Консенсус российских экспертов по проблеме метаболического синдрома в Российской Федерации: определение, диагностические критерии, первичная профилактика и лечение
Консенсус российских экспертов по проблеме метаболического синдрома в Российской Федерации: определение, диагностические критерии, первичная профилактика и лечение
Консенсус российских экспертов по проблеме метаболического синдрома в Российской Федерации: определение, диагностические критерии, первичная профилактика и лечение
Во всем мире 1/3 людей ежегодно умирают от сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний. Более 50% летальных исходов и инвалидностей, связанных с этой патологией, могло бы быть предотвращено при должном внимании со стороны врачей и самих пациентов к факторам риска, связанным с наличием метаболического синдрома. Ведущими российскими специалистами в области кардиологии, эндокринологии, гинекологии и гастроэнтерологии разработаны определение, диагностические критерии и основные направления первичной профилактики метаболического синдрома и его осложнений, которые и легли в основу данного консенсуса.
1. Purnel J, Brunzell J. The central role of dietary fat, not carbohydrate, in the insulin resistans syndrome. Curr Opin Lipidol 1997; 8 (1): 17–22.
2. Рекомендации экспертов ВНОК по диагностике и лечению метаболического синдрома. Кардиоваскул. тер. и профилак. 2007; 5 (Прил.).
3. Рекомендации экспертов ВНОК по диагностике и лечению метаболического синдрома. Кардиоваскул. тер. и профилак. 2009; 6 (Прил. 2).
4. Lapidus L, Bengtsson C, Larsson B et al. Distribution of adipose tissue and risk of cardiovascular disease and death: a 12 year follow up of participants in the population study of women in Gothenburg, Sweden. Br Med J 1984; 289: 1261–3.
5. Дедов И.И., Мельниченко Г.А. Ожирение. Медицинское информационное агенство, 2008.
6. Despres JP, Moorjani S, Lupien PJ et al. Regional distribution of body fat, plasma insulin, plasma lipoproteins, and cardiovascular disease. Arteriosclerosis 1990; 10: 497–511.
7. Sims EA, Danforth E, Norton et al. Endocrine and metabolic effects of experimental obesity in man. Rec Prog Harm Res 1973; 29: 457–96.
8. Piatti PM, Monti LD. Forearm insulin-and-non-insulin mediated glucose uptake and muscle metabolism in man: role of free fatty acids and blood glucose levels. Metab Clin Exp 1991; 40: 926–33.
9. Randle PJ, Garland P, Hales C et al. The glucose-fatty acid cycle: its role in insulin sensitivity and metabolic disturbance of diabetes mellitus. Lancet 1963; 1: 785–9.
10. Evans DJ, Murrey R, Kisselbah AH. Relationship between skeletal muscles insulin resistance, insulin mediated glucose disposal, and insulin binding. Effects of obesity and body fat topography. J Clin Invest 1984; 74 (4): 1515–25.
11. Uysal KT, Wiesbrock SM, Marino MW et al. Protection from obesity – indused insulin resistance in mice. Lacking TNF alpha function. Nature 1997; 389: 610–4.
12. Dietschy JM, Turley SD, Spady DK. Role of liver in the maintenance of cholesterol and low density lipoprotein homeostasis in different animal species, including humans. J Lipid Research 1993; 34: 1637–59.
13. Reaven G., Lithell H., Landsberg L. Hypertension and associated metabolic abnormalities – the role of insulin resistance and the sympatoadrenal system. N Engl J Med 1996; 334: 374–81.
14. Fraze E. Ambient plasma free fatty acid concentration in noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: evidence for insulin resistance. J Clin Endocrin Metab 1995; 61.
15. Filer JS. Leptin resistance and obesity. Presented at the 60-th Scientific Sessions of the American diabetes association. June 13, 2000; San-Antonio, TEXAS.
16. Ferrari P, Weidmann P. Insulin, insulin sensitivity and hypertension. J Hypertens 1990; 8: 491–500.
17. Defronzo RA, Agus Z. The effect of glucose and insulin on renal electrolyte transport. J Clin Invest 1976; 58: 83–90.
18. DeFronzo RA, Dvis PJ. The effect of insulin in renal handing of sodium, potassium, calcium, and phosphate in man. J Clin Invest 1975; 55: 845–55.
19. Kamide K, Hori M, Zhu J et al. Insulin-mediated growth in aortic smooth muscle and the vascular rennin-angiotensin system. Hypertension 1998; 32: 482–7.
20. Taddei S, Virdis A, Chiadoni L et al. The pivotal role of endothelium in hypertension. Medicographia 1999; Issue 59, 21: 22–9.
21. Laakso M. Epidemiology of Diabetic Dislipidemia. Diabetes Rev 1995; 3: 408–22.
22. Alberti KGMM, Eckel RH, Grundy SM et al. Harmonizing the metabolic syndrome: a joint interim statement of the International Diabetes Federation task force on epidemiology and prevention; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; American Heart Association; World Heart Federation; International Atherosclerosis Society; and International Association for the Study of Obesity. Circulation 2009; 120: 1640–5.
1. Purnel J, Brunzell J. The central role of dietary fat, not carbohydrate, in the insulin resistans syndrome. Curr Opin Lipidol 1997; 8 (1): 17–22.
2. Рекомендации экспертов ВНОК по диагностике и лечению метаболического синдрома. Кардиоваскул. тер. и профилак. 2007; 5 (Прил.).
3. Рекомендации экспертов ВНОК по диагностике и лечению метаболического синдрома. Кардиоваскул. тер. и профилак. 2009; 6 (Прил. 2).
4. Lapidus L, Bengtsson C, Larsson B et al. Distribution of adipose tissue and risk of cardiovascular disease and death: a 12 year follow up of participants in the population study of women in Gothenburg, Sweden. Br Med J 1984; 289: 1261–3.
5. Дедов И.И., Мельниченко Г.А. Ожирение. Медицинское информационное агенство, 2008.
6. Despres JP, Moorjani S, Lupien PJ et al. Regional distribution of body fat, plasma insulin, plasma lipoproteins, and cardiovascular disease. Arteriosclerosis 1990; 10: 497–511.
7. Sims EA, Danforth E, Norton et al. Endocrine and metabolic effects of experimental obesity in man. Rec Prog Harm Res 1973; 29: 457–96.
8. Piatti PM, Monti LD. Forearm insulin-and-non-insulin mediated glucose uptake and muscle metabolism in man: role of free fatty acids and blood glucose levels. Metab Clin Exp 1991; 40: 926–33.
9. Randle PJ, Garland P, Hales C et al. The glucose-fatty acid cycle: its role in insulin sensitivity and metabolic disturbance of diabetes mellitus. Lancet 1963; 1: 785–9.
10. Evans DJ, Murrey R, Kisselbah AH. Relationship between skeletal muscles insulin resistance, insulin mediated glucose disposal, and insulin binding. Effects of obesity and body fat topography. J Clin Invest 1984; 74 (4): 1515–25.
11. Uysal KT, Wiesbrock SM, Marino MW et al. Protection from obesity – indused insulin resistance in mice. Lacking TNF alpha function. Nature 1997; 389: 610–4.
12. Dietschy JM, Turley SD, Spady DK. Role of liver in the maintenance of cholesterol and low density lipoprotein homeostasis in different animal species, including humans. J Lipid Research 1993; 34: 1637–59.
13. Reaven G., Lithell H., Landsberg L. Hypertension and associated metabolic abnormalities – the role of insulin resistance and the sympatoadrenal system. N Engl J Med 1996; 334: 374–81.
14. Fraze E. Ambient plasma free fatty acid concentration in noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: evidence for insulin resistance. J Clin Endocrin Metab 1995; 61.
15. Filer JS. Leptin resistance and obesity. Presented at the 60-th Scientific Sessions of the American diabetes association. June 13, 2000; San-Antonio, TEXAS.
16. Ferrari P, Weidmann P. Insulin, insulin sensitivity and hypertension. J Hypertens 1990; 8: 491–500.
17. Defronzo RA, Agus Z. The effect of glucose and insulin on renal electrolyte transport. J Clin Invest 1976; 58: 83–90.
18. DeFronzo RA, Dvis PJ. The effect of insulin in renal handing of sodium, potassium, calcium, and phosphate in man. J Clin Invest 1975; 55: 845–55.
19. Kamide K, Hori M, Zhu J et al. Insulin-mediated growth in aortic smooth muscle and the vascular rennin-angiotensin system. Hypertension 1998; 32: 482–7.
20. Taddei S, Virdis A, Chiadoni L et al. The pivotal role of endothelium in hypertension. Medicographia 1999; Issue 59, 21: 22–9.
21. Laakso M. Epidemiology of Diabetic Dislipidemia. Diabetes Rev 1995; 3: 408–22.
22. Alberti KGMM, Eckel RH, Grundy SM et al. Harmonizing the metabolic syndrome: a joint interim statement of the International Diabetes Federation task force on epidemiology and prevention; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; American Heart Association; World Heart Federation; International Atherosclerosis Society; and International Association for the Study of Obesity. Circulation 2009; 120: 1640–5.