Современный взгляд на биопсию предстательной железы
Современный взгляд на биопсию предстательной железы
Демин А.А., Говоров А.В., Васильев А.О. и др. Современный взгляд на биопсию предстательной железы. Consilium Medicum. 2018; 20 (7): 11–14. DOI: 10.26442/2075-1753_2018.7.11-14
Demin A.A., Govorov A.V., Vasilyev A.O. et al. A modern view of prostate biopsy. Consilium Medicum. 2018; 20 (7): 11–14. DOI: 10.26442/2075-1753_2018.7.11-14
Современный взгляд на биопсию предстательной железы
Демин А.А., Говоров А.В., Васильев А.О. и др. Современный взгляд на биопсию предстательной железы. Consilium Medicum. 2018; 20 (7): 11–14. DOI: 10.26442/2075-1753_2018.7.11-14
Demin A.A., Govorov A.V., Vasilyev A.O. et al. A modern view of prostate biopsy. Consilium Medicum. 2018; 20 (7): 11–14. DOI: 10.26442/2075-1753_2018.7.11-14
Активное внедрение программ ранней диагностики рака предстательной железы, включающих выполнение пальцевого ректального исследования, определение уровня простат-специфического антигена в сыворотке крови и проведение трансректального ультразвукового исследования, позволило выявлять заболевание на ранних стадиях и предлагать пациентам радикальные способы лечения. В настоящее время помимо стандартизированных методов диагностики рака предстательной железы может быть осуществлено множество неинвазивных способов: определение индекса здоровья простаты, PCA3 (Prostate Cancer gene 3), проведение магнитно-резонансной томографии, различных фьюжн-технологий, а также разновидностей ультразвукового исследования простаты (гистосканирования, соноэластографии и др.). Появление новых неинвазивных методов визуализации показало немалый потенциал в диагностике рака предстательной железы, выборе способа терапии, планировании хода операции и последующем наблюдении за пациентами.
Active introduction of programs for early diagnosis of prostate cancer, including the implementation of digital rectal examination, determination of prostate-specific antigen and transrectal ultrasound made it possible to identify the disease at an early stage and offer patients radical treatment. Currently, in addition to the standardized cancer diagnostic methods of prostate cancer, patients may be asked a lot of non-invasive diagnostic methods: the definition of the prostate health index, the PCA3 (Prostate Cancer gene 3), carrying out magnetic resonance imaging, various fusion technology, as well as varieties of prostate ultrasound (histoscanning, sonoelastography, etc.). The emergence of new non-invasive imaging techniques has shown considerable potential in diagnosing prostate cancer, choosing a method of treatment, planning the course of the operation and subsequently monitoring patients.
1. Rebecca L, Siegel MPH, Kimberly D et al. Cancer statistics. Cancer J Clin 2018; 68: 7–30.
2. Злокачественные новообразования в России в 2015 году (заболеваемость и смертность). Под ред. А.Д.Каприна, В.В.Старинского, Г.В.Петровой. М.: МНИОИ им. П.А.Герцена – филиал ФГБУ «НМИРЦ» Минздрава России, 2017. / Zlokachestvennye novoobrazovaniya v Rossii v 2015 godu (zabolevaemost' i smertnost'). Pod red. A.D.Kaprina, V.V.Starinskogo, G.V.Petrovoĭ. M.: MNIOI im. P.A.Gercena – filial FGBU «NMIRC» Minzdrava Rossii, 2017. [in Russian]
3. Mettlin C, Murphy GP, Babaian RJ et al. The results of a five-year early prostate cancer detection intervention. Investigators of the American Cancer Society National Prostate Cancer Detection Project. Cancer 1996; 77(1): 150–9.
4. Xue J, Qin Z, Cai H et al. Comparison between transrectal and transperineal prostate biopsy for detection of prostate cancer: a meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis. Oncotarget 2017; 8 (14): 23322–36.
5. Guichard G, Larreґ S, Gallina A et al. Extended 21-sample needle biopsy protocol for diagnosis of prostate cancer in 1000 consecutive patients. Eur Urol 2007; 52: 430–5.
6. Berger AP, Gozzi C, Steiner H et al. Complication rate of transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy: a comparison among 3 protocols with 6, 10 and 15 cores. J Urol 2004; 171: 1478–80.
7. Gao Y, Liao XH, Lu L et al. Contrast-enhanced transrectal ultrasonography for the detection of diffuse prostate cancer. Clin Radiol 2016; 71 (3): 258–64.
8. Rohrbach D, Wodlinger B, Wen J et al. High-Frequency Quantitative Ultrasound for Imaging Prostate Cancer Using a Novel Micro-Ultrasound Scanner. Ultrasound Med Biol 2018; 4: S0301–5629(18)30080-2.
9. Ghai S, Eure G, Fradet V. Assessing Cancer Risk on Novel 29 MHz Micro-Ultrasound Images of the Prostate: Creation of the Micro-Ultrasound Protocol for Prostate Risk Identification. J Urol 2016; 196 (2): 562–9.
10. Ghai S, Van der Kwast T. Suspicious findings on micro-ultrasound imaging and early detection of prostate cancer. Urol Case Reports 2018; 16: 98–100.
11. Salomon G, Schiffmann J. Real-time elastography for the detection of prostate cancer. Curr Urol Rep 2014; 15: 392.
12. Aigner F, Pallwein L, Junker D et al. Value of real-time elastography targeted biopsy for prostate cancer detection in men with prostate specific antigen 1.25 ng/ml or greater and 4.00 ng/ml or less. J Urol 2010; 184: 913–7.
13. Salomon G, Drews N, Autier P et al. Incremental detection rate of prostate cancer by real-time elastography targeted biopsies in combination with a conventional 10-core biopsy in 1024 consecutive patients. BJU Int 2014; 113: 548–53.
14. Boehm K, Salomon G, Beyer B et al. Shear wave elastography for localization of prostate cancer lesions and assessment of elasticity thresholds: implications for targeted biopsies and active surveillance protocols. J Urol 2015; 193: 794–800.
15. Васильев А.О., Говоров А.В., Пушкарь Д.Ю. Гистосканирование предстательной железы у пациентов, перенесших криоаблацию простаты. Качество. Инновации. Образование. Научно-практическая конференция «Роботические технологии в медицине». 2016: 9–14. / Vasil'ev A.O., Govorov A.V., Pushkar' D.Yu. Gistoskanirovanie predstatel'noj zhelezy u pacientov, perenesshih krioablaciyu prostaty. Kachestvo. Innovacii. Obrazovanie. Nauchno-prakticheskaya konferenciya «Roboticheskie tekhnologii v medicine». 2016: 9–14. [in Russian]
16. Braeckman J, Autier P, Garbar C et al. Computer-aided ultrasonography (HistoScanning): a novel technology for locating and characterizing prostate cancer. BJU Int 2008; 101: 293–8.
17. Говоров А.В., Васильев А.О., Садченко А.В. и др. Роль гистосканирования предстательной железы в выявлении рака простаты. Consilium Medicum. 2015; 17 (7): 8–11. / Govorov A.V., Vasilyev A.O., Sadchenko A.V. et al. The role of prostate HistoScanning in detecting prostate cancer. Consilium Medicum. 2015; 17 (7): 8–11. [in Russian]
18. Schiffmann J, Tennstedt P, Fischer J et al. Does HistoScanning™ predict positive results in prostate biopsy? A retrospective analysis of 1,188 sextants of the prostate. World J Urol 2014; 32: 925–30.
19. Glybochko PV, Alyaev YG, Amosov AV et al. Evaluation of Prostate HistoScanning as a Method for Targeted Biopsy in Routine Practice. Eur Urol Focus 2017; 19: S2405–4569(17)30172-4.
20. Hamann MF, Meyer D, Knüpfer S. Application of ultrasound imaging biomarkers (HistoScanning™) improves staging reliability of prostate biopsies. BMC Res Notes 2017; 10 (1): 579.
21. Bratan F, Niaf E, Melodelima C et al. Influence of imaging and histological factors on prostate cancer detection and localisation on multiparametric MRI: a prospective study. Eur Radiol 2013; 23: 2019.
22. Wegelin O, van Melick HHE, Hooft L et al. Comparing Three Different Techniques for Magnetic Resonance Imaging-targeted Prostate Biopsies: A Systematic Review of In-bore versus Magnetic Resonance Imaging-transrectal Ultrasound fusion versus Cognitive Registration. Is There a Preferred Technique? Eur Urol 2017; 71 (4): 517–31.
23. Friedl A, Schneeweiss J, Sevcenco S et al. In-bore 3.0-T Magnetic Resonance Imaging-guided Transrectal Targeted Prostate Biopsy in a Repeat Biopsy Population: Diagnostic Performance, Complications, and Learning Curve. Urology 2018; 114: 139–46.
24. Baco E, Ukimura O, Rud E et al. Magnetic resonance imaging-transectal ultrasound image-fusion biopsies accurately characterize the index tumor: correlation with step-sectioned radical prostatectomy specimens in 135 patients. Eur Urol 2015; 67: 787–94.
25. Dickinson L, Hu Y, Ahmed HU et al. Image-directed, tissue-preserving focal therapy of prostate cancer: a feasibility study of a novel deformable magnetic resonance-ultrasound (MR-US) registration system. BJU Int 2013; 112: 594–601.
26. Da Rosa MR, Milot L, Sugar L et al. A prospective comparison of MRI-US fused targeted biopsy versus systematic ultrasound-guided biopsy for detecting clinically significant prostate cancer in patients on active surveillance. J Magn Reson Imaging 2015; 41: 220–5.
27. Kasivisvanathan V, Rannikko AS, Borghi M et al. MRI-Targeted or Standard Biopsy for Prostate-Cancer Diagnosis. N Engl J Med 2018.
28. Lopci E, Saita A, Lazzeri M et al. 68Ga-PSMA Positron Emission Tomography/Computerized Tomography for Primary Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer in Men with Contraindications to or Negative Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Prospective Observational Study. J Urol 2018; pii: S0022-5347(18)30172-1.
29. Valerio M, Donaldson I, Emberton M et al. Detection of clinically significant prostate cancer using magnetic resonance imaging-ultrasound fusion targeted biopsy: a systematic review. Eur Urol 2015; 68 (1): 8–19.
1. Rebecca L, Siegel MPH, Kimberly D et al. Cancer statistics. Cancer J Clin 2018; 68: 7–30.
2. Zlokachestvennye novoobrazovaniya v Rossii v 2015 godu (zabolevaemost' i smertnost'). Pod red. A.D.Kaprina, V.V.Starinskogo, G.V.Petrovoĭ. M.: MNIOI im. P.A.Gercena – filial FGBU «NMIRC» Minzdrava Rossii, 2017. [in Russian]
3. Mettlin C, Murphy GP, Babaian RJ et al. The results of a five-year early prostate cancer detection intervention. Investigators of the American Cancer Society National Prostate Cancer Detection Project. Cancer 1996; 77(1): 150–9.
4. Xue J, Qin Z, Cai H et al. Comparison between transrectal and transperineal prostate biopsy for detection of prostate cancer: a meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis. Oncotarget 2017; 8 (14): 23322–36.
5. Guichard G, Larreґ S, Gallina A et al. Extended 21-sample needle biopsy protocol for diagnosis of prostate cancer in 1000 consecutive patients. Eur Urol 2007; 52: 430–5.
6. Berger AP, Gozzi C, Steiner H et al. Complication rate of transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy: a comparison among 3 protocols with 6, 10 and 15 cores. J Urol 2004; 171: 1478–80.
7. Gao Y, Liao XH, Lu L et al. Contrast-enhanced transrectal ultrasonography for the detection of diffuse prostate cancer. Clin Radiol 2016; 71 (3): 258–64.
8. Rohrbach D, Wodlinger B, Wen J et al. High-Frequency Quantitative Ultrasound for Imaging Prostate Cancer Using a Novel Micro-Ultrasound Scanner. Ultrasound Med Biol 2018; 4: S0301–5629(18)30080-2.
9. Ghai S, Eure G, Fradet V. Assessing Cancer Risk on Novel 29 MHz Micro-Ultrasound Images of the Prostate: Creation of the Micro-Ultrasound Protocol for Prostate Risk Identification. J Urol 2016; 196 (2): 562–9.
10. Ghai S, Van der Kwast T. Suspicious findings on micro-ultrasound imaging and early detection of prostate cancer. Urol Case Reports 2018; 16: 98–100.
11. Salomon G, Schiffmann J. Real-time elastography for the detection of prostate cancer. Curr Urol Rep 2014; 15: 392.
12. Aigner F, Pallwein L, Junker D et al. Value of real-time elastography targeted biopsy for prostate cancer detection in men with prostate specific antigen 1.25 ng/ml or greater and 4.00 ng/ml or less. J Urol 2010; 184: 913–7.
13. Salomon G, Drews N, Autier P et al. Incremental detection rate of prostate cancer by real-time elastography targeted biopsies in combination with a conventional 10-core biopsy in 1024 consecutive patients. BJU Int 2014; 113: 548–53.
14. Boehm K, Salomon G, Beyer B et al. Shear wave elastography for localization of prostate cancer lesions and assessment of elasticity thresholds: implications for targeted biopsies and active surveillance protocols. J Urol 2015; 193: 794–800.
15. Vasil'ev A.O., Govorov A.V., Pushkar' D.Yu. Gistoskanirovanie predstatel'noj zhelezy u pacientov, perenesshih krioablaciyu prostaty. Kachestvo. Innovacii. Obrazovanie. Nauchno-prakticheskaya konferenciya «Roboticheskie tekhnologii v medicine». 2016: 9–14. [in Russian]
16. Braeckman J, Autier P, Garbar C et al. Computer-aided ultrasonography (HistoScanning): a novel technology for locating and characterizing prostate cancer. BJU Int 2008; 101: 293–8.
17. Govorov A.V., Vasilyev A.O., Sadchenko A.V. et al. The role of prostate HistoScanning in detecting prostate cancer. Consilium Medicum. 2015; 17 (7): 8–11. [in Russian]
18. Schiffmann J, Tennstedt P, Fischer J et al. Does HistoScanning™ predict positive results in prostate biopsy? A retrospective analysis of 1,188 sextants of the prostate. World J Urol 2014; 32: 925–30.
19. Glybochko PV, Alyaev YG, Amosov AV et al. Evaluation of Prostate HistoScanning as a Method for Targeted Biopsy in Routine Practice. Eur Urol Focus 2017; 19: S2405–4569(17)30172-4.
20. Hamann MF, Meyer D, Knüpfer S. Application of ultrasound imaging biomarkers (HistoScanning™) improves staging reliability of prostate biopsies. BMC Res Notes 2017; 10 (1): 579.
21. Bratan F, Niaf E, Melodelima C et al. Influence of imaging and histological factors on prostate cancer detection and localisation on multiparametric MRI: a prospective study. Eur Radiol 2013; 23: 2019.
22. Wegelin O, van Melick HHE, Hooft L et al. Comparing Three Different Techniques for Magnetic Resonance Imaging-targeted Prostate Biopsies: A Systematic Review of In-bore versus Magnetic Resonance Imaging-transrectal Ultrasound fusion versus Cognitive Registration. Is There a Preferred Technique? Eur Urol 2017; 71 (4): 517–31.
23. Friedl A, Schneeweiss J, Sevcenco S et al. In-bore 3.0-T Magnetic Resonance Imaging-guided Transrectal Targeted Prostate Biopsy in a Repeat Biopsy Population: Diagnostic Performance, Complications, and Learning Curve. Urology 2018; 114: 139–46.
24. Baco E, Ukimura O, Rud E et al. Magnetic resonance imaging-transectal ultrasound image-fusion biopsies accurately characterize the index tumor: correlation with step-sectioned radical prostatectomy specimens in 135 patients. Eur Urol 2015; 67: 787–94.
25. Dickinson L, Hu Y, Ahmed HU et al. Image-directed, tissue-preserving focal therapy of prostate cancer: a feasibility study of a novel deformable magnetic resonance-ultrasound (MR-US) registration system. BJU Int 2013; 112: 594–601.
26. Da Rosa MR, Milot L, Sugar L et al. A prospective comparison of MRI-US fused targeted biopsy versus systematic ultrasound-guided biopsy for detecting clinically significant prostate cancer in patients on active surveillance. J Magn Reson Imaging 2015; 41: 220–5.
27. Kasivisvanathan V, Rannikko AS, Borghi M et al. MRI-Targeted or Standard Biopsy for Prostate-Cancer Diagnosis. N Engl J Med 2018.
28. Lopci E, Saita A, Lazzeri M et al. 68Ga-PSMA Positron Emission Tomography/Computerized Tomography for Primary Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer in Men with Contraindications to or Negative Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Prospective Observational Study. J Urol 2018; pii: S0022-5347(18)30172-1.
29. Valerio M, Donaldson I, Emberton M et al. Detection of clinically significant prostate cancer using magnetic resonance imaging-ultrasound fusion targeted biopsy: a systematic review. Eur Urol 2015; 68 (1): 8–19.
ФГБОУ ВО «Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет им. А.И.Евдокимова» Минздрава России. 127473, Россия, Москва, ул. Делегатская, д. 20, стр. 1
A.I.Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 127473, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Delegatskaia, d. 20, str. 1