Kulesh AA, Demin DA. Wallenberg–Zakharchenko syndrome in vascular neurology emergency care: A review. Consilium Medicum. 2024;26(11):711–718. DOI: 10.26442/20751753.2024.11.203020
Синдром Валленберга–Захарченко в неотложной ангионеврологии
Кулеш А.А., Дёмин Д.А. Синдром Валленберга–Захарченко в неотложной ангионеврологии. Consilium Medicum. 2024;26(11):711–718. DOI: 10.26442/20751753.2024.11.203020
Kulesh AA, Demin DA. Wallenberg–Zakharchenko syndrome in vascular neurology emergency care: A review. Consilium Medicum. 2024;26(11):711–718. DOI: 10.26442/20751753.2024.11.203020
Синдром Валленберга–Захарченко, связанный с латеральным медуллярным инфарктом, известен неврологам с конца XIX в., однако и по настоящий день его диагностика является трудной клинической задачей. Это связано с полиморфизмом, атипичностью и динамичностью клинических проявлений заболевания. При этом своевременная верификация синдрома несет важную информацию в отношении его этиологии, а также позволяет предотвратить серьезные осложнения. В статье представлены клинико-анатомические корреляты латерального медуллярного инфаркта, рассмотрены его этиология, особенности клинической картины, осложнения и прогноз. В завершение приведен диагностический алгоритм, который можно использовать в повседневной практике.
Wallenberg–Zakharchenko syndrome associated with lateral medullary infarction has been known to neurologists since the end of the 19th century. However, to this day, its diagnosis is challenging due to the polymorphic, atypical, and rapidly changing clinical manifestations. Timely verification of the syndrome provides essential information regarding its etiology and also prevents serious complications. The paper presents clinical and anatomical correlates of lateral medullary infarction, its etiology, features of the clinical presentation, complications, and prognosis. In conclusion, a diagnostic algorithm that can be used in everyday practice is given.
1. Pearce JM. Wallenberg’s syndrome. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2000;68(5):570. DOI:10.1136/jnnp.68.5.570
2. Wallenberg A. Akute BulbäraVektion (Embolie der Arteria cerebelli post inf sinistra). Archives fur Psychiatry. 1895;27:504-40.
3. Wallenberg A. Anatomischer Befund in einen als acute BulbäraVection (Embolie der Art. cerebellar post. sinistr) beschriebenen Falle. Arch Psych Nervenkrankh. 1901;34:923-59.
4. Захарченко М.А. Сосудистые заболевания мозгового ствола. М. 1911. Вып. 1; с. 267-78 [Zakharchenko MA. Sosudistyie zabolevaniya mozgovogo stvola. Moscow. 1911. Vyp. 1; p. 267-78 (in Russian)].
5. Sacco RL, Freddo L, Bello JA, et al. Wallenberg’s lateral medullary syndrome. Clinical-magnetic resonance imaging correlations. Arch Neurol.
1993;50(6):609-14. DOI:10.1001/archneur.1993.00540060049016
6. Kim JS. Pure lateral medullary infarction: clinical-radiological correlation of 130 acute, consecutive patients. Brain. 2003;126(Pt. 8):1864-72. DOI:10.1093/brain/awg169
7. Tao LS, Lin JJ, Zou M, et al. A comparative analysis of 375 patients with lateral and medial medullary infarction. Brain Behav. 2021;11(8):e2224. DOI:10.1002/brb3.2224
8. Muhammad A, Ali L, Hussain S, et al. An In-Depth Analysis of Medullary Strokes at a Tertiary Care Stroke Center: Incidence, Clinical and Radiological Characteristics, Etiology, Treatment, and Prognosis. Cureus. 2023;15(8):e43017. DOI:10.7759/cureus.43017
9. Kang HG, Kim BJ, Lee SH, et al. Lateral Medullary Infarction with or without Extra-Lateral Medullary Lesions: What Is the Difference? Cerebrovasc Dis.
2018;45(3-4):132-40. DOI:10.1159/000487672
10. Yu C, Zhu Z, Li S, et al. Clinical and radiological features of medullary infarction caused by spontaneous vertebral artery dissection. Stroke Vasc Neurol.
2022;7(3):245-50. DOI:10.1136/svn-2021-001180
11. Kameda W, Kawanami T, Kurita K, et al. Lateral and medial medullary infarction: a comparative analysis of 214 patients. Stroke. 2004;35(3):694-9. DOI:10.1161/01.STR.0000117570.41153.35
12. Hiraga A, Kojima K, Suzuki M, Kuwabara S. Isolated contralateral spinothalamic sensory loss below thoracic level due to lateral medullary infarction. Acta Neurol Belg. 2024;124(1):279-81. DOI:10.1007/s13760-023-02284-0
13. Hiraga A, Kuwabara S. Isolated spinothalamic sensory impairment of the contralateral lower limb due to lateral medullary infarction. Neurol Sci. 2022;43(1):725-6. DOI:10.1007/s10072-021-05656-7
14. Hanada K, Yokoi K, Kashida N, et al. Midlateral medullary infarction presenting with isolated thermoanaesthesia: a case report. BMC Neurol. 2022;22(1):268.
15. Kim JS, Caplan LR. Clinical Stroke Syndromes. Front Neurol Neurosci. 2016;40:72-92. DOI:10.1159/000448303
16. Ravichandran A, Elsayed KS, Yacoub HA. Central Pain Mimicking Trigeminal Neuralgia as a Result of Lateral Medullary Ischemic Stroke. Case Rep Neurol Med. 2019;2019:4235724. DOI:10.1155/2019/4235724
17. Galende AV, Camacho A, Gomez-Escalonilla C, et al. Lateral medullary infarction secondary to vertebral artery dissection presenting as a trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia. Headache. 2004;44(1):70-4. DOI:10.1111/j.1526-4610.2004.04012.x
18. Jin D, Lian YJ, Zhang HF. Secondary SUNCT syndrome caused by dorsolateral medullary infarction. J Headache Pain. 2016;17:12. DOI:10.1186/s10194-016-0604-2
19. Lee TK, Park JY, Kim H, et al. Persistent Nystagmus in Chronic Phase of Lateral Medullary Infarction. J Clin Neurol. 2020;16(2):285-91. DOI:10.3988/jcn.2020.16.2.285
20. Hagström L, Hörnsten G, Silfverskiöld BP. Oculostatic and visual phenomena occurring in association with Wallenberg’s syndrome. Acta Neurol Scand.
1969;45(5):568-82. DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0404.1969.tb01267.x
21. Brazis PW. Ocular motor abnormalities in Wallenberg’s lateral medullary syndrome. Mayo Clin Proc. 1992;67(4):365-8. DOI:10.1016/s0025-6196(12)61553-5.
22. Kattah JC, Badihian S, Pula JH, et al. Ocular lateral deviation with brief removal of visual fixation differentiates central from peripheral vestibular syndrome. J Neurol. 2020;267(12):3763-72. DOI:10.1007/s00415-020-10100-5
23. Farhat R, Awad AA, Shaheen WA, et al. The “Vestibular Eye Sign”-”VES”: a new radiological sign of vestibular neuronitis can help to determine the affected vestibule and support the diagnosis. J Neurol. 2023;270(9):4360-7. DOI:10.1007/s00415-023-11771-6
24. Kobayashi Z, Numasawa Y, Tomimitsu H, Shintani S. Conjugate eye deviation plus spontaneous nystagmus as a diagnostic sign of lateral medullary infarction. J Neurol Sci. 2016;367:222-3. DOI:10.1016/j.jns.2016.06.017
25. Lee SH, Kim JM, Schuknecht B, Tarnutzer AA. Vestibular and Ocular Motor Properties in Lateral Medullary Stroke Critically Depend on the Level of the Medullary Lesion. Front Neurol. 2020;11:390. DOI:10.3389/fneur.2020.00390.
26. Zwergal A, Dieterich M. Vertigo and dizziness in the emergency room. Curr Opin Neurol. 2020;33(1):117-25. DOI:10.1097/WCO.0000000000000769
27. Ogawa K, Suzuki Y, Oishi M, Kamei S. Clinical study of 46 patients with lateral medullary infarction. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2015;24(5):1065-74. DOI:10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2015.01.006
28. Kattah JC. Concordant GRADE-3 Truncal Ataxia and Ocular Laterodeviation in Acute Medullary Stroke. Audiol Res. 2023;13(5):767-78. DOI:10.3390/audiolres13050068
29. Li H, Wei N, Zhang L, et al. Body lateropulsion as the primary manifestation of medulla oblongata infarction: a case report. J Int Med Res. 2020;48(11):300060520970773. DOI:10.1177/0300060520970773
30. Lehner L, Danek A. Skewed Position on the Stroke Unit (Wallenberg Syndrome). Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2023;120(19):344. DOI:10.3238/arztebl.m2022.0366
31. Kanagalingam S, Miller NR. Horner syndrome: clinical perspectives. Eye Brain. 2015;7:35-46. DOI:10.2147/EB.S63633
32. Hara N, Nakamori M, Ayukawa T, et al. Characteristics and Prognostic Factors of Swallowing Dysfunction in Patients with Lateral Medullary Infarction. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2021;30(12):106122. DOI:10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2021.106122
33. Gasca-González OO, Pérez-Cruz JC, Baldoncini M, et al. Neuroanatomical basis of Wallenberg syndrome. Cir Cir. 2020;88(3):376-82. DOI:10.24875/CIRU.19000801
34. Kim JM, Park KY, Kim DH, et al. Symptomatic hyponatremia following lateral medullary infarction: a case report. BMC Neurol. 2014;14:111. DOI:10.1186/1471-2377-14-111
35. Gambichler T, Lukas C. A rare cause of chronic wounds: trigeminal trophic syndrome due to Wallenberg syndrome. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2021;46(7):1324-5. DOI:10.1111/ced.14718
36. Wu S, Li N, Xia F, et al. Neurotrophic keratopathy due to dorsolateral medullary infarction (Wallenberg syndrome): case report and literature review. BMC Neurol. 2014;14:231. DOI:10.1186/s12883-014-0231-y
37. Hu HT, Yan SQ, Campbell B, Lou M. Atypical sneezing attack induced by lateral medullary infarction. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2013;19(11):908-10. DOI:10.1111/cns.12168
38. Takahashi M, Nanatsue K, Itaya S, et al. Usefulness of thermography for differentiating Wallenberg’s syndrome from noncentral vertigo in the acute phase. Neurol Res. 2024;46(5):391-7. DOI:10.1080/01616412.2024.2328482
39. Ogawa T, Shojima Y, Kuroki T, et al. Cervico-shoulder dystonia following lateral medullary infarction: a case report and review of the literature. J Med Case Rep. 2018;12(1):34. DOI:10.1186/s13256-018-1561-y
40. Gil Polo C, Castrillo Sanz A, Gutiérrez Ríos R, Mendoza Rodríguez A. Opalski syndrome: a variant of lateral-medullary syndrome. Neurologia. 2013;28(6):382-4. DOI:10.1016/j.nrl.2012.02.006
41. Krasnianski M, Müller T, Stock K, Zierz S. Between Wallenberg syndrome and hemimedullary lesion: Cestan-Chenais and Babinski-Nageotte syndromes in medullary infarctions. J Neurol. 2006;253(11):1442-6. DOI:10.1007/s00415-006-0231-3
42. Von Heinemann P, Grauer O, Schuierer G, et al. Recurrent cardiac arrest caused by lateral medulla oblongata infarction. BMJ Case Rep. 2009;2009:bcr02.2009.1625. DOI:10.1136/bcr.02.2009.1625
43. Hong JM, Kim TJ, Shin DH, et al. Cardiovascular autonomic function in lateral medullary infarction. Neurol Sci. 2013;34(11):1963-9. DOI:10.1007/s10072-013-1420-y
44. Koay S, Dewan B. An unexpected Holter monitor result: multiple sinus arrests in a patient with lateral medullary syndrome. BMJ Case Rep. 2013;2013:bcr2012007783. DOI:10.1136/bcr-2012-007783
45. Prabhakar A, Sivadasan A, Shaikh A, et al. Network Localization of Central Hypoventilation Syndrome in Lateral Medullary Infarction. J Neuroimaging.
2020;30(6):875-81. DOI:10.1111/jon.12765
46. Pavšič K, Pretnar-Oblak J, Bajrović FF, Dolenc-Grošelj L. Prospective study of sleep-disordered breathing in 28 patients with acute unilateral lateral medullary infarction. Sleep Breath. 2020;24(4):1557-63. DOI:10.1007/s11325-020-02031-2
47. Wang YJ, Hu HH. Sudden death after medullary infarction – a case report. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2013;29(10):578-81. DOI:10.1016/j.kjms.2013.03.002
48. Mendoza M, Latorre JG. Pearls and oy-sters: reversible Ondine’s curse in a case of lateral medullary infarction. Neurology. 2013;80(2):e13-6. DOI:10.1212/WNL.0b013e31827b9096
49. Seo MJ, Roh SY, Kyun YS, et al. Diffusion weighted imaging findings in the acute lateral medullary infarction. J Clin Neurol. 2006;2(2):107-12. DOI:10.3988/jcn.2006.2.2.107
50. Ohira J, Ohara N, Hinoda T, et al. Patient characteristics with negative diffusion-weighted imaging findings in acute lateral medullary infarction. Neurol Sci.
2021;42(2):689-96. DOI:10.1007/s10072-020-04578-0
51. Schönfeld MH, Ritzel RM, Kemmling A, et al. Improved detectability of acute and subacute brainstem infarctions by combining standard axial and thin-sliced sagittal DWI. PLoS One. 2018;13(7):e0200092. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0200092
52. Almohammad M, Dadak M, Götz F, et al. The potential role of diffusion weighted imaging in the diagnosis of early carotid and vertebral artery dissection. Neuroradiology. 2022;64(6):1135-44. DOI:10.1007/s00234-021-02842-4
53. Teufel J, Strupp M, Linn J, et al. Conjugate Eye Deviation in Unilateral Lateral Medullary Infarction. J Clin Neurol. 2019;15(2):228-34.
54. Peretz S, Rosenblat S, Zuckerman M, et al. Vocal cord paresis on CTA – A novel tool for the diagnosis of lateral medullary syndrome. J Neurol Sci. 2021;429:117576. DOI:10.1016/j.jns.2021.117576
55. Zhang DP, Liu XZ, Yin S, et al. Risk Factors for Long-Term Death After Medullary Infarction: A Multicenter Follow-Up Study. Front Neurol. 2021;12:615230. DOI:10.3389/fneur.2021.615230
56. Кулеш А.А., Янишевский С.Н., Демин Д.А., и др. Пациент с некардиоэмболическим ишемическим инсультом или транзиторной ишемической атакой высокого риска. Часть 1. Диагностика. Неврология, нейропсихиатрия, психосоматика. 2023;15(2):10-8 [Kulesh AA, Yanishevsky SN, Demin DA, et al. Patient with non-cardioembolic ischemic stroke or high-risk transient ischemic attack. Part 1. Diagnostics. Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, Psychosomatics. 2023;15(2):10-8 (in Russian)]. DOI:10.14412/2074-2711-2023-2-10-1
57. Кулеш А.А., Янишевский С.Н., Демин Д.А., и др. Пациент с некардиоэмболическим ишемическим инсультом или транзиторной ишемической атакой высокого риска. Часть 2. Вторичная профилактика. Неврология, нейропсихиатрия, психосоматика. 2023;15(3):4-10 [Kulesh AA, Yanishevsky SN, Demin DA, et al. Patient with non-cardioembolic ischemic stroke or high-risk transient ischemic attack. Part 2. Secondary prophylaxis. Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, Psychosomatics. 2023;15(3):4-10 (in Russian)].
1. Pearce JM. Wallenberg’s syndrome. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2000;68(5):570. DOI:10.1136/jnnp.68.5.570
2. Wallenberg A. Akute BulbäraVektion (Embolie der Arteria cerebelli post inf sinistra). Archives fur Psychiatry. 1895;27:504-40.
3. Wallenberg A. Anatomischer Befund in einen als acute BulbäraVection (Embolie der Art. cerebellar post. sinistr) beschriebenen Falle. Arch Psych Nervenkrankh. 1901;34:923-59.
4. Zakharchenko MA. Sosudistyie zabolevaniya mozgovogo stvola. Moscow. 1911. Vyp. 1; p. 267-78 (in Russian).
5. Sacco RL, Freddo L, Bello JA, et al. Wallenberg’s lateral medullary syndrome. Clinical-magnetic resonance imaging correlations. Arch Neurol.
1993;50(6):609-14. DOI:10.1001/archneur.1993.00540060049016
6. Kim JS. Pure lateral medullary infarction: clinical-radiological correlation of 130 acute, consecutive patients. Brain. 2003;126(Pt. 8):1864-72. DOI:10.1093/brain/awg169
7. Tao LS, Lin JJ, Zou M, et al. A comparative analysis of 375 patients with lateral and medial medullary infarction. Brain Behav. 2021;11(8):e2224. DOI:10.1002/brb3.2224
8. Muhammad A, Ali L, Hussain S, et al. An In-Depth Analysis of Medullary Strokes at a Tertiary Care Stroke Center: Incidence, Clinical and Radiological Characteristics, Etiology, Treatment, and Prognosis. Cureus. 2023;15(8):e43017. DOI:10.7759/cureus.43017
9. Kang HG, Kim BJ, Lee SH, et al. Lateral Medullary Infarction with or without Extra-Lateral Medullary Lesions: What Is the Difference? Cerebrovasc Dis.
2018;45(3-4):132-40. DOI:10.1159/000487672
10. Yu C, Zhu Z, Li S, et al. Clinical and radiological features of medullary infarction caused by spontaneous vertebral artery dissection. Stroke Vasc Neurol.
2022;7(3):245-50. DOI:10.1136/svn-2021-001180
11. Kameda W, Kawanami T, Kurita K, et al. Lateral and medial medullary infarction: a comparative analysis of 214 patients. Stroke. 2004;35(3):694-9. DOI:10.1161/01.STR.0000117570.41153.35
12. Hiraga A, Kojima K, Suzuki M, Kuwabara S. Isolated contralateral spinothalamic sensory loss below thoracic level due to lateral medullary infarction. Acta Neurol Belg. 2024;124(1):279-81. DOI:10.1007/s13760-023-02284-0
13. Hiraga A, Kuwabara S. Isolated spinothalamic sensory impairment of the contralateral lower limb due to lateral medullary infarction. Neurol Sci. 2022;43(1):725-6. DOI:10.1007/s10072-021-05656-7
14. Hanada K, Yokoi K, Kashida N, et al. Midlateral medullary infarction presenting with isolated thermoanaesthesia: a case report. BMC Neurol. 2022;22(1):268.
15. Kim JS, Caplan LR. Clinical Stroke Syndromes. Front Neurol Neurosci. 2016;40:72-92. DOI:10.1159/000448303
16. Ravichandran A, Elsayed KS, Yacoub HA. Central Pain Mimicking Trigeminal Neuralgia as a Result of Lateral Medullary Ischemic Stroke. Case Rep Neurol Med. 2019;2019:4235724. DOI:10.1155/2019/4235724
17. Galende AV, Camacho A, Gomez-Escalonilla C, et al. Lateral medullary infarction secondary to vertebral artery dissection presenting as a trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia. Headache. 2004;44(1):70-4. DOI:10.1111/j.1526-4610.2004.04012.x
18. Jin D, Lian YJ, Zhang HF. Secondary SUNCT syndrome caused by dorsolateral medullary infarction. J Headache Pain. 2016;17:12. DOI:10.1186/s10194-016-0604-2
19. Lee TK, Park JY, Kim H, et al. Persistent Nystagmus in Chronic Phase of Lateral Medullary Infarction. J Clin Neurol. 2020;16(2):285-91. DOI:10.3988/jcn.2020.16.2.285
20. Hagström L, Hörnsten G, Silfverskiöld BP. Oculostatic and visual phenomena occurring in association with Wallenberg’s syndrome. Acta Neurol Scand.
1969;45(5):568-82. DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0404.1969.tb01267.x
21. Brazis PW. Ocular motor abnormalities in Wallenberg’s lateral medullary syndrome. Mayo Clin Proc. 1992;67(4):365-8. DOI:10.1016/s0025-6196(12)61553-5.
22. Kattah JC, Badihian S, Pula JH, et al. Ocular lateral deviation with brief removal of visual fixation differentiates central from peripheral vestibular syndrome. J Neurol. 2020;267(12):3763-72. DOI:10.1007/s00415-020-10100-5
23. Farhat R, Awad AA, Shaheen WA, et al. The “Vestibular Eye Sign”-”VES”: a new radiological sign of vestibular neuronitis can help to determine the affected vestibule and support the diagnosis. J Neurol. 2023;270(9):4360-7. DOI:10.1007/s00415-023-11771-6
24. Kobayashi Z, Numasawa Y, Tomimitsu H, Shintani S. Conjugate eye deviation plus spontaneous nystagmus as a diagnostic sign of lateral medullary infarction. J Neurol Sci. 2016;367:222-3. DOI:10.1016/j.jns.2016.06.017
25. Lee SH, Kim JM, Schuknecht B, Tarnutzer AA. Vestibular and Ocular Motor Properties in Lateral Medullary Stroke Critically Depend on the Level of the Medullary Lesion. Front Neurol. 2020;11:390. DOI:10.3389/fneur.2020.00390.
26. Zwergal A, Dieterich M. Vertigo and dizziness in the emergency room. Curr Opin Neurol. 2020;33(1):117-25. DOI:10.1097/WCO.0000000000000769
27. Ogawa K, Suzuki Y, Oishi M, Kamei S. Clinical study of 46 patients with lateral medullary infarction. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2015;24(5):1065-74. DOI:10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2015.01.006
28. Kattah JC. Concordant GRADE-3 Truncal Ataxia and Ocular Laterodeviation in Acute Medullary Stroke. Audiol Res. 2023;13(5):767-78. DOI:10.3390/audiolres13050068
29. Li H, Wei N, Zhang L, et al. Body lateropulsion as the primary manifestation of medulla oblongata infarction: a case report. J Int Med Res. 2020;48(11):300060520970773. DOI:10.1177/0300060520970773
30. Lehner L, Danek A. Skewed Position on the Stroke Unit (Wallenberg Syndrome). Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2023;120(19):344. DOI:10.3238/arztebl.m2022.0366
31. Kanagalingam S, Miller NR. Horner syndrome: clinical perspectives. Eye Brain. 2015;7:35-46. DOI:10.2147/EB.S63633
32. Hara N, Nakamori M, Ayukawa T, et al. Characteristics and Prognostic Factors of Swallowing Dysfunction in Patients with Lateral Medullary Infarction. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2021;30(12):106122. DOI:10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2021.106122
33. Gasca-González OO, Pérez-Cruz JC, Baldoncini M, et al. Neuroanatomical basis of Wallenberg syndrome. Cir Cir. 2020;88(3):376-82. DOI:10.24875/CIRU.19000801
34. Kim JM, Park KY, Kim DH, et al. Symptomatic hyponatremia following lateral medullary infarction: a case report. BMC Neurol. 2014;14:111. DOI:10.1186/1471-2377-14-111
35. Gambichler T, Lukas C. A rare cause of chronic wounds: trigeminal trophic syndrome due to Wallenberg syndrome. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2021;46(7):1324-5. DOI:10.1111/ced.14718
36. Wu S, Li N, Xia F, et al. Neurotrophic keratopathy due to dorsolateral medullary infarction (Wallenberg syndrome): case report and literature review. BMC Neurol. 2014;14:231. DOI:10.1186/s12883-014-0231-y
37. Hu HT, Yan SQ, Campbell B, Lou M. Atypical sneezing attack induced by lateral medullary infarction. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2013;19(11):908-10. DOI:10.1111/cns.12168
38. Takahashi M, Nanatsue K, Itaya S, et al. Usefulness of thermography for differentiating Wallenberg’s syndrome from noncentral vertigo in the acute phase. Neurol Res. 2024;46(5):391-7. DOI:10.1080/01616412.2024.2328482
39. Ogawa T, Shojima Y, Kuroki T, et al. Cervico-shoulder dystonia following lateral medullary infarction: a case report and review of the literature. J Med Case Rep. 2018;12(1):34. DOI:10.1186/s13256-018-1561-y
40. Gil Polo C, Castrillo Sanz A, Gutiérrez Ríos R, Mendoza Rodríguez A. Opalski syndrome: a variant of lateral-medullary syndrome. Neurologia. 2013;28(6):382-4. DOI:10.1016/j.nrl.2012.02.006
41. Krasnianski M, Müller T, Stock K, Zierz S. Between Wallenberg syndrome and hemimedullary lesion: Cestan-Chenais and Babinski-Nageotte syndromes in medullary infarctions. J Neurol. 2006;253(11):1442-6. DOI:10.1007/s00415-006-0231-3
42. Von Heinemann P, Grauer O, Schuierer G, et al. Recurrent cardiac arrest caused by lateral medulla oblongata infarction. BMJ Case Rep. 2009;2009:bcr02.2009.1625. DOI:10.1136/bcr.02.2009.1625
43. Hong JM, Kim TJ, Shin DH, et al. Cardiovascular autonomic function in lateral medullary infarction. Neurol Sci. 2013;34(11):1963-9. DOI:10.1007/s10072-013-1420-y
44. Koay S, Dewan B. An unexpected Holter monitor result: multiple sinus arrests in a patient with lateral medullary syndrome. BMJ Case Rep. 2013;2013:bcr2012007783. DOI:10.1136/bcr-2012-007783
45. Prabhakar A, Sivadasan A, Shaikh A, et al. Network Localization of Central Hypoventilation Syndrome in Lateral Medullary Infarction. J Neuroimaging.
2020;30(6):875-81. DOI:10.1111/jon.12765
46. Pavšič K, Pretnar-Oblak J, Bajrović FF, Dolenc-Grošelj L. Prospective study of sleep-disordered breathing in 28 patients with acute unilateral lateral medullary infarction. Sleep Breath. 2020;24(4):1557-63. DOI:10.1007/s11325-020-02031-2
47. Wang YJ, Hu HH. Sudden death after medullary infarction – a case report. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2013;29(10):578-81. DOI:10.1016/j.kjms.2013.03.002
48. Mendoza M, Latorre JG. Pearls and oy-sters: reversible Ondine’s curse in a case of lateral medullary infarction. Neurology. 2013;80(2):e13-6. DOI:10.1212/WNL.0b013e31827b9096
49. Seo MJ, Roh SY, Kyun YS, et al. Diffusion weighted imaging findings in the acute lateral medullary infarction. J Clin Neurol. 2006;2(2):107-12. DOI:10.3988/jcn.2006.2.2.107
50. Ohira J, Ohara N, Hinoda T, et al. Patient characteristics with negative diffusion-weighted imaging findings in acute lateral medullary infarction. Neurol Sci.
2021;42(2):689-96. DOI:10.1007/s10072-020-04578-0
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А.А. Кулеш*1,2, Д.А. Дёмин3
1ФГБОУ ВО «Пермский государственный медицинский университет им. акад. Е.А. Вагнера» Минздрава России, Пермь, Россия; 2ГАУЗ ПК «Городская клиническая больница №4», Пермь, Россия; 3ФГБУ «Федеральный центр сердечно-сосудистой хирургии» Минздрава России, Астрахань, Россия
Aleksey A. Kulesh*1,2, Dmitry A. Demin3
1Vagner Perm State Medical University, Perm, Russia; 2City Clinical Hospital №4, Perm, Russia; 3Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, Astrakhan, Russia