Обзор. Рассмотрены добавки аскорбиновой кислоты, тиамина, ниацина, рибофлавина, пиридоксина, фолиевой кислоты, ретинола, кальциферола, токоферола и филлохинона при их раздельном и совместном применении во время беременности. Биологически активная добавка (БАД) Алфавит Мамино здоровье рассмотрена как витаминно-минеральный комплекс для групп риска развития акушерских осложнений.
A review. Micronutrient support with ascorbic acid, thiamin, niacine, riboflavine, pyridoxine, folate, retinol, calciferol, tocopherol, and phyllochinon, administered as mono- and combination therapy during pregnancy is discussed. Nutraceutical vitamin complex Alphabet Mum's health is apprehended as a vitamin&mineral complex of choice for risk groups in terms of potential obstetrical complications.
1. Здоровье населения России и деятельность учреждений здравоохранения в 2001 году. Статистические материалы. Здравоохранение РФ. 2003; 6: 41–4.
2. Коровина Н.А., Подзолкова Н.М., Захарова И.Н. и др. Особенности питания беременных и женщин в период лактации. М., 2004.
3. Ahn E, Kapur B, Koren G. Iron bioavailability in prenatal multivitamin supplements with separated and combined iron and calcium. Journal of obstetrics and gynecology Canada 2004; 26 (9): 809–13.
4. Ahn E, Pairaudeau N et al. A randomized cross over trial of tolerability and compliance of a micronutrient supplement with low iron separated from calcium vs. high iron combined with calcium in pregnant women. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2006; p. 6–10.
5. Brooks WA, Yunus M, Santosham M et al. Zinc for severe pneumonia in very young children: doubleblind placebo controlled trial. Lancet 2004; 363 (9422): 1683.
6. Yajnik C. Nutritional control of fetal growth. Nutr Rev 2006.
7. Ford AR. Hormones: getting out of hand, in: McDonnell, K. (ed.), Adverse Effects; Women and the Pharmaceutical Industry, Penang, IOCU 1986.
8. US Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, The Menopause, Hormone Therapy, and Women’s Health, OTA-BP-BA-88, Washington, US Government Printing Office, May 1992.
9. Roberts PJ. The menopause and hormone replacement therapy: views of women in general practice receiving hormone replacement therapy. Br J Gen Pract 1991; 41: 421–4.
10. Lock M. Contested meanings of the menopause. Lancet 1991; 337: 1270–2.
11. National Women's Health Network, Taking Hormones and Women's Health: Choices, Risks, Benefits, Washington 1989.
12. Grady D, Ernster V. Invited commentary: Does postmenopausal therapy cause breast cancer? Am J Epidemiol 1991; 134 (12): 1396–400.
13. Anon. FDA committee recommends approval of oestrogen/progestogen use Scrip 1991; 1632: 24.
14. Sillero-Arenas M, Delgado-Rodriguez M et al. Menopausal hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer: a meta-analysis. Obstet Gynecol 1992; 79 (2): 286–94.
15. Anon. Breast cancer risk with long-term HRT. Scrip 1991; 1613: 25.
16. Bergkvist L, Adami H-0 et al. The risk of breast cancer after estrogen and estrogen-progestin replacement. N Engl J Med 1989; 5 (321): 293–7.
17. Colditz GA, Stampfer MJ et al. Prospective study of estrogen replacement therapy and risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. J Am Med Assoc 1990; 20 (264): 2648–53.
18. O’Donnell M. Improving on nature. International Management 1992.
19. Styrt B, Sugarman В. Estrogens and infection, Reviews of Infectious Diseases 1991; 13: 1139–50.
20. MacLennan A. Women, cardiovascular disease and hormone replacement therapy. Med J Aust 1992; 156: 77–8.
21. Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA et al. Postmenopausal estrogen therapy and cardiovascular disease: ten-year follow-up from the Nurses' Health Study. New England Journal of Medicine 1991; 325 (11): 756–62.
22. Barrett-Connor E, Bush TL. Estrogen and coronary heart disease in women. J Am Med Assoc 1991; 265 (14): 1861–7.
23. Urrows ST, Freston MS, Pryor DL. Profiles in osteoporosis. Am J Nurs 1991.
24. Rubin CD. Southwestern Internal Medicine Conference: Age-related osteoporosis. Am Journal Med Sci 1991; 301 (4): 281–98.
25. Gallagher JC. Pathophysiology of osteoporosis. Semin Nephrol 1992; 12 (2): 109–15.
26. Anon. The European Market for Osteoporosis Treatment Products. London. Frost and Sullivan 1992.
27. Prince RL, Smith M et al. Prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis: a comparative study of exercise, calcium supplementation, and hormone-replacement therapy. New England Journal of Medicine 1991; 325 (17): 1189–95.
28. Pitt FA, Brazier J. Hormone replacement therapy for osteoporosis. Lancet 1990; 335 (21): 978.
29. Cheung AP, Wren BG. A cost-effectiveness analysis of hormone replacement therapy in the menopause. Med J Aust 1992; 156: 312–16.
30. Stevenson JC, Cust MP et al. Effects of transdermal versus oral hormone replacement therapy on bone density in spinal and proximal femur in postmenopausal women. Lancet 1990; 336: 265–9.
31. Browner WS, Seeley DG et al. Non-trauma mortality in elderly women with low bone mineral density. Lancet 1991; 338: 355–8.
32. Breslau NA. Osteoporosis: Management. Semin Nephrol 1992; 12 (2): 116–26.
33. Ших Е.В., Раменская Г.В., Гребенщикова Л.Ю. Всасывание цинка при приеме в составе различных витаминно-минеральных комплексов. Лечебное дело. 2010; 4.
34. Ших Е.В., Раменская Г.В., Гребенщикова Л.Ю. Вопросы взаимодействия в витаминно-минеральных комплексах на уровне всасывания на примере витаминов группы В. Справочник поликлинического врача. 2010; 8.
1. Здоровье населения России и деятельность учреждений здравоохранения в 2001 году. Статистические материалы. Здравоохранение РФ. 2003; 6: 41–4.
2. Коровина Н.А., Подзолкова Н.М., Захарова И.Н. и др. Особенности питания беременных и женщин в период лактации. М., 2004.
3. Ahn E, Kapur B, Koren G. Iron bioavailability in prenatal multivitamin supplements with separated and combined iron and calcium. Journal of obstetrics and gynecology Canada 2004; 26 (9): 809–13.
4. Ahn E, Pairaudeau N et al. A randomized cross over trial of tolerability and compliance of a micronutrient supplement with low iron separated from calcium vs. high iron combined with calcium in pregnant women. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2006; p. 6–10.
5. Brooks WA, Yunus M, Santosham M et al. Zinc for severe pneumonia in very young children: doubleblind placebo controlled trial. Lancet 2004; 363 (9422): 1683.
6. Yajnik C. Nutritional control of fetal growth. Nutr Rev 2006.
7. Ford AR. Hormones: getting out of hand, in: McDonnell, K. (ed.), Adverse Effects; Women and the Pharmaceutical Industry, Penang, IOCU 1986.
8. US Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, The Menopause, Hormone Therapy, and Women’s Health, OTA-BP-BA-88, Washington, US Government Printing Office, May 1992.
9. Roberts PJ. The menopause and hormone replacement therapy: views of women in general practice receiving hormone replacement therapy. Br J Gen Pract 1991; 41: 421–4.
10. Lock M. Contested meanings of the menopause. Lancet 1991; 337: 1270–2.
11. National Women's Health Network, Taking Hormones and Women's Health: Choices, Risks, Benefits, Washington 1989.
12. Grady D, Ernster V. Invited commentary: Does postmenopausal therapy cause breast cancer? Am J Epidemiol 1991; 134 (12): 1396–400.
13. Anon. FDA committee recommends approval of oestrogen/progestogen use Scrip 1991; 1632: 24.
14. Sillero-Arenas M, Delgado-Rodriguez M et al. Menopausal hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer: a meta-analysis. Obstet Gynecol 1992; 79 (2): 286–94.
15. Anon. Breast cancer risk with long-term HRT. Scrip 1991; 1613: 25.
16. Bergkvist L, Adami H-0 et al. The risk of breast cancer after estrogen and estrogen-progestin replacement. N Engl J Med 1989; 5 (321): 293–7.
17. Colditz GA, Stampfer MJ et al. Prospective study of estrogen replacement therapy and risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. J Am Med Assoc 1990; 20 (264): 2648–53.
18. O’Donnell M. Improving on nature. International Management 1992.
19. Styrt B, Sugarman В. Estrogens and infection, Reviews of Infectious Diseases 1991; 13: 1139–50.
20. MacLennan A. Women, cardiovascular disease and hormone replacement therapy. Med J Aust 1992; 156: 77–8.
21. Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA et al. Postmenopausal estrogen therapy and cardiovascular disease: ten-year follow-up from the Nurses' Health Study. New England Journal of Medicine 1991; 325 (11): 756–62.
22. Barrett-Connor E, Bush TL. Estrogen and coronary heart disease in women. J Am Med Assoc 1991; 265 (14): 1861–7.
23. Urrows ST, Freston MS, Pryor DL. Profiles in osteoporosis. Am J Nurs 1991.
24. Rubin CD. Southwestern Internal Medicine Conference: Age-related osteoporosis. Am Journal Med Sci 1991; 301 (4): 281–98.
25. Gallagher JC. Pathophysiology of osteoporosis. Semin Nephrol 1992; 12 (2): 109–15.
26. Anon. The European Market for Osteoporosis Treatment Products. London. Frost and Sullivan 1992.
27. Prince RL, Smith M et al. Prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis: a comparative study of exercise, calcium supplementation, and hormone-replacement therapy. New England Journal of Medicine 1991; 325 (17): 1189–95.
28. Pitt FA, Brazier J. Hormone replacement therapy for osteoporosis. Lancet 1990; 335 (21): 978.
29. Cheung AP, Wren BG. A cost-effectiveness analysis of hormone replacement therapy in the menopause. Med J Aust 1992; 156: 312–16.
30. Stevenson JC, Cust MP et al. Effects of transdermal versus oral hormone replacement therapy on bone density in spinal and proximal femur in postmenopausal women. Lancet 1990; 336: 265–9.
31. Browner WS, Seeley DG et al. Non-trauma mortality in elderly women with low bone mineral density. Lancet 1991; 338: 355–8.
32. Breslau NA. Osteoporosis: Management. Semin Nephrol 1992; 12 (2): 116–26.
33. Ших Е.В., Раменская Г.В., Гребенщикова Л.Ю. Всасывание цинка при приеме в составе различных витаминно-минеральных комплексов. Лечебное дело. 2010; 4.
34. Ших Е.В., Раменская Г.В., Гребенщикова Л.Ю. Вопросы взаимодействия в витаминно-минеральных комплексах на уровне всасывания на примере витаминов группы В. Справочник поликлинического врача. 2010; 8.
Ю.Э.Доброхотова, Э.М.Джобава, А.В.Степанян
Кафедра акушерства и гинекологии московского факультета Российского государственного медицинского университета им. Н.И.Пирогова
Ju.Je.Dobrohotova, E.M.Dzhobava , A.V.Stepanyan
Chair of obstetrics and gynecology of Moscow faculty of the Russian State Medical University named after N.I.Pirogov (RSMU)