Применение новой усовершенствованной модели уретрального катетера в лечении и профилактике основных патологических состояний органов мочевыделительной системы
Применение новой усовершенствованной модели уретрального катетера в лечении и профилактике основных патологических состояний органов мочевыделительной системы
Васильев А.О., Говоров А.В., Шнейдерман М.Г. и др. Применение новой усовершенствованной модели уретрального катетера в лечении и профилактике основных патологических состояний органов мочевыделительной системы. Consilium Medicum. 2018; 20 (7): 46–50. DOI: 10.26442/2075-1753_2018.7.46-50
Vasilyev A.O., Govorov A.V., Schneiderman M.G. et al. Application of a new improved model of a urethral catheter in the treatment and prevention of major pathological conditions of the urinary system. Consilium Medicum. 2018; 20 (7): 46–50. DOI: 10.26442/2075-1753_2018.7.46-50
Применение новой усовершенствованной модели уретрального катетера в лечении и профилактике основных патологических состояний органов мочевыделительной системы
Васильев А.О., Говоров А.В., Шнейдерман М.Г. и др. Применение новой усовершенствованной модели уретрального катетера в лечении и профилактике основных патологических состояний органов мочевыделительной системы. Consilium Medicum. 2018; 20 (7): 46–50. DOI: 10.26442/2075-1753_2018.7.46-50
Vasilyev A.O., Govorov A.V., Schneiderman M.G. et al. Application of a new improved model of a urethral catheter in the treatment and prevention of major pathological conditions of the urinary system. Consilium Medicum. 2018; 20 (7): 46–50. DOI: 10.26442/2075-1753_2018.7.46-50
С момента первого клинического применения и по сегодняшний день уретральный катетер является одним из самых востребованных медицинских изделий. Будь то кратковременная катетеризация или длительное дренирование мочевого пузыря, уретральный катетер является неотъемлемой частью лечебного процесса практически во всех нозологиях. При всей потенциальной пользе нахождение уретрального катетера в полости мочевого пузыря может приводить к формированию бактериальной колонизации, образованию камней и вторичной бактериемии, а также способствовать росту резистентности к антибактериальным препаратам. Сохраняющийся высокий процент нозокомиальной инфекции, обусловленной дренированием мочевого пузыря, предусматривает ряд требований к уретральному катетеру: он должен быть прост в использовании, удобен в применении для пациента и медицинского персонала, а также по возможности снижать потенциальный риск инфицирования органов мочевыделительной системы. Внедрение уретральных катетеров, импрегнированных антибактериальными, противомикробными и антисептическими препаратами, в значительной степени способствовало снижению частоты катетер-ассоциированной инфекции. В данной статье описан собственный опыт применения новых моделей уретрального катетера в снижении риска и профилактике развития катетер-ассоциированной инфекции органов мочевыделительной системы.
Ключевые слова: уретральный катетер, новая модель, осложнения, катетер-ассоциированная инфекция.
From the time of the first clinical application to the present day, the urethral catheter is one of the most sought-after medical devices. Whether short-term catheterization or prolonged drainage of the bladder, the urethral catheter is an integral part of the treatment process in almost all nosologies. With all the potential benefits, finding a urethral catheter in the bladder cavity can lead to the formation of bacterial colonization, the formation of stones and secondary bacteremia, and to promote the growth of resistance to antibacterial drugs. The continuing high rate of nosocomial infection due to bladder drainage involves a number of requirements for the urethral catheter: it should be easy to use, convenient for patient and medical personnel, and, if possible, reduce the potential risk of infection of the urinary system. The introduction of urethral catheters impregnated with antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiseptic drugs significantly contributed to a decrease in the incidence of catheter-associated infection. This article describes the experience of using new models of the urethral catheter in reducing the risk and preventing the development of catheter-associated infection of the urinary system.
Key words: urethral catheter, new model, complications, catheter-associated infection.
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2. Foley FEB. Cystoscopic prostatectomy: a new procedure: preliminary report. J Urol 1929; 21: 289–306.
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10. Denstedt JD, Wollin TA, Reid G. Biomaterials used in urology: Current issues of biocompatibility, infection, and encrustation. J Endourol 1998; 12 (6): 493–500.
11. Nickel JC, McLean RJC. Bacterial biofilms in urology. Infect Urol 1998; 11: 169–75.
12. Niel-Weise BS, van den Broek PJ. Urinary catheter policies for long-term bladder drainage. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2005; 25: CD004201.
13. Stickler DJ. Biomaterials to prevent nosocomial infections: is silver the gold standard? Curr Opin Infect Dis 2000; 13: 389–93.
14. Brosnahan J, Jull A, Tracy C. Types of urethral catheters for management of short-term voiding problems in hospitalised adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2004; 1: CD004013.
15. Pickard R, Lam T, MacLennan G et al. Antimicrobial catheters for reduction of symptomatic urinary tract infection in adults requiring short-term catheterisation in hospital: a multicentre randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2012; 1 (9857): 1927–35.
16. Pickard R, Lam T, Maclennan G et al. Types of urethral catheter for reducing symptomatic urinary tract infections inhospitalised adults requiring short-term catheterisation: multicentrera domised controlled trial and economic evaluationof antimicrobialand antiseptic-impregnated urethral catheters (the CATHETER trial). Health Technol Assess 2012; 16 (47): 1–197.
17. Desai DG, Liao KS, Cevallos ME. Silver or nitrofurazone impregnation of urinary catheters has a minimal effect on uropathogen adherence. J Urol 2010; 184 (6): 2565–71.
18. Rani SA, Celeri C, Najafi R et al. Irrigation with N,N- dichloro-2,2-dimethyltaurine (NVC-422) in a citrate buffer maintains urinarycatheter patency in vitro and prevents encrustation by Proteus mirabilis. Urolithiasis 2016; 44 (3): 247–56.
19. Kumar CG, Sujitha P. Green synthesis of Kocuran-functionalized silver glyconanoparticles for use as antibiofilm coatings on silicone urethral catheters. Nanotechnology 2014; 25 (32): 325101.
20. De Ridder DJ, Everaert K, Ferná́ndez LG et al. Intermittent catheterisation with hydrophilic-coated catheters (SpeediCath) reduces the risk of clinical urinary tract infection in spinal cord injured patients: a prospective randomised parallel comparative trial. Eur Urol 2005; 48 (6): 991–5.
21. Sarica S, Akkoc Y, Karapolat H et al. Comparison of the use of conventional, hydrophilic and gel-lubricated catheters with regard to urethral micro trauma, urinary system infection, and patient satisfaction in patients with spinal cord injury: a randomized controlled study. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2010; 46 (4): 473–9.
22. Lange D, Elwood CN, Choi K et al. Uropathogen interaction with the surface of urological stents using different surface properties. J Urol 2009; 182 (3): 1194–200.
23. Hachem R, Reitzel R, Borne A et al. Novel antiseptic urinary catheters for prevention of urinary tract infections: correlation of in vivo and in vitro test results. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2009; 53 (12): 5145–9.
1. Carr HA. A short history of the Foley catheter: from handmade instrument to infection-prevention device. J Endourol 2000; 14 (1): 5–8.
2. Foley FEB. Cystoscopic prostatectomy: a new procedure: preliminary report. J Urol 1929; 21: 289–306.
3. Pushkar' D.Yu., Suhih G.T., Shnejderman M.G. i dr. Patent, registracionnyj nomer 2015105711 «Sposob lecheniya i profilaktiki vospalitel'nyh processov mocheispuskatel'nogo kanala v rannem ili pozdnem posleoperacionnom periodah». [in Russian]
4. Pushkar' D.Yu., Suhih G.T., Shnejderman M.G. i dr. Patent, registracionnyj nomer 2015105715 «Urologicheskij kateter». [in Russian]
5. Vasil'ev A.O., Govorov A.V., Reva I.A. i dr. Al'ternativnye podhody k profilaktike i lecheniyu posleoperacionnyh oslozhnenij putem vnedreniya v praktiku novyh modelej urologicheskogo katetera. Urologiya. 2016; 6: 5–10. [in Russian]
6. Vasil'ev A.O., Govorov A.V., Shiryaev A.A. i dr. Rol' uretral'nogo katetera v razvitii kateter-associirovannoj infekcii mochevyvodyashchih putej. Urologiya. 2017; 6: 107–11. [in Russian]
7. Сosterton JW. Cystic fibrosis pathogenesis and the role of biofilms in persistent infection. Trends Microbiol 2001; 9 (2): 50–2.
8. Tenke P, Kovacs B, Bjerklund Johansen TE et al. European and Asian guidelines on management and prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections. Int J Antimicrob Agents 2008; 31 (1): 68–78.
9. Perepanova T.S. Znachenie infekcij, obuslovlennyh obrazovaniem bioplenok, v urologicheskoj praktike. Effektivnaya farmakoterapiya. 2013; 37 (4): 18–27. [in Russian]
10. Denstedt JD, Wollin TA, Reid G. Biomaterials used in urology: Current issues of biocompatibility, infection, and encrustation. J Endourol 1998; 12 (6): 493–500.
11. Nickel JC, McLean RJC. Bacterial biofilms in urology. Infect Urol 1998; 11: 169–75.
12. Niel-Weise BS, van den Broek PJ. Urinary catheter policies for long-term bladder drainage. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2005; 25: CD004201.
13. Stickler DJ. Biomaterials to prevent nosocomial infections: is silver the gold standard? Curr Opin Infect Dis 2000; 13: 389–93.
14. Brosnahan J, Jull A, Tracy C. Types of urethral catheters for management of short-term voiding problems in hospitalised adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2004; 1: CD004013.
15. Pickard R, Lam T, MacLennan G et al. Antimicrobial catheters for reduction of symptomatic urinary tract infection in adults requiring short-term catheterisation in hospital: a multicentre randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2012; 1 (9857): 1927–35.
16. Pickard R, Lam T, Maclennan G et al. Types of urethral catheter for reducing symptomatic urinary tract infections inhospitalised adults requiring short-term catheterisation: multicentrera domised controlled trial and economic evaluationof antimicrobialand antiseptic-impregnated urethral catheters (the CATHETER trial). Health Technol Assess 2012; 16 (47): 1–197.
17. Desai DG, Liao KS, Cevallos ME. Silver or nitrofurazone impregnation of urinary catheters has a minimal effect on uropathogen adherence. J Urol 2010; 184 (6): 2565–71.
18. Rani SA, Celeri C, Najafi R et al. Irrigation with N,N- dichloro-2,2-dimethyltaurine (NVC-422) in a citrate buffer maintains urinarycatheter patency in vitro and prevents encrustation by Proteus mirabilis. Urolithiasis 2016; 44 (3): 247–56.
19. Kumar CG, Sujitha P. Green synthesis of Kocuran-functionalized silver glyconanoparticles for use as antibiofilm coatings on silicone urethral catheters. Nanotechnology 2014; 25 (32): 325101.
20. De Ridder DJ, Everaert K, Ferná́ndez LG et al. Intermittent catheterisation with hydrophilic-coated catheters (SpeediCath) reduces the risk of clinical urinary tract infection in spinal cord injured patients: a prospective randomised parallel comparative trial. Eur Urol 2005; 48 (6): 991–5.
21. Sarica S, Akkoc Y, Karapolat H et al. Comparison of the use of conventional, hydrophilic and gel-lubricated catheters with regard to urethral micro trauma, urinary system infection, and patient satisfaction in patients with spinal cord injury: a randomized controlled study. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2010; 46 (4): 473–9.
22. Lange D, Elwood CN, Choi K et al. Uropathogen interaction with the surface of urological stents using different surface properties. J Urol 2009; 182 (3): 1194–200.
23. Hachem R, Reitzel R, Borne A et al. Novel antiseptic urinary catheters for prevention of urinary tract infections: correlation of in vivo and in vitro test results. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2009; 53 (12): 5145–9.
1 ФГБОУ ВО «Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет им. А.И.Евдокимова» Минздрава России. 127473, Россия, Москва, ул. Делегатская, д. 20, стр. 1;
2 ФГБУ «Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр акушерства, гинекологии и перинатологии им. акад. В.И.Кулакова» Минздрава России. 117997, Россия, Москва, ул. Академика Опарина, д. 4
1 A.I.Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 127473, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Delegatskaia, d. 20, str. 1;
2 V.I.Kulakov National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 117997, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Akademika Oparina, d. 4