Статья посвящена современному состоянию проблемы эпилепсии, рассматриваются взгляды на этиологию, патогенез, дефиниции, эпидемиологию, современную классификацию, обсуждаются возможности диагностики и прогнозирования течения заболевания, а также стратегия лечения.
The article is devoted to modern problems of epilepsy, discusses the perspectives on the etiology, pathogenesis, definition, epidemiology, modern classification, discusses the diagnosis and prediction of disease and treatment strategy.
1. Карлов В.А. Эпилепсия у детей и взрослых, женщин и мужчин: руководство для врачей. М.: Медицина, 2010 [Karlov VA. Epilepsy in children and adults, men and women. Handbook for physicians. Moscow: Meditsina, 2010 (in Russian)].
2. Гузева В.И., Белоусова Е.Д., Карлов В.А., и др. Эпилепсия у детей. В кн.: Федеральное руководство по детской неврологии. Под ред. В.И. Гузевой М., 2016; c. 270–306 [Guzeva VI, Belous-
ova ED, Karlov VA, et al. Epilepsy in children. In: Federal Guidelines in Pediatric Neurology. Ed.
VI Guzeva. Moscow, 2016; p. 270–306 (in Russian)].
3. Fisher RS, Boas WV, Blume W, et al. Epileptic seizures and epilepsy: definitions proposed by the International League against Epilepsy (ILAE) and the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE). Epilepsia 2005; 46 (4): 470–2. DOI: 10.1111/j.0013-9580.2005.6610
4. Fischer RS, Acevedo C, Arzimanoglou A, et al. ILAE official report: a practical clinical definition of epilepsy. Epilepsia 2014; 55 (4): 475–82. DOI: 10.1111/epi.12550
5. Kim LG, Johnson TL, Marson AG, et al. Prediction of seizure recurrence after a single seizure and early epilepsy: further results from the MESS trial. Lancet Neurol 2006; 5: 317–22.
6. Мухин К.Ю., Петрухин А.С., Глухова Л.Ю. Эпилепсия. Атлас электро-клинической диагностики. М.: Альварес Паблишинг, 2004 [Mukhin KY, Petrukhin AS, Glukhova LY. Epilpesy. Atlas of electroclinical diagnosis. Moscow: Alvarez Publishing, 2004 (in Russian)].
7. Авакян Г.Н., Аксенова М.Г., Бадалян О.Л., и др. Неэффективность противоэпилептической терапии. Основные причины и возможные пути ее преодоления. Журн. неврологии и психиатрии им. С.С. Корсакова. Прил. Эпилепсия. 2008; 2: 40–2 [Avakian GN, Aksenova MG, Badalian OL, et al. Neeffektivnost' protivoepilepticheskoi terapii. Osnovnye prichiny i vozmozhnye puti ee preodoleniia. Zhurn. nevrologii i psikhiatrii im. S.S. Korsakova. Pril. Epilepsiia. 2008;
2: 40–2 (in Russian)].
8. Авакян Г.Н., Блинов Д.В., Лебедева А.В., и др. Классификация эпилепсии международной противоэпилептической лиги. Пересмотр и обновление 2017 года. Эпилепсия и пароксизмальные состояния. 2017; 9 (1): 6–25 [Avakian GN, Blinov DV, Lebedeva AV, et al. Klassifikatsiia epilepsii mezhdunarodnoi protivoepilepticheskoi ligi. Peresmotr i obnovlenie 2017 goda. Epilepsiia i paroksizmal'nye sostoianiia. 2017; 9 (1): 6–25 (in Russian)].
9. Scheffer IE, Berkovich S, Capovilla G, et al. ILAE classification of the epilepsies: Position paper of the ILAE Commission for Classification and Terminology. Epilepsia 2017; 58 (4): 512–21. DOI: 10.1111/epi.13709
10. Fisher RS, Cross JH, French JA, et al. Operational classification of seizure types by the International League Against Epilepsy: Position Paper of the ILAE Commission for Classification and Terminology. Epilepsia 2017; 58 (4): 522–30. DOI: 10.1111/epi.13670
11. Fisher RS, Cross JH, D’Souza C, et al. Instruction manual for the ILAE 2017 operational classification of seizure types. Epilepsia 2017; 58 (4): 531–42. DOI: 10.1111/epi.13671
12. Engel JR, International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE). A Proposed Diagnostic Schema for People with Epileptic Seizures and with Epilepsy. Epilepsia 2001; 42 (6): 796–803.
13. Wolf P. Of cabbages and kings: Some considerations on classifications, diagnostic schemes, semiology, and concepts. Epilepsia 2003; 44: 1–4.
14. Бадалян О.Л., Савенков А.А. Современная концепция применения инъекционных вальпроатов при эпилептическом статусе. Consilium Medicum. 2019; 21 (2): 97–100 [Badalyan OL, Savenkov AA. The modern concept of using injectable valproate in status epilepticus. Consilium Medicum. 2019; 21 (2): 97–100 (in Russian)]. DOI: 10.26442/20751753.2019.2.190316
15. Berg AT, Berekovic SF, Brodie MJ, et al. Revised terminology and concepts for organization of seizures and epilepsies: report of the ILAE Commission on Classification and Terminology, 2005–2009. Epilepsia 2010; 51 (4): 676–85. DOI: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2010.02522
16. Holthausen H, Fogarasi A, Arzimanoglou A, Kahane Ph. Structural (symptomatic) focal epilepsies of childhood. In: Epileptic syndromes in infancy, childhood and adolescence. 5th edition with video. Ed. by M. Bureau, P. Genton, C. Dravet, et al. Paris: John Libbey Eurotext, 2012; p. 455–505.
17. Белоусова Е.Д., Шарков А.А. Трудности в диагностике, прогнозе и лечении генетических эпилептических энцефалопатий: взгляд невролога. Журн. неврологии и психиатрии им. С.С. Корсакова. Спецвып. 2019; 119 (11–2): 34–40 [Belousova ED, Sharkov AA. Trudnosti v diagnostike, prognoze i lechenii geneticheskikh epilepticheskikh entsefalopatii: vzgliad nevrologa. Zhurn. nevrologii i psikhiatrii im. S.S. Korsakova. Spetsvyp. 2019; 119 (11–2): 34–40 (in Russian)].
DOI: 10.17116/jnevro201911911234
18. Guerrini R, Parrini E. Epilepsy and malformations of the cerebral cortex. In: Epileptic syndromes in infancy, childhood and adolescence. 5th ed. with video. Ed. by M. Bureau, P. Genton, C. Dravet, et al. Paris: John Libbey Eurotext, 2012; p. 607–29.
19. Бадалян О.Л. Возрастные особенности эпилепсии у детей и подростков. Автореф. дис. … д-ра мед. наук. М., 2004 [Badalian OL. Vozrastnye osobennosti epilepsii u detei i podrostkov. Avtoref. dis. … d-ra med. nauk. Moscow, 2004 (in Russian)].
1. Karlov VA. Epilepsy in children and adults, men and women. Handbook for physicians. Moscow: Meditsina, 2010 (in Russian)
2. Guzeva VI, Belousova ED, Karlov VA, et al. Epilepsy in children. In: Federal Guidelines in Pediatric Neurology. Ed. VI Guzeva. Moscow, 2016; p. 270–306 (in Russian)
3. Fisher RS, Boas WV, Blume W, et al. Epileptic seizures and epilepsy: definitions proposed by the International League against Epilepsy (ILAE) and the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE). Epilepsia 2005; 46 (4): 470–2. DOI: 10.1111/j.0013-9580.2005.6610
4. Fischer RS, Acevedo C, Arzimanoglou A, et al. ILAE official report: a practical clinical definition of epilepsy. Epilepsia 2014; 55 (4): 475–82. DOI: 10.1111/epi.12550
5. Kim LG, Johnson TL, Marson AG, et al. Prediction of seizure recurrence after a single seizure and early epilepsy: further results from the MESS trial. Lancet Neurol 2006; 5: 317–22.
6. Mukhin KY, Petrukhin AS, Glukhova LY. Epilpesy. Atlas of electroclinical diagnosis. Moscow: Alvarez Publishing, 2004 (in Russian)
7. Avakian GN, Aksenova MG, Badalian OL, et al. Neeffektivnost' protivoepilepticheskoi terapii. Osnovnye prichiny i vozmozhnye puti ee preodoleniia. Zhurn. nevrologii i psikhiatrii im. S.S. Korsakova. Pril. Epilepsiia. 2008; 2: 40–2 (in Russian)
8. Avakian GN, Blinov DV, Lebedeva AV, et al. Klassifikatsiia epilepsii mezhdunarodnoi protivoepilepticheskoi ligi. Peresmotr i obnovlenie 2017 goda. Epilepsiia i paroksizmal'nye sostoianiia. 2017; 9 (1): 6–25 (in Russian)
9. Scheffer IE, Berkovich S, Capovilla G, et al. ILAE classification of the epilepsies: Position paper of the ILAE Commission for Classification and Terminology. Epilepsia 2017; 58 (4): 512–21. DOI: 10.1111/epi.13709
10. Fisher RS, Cross JH, French JA, et al. Operational classification of seizure types by the International League Against Epilepsy: Position Paper of the ILAE Commission for Classification and Terminology. Epilepsia 2017; 58 (4): 522–30. DOI: 10.1111/epi.13670
11. Fisher RS, Cross JH, D’Souza C, et al. Instruction manual for the ILAE 2017 operational classification of seizure types. Epilepsia 2017; 58 (4): 531–42. DOI: 10.1111/epi.13671
12. Engel JR, International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE). A Proposed Diagnostic Schema for People with Epileptic Seizures and with Epilepsy. Epilepsia 2001; 42 (6): 796–803.
13. Wolf P. Of cabbages and kings: Some considerations on classifications, diagnostic schemes, semiology, and concepts. Epilepsia 2003; 44: 1–4.
14. Badalyan OL, Savenkov AA. The modern concept of using injectable valproate in status epilepticus. Consilium Medicum. 2019; 21 (2): 97–100 (in Russian) DOI: 10.26442/20751753.2019.2.190316
15. Berg AT, Berekovic SF, Brodie MJ, et al. Revised terminology and concepts for organization of seizures and epilepsies: report of the ILAE Commission on Classification and Terminology, 2005–2009. Epilepsia 2010; 51 (4): 676–85. DOI: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2010.02522
16. Holthausen H, Fogarasi A, Arzimanoglou A, Kahane Ph. Structural (symptomatic) focal epilepsies of childhood. In: Epileptic syndromes in infancy, childhood and adolescence. 5th edition with video. Ed. by M. Bureau, P. Genton, C. Dravet, et al. Paris: John Libbey Eurotext, 2012; p. 455–505.
17. Belousova ED, Sharkov AA. Trudnosti v diagnostike, prognoze i lechenii geneticheskikh epilepticheskikh entsefalopatii: vzgliad nevrologa. Zhurn. nevrologii i psikhiatrii im. S.S. Korsakova. Spetsvyp. 2019; 119 (11–2): 34–40 (in Russian)
DOI: 10.17116/jnevro201911911234
18. Guerrini R, Parrini E. Epilepsy and malformations of the cerebral cortex. In: Epileptic syndromes in infancy, childhood and adolescence. 5th ed. with video. Ed. by M. Bureau, P. Genton, C. Dravet, et al. Paris: John Libbey Eurotext, 2012; p. 607–29.
19. Badalian OL. Vozrastnye osobennosti epilepsii u detei i podrostkov. Avtoref. dis. … d-ra med. nauk. Moscow, 2004 (in Russian)
1 ФГАОУ ВО «Российский национальный исследовательский медицинский университет им. Н.И. Пирогова» Минздрава России, Москва, Россия;
2 ФГБУ «Федеральный центр мозга и нейротехнологий» ФМБА России, Москва, Россия;
3 ГБУЗ «Научно-практический центр детской психоневрологии» Департамента здравоохранения г. Москвы, Москва, Россия;
4 ГБУ «Научно-исследовательский институт организации здравоохранения и медицинского менеджмента» Департамента здравоохранения г. Москвы, Москва, Россия;
5 ГБУЗ «Государственная клиническая больница им. М.Е. Жадкевича» Департамента здравоохранения г. Москвы, Москва, Россия
Oganes L. Badalian*1–3, Sergei G. Burd1–3, Anna V. Lebedeva1,4, Georgii G. Avakian1–3, Olga M. Oleinikova1, Aleksei A. Savenkov5
1 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia;
2 Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnology, Moscow, Russia;
3 Scientific and Practical Center for Pediatric Psychoneurology, Moscow, Russia;
4 Research Institute of Health Organization and Medical Management, Moscow, Russia;
5 Zhadkevich State Clinical Hospital, Moscow, Russia