Несмотря на то, что подавляющее большинство доброкачественных стриктур пищевода хоть и длительно, но эффективно купируется с помощью эндоскопических реканализаций, 10% из них рецидивирует. Такие стриктуры являются серьезной проблемой торакальной хирургии. Инвалидизирующие хирургические методы лечения сопряжены с достаточно высокой частотой летальности и не гарантируют образования новых анастомотических стриктур. На фоне ограниченного эндоскопического арсенала методов реканализаций доброкачественных стриктур стентирование пищевода является последним вариантом. С момента внедрения первых стентов в клинической практике появилась масса различных моделей пищеводных стентов со своими индивидуальными характеристиками и особенностями. Все они исследованы в попытке выявить оптимальный тип и конструкцию стента в лечении рефрактерных доброкачественных стриктур. Обзор посвящен современному состоянию стентирования при рецидивирующих доброкачественных стенозах пищевода. В обзоре отражены эффективность и недостатки различных видов стентов, а также их сравнение с акцентом на новые биодеградабельные стенты, используемые при лечении доброкачественных стриктур пищевода.
Despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of benign esophageal strictures, although long-term, but effectively stop with the help of endoscopic recanalization, 10% of them recur. Such strictures are a major problem in thoracic surgery. Disabled surgical methods of treatment are associated with a sufficiently high mortality rate and do not guarantee the formation of new anastomotic strictures. Esophageal stenting against the background of a limited endoscopic arsenal of methods for recanalization of benign strictures is the last option. A lot of different models of esophageal stents with their own individual characteristics and features have appeared since the introduction of the first stents in clinical practice. All were investigated in an attempt to identify the optimal stent type and design for the treatment of refractory benign strictures. The review is devoted to the current state of stenting in recurrent benign esophageal stenosis. The review reflects the efficacy and disadvantages of various types of stents and their comparison with a focus on new biodegradable stents used in the treatment of benign esophageal strictures.
1. Lu Q, Yan H, Wang Y, et al. The role of endoscopic dilation and stents in refractory benign esophageal strictures: a retrospective analysis. BMC Gastroenterology. 2019;19:95. DOI:10.1186/s12876-019-1006-0
2. Kobayashi S, Kanai N, Ohki T, et al. Prevention of esophageal strictures after endoscopic submucosal dissection. World J Gastroenterol. 2014;20(41):15098-109. DOI:10.3748/wjg.v20.i41.15098
3. Kulwinder S. Dua 1 expandable stents for benign esophageal sisease. Gastrointest Endosc Clin N Am. 2011;21(3):359-76. DOI:10.1016/j.giec.2011.04.001
4. Said A, Brust DJ, Gaumnitz EA, et al. Predictors of early recurrence of benign esophageal strictures. Am J Gastroenterol. 2003;98(6):1252-6
5. Siersema PD, de Wijkerslooth LR. Dilation of refractory benign esophageal strictures. Gastrointest Endosc. 2009;70(5):1000-12. DOI:10.1016/j.gie.2009.07.004
6. Kochman ML, McClave SA, Boyce HW. The refractory and the recurrent esophageal stricture: adefinition. Gastrointest Endosc. 2005;62(3):474-5.
7. Repici A, Small AJ, Mendelson A, et al. Natural history and management of refractory benign esophageal strictures. Gastrointest Endosc. 2016;84(2):222-8. DOI:10.1016/j.gie.2016.01.053
8. Raymondi R, Pereira-Lima JC, Valves A, et al. Endoscopic dilation of benign esophageal strictures without fluoroscopy: experience of 2750 procedures. Hepatogastroenterology. 2008;55:1342-8.
9. de Wijkerslooth LR, Vleggaar FP, Siersema PD. Endoscopic management of difficult or recurrent esophageal strictures. Am J Gastroenterol. 2011;106(12):2080-91. DOI:10.1038/ajg.2011.348
10. Dan DT, Gannavarapu B, Lee JG, et al. Removable esophageal stents have poor efficacy for the treatment of refractory benign esophageal strictures (RBES). Dis Esophagus. 2014;27:511-51.
11. Brinster CJ, Singhal S, Lee L, et al. Evolving options in the management of esophageal perforation. Ann Thorac Surg. 2004;77:1475-83.
12. Sigounas DE, Siddhi S, Plevris JN. Biodegradable esophageal stents in benign and malignant strictures – a single center experience. Endosc Int Open. 2016;4:E618-23.
13. Ramage JI, Rumalla A, Baron TH, et al. Aprospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of endoscopics teroidinjection therapy for recalcitrant esophageal peptic strictures. Am J Gastroenterol. 2005;100(11):2419-25.
14. Hordijk ML, van Hooft JE, Hansen BE, et al. A randomized comparison of electrocautery incision with Savarybougienage for relief of anastomotic gastroesophageal strictures. Gastrointest Endosc. 2009;70(5):849-55.
15. Dua KS, Vleggaar FP, Santharam R, et al. Removable self-expanding plastic esophageal stent as a continuous, non-permanent dilator in treating refractory benign esophageal strictures: a prospective two-center study. Am J Gastroenterol. 2008;103(12):2988-994. DOI:10.1111/j.1572-0241.2008.02177.x
16. Siersema PD. Stenting for benign esophageal strictures. Endoscopy. 2009;41(4):363-73. DOI:10.1055/s-0029-1214532
17. van Boeckel PGA, Vleggaar FP, and Siersema PD. A comparison of temporary self- expanding plastic and biodegradable stents for refractory benign esophageal strictures. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2011;9(8):653-9.
18. Rana F, Dhar A. Oesophageal stenting for benign and malignant strictures: a systematic approach. Frontline Gastroenterol. 2015;6(2):94-100. DOI:10.1136/flgastro-2015-100559
19. van Boeckel PG, Siersema PD. Refractory esophageal strictures: what to do when dilation fails. Curr Treat Options Gastroenterol. 2015;13(1):47-58.
20. Vermeulen BD, Siersema PD. Esophageal stenting in clinical practice: an overview. Curr Treat Options Gastroenterol. 2018;16(2):260-73 DOI:10.1007/s11938-018-0181-3
21. Fuccio L, Hassan C, Frazzoni L, et al. Clinical outcomes following stent placement in refractory benign esophageal stricture: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Endoscopy. 2016;48(2):141-8.
22. Repici A, Hassan C, Sharma P, et al. Systematic review: the role of self-expanding plastic stents for benign oesophageal strictures. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2010;31(12):1268-75. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2036.2010.04301.x
23. Bakken JC, Song WK, de Groen PC, et al. Use of a fully covered self-expandable metal stent for the treatment of benign esophageal diseases. Gastrointest Endosc. 2010;72:712-20.
24. Senousy BE, Gupte AR, Draganov PV, et al. Fully covered Alimaxx esophageal metal stents in the endoscopic treatment of benign esophageal diseases. Dig Dis Sci. 2010;55:3399-403.
25. Holm AN, de la Mora Levy JG, Gostout CJ, et al. Self-expanding plastic stents in treatment of benign esophageal conditions. Gastrointest Endosc. 2008;67:20-5.
26. Kim JH, Song HY, Choi EK, et al. Temporary metallic stent placement in the treatment of refractory benign esophageal strictures: results and factors associated with outcome in 55 patients. Eur Radiol. 2009;19:384-90.
27. Everett SM. Endoscopic management of refractory benign oesophageal strictures. Ther Adv Gastrointest Endosc. 2019;12:2631774519862134. DOI:10.1177/2631774519862134
28. Hirdes MM, van Hooft JE, Wijrdeman HK, et al. Combination of biodegradable stent placement and single-dose brachytherapy is associated with an unacceptably high complication rate in the treatment of dysphagia from esophageal cancer. Gastrointest Endosc. 2012;76:267-74.
29. Sigounas DE, Siddhi S, Plevris JN. Biodegradable esophageal stents in benign and malignant strictures – a single center experience. Endosc Int Open. 2016;4:E618-23.
30. Spaander M, Baron T, Siersema P, et al. Esophageal stenting for benign and malignant disease: European society of gastrointestinal endoscopy (ESGE) clinical guideline. Endoscopy. 2016;48(10):939-48.
31. van Halsema EE, Song WKLM, Baron TH, et al. Safety of endoscopic removal of self-expandable stents after treatment of benign esophageal diseases. Gastrointest Endosc. 2013;77:18-28.
32. Sami SS, Haboubi HN, Ang Y, et al. UK guidelines on oesophageal dilatation in clinical practice. Gut. 2018;67:1000-23.
33. Biancari F, Saarnio J, Mennander A, et al. Outcome of patients with esophageal perforations: a multicenter study. World J Surg. 2014;38:902-9.
34. Gangloff A, Lecleire S, di Fiore A, et al. Fully versus partially covered self-expandable metal stents in benign esophageal strictures. Dis Esophagus. 2015;28(7):678-83.
35. van Heel NC, Haringsma J, Wijnhoven BP, et al. Endoscopic removal of self-expandable metal stents from the esophagus (with video). Gastrointest Endosc. 2011;74:44-50.
36. Swinnen J, Eisendrath P, Rigaux J, et al. Self-expandable metal stents for the treatment of benign upper GI leaks and perforations. Gastrointest Endosc. 2011;73:890-9.
37. Karbowski M, Schembre D, Kozarek R, et al. Polyflex self-expanding, removable plastic stents: assessment of treatment efficacy and safety in a variety of benign and malignant conditions of the esophagus. Surg Endosc. 2008;22:1326-33.
38. Saito Y, Tanaka T, Andoh A, et al. Usefulness of biodegradable stents constructed of poly-l-lactic acid monofilaments in patients with benign esophageal stenosis. World J Gastroenterol. 2007;13(29):3977-80.
39. Saito Y, Tanaka T, Andoh A, et al. Novel biodegradable stents for benign esophageal strictures following endoscopic submucosal dissection. Dig Dis Sci. 2008;53(2):330-3.
40. Repici A, Vleggaar FP, Hassan C, et al. Efficacy and safety of biodegradable stents for refractory benign esophageal strictures: the BEST (Biodegradable Esophageal Stent) study. Gastrointest Endosc. 2010;72:927-34.
41. Imaz-Iglesia I, García-Pérez S, Nachtnebel A, et al. Biodegradable stents for the treatment of refractory or recurrent benign esophageal stenosis. Expert Rev Med Devices. 2016;13(6):583-99.
42. Stivaros SM, Williams LR, Senger C, et al. Woven polydioxanone biodegradable stents: A new treatment option for benign and malignant oesophageal strictures. Eur Radiol. 2010;20(5):1069-72.
43. Tanaka T, Takahashi M, Nitta N, et al. Newly developed biodegradable stents for benign gastrointestinal tract stenoses: a preliminary clinical trial. Digestion. 2007;74(3-4):199-205.
44. Zhu Y, Yang K, Cheng R, et al. The current status of biodegradable stent to treat benign luminal disease. Materials Today. 2017;20:516-29.
45. Nogales Rincon O, Huerta Madrigal A, Merino Rodriguez B, et al. Esophageal obstruction due to acollapsed biodegradable esophageal stent. Endoscopy. 2011;43(2):189-90.
46. Yang K, Ling C, Yuan T, et al. Polymeric biodegradable stent insertion in the esophagus. Polymer. 2016;8(5):158.
47. Walter D, van den Berg MW, Hirdes MM, et al. Dilation or biodegradable stent placement for recurrent benign esophageal strictures: a randomized controlled trial. Endoscopy. 2018;50(12):1146-55. DOI:10.1055/a-0602-4169
48. Dhar A, Close H, Viswanath YK, et al. Biodegradable stent or balloon dilatation for benign oesophageal stricture: pilot randomised controlled trial. World J Gastroenterol. 2014;20:18199-206.
49. Yano T, Yoda Y, Nomura S, et al. Prospective trial of biodegradable stents for refractory benign esophageal strictures after curative treatment of esophageal cancer. Gastrointest Endosc. 2017;86:492-99.
50. Fry LC, Monkemuller K, Neumann H, et al. Incidence, clinical management and outcomes of esophageal perforations after endoscopic dilatation. Z Gastroenterol. 2007;45:1180-4.
51. Hirdes M, Siersema P, van Boeckel PG, et al. Single and sequential biodegradable stent placement for refractory benign esophageal strictures: a prospective follow-up study. Endoscopy. 2012;44:649-54.
52. Chaput U, Heresbach D, Audureau E, et al. Comparison of a standard fully covered stent with a super-thick silicone-covered stent for the treatment of refractory esophageal benign strictures: A prospective multicenter study. United European Gastroenterol J. 2013;1:93-102.
53. Hirdes MM, Vleggaar FP, de Beule M, et al. In vitro evaluation of the radial and axial force of self-expanding esophageal stents. Endoscopy. 2013;45:997-1005.
54. van Hooft JE, van Berge Henegouwen MI, Rauws EA, et al. Endoscopic treatment of benign an astomotic esophagogastric strictures with a biodegradable stent. Gastrointest Endosc. 2011;73:1043-7.
55. Karakan T, Utku OG, Dorukoz O, et al. Biodegradable stents for caustic esophageal strictures: a new therapeutic approach. Dis Esophagus. 2013;26:319-22.
56. van Halsema EE, van Hooft JE. Clinical outcomes of self-expandable stent placement for benign esophageal diseases: a pooled analysis of the literature. World J Gastrointest Endosc. 2015;7(2):135-53.
57. Kang Y. A review of self-expanding esophageal stents for the palliation therapy of inoperable esophageal malignancies. Biomed Res Int. 2019;2019:9265017. DOI:10.1155/2019/9265017
58. Irani S, Jalaj S, Ross A, et al. Use of a lumen-apposing metal stent to treat GI strictures (with videos). Gastrointest Endosc. 2017;85:1285-9.
59. Granata A, Amata M, Ligresti D, et al. Novel lumen-apposing stent to treat benign esophageal stricture. Endoscopy. 2017;49:273-74.
1. Lu Q, Yan H, Wang Y, et al. The role of endoscopic dilation and stents in refractory benign esophageal strictures: a retrospective analysis. BMC Gastroenterology. 2019;19:95. DOI:10.1186/s12876-019-1006-0
2. Kobayashi S, Kanai N, Ohki T, et al. Prevention of esophageal strictures after endoscopic submucosal dissection. World J Gastroenterol. 2014;20(41):15098-109. DOI:10.3748/wjg.v20.i41.15098
3. Kulwinder S. Dua 1 expandable stents for benign esophageal sisease. Gastrointest Endosc Clin N Am. 2011;21(3):359-76. DOI:10.1016/j.giec.2011.04.001
4. Said A, Brust DJ, Gaumnitz EA, et al. Predictors of early recurrence of benign esophageal strictures.
Am J Gastroenterol. 2003;98(6):1252-6
5. Siersema PD, de Wijkerslooth LR. Dilation of refractory benign esophageal strictures. Gastrointest Endosc. 2009;70(5):1000-12. DOI:10.1016/j.gie.2009.07.004
6. Kochman ML, McClave SA, Boyce HW. The refractory and the recurrent esophageal stricture: adefinition. Gastrointest Endosc. 2005;62(3):474-5.
7. Repici A, Small AJ, Mendelson A, et al. Natural history and management of refractory benign esophageal strictures. Gastrointest Endosc. 2016;84(2):222-8. DOI:10.1016/j.gie.2016.01.053
8. Raymondi R, Pereira-Lima JC, Valves A, et al. Endoscopic dilation of benign esophageal strictures without fluoroscopy: experience of 2750 procedures. Hepatogastroenterology. 2008;55:1342-8.
9. de Wijkerslooth LR, Vleggaar FP, Siersema PD. Endoscopic management of difficult or recurrent esophageal strictures. Am J Gastroenterol. 2011;106(12):2080-91. DOI:10.1038/ajg.2011.348
10. Dan DT, Gannavarapu B, Lee JG, et al. Removable esophageal stents have poor efficacy for the treatment of refractory benign esophageal strictures (RBES). Dis Esophagus. 2014;27:511-51.
11. Brinster CJ, Singhal S, Lee L, et al. Evolving options in the management of esophageal perforation. Ann Thorac Surg. 2004;77:1475-83.
12. Sigounas DE, Siddhi S, Plevris JN. Biodegradable esophageal stents in benign and malignant strictures – a single center experience. Endosc Int Open. 2016;4:E618-23.
13. Ramage JI, Rumalla A, Baron TH, et al. Aprospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of endoscopics teroidinjection therapy for recalcitrant esophageal peptic strictures. Am J Gastroenterol. 2005;100(11):2419-25.
14. Hordijk ML, van Hooft JE, Hansen BE, et al. A randomized comparison of electrocautery incision with Savarybougienage for relief of anastomotic gastroesophageal strictures. Gastrointest Endosc. 2009;70(5):849-55.
15. Dua KS, Vleggaar FP, Santharam R, et al. Removable self-expanding plastic esophageal stent as a continuous, non-permanent dilator in treating refractory benign esophageal strictures: a prospective two-center study. Am J Gastroenterol. 2008;103(12):2988-994. DOI:10.1111/j.1572-0241.2008.02177.x
16. Siersema PD. Stenting for benign esophageal strictures. Endoscopy. 2009;41(4):363-73. DOI:10.1055/s-0029-1214532
17. van Boeckel PGA, Vleggaar FP, and Siersema PD. A comparison of temporary self- expanding plastic and biodegradable stents for refractory benign esophageal strictures. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2011;9(8):653-9.
18. Rana F, Dhar A. Oesophageal stenting for benign and malignant strictures: a systematic approach. Frontline Gastroenterol. 2015;6(2):94-100. DOI:10.1136/flgastro-2015-100559
19. van Boeckel PG, Siersema PD. Refractory esophageal strictures: what to do when dilation fails. Curr Treat Options Gastroenterol. 2015;13(1):47-58.
20. Vermeulen BD, Siersema PD. Esophageal stenting in clinical practice: an overview. Curr Treat Options Gastroenterol. 2018;16(2):260-73 DOI:10.1007/s11938-018-0181-3
21. Fuccio L, Hassan C, Frazzoni L, et al. Clinical outcomes following stent placement in refractory benign esophageal stricture: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Endoscopy. 2016;48(2):141-8.
22. Repici A, Hassan C, Sharma P, et al. Systematic review: the role of self-expanding plastic stents for benign oesophageal strictures. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2010;31(12):1268-75. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2036.2010.04301.x
23. Bakken JC, Song WK, de Groen PC, et al. Use of a fully covered self-expandable metal stent for the treatment of benign esophageal diseases. Gastrointest Endosc. 2010;72:712-20.
24. Senousy BE, Gupte AR, Draganov PV, et al. Fully covered Alimaxx esophageal metal stents in the endoscopic treatment of benign esophageal diseases. Dig Dis Sci. 2010;55:3399-403.
25. Holm AN, de la Mora Levy JG, Gostout CJ, et al. Self-expanding plastic stents in treatment of benign esophageal conditions. Gastrointest Endosc. 2008;67:20-5.
26. Kim JH, Song HY, Choi EK, et al. Temporary metallic stent placement in the treatment of refractory benign esophageal strictures: results and factors associated with outcome in 55 patients. Eur Radiol. 2009;19:384-90.
27. Everett SM. Endoscopic management of refractory benign oesophageal strictures. Ther Adv Gastrointest Endosc. 2019;12:2631774519862134. DOI:10.1177/2631774519862134
28. Hirdes MM, van Hooft JE, Wijrdeman HK, et al. Combination of biodegradable stent placement and single-dose brachytherapy is associated with an unacceptably high complication rate in the treatment of dysphagia from esophageal cancer. Gastrointest Endosc. 2012;76:267-74.
29. Sigounas DE, Siddhi S, Plevris JN. Biodegradable esophageal stents in benign and malignant strictures – a single center experience. Endosc Int Open. 2016;4:E618-23.
30. Spaander M, Baron T, Siersema P, et al. Esophageal stenting for benign and malignant disease: European society of gastrointestinal endoscopy (ESGE) clinical guideline. Endoscopy. 2016;48(10):939-48.
31. van Halsema EE, Song WKLM, Baron TH, et al. Safety of endoscopic removal of self-expandable stents after treatment of benign esophageal diseases. Gastrointest Endosc. 2013;77:18-28.
32. Sami SS, Haboubi HN, Ang Y, et al. UK guidelines on oesophageal dilatation in clinical practice. Gut. 2018;67:1000-23.
33. Biancari F, Saarnio J, Mennander A, et al. Outcome of patients with esophageal perforations: a multicenter study. World J Surg. 2014;38:902-9.
34. Gangloff A, Lecleire S, di Fiore A, et al. Fully versus partially covered self-expandable metal stents in benign esophageal strictures. Dis Esophagus. 2015;28(7):678-83.
35. van Heel NC, Haringsma J, Wijnhoven BP, et al. Endoscopic removal of self-expandable metal stents from the esophagus (with video). Gastrointest Endosc. 2011;74:44-50.
36. Swinnen J, Eisendrath P, Rigaux J, et al. Self-expandable metal stents for the treatment of benign upper GI leaks and perforations. Gastrointest Endosc. 2011;73:890-9.
37. Karbowski M, Schembre D, Kozarek R, et al. Polyflex self-expanding, removable plastic stents: assessment of treatment efficacy and safety in a variety of benign and malignant conditions of the esophagus. Surg Endosc. 2008;22:1326-33.
38. Saito Y, Tanaka T, Andoh A, et al. Usefulness of biodegradable stents constructed of poly-l-lactic acid monofilaments in patients with benign esophageal stenosis. World J Gastroenterol. 2007;13(29):3977-80.
39. Saito Y, Tanaka T, Andoh A, et al. Novel biodegradable stents for benign esophageal strictures following endoscopic submucosal dissection. Dig Dis Sci. 2008;53(2):330-3.
40. Repici A, Vleggaar FP, Hassan C, et al. Efficacy and safety of biodegradable stents for refractory benign esophageal strictures: the BEST (Biodegradable Esophageal Stent) study. Gastrointest Endosc. 2010;72:927-34.
41. Imaz-Iglesia I, García-Pérez S, Nachtnebel A, et al. Biodegradable stents for the treatment of refractory or recurrent benign esophageal stenosis. Expert Rev Med Devices. 2016;13(6):583-99.
42. Stivaros SM, Williams LR, Senger C, et al. Woven polydioxanone biodegradable stents: A new treatment option for benign and malignant oesophageal strictures. Eur Radiol. 2010;20(5):1069-72.
43. Tanaka T, Takahashi M, Nitta N, et al. Newly developed biodegradable stents for benign gastrointestinal tract stenoses: a preliminary clinical trial. Digestion. 2007;74(3-4):199-205.
44. Zhu Y, Yang K, Cheng R, et al. The current status of biodegradable stent to treat benign luminal disease. Materials Today. 2017;20:516-29.
45. Nogales Rincon O, Huerta Madrigal A, Merino Rodriguez B, et al. Esophageal obstruction due to acollapsed biodegradable esophageal stent. Endoscopy. 2011;43(2):189-90.
46. Yang K, Ling C, Yuan T, et al. Polymeric biodegradable stent insertion in the esophagus. Polymer. 2016;8(5):158.
47. Walter D, van den Berg MW, Hirdes MM, et al. Dilation or biodegradable stent placement for recurrent benign esophageal strictures: a randomized controlled trial. Endoscopy. 2018;50(12):1146-55. DOI:10.1055/a-0602-4169
48. Dhar A, Close H, Viswanath YK, et al. Biodegradable stent or balloon dilatation for benign oesophageal stricture: pilot randomised controlled trial. World J Gastroenterol. 2014;20:18199-206.
49. Yano T, Yoda Y, Nomura S, et al. Prospective trial of biodegradable stents for refractory benign esophageal strictures after curative treatment of esophageal cancer. Gastrointest Endosc. 2017;86:492-99.
50. Fry LC, Monkemuller K, Neumann H, et al. Incidence, clinical management and outcomes of esophageal perforations after endoscopic dilatation. Z Gastroenterol. 2007;45:1180-4.
51. Hirdes M, Siersema P, van Boeckel PG, et al. Single and sequential biodegradable stent placement for refractory benign esophageal strictures: a prospective follow-up study. Endoscopy. 2012;44:649-54.
52. Chaput U, Heresbach D, Audureau E, et al. Comparison of a standard fully covered stent with a super-thick silicone-covered stent for the treatment of refractory esophageal benign strictures: A prospective multicenter study. United European Gastroenterol J. 2013;1:93-102.
53. Hirdes MM, Vleggaar FP, de Beule M, et al. In vitro evaluation of the radial and axial force of self-expanding esophageal stents. Endoscopy. 2013;45:997-1005.
54. van Hooft JE, van Berge Henegouwen MI, Rauws EA, et al. Endoscopic treatment of benign an astomotic esophagogastric strictures with a biodegradable stent. Gastrointest Endosc. 2011;73:1043-7.
55. Karakan T, Utku OG, Dorukoz O, et al. Biodegradable stents for caustic esophageal strictures: a new therapeutic approach. Dis Esophagus. 2013;26:319-22.
56. van Halsema EE, van Hooft JE. Clinical outcomes of self-expandable stent placement for benign esophageal diseases: a pooled analysis of the literature. World J Gastrointest Endosc. 2015;7(2):135-53.
57. Kang Y. A review of self-expanding esophageal stents for the palliation therapy of inoperable esophageal malignancies. Biomed Res Int. 2019;2019:9265017. DOI:10.1155/2019/9265017
58. Irani S, Jalaj S, Ross A, et al. Use of a lumen-apposing metal stent to treat GI strictures (with videos). Gastrointest Endosc. 2017;85:1285-9.
59. Granata A, Amata M, Ligresti D, et al. Novel lumen-apposing stent to treat benign esophageal stricture. Endoscopy. 2017;49:273-74.
1 ГАУЗ «Республиканский клинический онкологический диспансер» Минздрава Республики Татарстан, Казань, Россия;
2 ФГАОУ ВО «Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет», Казань, Россия;
3 Казанская государственная медицинская академия – филиал ФГБОУ ДПО «Российская медицинская академия непрерывного профессионального образования» Минздрава России, Казань, Россия;
4 ГАУЗ «Республиканская клиническая больница» Минздрава Республики Татарстан, Казань, Россия
* lyapac@mail.ru
Aleksej I. Ivanov1–3, Vladimir A. Popov*4, Mihail V. Burmistrov2–4, Alexandr N. Chugunov3, Marat A. Nazmeev4, Il’nar T. Gatin4, Vadim B. Rahmatullin4
1 Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary, Kazan, Russia;
2 Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia;
3 Kazan State Medical Academy – branch of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education, Kazan, Russia;
4 Republican Clinical Hospital, Kazan, Russia
* lyapac@mail.ru