Возможности снижения риска развития хронической сердечной недостаточности у больных артериальной гипертензией с позиций доказательной медицины (фокус на кандесартан)
Возможности снижения риска развития хронической сердечной недостаточности у больных артериальной гипертензией с позиций доказательной медицины (фокус на кандесартан)
Евдокимова А.Г., Стрюк Р.И., Евдокимов В.В., Голикова А.А. Возможности снижения риска развития хронической сердечной недостаточности у больных артериальной гипертензией с позиций доказательной медицины (фокус на кандесартан). Consilium Medicum. 2021; 23 (1): 84–92. DOI: 10.26442/20751753.2021.1.200730
Evdokimova AG, Stryuk RI, Evdokimov VV, Golikova AA. Reducing the risk of chronic heart failure development in patients with arterial hypertension from the position of evidence medicine (focus on candesartan). Consilium Medicum. 2021; 23 (1): 84–92. DOI: 10.26442/20751753.2021.1.200730
Возможности снижения риска развития хронической сердечной недостаточности у больных артериальной гипертензией с позиций доказательной медицины (фокус на кандесартан)
Евдокимова А.Г., Стрюк Р.И., Евдокимов В.В., Голикова А.А. Возможности снижения риска развития хронической сердечной недостаточности у больных артериальной гипертензией с позиций доказательной медицины (фокус на кандесартан). Consilium Medicum. 2021; 23 (1): 84–92. DOI: 10.26442/20751753.2021.1.200730
Evdokimova AG, Stryuk RI, Evdokimov VV, Golikova AA. Reducing the risk of chronic heart failure development in patients with arterial hypertension from the position of evidence medicine (focus on candesartan). Consilium Medicum. 2021; 23 (1): 84–92. DOI: 10.26442/20751753.2021.1.200730
Артериальная гипертензия является главным фактором риска развития сердечно-сосудистых осложнений и вносит существенный вклад в сердечно-сосудистую заболеваемость, в том числе хроническую сердечную недостаточность, и смертность, составляя более 45%. К ведущим факторам риска развития сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний также относят нарушение липидного и углеводного обмена. Современное лечение сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний включает назначение блокаторов рецепторов ангиотензина II. В настоящей статье представлен обзор литературных данных по эффективности, профилю безопасности кандесартана, высокой приверженности данному препарату больных артериальной гипертензией, с хронической сердечной недостаточностью, нарушением углеводного и липидного обмена. Подчеркивается преимущество кандесартана в сравнении с другими представителями этой группы препаратов в профилактике развития хронической сердечной недостаточности согласно крупномасштабным международным рандомизированным исследованиям.
Arterial hypertension is the main risk factor for the development of cardiovascular complications and makes a significant contribution to cardiovascular morbidity, including chronic heart failure, and mortality, amounting to more than 45%. The leading risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases also include a violation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Current treatments for cardiovascular disease include the administration of angiotensin II receptor blockers. This article provides an overview of the literature data on the efficacy, safety profile of candesartan, high adherence to this drug in patients with arterial hypertension, chronic heart failure, impaired carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. The advantages of candesartan in comparison with other representatives of this group of drugs in the prevention of chronic heart failure are emphasized according to large-scale international randomized trials.
1. Chrysant SG. A new paradigm in the treatment of the cardiovascular disease continuum: focus on prevention. Hippokratia 2011; 15 (1): 7–11. PMID: 21607028
2. Леонова М.В., Штейнберг Л.Л., Белоусов Ю.Б. и группа исследователей. Фармакоэпидемиология артериальной гипертонии в России: анализ приверженности врачей (по результатам исследования ПИФАГОР IV). Системные гипертензии. 2015; 12 (1): 19–25 [Leonova M.V., Shteinberg L.L., Belousov Yu.B., et al. Pharmacoepidemiology of arterial hypertension in Russia: the analysis of physicians acceptance (according to the results of PIFAGOR IV). Systemic Hypertension. 2015; 12 (1): 19–25 (in Russian)].
3. Морозова Т.Е. Сартаны в лечении больных артериальной гипертензией высокого риска: возможности кандесартана. Системные гипертензии. 2013; 10 (2): 13–8 [Morozova T.E. Sartans in the treatment of high-risk arterial hypertension patients: possibilities of сandesartan. Systemic Hypertension. 2013; 2: 13–8 (in Russian)].
4. Андрущишина Т.Б., Морозова Т.Е. Антагонисты рецепторов ангиотензина II при лечении кардиоваскулярных заболеваний. Consilium Medicum. 2009; 11 (5): 96–101 [Andrushchishina T.B., Morozova T.E. Antagonisty retseptorov angiotenzina II pri lechenii kardiovaskuliarnykh zabolevanii. Consilium Medicum. 2009; 11 (5): 96–101 (in Russian)].
5. Conlin PR, Gerth WC, Fox J, et al. Four-year persistence patterns among patients initiating therapy with the angiotensin II receptor antagonist losartan versus other artihypertensive drug classes. Clin Ther 2001; 23: 1999–2010.
6. Law MR, Wald NJ, Morris JK, Jordan RE. Value of low dose combination treatment with blood pressure lowering drugs: Analysis of 354 randomised trials. BMJ 2003; 326: 1427–31.
7. Гиляревский С.Р., Голшмид М.В., Кузьмина И.М. Доказательная история кандесартана: прошлое, будущее и настоящее. Сердечная недостаточность. 2015; 16 (5): 303–10 [Giliarevskii S.R., Golshmid M.V., Kuz'mina I.M. Dokazatel'naiaistoriiakandesartana: proshloe, budushchee i nastoiashchee. Serdechnaia nedostatochnost'. 2015; 16 (5): 303–10 (in Russian)].
8. Сиренко Ю.Н., Донченко Н.В. Место кандесартана в современной терапии сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний: обзор доказательств. Артериальная гипертензия. 2011; 4 (18): 114–26 [Sirenko Yu.N., Donchenko N.V. Mesto kandesartana v sovremennoj terapii serdechno-sosudistyh zabolevanij: obzordokazatel'stv. Arterial'naya gipertenziya. 2011; 4 (18): 114–26 (in Russian)].
9. Gleiter CH, Mörike KE. Clinical pharmacokinetics of candesartan. Clin Pharmacokinet 2002; 41 (1): 7–17.
10. Евдокимова А.Г., Коваленко Е.В., Евдокимов В.В., и др. Особенности применения блокаторов ангиотензиновых рецепторов в клинической практике. Терапия. 2017; 6: 29–38 [Evdokimova A.G., Kovalenko E.V., Evdokimov V.V., et al. Osobennosti primeneniya blokatorov angiotenzinovich rezeptorov v klinicheskoj praktike. Terapija. 2017; 6: 29–38 (in Russian)].
11. Леонова М.В. Сартаны в лечении артериальной гипертонии: преимущества кандесартана. Consilium Medicum. 2019; 21 (1): 25–30 [Leonova M.V. Sartans in hypertension treatment: advantages of candesartan use. Consilium Medicum. 2019; 21 (1): 25–30 (in Russian)].
DOI: 10.26442/20751753.2019.1.190280
12. Чазова И.Е., Жернакова Ю.В. от имени экспертов. Клинические рекомендации. Диагностика и лечение артериальной гипертонии. Системные гипертензии. 2019; 16 (1): 6–31 [Chazova I.E., Zhernakova Yu.V. on behalf of the experts. Clinical guidelines. Diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension. Systemic Hypertension. 2019; 16 (1): 6–31 (in Russian).]
13. Hasegawa H, Takano H, Kameda Y, et al. Effect of switching from telmisartan, valsartan, olmesartan, or losartan to candesartan on morning hypertension. Clin Exp Hypertens 2012; 34 (2): 86–91.
14. Julius S, Nesbitt SD, Egan BM, et al. Trial of Preventing Hypertension (TROPHY) Study Investigators. Feasibility of treating prehypertension with an angiotensin-receptor blocker. N Engl J Med 2006; 354: 1685–97.
15. Julius S, Nesbitt SD, Egan BM, et al. Trial of Preventing Hypertension. Design and 2-Year Progress Report. Hypertension. 2004; 44: 146–51. DOI: 10.1161/01.HYP.0000130174.70055.ca
16. Бойцов С.А., Баланова Ю.А., Шальнова С.А., и др. Артериальная гипертония среди лиц 25–64 лет: распространенность, осведомленность, лечение и контроль. По материалам исследования ЭССЕ. Кардиоваскулярная терапия и профилактика. 2014; 13 (4): 4–14 [Boitsov S.A., Balanova Iu.A., Shal'nova S.A., et al. Arterial'naia gipertoniia sredi lits 25–64 let: rasprostranennost', osvedomlennost', lechenie i kontrol'. Po materialam issledovaniia ESSE. Kardiovaskuliarnaia terapiia i profilaktika. 2014; 13 (4): 4–14 (in Russian)]. DOI: 10.15829/1728-8800-2014-4-4-14
17. Weisser B, Gerwe M, Braun M, Funken C. Investigations of the antihypertensive long-term action of candesartan cilexetil in different dosages under the influence of therapy-free intervals. Arzneimittelforschung 2005; 55 (9): 505–13.
18. Elmfeldt D, Olofsson B, Meredith P. The relationships between dose and antihypertensive effect of four AT1-receptor blockers. Differences in potency and efficacy. Blood Press 2002; 11: 293–301.
19. Di Z, Hui L, Dong P. A Meta-analysis of antihypertensive effects of telmisartan versus candesartan in patients with essentialhypertension. Clin Exp Hypertens 2019; 41(1): 75–9. DOI: 10.1080/10641963/2018.1445750
20. Weir MR, Weber MA, Neutel JM, et al. Efficacy of candesartan cilexetil as add-on therapy in hypertensive patients uncontrolled on background therapy: clinical experience trial. ACTION study investigators. Am J Hypertens 2001; 14 (6): 567–72.
21. Minatoguchi S, Aoyama T, Kawai N, et al. Comparative effect of candesartan and amlodipine, and effect of switching from valsartan, losartan, telmisartan and olmesartan to candesartan, on early morning hypertension and heart rate. Blood Press 2013; 22 (1): 29–37.
22. Kario K, Hoshide S, Shimizu M, et al. Effect of dosing time of angiotensin II receptor blockade titrated by self-measured blood pressure recordings on cardiorenal protection in hypertensives: the Japan Morning Surge-Target Organ Protection (J-TOP) study. J Hypertens 2010; 28 (7): 1574–83.
23. Lithell H, Hansson L, Skoog I, et al. The Study on Cognition and Prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE): principal results of a randomized double-blind intervention trial. J Hyperens 2003; 21 (5): 875–86.
24. Saxby BK, Harrington F, Wesnes KA, et al. Candesartan and cognitive decline in older patients with hypertension: a substudy of the SCOPE trial. Neurology 2008; 70 (19 Pt 2): 1858–66.
25. Papademetriou V, Farsang C, Elmfeldt D, et al. Stroke prevention with the angiotensin II type 1-receptor blocker candesartan in elderly patients with isolated systolic hypertension: the Study on Cognition and Prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE). J Am Coll Cardiol 2004; 44.
26. Коваленко Е.В., Евдокимов В.В., Евдокимова А.Г., и др. Особенности применения блокаторов РААС у больных с АГ и метаболическими нарушениями. Терапия. 2018; 4: 44–50 [Kovalenko E.V., Evdokimov V.V., Evdokimova A.G., et al. Osobennosti primeneniia blokatorov RAAS u bolnich s AG I metabolicheskimi naruhcenijami. Terapija. 2018; 4: 44–50 (in Russian)].
27. Cuspidi C, Muiesan ML, Valagussa L, et al. Comparative effects of candesartan and enalapril on left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with essential hypertension: the Candesartan Assessment in the Treatment of Cardiac Hypertrophy (CATCH) study. J Hypertens 2002; 20: 2293–300.
28. Ogihara T, Ueshima K, Nakao K, et al. Long-term effects of candesartan and amlodipine on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in Japanese high-risk hypertensive patients: the Candesartan Antihypertensive Survival Evaluation in Japan Extension Study (CASE-JEx). Hypertens Res 2011; 34 (12): 1295–301.
29. Matsuno Y, Minatoguchi S, Fujiwara H, et al. Effects of candesartan versus amlodipine on home-measured blood pressure, QT dispersion and left ventricular hypertrophy in high-risk hypertensive patients. Blood Press 2011; 20 (1): 12–9.
30. Escobar C, Barrios V,Calderon A, et al. Electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy regression induced by anangiotensin receptor bloker-based regimen in hypertensive pacients with the metabolic syndrome: data from the SARA Study. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) 2008; 10: 208–14.
31. Sakamoto M, Suzuki H, Hayashi T, et al. Effects of candesartan in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus on inflammatory parameters and their relationship to pulse pressure. Cardiovasc Diabetol 2012; 11: 118–23.
32. Koyanagi R, Hagiwara N, Yamaguchi J, et al. Efficacy of the combination of amlodipine and candesartan in hypertensive patients with coronary artery disease: a subanalysis of the HIJ-CREATE study. J Cardiol 2013; 62 (4): 217–23.
33. Tanaca K, Jujo R, Yamaguchi J, et al. Optimal Blood Pressure in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: HIJ-CREATE Substudy. Am J Med Sci 2019; 358 (3): 219–26.
34. Kikuchi N, Arashi H, Yamaguchi J, et al. Impact of age clinical outcomes of antihypertensive therapy in patients with hypertension and coronary artery disease: A sub-analysis of the Heart Institute of Japan Candesartan Randomizet Trial for Evalution in Coronary Arteri Disease. J Clin Hypertens 2020; 00: 1–10. DOI: 10.1111/jch.13891
35. Lindholm LH, Persson M, Alaupovic P, et al. Metabolic outcome during 1 year in newly detected hypertensives: results of the Antihypertensive Treatment and Lipid Profile in North of Sweden Efficacy Evalution (ALPINE study). J Hypertens 2003; 421 (8): 1563–74.
36. Grassi G, Seravalle G, Dell´Oro R, et al. Comparative effects of candesartan and hydrochlorothiazide on blood pressure, insulin sensitivy, and sympathetic drive in obesehypertensive individuals: results of the CROOS study. J Hypertens 2003: 21: 1761–9.
37. Suzuki T, Nozawa T, Fuyii N, et al. Combination therapy of candesartan with statin inhibits progression of atherosclerosis more than statin alone in patients with coronary artery disease. Coron Artery Dis 2011; 22: 352–35.
38. Мареев В.Ю., Фомин И.В., Агеев Ф.Е., и др. Клинические рекомендации. Хроническая сердечная недостаточность (ХСН). Сердечная недостаточность. 2017; 18 (1): 3–40 [Mareev V.Iu., Fomin I.V., Ageev F.E., et al. Klinicheskie rekomendatsii. Khronicheskaia serdechnaia nedostatochnost' (KhSN). Serdechnaia nedostatochnost'. 2017; 18 (1): 3–40 (in Russian)].
39. Russell D, St Мlhammar J, Bodegard J, et al. Cardiovascular events in subgroups of patients during primary treatment of hypertension with candesartan or losartan. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) 2011; 13 (3): 189–97 (REAL-LIFE).
40. Национальные клинические рекомендации ВНОК. Под ред. Р.Г. Оганова. 2-й пересмотр. М.: Меди-Экспо, 2009; с. 137 [National clinical guidelines of the Russian Scientific Society of Cardiologists. Ed. by R.G. Oganov. 2nd revision. Moscow: Medi-Expo, 2009; p. 137 (in Russian)].
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42. Lund LH. Heart Failure with Mid-range Ejection Fraction: Lessons from CHARM. Cardiac Failure Rev. 2018: 4 (2): 70–2. DOI: 10.15420/cfr2018/11/2
43. Granger CB. Effects of candesartan in patients with chronic heart failure and reduced left-ventricular systolic function intolerant to angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors: the CHARM-Alternative trial. Lancet 2003; 362: 772–6.
44. Kassem J, Sanche S, Li J, et al. Population Pharmacokinetics of Candesartan in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure. Clin Transe Sci 2020; 0: 1–10. DOI: 10.1111/cts. 12842
45. Markan U, Pasupuleti S, Celina M, et al. Nhe place of ARBs in Heart failure therapy: is aldosterone suppression the key? Ther Advanc Cardiovasc Dis 2019; 13: 1–7.
1. Chrysant SG. A new paradigm in the treatment of the cardiovascular disease continuum: focus on prevention. Hippokratia 2011; 15 (1): 7–11. PMID: 21607028
2. Leonova M.V., Shteinberg L.L., Belousov Yu.B., et al. Pharmacoepidemiology of arterial hypertension in Russia: the analysis of physicians acceptance (according to the results of PIFAGOR IV). Systemic Hypertension. 2015; 12 (1): 19–25 (in Russian)
3. Morozova T.E. Sartans in the treatment of high-risk arterial hypertension patients: possibilities of сandesartan. Systemic Hypertension. 2013; 2: 13–8 (in Russian)
4. Andrushchishina T.B., Morozova T.E. Antagonisty retseptorov angiotenzina II pri lechenii kardiovaskuliarnykh zabolevanii. Consilium Medicum. 2009; 11 (5): 96–101 (in Russian)
5. Conlin PR, Gerth WC, Fox J, et al. Four-year persistence patterns among patients initiating therapy with the angiotensin II receptor antagonist losartan versus other artihypertensive drug classes. Clin Ther 2001; 23: 1999–2010.
6. Law MR, Wald NJ, Morris JK, Jordan RE. Value of low dose combination treatment with blood pressure lowering drugs: Analysis of 354 randomised trials. BMJ 2003; 326: 1427–31.
7. Giliarevskii S.R., Golshmid M.V., Kuz'mina I.M. Dokazatel'naiaistoriiakandesartana: proshloe, budushchee i nastoiashchee. Serdechnaia nedostatochnost'. 2015; 16 (5): 303–10 (in Russian)
8. Sirenko Yu.N., Donchenko N.V. Mesto kandesartana v sovremennoj terapii serdechno-sosudistyh zabolevanij: obzordokazatel'stv. Arterial'naya gipertenziya. 2011; 4 (18): 114–26 (in Russian)
9. Gleiter CH, Mörike KE. Clinical pharmacokinetics of candesartan. Clin Pharmacokinet 2002; 41 (1): 7–17.
10. Evdokimova A.G., Kovalenko E.V., Evdokimov V.V., et al. Osobennosti primeneniya blokatorov angiotenzinovich rezeptorov v klinicheskoj praktike. Terapija. 2017; 6: 29–38 (in Russian)
11. Leonova M.V. Sartans in hypertension treatment: advantages of candesartan use. Consilium Medicum. 2019; 21 (1): 25–30 (in Russian)
DOI: 10.26442/20751753.2019.1.190280
12. Chazova I.E., Zhernakova Yu.V. on behalf of the experts. Clinical guidelines. Diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension. Systemic Hypertension. 2019; 16 (1): 6–31 (in Russian).
13. Hasegawa H, Takano H, Kameda Y, et al. Effect of switching from telmisartan, valsartan, olmesartan, or losartan to candesartan on morning hypertension. Clin Exp Hypertens 2012; 34 (2): 86–91.
14. Julius S, Nesbitt SD, Egan BM, et al. Trial of Preventing Hypertension (TROPHY) Study Investigators. Feasibility of treating prehypertension with an angiotensin-receptor blocker. N Engl J Med 2006; 354: 1685–97.
15. Julius S, Nesbitt SD, Egan BM, et al. Trial of Preventing Hypertension. Design and 2-Year Progress Report. Hypertension. 2004; 44: 146–51. DOI: 10.1161/01.HYP.0000130174.70055.ca
16. Boitsov S.A., Balanova Iu.A., Shal'nova S.A., et al. Arterial'naia gipertoniia sredi lits 25–64 let: rasprostranennost', osvedomlennost', lechenie i kontrol'. Po materialam issledovaniia ESSE. Kardiovaskuliarnaia terapiia i profilaktika. 2014; 13 (4): 4–14 (in Russian) DOI: 10.15829/1728-8800-2014-4-4-14
17. Weisser B, Gerwe M, Braun M, Funken C. Investigations of the antihypertensive long-term action of candesartan cilexetil in different dosages under the influence of therapy-free intervals. Arzneimittelforschung 2005; 55 (9): 505–13.
18. Elmfeldt D, Olofsson B, Meredith P. The relationships between dose and antihypertensive effect of four AT1-receptor blockers. Differences in potency and efficacy. Blood Press 2002; 11: 293–301.
19. Di Z, Hui L, Dong P. A Meta-analysis of antihypertensive effects of telmisartan versus candesartan in patients with essentialhypertension. Clin Exp Hypertens 2019; 41(1): 75–9. DOI: 10.1080/10641963/2018.1445750
20. Weir MR, Weber MA, Neutel JM, et al. Efficacy of candesartan cilexetil as add-on therapy in hypertensive patients uncontrolled on background therapy: clinical experience trial. ACTION study investigators. Am J Hypertens 2001; 14 (6): 567–72.
21. Minatoguchi S, Aoyama T, Kawai N, et al. Comparative effect of candesartan and amlodipine, and effect of switching from valsartan, losartan, telmisartan and olmesartan to candesartan, on early morning hypertension and heart rate. Blood Press 2013; 22 (1): 29–37.
22. Kario K, Hoshide S, Shimizu M, et al. Effect of dosing time of angiotensin II receptor blockade titrated by self-measured blood pressure recordings on cardiorenal protection in hypertensives: the Japan Morning Surge-Target Organ Protection (J-TOP) study. J Hypertens 2010; 28 (7): 1574–83.
23. Lithell H, Hansson L, Skoog I, et al. The Study on Cognition and Prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE): principal results of a randomized double-blind intervention trial. J Hyperens 2003; 21 (5): 875–86.
24. Saxby BK, Harrington F, Wesnes KA, et al. Candesartan and cognitive decline in older patients with hypertension: a substudy of the SCOPE trial. Neurology 2008; 70 (19 Pt 2): 1858–66.
25. Papademetriou V, Farsang C, Elmfeldt D, et al. Stroke prevention with the angiotensin II type 1-receptor blocker candesartan in elderly patients with isolated systolic hypertension: the Study on Cognition and Prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE). J Am Coll Cardiol 2004; 44.
26. Kovalenko E.V., Evdokimov V.V., Evdokimova A.G., et al. Osobennosti primeneniia blokatorov RAAS u bolnich s AG I metabolicheskimi naruhcenijami. Terapija. 2018; 4: 44–50 (in Russian).
27. Cuspidi C, Muiesan ML, Valagussa L, et al. Comparative effects of candesartan and enalapril on left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with essential hypertension: the Candesartan Assessment in the Treatment of Cardiac Hypertrophy (CATCH) study. J Hypertens 2002; 20: 2293–300.
28. Ogihara T, Ueshima K, Nakao K, et al. Long-term effects of candesartan and amlodipine on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in Japanese high-risk hypertensive patients: the Candesartan Antihypertensive Survival Evaluation in Japan Extension Study (CASE-JEx). Hypertens Res 2011; 34 (12): 1295–301.
29. Matsuno Y, Minatoguchi S, Fujiwara H, et al. Effects of candesartan versus amlodipine on home-measured blood pressure, QT dispersion and left ventricular hypertrophy in high-risk hypertensive patients. Blood Press 2011; 20 (1): 12–9.
30. Escobar C, Barrios V,Calderon A, et al. Electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy regression induced by anangiotensin receptor bloker-based regimen in hypertensive pacients with the metabolic syndrome: data from the SARA Study. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) 2008; 10: 208–14.
31. Sakamoto M, Suzuki H, Hayashi T, et al. Effects of candesartan in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus on inflammatory parameters and their relationship to pulse pressure. Cardiovasc Diabetol 2012; 11: 118–23.
32. Koyanagi R, Hagiwara N, Yamaguchi J, et al. Efficacy of the combination of amlodipine and candesartan in hypertensive patients with coronary artery disease: a subanalysis of the HIJ-CREATE study. J Cardiol 2013; 62 (4): 217–23.
33. Tanaca K, Jujo R, Yamaguchi J, et al. Optimal Blood Pressure in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: HIJ-CREATE Substudy. Am J Med Sci 2019; 358 (3): 219–26.
34. Kikuchi N, Arashi H, Yamaguchi J, et al. Impact of age clinical outcomes of antihypertensive therapy in patients with hypertension and coronary artery disease: A sub-analysis of the Heart Institute of Japan Candesartan Randomizet Trial for Evalution in Coronary Arteri Disease. J Clin Hypertens 2020; 00: 1–10. DOI: 10.1111/jch.13891
35. Lindholm LH, Persson M, Alaupovic P, et al. Metabolic outcome during 1 year in newly detected hypertensives: results of the Antihypertensive Treatment and Lipid Profile in North of Sweden Efficacy Evalution (ALPINE study). J Hypertens 2003; 421 (8): 1563–74.
36. Grassi G, Seravalle G, Dell´Oro R, et al. Comparative effects of candesartan and hydrochlorothiazide on blood pressure, insulin sensitivy, and sympathetic drive in obesehypertensive individuals: results of the CROOS study. J Hypertens 2003: 21: 1761–9.
37. Suzuki T, Nozawa T, Fuyii N, et al. Combination therapy of candesartan with statin inhibits progression of atherosclerosis more than statin alone in patients with coronary artery disease. Coron Artery Dis 2011; 22: 352–35.
38. Mareev V.Iu., Fomin I.V., Ageev F.E., et al. Klinicheskie rekomendatsii. Khronicheskaia serdechnaia nedostatochnost' (KhSN). Serdechnaia nedostatochnost'. 2017; 18 (1): 3–40 (in Russian)
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ФГБОУ ВО «Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет им. А.И. Евдокимова» Минздрава России, Москва, Россия
Anna G. Evdokimova*, Raisa I. Stryuk, Vladimir V. Evdokimov, Anna A. Golikova
Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Moscow, Russia