J Med 1962; 31: 307–22.
7. Ford AC, Forman D, Bailey AG et al. Irritable bowel syndrome: a 10-yr natural history of symptoms and factors that influence consultation behavior. Am J Gastroenterol 2008; 103: 1229–39.
8. Ford AC et al. Systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome in individuals with dyspepsia. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2010; 8 (5): 401–9.
9. Halder SL, Locke GR 3rd, Schleck CD et al. Natural history of functional gastrointestinal disorders: a 12-year longitudinal population-based study. Gastroenterology 2007; 133: 799–807.
10. Irritable bowel syndrome. Br Med J 1972; 1 (5794): 197–8. Noauthorslisted.
11. Kim HG et al. G-Protein Beta3 Subunit C825T Polymorphism in Patients With Overlap Syndrome of Functional Dyspepsia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2012; 18 (2): 205–10.
12. Kruse FH. Functional disorders of the colon: the spastic colon, the irritable colon, and mucous colitis. Cal West Med 1933; 39 (2): 97–103.
13. Longstreth GF, Thompson WG, Chey WD et al. Functional bowel disorders. Gastroenterology 2006; 130 (5): 1480–91.
14. Lovell RM, Ford AC. Global prevalence of and risk factors for irritable bowel syndrome: a meta-analysis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2012; 10: 712–21.
15. Madisch A, Holtmann G, Plein K, Hotz J. Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with herbal preparations: results of a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2004; 19: 271–9.
16. Manning AP, Thompson WG, Heaton KW, Morris AF. Towards positive diagnosis of the irritable bowel. Br Med J 1978; 2 (6138): 653–4.
17. O'Donnell LJD, Virjee J, Heaton KW. Detection of pseudodiarrhoea by simple clinical assessment of intestinal transit rate. Br Med J 1990; 300: 439–40.
18. Oliver Grudmannand Saunjoo L. Yoon Complementary and alternative medicines in irritable bowel syndrome: An integrative view. World J Gastroenterol 2014; 20 (2): 346–62.
19. Palsson O, Heymen S, Whitehead WE. Abdominal pain versus abdominal discomfort: implications for diagnostic assessment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). United Eur Gastroenterol J 2014; 2: 405.
20. Rösch W, Vinson B, Sassin I. A randomised clinical trial comparing the efficacy of a herbal preparation STW 5 with the prokinetic drug cisapride in patients with dysmotility type of functional dyspepsia. Z Gastroenterol 2002; 40: 401–8.
21. Saito YA, Locke GR, Talley NJ et al. A comparison of the Rome and Manning criteria for case identification in epidemiological investigations of irritable bowel syndrome. Am J Gastroenterol 2000; 95 (10): 2816–24.
22. Simmen U, Kelber O, Okpanyi SN et al. Binding of STW 5 (Iberogast) and its components to intestinal 5-HT, muscarinic M3, and opioid receptors. Phytomedicine 2006; 13 (Suppl. 5): 51–5.
23. Thompson WG, Longstreth GF, Drossman DA et al. Functional bowel disorders and functional abdominal pain. Gut 1999; 45 (Suppl. 2): II43–II47.
24. Von Arnim U, Peitz U, Vinson B et al. STW 5, a phytopharmacon for patients with functional dyspepsia: results of a multicenter, placebo-controlled double-blind study. Am J Gastroenterol 2007; 102: 1268–75.
25. Lacy BE, Mearin F, Chang L et al. Bowel Disorders. Gastroenterology 2016; 150: 1393–407.
26. Camilleri M, Lasch K, Zhou W. Irritable bowel syndrome: Methods, mechanisms, and pathophysiology. The confluence of increased permeability, inflammation, and pain in irritable bowel syndrome. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2012; 303: 775–85.
27. Свистунов А.А., Осадчук М.А., Осадчук А.М., Буторова Л.И. Римские критерии синдрома раздраженного кишечника IV пересмотра (2016): что нового? Клиническая медицина. / Svistunov A.A., Osadchuk M.A., Osadchuk A.M., Butorova L.I. Rimskie kriterii sindroma razdrazhennogo kishechnika IV peresmotra (2016): chto novogo? Klinicheskaia meditsina. [in Russian]
28. Батурова Л.И., Томилина Г.М. Синдром раздраженного кишечника: основные принципы диагностики и лечения в поликлинической практике. М.: Прима Принят, 2014. / Baturova L.I., Tomilina G.M. Sindrom razdrazhennogo kishechnika: osnovnye printsipy diagnostiki i lecheniia v poliklinicheskoi praktike. M.: Prima Priniat, 2014. [in Russian]
29. Allam S et al. Extracts from peppermint leaves, lemon balm leaves and inparticular angelica roots mimic the pro-secretory action of the herbal preparation STW5 in the human intestine. Phytomedicine 2015; 22: 1063–70.
30. Mohamed T. Khayyala et al. A multi-component herbal preparation, STW 5, shows anti-apoptoticeffects in radiation induced intestinal mucositis in rats. Phytomedicine 2014; 21: 1390–9.
31. Hames N, James KC, Pugh WK. Antifoaming and carminative actions of volantile oils. J Clin Pharmacy 1978; 2: 171–7.
32. Ulrich-Merzenich G, Shcherbakova A, Kelber O, Abdel-Aziz H. Multitargeting of STW 5 – the contribution of its components to the anti-inflammatory activity. Digestive Disease Week, Chicago 2017.
33. Koskinen K. Interaction between the herbal preparat on STW 5 and human intestinal bacteria in vitro. Digestive Disease Week, Chicago 2017.
34. Vinson B. Development of Iberogast: Clinical Evidence for Multicomponent Herbal Mixtures. In: Cooper R, Kronenberg F, editors. Botanical medicine: from bench to bedside. New Rochelle: Mary Ann Liebert, 2009; p. 167–89.
1. Maev I.V., Cheremushkin S.V., Kucheriavyi Iu.A.. Sindrom razdrazhennogo kishechnika. Rimskie kriterii IV. O roli vistseral'noi giperchuvstvitel'nosti i sposobakh ee korrektsii. Metodicheskoe posobie. M., 2016. [in Russian]
2. Sheptulin A.A., Vize-Khripunova M.A. Rimskie kriterii sindroma razdrazhennogo kishechnika IV peresmotra: est' li printsipial'nye izmeneniia? Natsional'naia shkola gastroenterologov, gepatologov. Ros. zhurn. gastroenterologii, gepatologii, koloproktologii. 2016; 26 (5): 99–103. [in Russian]
3. Brandt LJ, Chey WD, Foxx-Orenstein AE et al. An evidence-based position statement on the management of irritable bowel syndrome. Am J Gastroenterol 2009; 104 (1): 1–35.
4. Lacy BE, Mearin FТn, Lin Chang et al. Bowel Disorders. Gastroenterology 2016; 150: 1393–407.
5. Canavan C, West J, Card T. The epidemiology of irritable bowel syndrome. Clin Epidemiol 2014; 6: 71–80.
6. Chaudhary NA, Trulove SC. The irritable colon syndrome. A study of the clinical features, predisposing causes, and prognosis in 130 cases. Q J Med 1962; 31: 307–22.
7. Ford AC, Forman D, Bailey AG et al. Irritable bowel syndrome: a 10-yr natural history of symptoms and factors that influence consultation behavior. Am J Gastroenterol 2008; 103: 1229–39.
8. Ford AC et al. Systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome in individuals with dyspepsia. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2010; 8 (5): 401–9.
9. Halder SL, Locke GR 3rd, Schleck CD et al. Natural history of functional gastrointestinal disorders: a 12-year longitudinal population-based study. Gastroenterology 2007; 133: 799–807.
10. Irritable bowel syndrome. Br Med J 1972; 1 (5794): 197–8. Noauthorslisted.
11. Kim HG et al. G-Protein Beta3 Subunit C825T Polymorphism in Patients With Overlap Syndrome of Functional Dyspepsia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2012; 18 (2): 205–10.
12. Kruse FH. Functional disorders of the colon: the spastic colon, the irritable colon, and mucous colitis. Cal West Med 1933; 39 (2): 97–103.
13. Longstreth GF, Thompson WG, Chey WD et al. Functional bowel disorders. Gastroenterology 2006; 130 (5): 1480–91.
14. Lovell RM, Ford AC. Global prevalence of and risk factors for irritable bowel syndrome: a meta-analysis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2012; 10: 712–21.
15. Madisch A, Holtmann G, Plein K, Hotz J. Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with herbal preparations: results of a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2004; 19: 271–9.
16. Manning AP, Thompson WG, Heaton KW, Morris AF. Towards positive diagnosis of the irritable bowel. Br Med J 1978; 2 (6138): 653–4.
17. O'Donnell LJD, Virjee J, Heaton KW. Detection of pseudodiarrhoea by simple clinical assessment of intestinal transit rate. Br Med J 1990; 300: 439–40.
18. Oliver Grudmannand Saunjoo L. Yoon Complementary and alternative medicines in irritable bowel syndrome: An integrative view. World J Gastroenterol 2014; 20 (2): 346–62.
19. Palsson O, Heymen S, Whitehead WE. Abdominal pain versus abdominal discomfort: implications for diagnostic assessment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). United Eur Gastroenterol J 2014; 2: 405.
20. Rösch W, Vinson B, Sassin I. A randomised clinical trial comparing the efficacy of a herbal preparation STW 5 with the prokinetic drug cisapride in patients with dysmotility type of functional dyspepsia. Z Gastroenterol 2002; 40: 401–8.
21. Saito YA, Locke GR, Talley NJ et al. A comparison of the Rome and Manning criteria for case identification in epidemiological investigations of irritable bowel syndrome. Am J Gastroenterol 2000; 95 (10): 2816–24.
22. Simmen U, Kelber O, Okpanyi SN et al. Binding of STW 5 (Iberogast) and its components to intestinal 5-HT, muscarinic M3, and opioid receptors. Phytomedicine 2006; 13 (Suppl. 5): 51–5.
23. Thompson WG, Longstreth GF, Drossman DA et al. Functional bowel disorders and functional abdominal pain. Gut 1999; 45 (Suppl. 2): II43–II47.
24. Von Arnim U, Peitz U, Vinson B et al. STW 5, a phytopharmacon for patients with functional dyspepsia: results of a multicenter, placebo-controlled double-blind study. Am J Gastroenterol 2007; 102: 1268–75.
25. Lacy BE, Mearin F, Chang L et al. Bowel Disorders. Gastroenterology 2016; 150: 1393–407.
26. Camilleri M, Lasch K, Zhou W. Irritable bowel syndrome: Methods, mechanisms, and pathophysiology. The confluence of increased permeability, inflammation, and pain in irritable bowel syndrome. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2012; 303: 775–85.
27. Svistunov A.A., Osadchuk M.A., Osadchuk A.M., Butorova L.I. Rimskie kriterii sindroma razdrazhennogo kishechnika IV peresmotra (2016): chto novogo? Klinicheskaia meditsina. [in Russian]
28. Baturova L.I., Tomilina G.M. Sindrom razdrazhennogo kishechnika: osnovnye printsipy diagnostiki i lecheniia v poliklinicheskoi praktike. M.: Prima Priniat, 2014. [in Russian]
29. Allam S et al. Extracts from peppermint leaves, lemon balm leaves and inparticular angelica roots mimic the pro-secretory action of the herbal preparation STW5 in the human intestine. Phytomedicine 2015; 22: 1063–70.
30. Mohamed T. Khayyala et al. A multi-component herbal preparation, STW 5, shows anti-apoptoticeffects in radiation induced intestinal mucositis in rats. Phytomedicine 2014; 21: 1390–9.
31. Hames N, James KC, Pugh WK. Antifoaming and carminative actions of volantile oils. J Clin Pharmacy 1978; 2: 171–7.
32. Ulrich-Merzenich G, Shcherbakova A, Kelber O, Abdel-Aziz H. Multitargeting of STW 5 – the contribution of its components to the anti-inflammatory activity. Digestive Disease Week, Chicago 2017.
33. Koskinen K. Interaction between the herbal preparat on STW 5 and human intestinal bacteria in vitro. Digestive Disease Week, Chicago 2017.
34. Vinson B. Development of Iberogast: Clinical Evidence for Multicomponent Herbal Mixtures. In: Cooper R, Kronenberg F, editors. Botanical medicine: from bench to bedside. New Rochelle: Mary Ann Liebert, 2009; p. 167–89.
В.И.Симаненков*, З.Р.Сундукова, О.И.Соловьева
ФГБОУ ВО «Северо-Западный государственный медицинский университет им. И.И.Мечникова» Минздрава России. 191015, Россия, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Кирочная, д. 41
V.I.Simanenkov*, Z.R.Sundukova, O.I.Solovyeva
I.I.Mechnikov North-West State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 191015, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, ul. Kirochnaia, d. 41