В статье представлены данные о частоте и причинах послеродового стресса. Указаны особенности лактации при послеродовом стрессе, проблемы диагностики и лечения стрессовых нарушений у женщин после родов.
The data about the frequency and reasons of postnatal stress are presented in the article. It includes specialities of lactation in postnatal stress, problems of diagnostics and treatment during stress disorders in women after delivery.
1. Вейн А.М., Судаков К.В., Левин Я.И. и др. Психосомнические соотношения в условиях хронического эмоционального стресса и методы повышения адаптивных возможностей человека. Стресс и поведение. М., 2003; 126–27.
2. Akiskal H. A proposed research psychiatric perspective on classification. World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Integration Conference «DIAGNOSIS IN PSYCHIATRY: INTEGRATING THE SCIENCES». Vienna (Austria) 2003; 25.
3. Chung C-H, Chung H-H, Cheng C-Y, Pickler R. Effects of Stress and Social Support on Postpartum Health of Chinese Mothers in the United States. Research in Nursing&Health 2009; 32 (4): 582–91.
4. Department of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR), World Health Organization.Maternal and newborn health. Postpartum care of the mother and ewborn:a practical guide 2003.
5. Durnwald C, Mercer B. Vaginal birth after Cesarean delivery: predicting success? Risks of failure. Journal of Maternal and Neonatal Medicine 2004; 15 (6): 388–93.
6. Gavin N.What is the Incidence of Perinatal Depression? A Systematic Review of the Evidence. 2ND WORLD CONGRESS ON WOMEN'S MENTAL HEALTH. Washington, DC, USA 2004.
7. Gorman L, O'Hara M, Figueiredo B, Hayes S, Jacquemain F et al. Adaptation of the structured clinical interview for DSM-IV disorders for assessing depression in women during pregnancy and post-partum across countries and cultures. Br J Psychiatry 2004; 46 (2): 17–23.
8. Hiltunen P, Raudaskoski T, Ebeling H,Moilanen I. Does pain relief during delivery decrease the risk of postnatal depression? Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2004; 83 (3): 257–61.
9. Ingram J, Greenwood R, Woolridge M. Hormonal predictors of postnatal depression at 6 months in breastfeeding women. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 2003; 21 (1): 61–8.
10. Killien М. Women and employment: a decade review. Annu Rev Nurs Res 2001; 19 (5): 87.
11. Chandiramani K. Five Year Follow-Up Study Of Postpartum Depression. 2ND WORLD CONGRESS ON WOMEN'S MENTAL HEALTH. Washington, DC, USA 2004.
12. Koo V, Lynch J, Cooper S. Risk of postnatal depression after emergency delivery. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 2003; 29 (4): 246–50.
13. Long C. An Integrated Model to Identify, Treat and Support Families with Perinatal Mood Disorders. 2ND WORLD CONGRESS ON WOMEN'S MENTAL HEALTH. Washington, DC, USA 2004.
14. MaClean L, McDermott М, May C. Method of delivery and subjective distress: women's emotional responses to childbirth practices. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 2008; 18 (2): 153–62.
15. McDaniel S. Collaborative Family Healthcare for Women: A Team Model Developed in Family Medicine. 2ND WORLD CONGRESS ON WOMEN'S MENTAL HEALTH. Washington, DC, USA 2004.
16. McMahon C, Barnett B, Kowalenko N et al. Postnatal depression, anxiety and unsettled infant behavior. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2001; 35 (5): 581–88.
17. Meltzer-Brody S. Does Perinatal Screening and Treatment of Depression Lead to Improved Outcomes? A Systematic Review of the Evidence. 2ND WORLD CONGRESS ON WOMEN'S MENTAL HEALTH. Washington, DC, USA 2004.
18. Pantlen A, Rohde A. Psychologic effects of traumatic live deliveries. Zentralb Gynakol 2001; 123 (1): 42–7.
19. Rohde A. Traumatically experienced childbirth and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. 2ND WORLD CONGRESS ON WOMEN'S MENTAL HEALTH. Washington, DC, USA 2004.
20. Rosenblum O. Prenatal specific psychopathological conditions and disorders, pregnancy outcome. 2ND WORLD CONGRESS ON WOMEN'S MENTAL HEALTH. Washington, DC, USA 2004.
21. Ryding E, Wijma K, Wijma B. Experiences of emergency cesarean section: A phenomenological study of 53 women; Birth 2003; 25 (4): 246–51.
22. Regmi S, Stigl W, Carter D, Grut W, Seear M. A conrtrolled study of postpartum depression among Nepalese women: validation of the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale in Kathmandu; World Health Organization report, predicting disease patterns for developing countries in 2020, also warned of the increasung impact of non-communicable diseases, uncluding mental ill health 2004.
23. Soderquist J, Wijma K, Wijma B. Traumatic stress after childbirth: the role of obstetric variables. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology 2002; 23 (1): 34–8.
24. Steiner M. Postnatal depression: a few simple questions. Family Practice 2002; 19: 469–70.
25. Tammentie T, Tarkka М-T, Åstedt-Kurki P, Paavilainen E. Sociodemographic factors of families related to postnatal depressive symptoms of mothers. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2002; 8 (5): 240–6.
26. Thome M. Severe postpartum distress in Icelandic mothers with difficult infants: a follow-up study on their health care. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2003; 17 (2): 104–12.
27. Zlotnick C, Jonson S, Miller I, Pearlstein T et al. Postpartum Depression in Women on Public Assistance: Pilot Study of an Interpersonally-Oriented Group Intervention.Butler Hospital, Rhode Island 2004.
1. Вейн А.М., Судаков К.В., Левин Я.И. и др. Психосомнические соотношения в условиях хронического эмоционального стресса и методы повышения адаптивных возможностей человека. Стресс и поведение. М., 2003; 126–27.
2. Akiskal H. A proposed research psychiatric perspective on classification. World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Integration Conference «DIAGNOSIS IN PSYCHIATRY: INTEGRATING THE SCIENCES». Vienna (Austria) 2003; 25.
3. Chung C-H, Chung H-H, Cheng C-Y, Pickler R. Effects of Stress and Social Support on Postpartum Health of Chinese Mothers in the United States. Research in Nursing&Health 2009; 32 (4): 582–91.
4. Department of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR), World Health Organization.Maternal and newborn health. Postpartum care of the mother and ewborn:a practical guide 2003.
5. Durnwald C, Mercer B. Vaginal birth after Cesarean delivery: predicting success? Risks of failure. Journal of Maternal and Neonatal Medicine 2004; 15 (6): 388–93.
6. Gavin N.What is the Incidence of Perinatal Depression? A Systematic Review of the Evidence. 2ND WORLD CONGRESS ON WOMEN'S MENTAL HEALTH. Washington, DC, USA 2004.
7. Gorman L, O'Hara M, Figueiredo B, Hayes S, Jacquemain F et al. Adaptation of the structured clinical interview for DSM-IV disorders for assessing depression in women during pregnancy and post-partum across countries and cultures. Br J Psychiatry 2004; 46 (2): 17–23.
8. Hiltunen P, Raudaskoski T, Ebeling H,Moilanen I. Does pain relief during delivery decrease the risk of postnatal depression? Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2004; 83 (3): 257–61.
9. Ingram J, Greenwood R, Woolridge M. Hormonal predictors of postnatal depression at 6 months in breastfeeding women. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 2003; 21 (1): 61–8.
10. Killien М. Women and employment: a decade review. Annu Rev Nurs Res 2001; 19 (5): 87.
11. Chandiramani K. Five Year Follow-Up Study Of Postpartum Depression. 2ND WORLD CONGRESS ON WOMEN'S MENTAL HEALTH. Washington, DC, USA 2004.
12. Koo V, Lynch J, Cooper S. Risk of postnatal depression after emergency delivery. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 2003; 29 (4): 246–50.
13. Long C. An Integrated Model to Identify, Treat and Support Families with Perinatal Mood Disorders. 2ND WORLD CONGRESS ON WOMEN'S MENTAL HEALTH. Washington, DC, USA 2004.
14. MaClean L, McDermott М, May C. Method of delivery and subjective distress: women's emotional responses to childbirth practices. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 2008; 18 (2): 153–62.
15. McDaniel S. Collaborative Family Healthcare for Women: A Team Model Developed in Family Medicine. 2ND WORLD CONGRESS ON WOMEN'S MENTAL HEALTH. Washington, DC, USA 2004.
16. McMahon C, Barnett B, Kowalenko N et al. Postnatal depression, anxiety and unsettled infant behavior. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2001; 35 (5): 581–88.
17. Meltzer-Brody S. Does Perinatal Screening and Treatment of Depression Lead to Improved Outcomes? A Systematic Review of the Evidence. 2ND WORLD CONGRESS ON WOMEN'S MENTAL HEALTH. Washington, DC, USA 2004.
18. Pantlen A, Rohde A. Psychologic effects of traumatic live deliveries. Zentralb Gynakol 2001; 123 (1): 42–7.
19. Rohde A. Traumatically experienced childbirth and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. 2ND WORLD CONGRESS ON WOMEN'S MENTAL HEALTH. Washington, DC, USA 2004.
20. Rosenblum O. Prenatal specific psychopathological conditions and disorders, pregnancy outcome. 2ND WORLD CONGRESS ON WOMEN'S MENTAL HEALTH. Washington, DC, USA 2004.
21. Ryding E, Wijma K, Wijma B. Experiences of emergency cesarean section: A phenomenological study of 53 women; Birth 2003; 25 (4): 246–51.
22. Regmi S, Stigl W, Carter D, Grut W, Seear M. A conrtrolled study of postpartum depression among Nepalese women: validation of the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale in Kathmandu; World Health Organization report, predicting disease patterns for developing countries in 2020, also warned of the increasung impact of non-communicable diseases, uncluding mental ill health 2004.
23. Soderquist J, Wijma K, Wijma B. Traumatic stress after childbirth: the role of obstetric variables. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology 2002; 23 (1): 34–8.
24. Steiner M. Postnatal depression: a few simple questions. Family Practice 2002; 19: 469–70.
25. Tammentie T, Tarkka М-T, Åstedt-Kurki P, Paavilainen E. Sociodemographic factors of families related to postnatal depressive symptoms of mothers. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2002; 8 (5): 240–6.
26. Thome M. Severe postpartum distress in Icelandic mothers with difficult infants: a follow-up study on their health care. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2003; 17 (2): 104–12.
27. Zlotnick C, Jonson S, Miller I, Pearlstein T et al. Postpartum Depression in Women on Public Assistance: Pilot Study of an Interpersonally-Oriented Group Intervention.Butler Hospital, Rhode Island 2004.
Н.А.Короткова, А.А.Куземин, И.Ю.Фофанова
ФГУ Научный центр акушерства, гинекологии и перинатологии им. В.И.Кулакова
Минздравсоцразвития РФ, Москва
N.A.Korotkova, A.A.Kuzemin, I.Yu.Fofanova
V.I.Kulakov State Research Centre of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology of the Ministry of Public Health and social development
of the Russian Federation, Moscow