Железодефицитная анемия у беременных – проблема прошлого и настоящего
Железодефицитная анемия у беременных – проблема прошлого и настоящего
Сумятина Л.В., Скворцова М.Ю., Денисова Т.В. Железодефицитная анемия у беременных – проблема прошлого и настоящего. Consilium Medicum. 2019; 21 (6): 26–29. DOI: 10.26442/20751753.2019.6.190559
Sumyatina L.V., Skvortsova M.Y., Denisova T.V. Iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women is a problem of the past and the present. Consilium Medicum. 2019; 21 (6): 26–29. DOI: 10.26442/20751753.2019.6.190559
Железодефицитная анемия у беременных – проблема прошлого и настоящего
Сумятина Л.В., Скворцова М.Ю., Денисова Т.В. Железодефицитная анемия у беременных – проблема прошлого и настоящего. Consilium Medicum. 2019; 21 (6): 26–29. DOI: 10.26442/20751753.2019.6.190559
Sumyatina L.V., Skvortsova M.Y., Denisova T.V. Iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women is a problem of the past and the present. Consilium Medicum. 2019; 21 (6): 26–29. DOI: 10.26442/20751753.2019.6.190559
Анемия остается одним из основных экстрагенитальных заболеваний, осложняющих течение беременности и послеродового периода. Современные возможности в диагностике железодефицитных состояний позволяют на более ранних этапах прогнозировать и минимизировать возможные осложнения беременности. Существующая в настоящее время медикаментозная профилактика и терапия железодефицитной анемии улучшают исходы беременности, родов, послеродового периода, что позволяет улучшить качество жизни женщины и сократить экономические затраты стационарного лечения.
Anemia remains one of the main extragenital diseases that complicate the course of pregnancy and the postpartum period. Modern possibilities in the diagnosis of iron deficiency states make it possible to predict possible pathology at earlier stages. The currently existing medical prophylaxis and therapy of iron deficiency improve the outcome of pregnancy, childbirth, the postpartum period, which improves the quality of life of woman and the economic cost of inpatient treatment.
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7. Yusrawati Rina G, Indrawati LN, Machmud R. Differences in brain-derived neurotrophic factor between neonates born to mothers with normal and low ferritin. Asia Pas J Clin. Nutr 2018; 27 (2): 389–92.
8. Аpi O, Breyman C, Cetiner M et al. Diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy and the postpartum period: iron deficiency anemia working group consensus report. Turk J Obstet Gynecol 2015; 12 (3): 173–81.
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1. Dikke G.B. Anemia of pregnancy – the problem of public healthcare. Farmateka. 2017; 12 (345): 8–13 (in Russian).
2. Bakhareva I.V. Prevention and treatment of anemia during pregnancy: Results of using vitamin-mineral complexes (according to the data of the Russian multicenter non-intervention program “Prognostic”). Russian Billetin of the Obstetrician-Gynecologist. 2017; 3: 66–73 (in Russian).
3. De Sa SA, Willner E, Duraes Pereira TA et al. Anemia in pregnancy: impact on weight and in the development of anemia in newborn. Nutr Hosp 2015; 32 (5): 2071–9.
4. Zakharova I.N., Borovik T.E., Podzolkova N.M. Nutrition features of pregnant and lactating women. Moscow: Medpraktika-M, 2015 (in Russian).
5. Rahman MM, Abe SK, Kanda M et al. Maternal anemia and risk of adverse birth and health outcomes in low- and middle-income countries: systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Clin Nutr 2016; 103 (2): 495–504.
6. Kozek-Langenecker SA et al. Management of severe perioperative bleeding: guidelines from the Evropean Society of Anaesthesiology: First update 2016. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2017; 34 (6): 332–95.
7. Yusrawati Rina G, Indrawati LN, Machmud R. Differences in brain-derived neurotrophic factor between neonates born to mothers with normal and low ferritin. Asia Pas J Clin. Nutr 2018; 27 (2): 389–92.
8. Аpi O, Breyman C, Cetiner M et al. Diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy and the postpartum period: iron deficiency anemia working group consensus report. Turk J Obstet Gynecol 2015; 12 (3): 173–81.
9. Logutova L.S. Anemia in pregnant women: questions of etiology, diagnosis and treatment. Russian Medical Journal. Mother and child. 2016; 5: 290–3 (in Russian).
10. Kramarskiy V.A., Trusov Yu.V., Fayzullina N.I. et al. Optimization of the individual iron deficiency prevention strategies in physiological pregnancy. Trudnyi patsient. 2018; 16 (1–2): 19–21 (in Russian).
11. Korotkova N.A., Prilepskaya V.N. Anemia in Pregnancy. Current Prophylaxis and Therapy. Jeffektivnaja farmakoterapija. Akusherstvo i ginekologija. 2016; 1 (14): 34–41 (in Russian).
12. Strelnikova E.V., Fedorova T.A., Gurbanova S.R. Principles of the diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy and the postnatal period. Medical Council. 2018; 7: 79–83 (in Russian).
13. Ipatova, I.D., Brill J.A. Iron deficiency in obstetric and gynecological practice. Newsletter. Ed. by T.V.Galina. Moscow: StatusPraesens, 2016 (in Russian).
14. Sheveleva T.V., Skvortsovа M.Yu. The problem of iron deficiency anemia in obstetrics and gynecology. Russian Medical Journal. 2012; 17: 877–82. (in Russian).
15. Goonewardene IMR, Senadheera DI. Randomized control trial comparing effectiveness of weekly versus daily antenatal oral iron supplementation in preventing anemia during pregnancy. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2018; 44 (3): 417–24.
16. Dvoretsky L.I. Treatment of iron deficiency anemia. Regular release RMJ. 1998; 20: 3 (in Russian).
17. Dvoretsky L.I.,Kolendo C.E. Sorbifer durules in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. International Medical Journal. 1999; 3–4 (in Russian).
18. Pena-Rosas JP, De-Regil LM, Gomez Malave H et al. Intermittent oral iron supplementation during pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2015; 10: СD009997.
19. Federal clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency anemia, 2015. hppt:/nodgo.org (in Russian).
Л.В. Сумятина*, М.Ю. Скворцова, Т.В. Денисова
ФГБОУ ДПО «Российская медицинская академия непрерывного профессионального образования» Минздрава России, Москва, Россия
Liliana V. Sumyatina*, Margarita Y. Skvortsova, Tatyana V. Denisova
Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education, Moscow, Russia