Karpova OV, Kruglyakov NM, Zhalnina ND, Eroshkin KE. Aspects of the use of antithrombotic therapy in vascular neurology: A review. Consilium Medicum. 2024;26(2):107–111. DOI: 10.26442/20751753.2024.2.202680
Аспекты применения антитромботической терапии в сосудистой неврологии
Карпова О.В., Кругляков Н.М., Жалнина Н.Д., Ерошкин К.Е. Аспекты применения антитромботической терапии в сосудистой неврологии. Consilium Medicum. 2024;26(2):107–111.
DOI: 10.26442/20751753.2024.2.202680
Karpova OV, Kruglyakov NM, Zhalnina ND, Eroshkin KE. Aspects of the use of antithrombotic therapy in vascular neurology: A review. Consilium Medicum. 2024;26(2):107–111. DOI: 10.26442/20751753.2024.2.202680
Развитие острых сосудистых мозговых событий – острых нарушений мозгового кровообращения – является одной из основных причин смертности и инвалидизации. В настоящее время в развитых странах благодаря совершенствованию новых технологий и мер оказания медицинской помощи и профилактики отмечается тенденция к снижению смертности и заболеваемости церебральным венозным тромбозом. Своевременное и адекватное применение антитромботической терапии у пациентов данной категории для первичной и вторичной профилактики развития острых нарушений мозгового кровообращения является крайне важным аспектом ведения и достоверно снижает риски повторного острого сосудистого события, увеличивает выживаемость, способствует более благоприятному прогнозу к восстановлению нарушенных функций и качества жизни в долгосрочной перспективе.
Ключевые слова: инсульт, острые нарушения мозгового кровообращения, церебральный венозный тромбоз, алгоритм применения антитромботической терапии
The development of acute cerebrovascular events is one of the main causes of mortality and disability. Currently, in developed countries, due to the development of new technologies and improvement of medical care and prevention, there is a tendency to decrease the mortality and morbidity of cerebral venous thrombosis. Timely and adequate use of antithrombotic therapy in patients in this category for primary and secondary prevention of acute cerebrovascular events is an extremely important aspect of management and reliably reduces the risks of recurrent cerebrovascular accidents, increases survival and contributes to a more favorable prognosis for the recovery of impaired functions and quality of life in the long term.
1. The top 10 causes of death. World Health Organization. Available at: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/the-top-10-causes-of-death. Accessed: 12.11.2023.
2. Мачинский П.А., Плотникова Н.А., Ульянкин В.Е., и др. Сравнительная характеристика показателей смертности и летальности от ишемического и геморрагического инсультов в России. Медицинские науки. Патологическая анатомия. 2019;3(51):101-18 [Machinskiy PA, Plotnikova NA, Ul’yankin VE, et al. Comparative characteristics of the indicators of mortality and letality from ischemic and hemorrhagic insult in Russia. Medical Sciences. Morbid Anatomy. 2019;3(51):101-18 (in Russian)].
3. Ишемический инсульт и транзиторная ишемическая атака у взрослых. Клинические рекомендации РФ. 2021 [Ishemicheskii insul’t i tranzitornaia ishemicheskaia ataka u vzroslykh. Klinicheskie rekomendatsii RF. 2021 (in Russian)].
4. Дамулин И.В., Андреев Д.А., Салпагарова З.К. Кардиоэмболический инсульт. Неврология, нейропсихиатрия, психосоматика. 2015;(1):80-6 [Damulin IV, Andreev DA, Salpagarova ZK. Cardioembolic stroke. Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, Psychosomatics. 2015;(1):80-6 (in Russian)].
5. Парфенов В.А., Вербицкая С.В. Факторы риска и патогенетические подтипы ишемического инсульта. Атеротромбоз. 2012;(1):16-25 [Parfenov VA, Verbitskaya SV. Risk factors and pathogenetic subtypes of ischemic stroke. Aterotromboz. 2012;(1):16-25 (in Russian)].
6. Сычев Д.А. Полипрагмазия в клинической практике: проблема и решения. Под общ. ред. Д.А. Сычева. СПб.: Профессия, 2018 [Sychev DA. Polipragmaziia v klinicheskoi praktike: problema i resheniia. Pod obshch. red. DA Sycheva. Saint Petersburg: Professiia, 2018 (in Russian)].
7. Савелло А.В., Вознюк И.А., Свистов Д.В. Внутрисосудистое лечение ишемического инсульта в острейшем периоде. Клинические рекомендации. СПб. 2015 [Savello AV, Voznjuk IA, Svistov DV. Vnutrisosudistoe lechenie ishemicheskogo insul’ta v ostrejshem periode. Klinicheskie rekomendacii. Saint Petersburg. 2015 (in Russian)].
8. Johnston SC, Rothwell PM, Nguyen-Huynh MN, et al. Validation and refinement of scores to predict very early stroke risk after transient ischaemic attack. Lancet.
2007;369(9558):283-92. DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(07)60150-0
9. Merwick A, Albers GW, Amarenco P, et al. Addition of brain and carotid imaging to the ABCD² score to identify patients at early risk of stroke after transient ischaemic attack: a multicentre observational study. Lancet Neurol. 2010;9(11):1060-9. DOI:10.1016/S1474-4422(10)70240-4
10. Cairns JA. ACP journal club. CHA2DS2-VASc had better discrimination than CHADS2 for predicting risk for thromboembolism in atrial fibrillation. Ann Intern Med.
2011;154(10):JC5-13. DOI:10.7326/0003-4819-154-10-201105170-02013
11. Lip GY, Nieuwlaat R, Pisters R, et al. Refining clinical risk stratification for predicting stroke and thromboembolism in atrial fibrillation using a novel risk factor-based approach: the euro heart survey on atrial fibrillation. Chest. 2010;137(2):263-72. DOI:10.1378/chest.09-1584
12. Диагностика и лечение фибрилляции предсердий. Клинические рекомендации. 2017 [Diagnostika i lechenie fibrilliatsii predserdii. Klinicheskie rekomendatsii. 2017 (in Russian)].
13. Kirchhof P, Benussi S, Kotecha D, et al. 2016 ESC Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation developed in collaboration with EACTS. Eur Heart J.
2016;37(38):2893-962. DOI:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw210
14. January CT, Wann LS, Alpert JS, et al. 2014 AHA/ACC/HRS guideline for the management of patients with atrial fibrillation: executive summary: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on practice guidelines and the Heart Rhythm Society. Circulation. 2014;130(23):2071-104. DOI:10.1161/CIR.0000000000000040
15. Ишемический инсульт и транзиторная ишемическая атака у взрослых. Клинические рекомендации. 2021 [Ishemicheskii insul’t i tranzitornaia ishemicheskaia ataka u vzroslykh. Klinicheskie rekomendatsii. 2021 (in Russian)].
16. European Heart Rhythm Association; European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery; Camm AJ, Kirchhof P, Lip GY, et al. Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation: the Task Force for the Management of Atrial Fibrillation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur Heart J. 2010;31(19):2369-429. DOI:10.1093/eurheartj/ehq278
17. Панченко Е.П., Кропачева Е.В. Рекомендации по антитромботической терапии у больных со стабильными проявлениями атеротромбоза. Атеротромбоз. 2009;1(2):38-54 [Panchenko EP, Kropacheva EV. Rekomendatsii po antitromboticheskoi terapii u bol’nykh so stabil’nymi proiavleniiami aterotromboza. Aterotromboz. 2009;1(2):38-54 (in Russian)].
18. Michigan Anticoagulation Quality Improvement Initiative (MAQI2). Anticoagulation Toolkit (Version 1.8).
19. Van Spall HG, Wallentin L, Yusuf S, et al. Variation in warfarin dose adjustment practice is responsible for differences in the quality of anticoagulation control between centers and countries: an analysis of patients receiving warfarin in the randomized evaluation of long-term anticoagulation therapy (RE-LY) trial. Circulation. 2012;126(19):2309-16. DOI:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.112.101808
20. Hart RG, Pearce LA, Aguilar MI. Meta-analysis: antithrombotic therapy to prevent stroke in patients who have nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Ann Intern Med.
2007;146(12):857-67. DOI:10.7326/0003-4819-146-12-200706190-00007
21. Лечение геморрагического инсульта. Клинические рекомендации. 2021 [Lechenie gemorragicheskogo insul’ta. Klinicheskie rekomendatsii. 2021 (in Russian)].
22. Witt DM. What to do after the bleed: resuming anticoagulation after major bleeding. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2016;2016(1):620-4.
23. Colantino A, Jaffer AK, Brotman DJ. Resuming anticoagulation after hemorrhage: A practical approach. Cleve Clin J Med. 2015;82(4):245-56. DOI:10.3949/ccjm.82a.14047
24. Steffel J, Verhamme P, Potpara TS, et al. The 2018 European Heart Rhythm Association Practical Guide on the use of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation. Eur Heart J. 2018;39(16):1330-93. DOI:10.1093/eurheartj/ehy136
25. Lindgren E. Cerebral Venous Thrombosis – Complications and Outcomes. Department of Clinical Neuroscience Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg. 2022.
26. Ferro JM, Aguiar de Sousa D. Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: an Update. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2019;19(10):74. DOI:10.1007/s11910-019-0988-x
27. Saposnik G, Barinagarrementeria F, Brown RD Jr, et al. Diagnosis and management of cerebral venous thrombosis: a statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Stroke. 2011;42(4):1158-92. DOI:10.1161/STR.0b013e31820a8364
28. Ferro JM, Bousser MG, Canhão P, et al. European Stroke Organization guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of cerebral venous thrombosis – endorsed by the European Academy of Neurology. Eur J Neurol. 2017;24(10):1203-13. DOI:10.1111/ene.13381
29. Клинические протоколы по лечению церебрального венозного тромбоза. Республиканский центр развития здравоохранения Минздрава Республики Казахстан. 2019 [Klinicheskie protokoly po lecheniiu tserebral’nogo venoznogo tromboza. Respublikanskii tsentr razvitiia zdravookhraneniia Minzdrava Respubliki Kazakhstan. 2019 (in Russian)].
30. Фонякин А.В., Гераскина Л.А. Факторы риска, диагностика, лечение и профилактика венозных тромбозов и тромбоэмболий при остром инсульте. Неврология, нейропсихиатрия, психосоматика. 2013;(4):4-9 [Fonyakin AV, Geraskina LA. Venous thromboses and thromboembolism in acute stroke: risk factors, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, Psychosomatics. 2013;(4):4-9 (in Russian)].
31. Бувина О.А., Евзельман М.А. Тромбоэмболия легочной артерии при тяжелом инсульте. Ученые записки Орловского государственного университета. Серия «Естественные, технические и медицинские науки». 2012;(3);178-81 [Buvina OA, Evzelman MA. Pulmonary embolism in severe stroke. Scientific Notes of Oryol State University. Series “Natural, technical and medical sciences”. 2012;(3);178-81 (in Russian)].
1. The top 10 causes of death. World Health Organization. Available at: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/the-top-10-causes-of-death. Accessed: 12.11.2023.
2. Machinskiy PA, Plotnikova NA, Ul’yankin VE, et al. Comparative characteristics of the indicators of mortality and letality from ischemic and hemorrhagic insult in Russia. Medical Sciences. Morbid Anatomy. 2019;3(51):101-18 (in Russian).
3. Ishemicheskii insul’t i tranzitornaia ishemicheskaia ataka u vzroslykh. Klinicheskie rekomendatsii RF. 2021 (in Russian).
4. Damulin IV, Andreev DA, Salpagarova ZK. Cardioembolic stroke. Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, Psychosomatics. 2015;(1):80-6 (in Russian).
5. Parfenov VA, Verbitskaya SV. Risk factors and pathogenetic subtypes of ischemic stroke. Aterotromboz. 2012;(1):16-25 (in Russian).
6. Sychev DA. Polipragmaziia v klinicheskoi praktike: problema i resheniia. Pod obshch. red. DA Sycheva. Saint Petersburg: Professiia, 2018 (in Russian).
7. Savello AV, Voznjuk IA, Svistov DV. Vnutrisosudistoe lechenie ishemicheskogo insul’ta v ostrejshem periode. Klinicheskie rekomendacii. Saint Petersburg. 2015 (in Russian).
8. Johnston SC, Rothwell PM, Nguyen-Huynh MN, et al. Validation and refinement of scores to predict very early stroke risk after transient ischaemic attack. Lancet.
2007;369(9558):283-92. DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(07)60150-0
9. Merwick A, Albers GW, Amarenco P, et al. Addition of brain and carotid imaging to the ABCD² score to identify patients at early risk of stroke after transient ischaemic attack: a multicentre observational study. Lancet Neurol. 2010;9(11):1060-9. DOI:10.1016/S1474-4422(10)70240-4
10. Cairns JA. ACP journal club. CHA2DS2-VASc had better discrimination than CHADS2 for predicting risk for thromboembolism in atrial fibrillation. Ann Intern Med.
2011;154(10):JC5-13. DOI:10.7326/0003-4819-154-10-201105170-02013
11. Lip GY, Nieuwlaat R, Pisters R, et al. Refining clinical risk stratification for predicting stroke and thromboembolism in atrial fibrillation using a novel risk factor-based approach: the euro heart survey on atrial fibrillation. Chest. 2010;137(2):263-72. DOI:10.1378/chest.09-1584
12. Diagnostika i lechenie fibrilliatsii predserdii. Klinicheskie rekomendatsii. 2017 (in Russian).
13. Kirchhof P, Benussi S, Kotecha D, et al. 2016 ESC Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation developed in collaboration with EACTS. Eur Heart J.
2016;37(38):2893-962. DOI:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw210
14. January CT, Wann LS, Alpert JS, et al. 2014 AHA/ACC/HRS guideline for the management of patients with atrial fibrillation: executive summary: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on practice guidelines and the Heart Rhythm Society. Circulation. 2014;130(23):2071-104. DOI:10.1161/CIR.0000000000000040
15. Ishemicheskii insul’t i tranzitornaia ishemicheskaia ataka u vzroslykh. Klinicheskie rekomendatsii. 2021 (in Russian).
16. European Heart Rhythm Association; European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery; Camm AJ, Kirchhof P, Lip GY, et al. Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation: the Task Force for the Management of Atrial Fibrillation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur Heart J. 2010;31(19):2369-429. DOI:10.1093/eurheartj/ehq278
17. Panchenko EP, Kropacheva EV. Rekomendatsii po antitromboticheskoi terapii u bol’nykh so stabil’nymi proiavleniiami aterotromboza. Aterotromboz. 2009;1(2):38-54 (in Russian).
18. Michigan Anticoagulation Quality Improvement Initiative (MAQI2). Anticoagulation Toolkit (Version 1.8).
19. Van Spall HG, Wallentin L, Yusuf S, et al. Variation in warfarin dose adjustment practice is responsible for differences in the quality of anticoagulation control between centers and countries: an analysis of patients receiving warfarin in the randomized evaluation of long-term anticoagulation therapy (RE-LY) trial. Circulation. 2012;126(19):2309-16. DOI:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.112.101808
20. Hart RG, Pearce LA, Aguilar MI. Meta-analysis: antithrombotic therapy to prevent stroke in patients who have nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Ann Intern Med.
2007;146(12):857-67. DOI:10.7326/0003-4819-146-12-200706190-00007
21. Lechenie gemorragicheskogo insul’ta. Klinicheskie rekomendatsii. 2021 (in Russian).
22. Witt DM. What to do after the bleed: resuming anticoagulation after major bleeding. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2016;2016(1):620-4.
23. Colantino A, Jaffer AK, Brotman DJ. Resuming anticoagulation after hemorrhage: A practical approach. Cleve Clin J Med. 2015;82(4):245-56. DOI:10.3949/ccjm.82a.14047
24. Steffel J, Verhamme P, Potpara TS, et al. The 2018 European Heart Rhythm Association Practical Guide on the use of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation. Eur Heart J. 2018;39(16):1330-93. DOI:10.1093/eurheartj/ehy136
25. Lindgren E. Cerebral Venous Thrombosis – Complications and Outcomes. Department of Clinical Neuroscience Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg. 2022.
26. Ferro JM, Aguiar de Sousa D. Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: an Update. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2019;19(10):74. DOI:10.1007/s11910-019-0988-x
27. Saposnik G, Barinagarrementeria F, Brown RD Jr, et al. Diagnosis and management of cerebral venous thrombosis: a statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Stroke. 2011;42(4):1158-92. DOI:10.1161/STR.0b013e31820a8364
28. Ferro JM, Bousser MG, Canhão P, et al. European Stroke Organization guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of cerebral venous thrombosis – endorsed by the European Academy of Neurology. Eur J Neurol. 2017;24(10):1203-13. DOI:10.1111/ene.13381
29. Klinicheskie protokoly po lecheniiu tserebral’nogo venoznogo tromboza. Respublikanskii tsentr razvitiia zdravookhraneniia Minzdrava Respubliki Kazakhstan. 2019 (in Russian).
30. Fonyakin AV, Geraskina LA. Venous thromboses and thromboembolism in acute stroke: risk factors, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, Psychosomatics. 2013;(4):4-9 (in Russian).
31. Buvina OA, Evzelman MA. Pulmonary embolism in severe stroke. Scientific Notes of Oryol State University. Series “Natural, technical and medical sciences”. 2012;(3);178-81 (in Russian).
ФГБУ «Государственный научный центр Российской Федерации – Федеральный медицинский биофизический центр им. А.И. Бурназяна» ФМБА России, Москва, Россия
Olga V. Karpova*, Nikolay M. Kruglyakov, Natalia D. Zhalnina, Kirill E. Eroshkin
Russian State Research Center – Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Moscow, Russia