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6. Dukas L, Willett W, Giovannucci E. Association between physical activity, fiber intake, and other lifestyle variables and consipation in a study of women. Am J Gastroenterol 2003; 98: 1790–6.
7. Lembo A, Camilleri M. Chronic constipation. N Engl J Med 2003; 349: 1360–8.
8. Paille F et al. An open six-month study of the safety of Transipeg for treating constipation in community medicine. J Clin Res 1999; 2: 65–76.
9. Talley N. Definitions, epidemiology, and impact of chronic constipation. Rev Gastroenterol Disord 2004; 4 (suppl. 2): S3–10.
10. Tramonte S, Brand M, Mulrow C et al. The treatment of chronic constipation in adults. A systematic review. J Gen Intern Med 1997; 12 (1): 15–24.
1. Ивашкин В.Т., Комаров Ф.И., Рапопорт С.И. (ред.). Краткое руководство по гастроэнтерологии. М.: М-Вести, 2001.
2. Парфенов А.И. Понос и запор. Клин. мед. 1997; 3: 53–60.
3. Парфенов А.И. Профилактика и лечение запоров у беременных. Гинекология. 2002; 4 (3): 14–7.
4. Подзолкова Н.М., Назарова С.В. Новые возможности лечения толстокишечного стаза у беременных. Гинекология. 2004; 6 (6): 22–7.
5. Шехтман М.М. Руководство по экстрагенитальной патологии. М.: Триада Х, 2002.
6. Dukas L, Willett W, Giovannucci E. Association between physical activity, fiber intake, and other lifestyle variables and consipation in a study of women. Am J Gastroenterol 2003; 98: 1790–6.
7. Lembo A, Camilleri M. Chronic constipation. N Engl J Med 2003; 349: 1360–8.
8. Paille F et al. An open six-month study of the safety of Transipeg for treating constipation in community medicine. J Clin Res 1999; 2: 65–76.
9. Talley N. Definitions, epidemiology, and impact of chronic constipation. Rev Gastroenterol Disord 2004; 4 (suppl. 2): S3–10.
10. Tramonte S, Brand M, Mulrow C et al. The treatment of chronic constipation in adults. A systematic review. J Gen Intern Med 1997; 12 (1): 15–24.
Перинатальный медицинский центр (гл. врач – проф. М.А.Курцер), Москва