В статье отражены вопросы физиологии лактации, особенности морфологии и функции молочных желез во время беременности и лактации, роль пролактина, окситоцина и тиреотропного гормона в секреции и выделении грудного молока. Описаны условия действия послеродовой лактационной аменореи как метода регуляции фертильности у женщин. Представлены данные о возможностях применения прогестагенных средств контрацепции после родов, их безопасности для матери и плода.
Ключевые слова: послеродовый период, лактация, фертильность, лактационная аменорея, прогестагенные контрацептивы.
The article describes principles of lactation physiology, morphology and mummary function during pregnancy and lactation, the action of prolactin, oxitocin and thyroid-stimulating hormone in milk secretion and letdown. Conditions for postpartum lactating amenorrhea as method of fertile regulation are given. Data of postpartum progestin contraception and its safety for mother and child are presented.
1. Tyson JE, Friesen HG. Factors influencing the secretion of human prolactin and growth hormone in menstrual and gestational women. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1973; 116 (3): 377–87.
2. Barberia JM, Abu-Fadil S, Kletzky OA, Nakamura RM, Mishell DR. Serum prolactin patterns in early human gestation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1975; 121 (8): 1107–10.
3. Ehara Y, Siler TM, Yen SS. Effects of large doses of estrogen on prolactin and growth hormone release. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1976; 125 (4): 455–8.
4. Haslam SZ, Shyamala G. Progesterone receptors in normal mammary gland: receptor modulations in relation to differentiation. J Cell Biol 1980; 86 (3): 730–7.
5. Murphy LJ, Murphy LC, Stead B et al. Modulation of lactogenic receptors by progestins in cultured human breast cancer cells. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1986; 62 (2): 280–7.
6. Simon WE, Pahnke VG, Hölzel F. In vitro modulation of prolactin binding to human mammary carcinoma cells by steroid hormones and prolactin. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1985; 60 (6): 1243–9.
7. Lee CS, Oka T. Progesterone regulation of a pregnancy-specific transcription repressor to beta-casein gene promoter in mouse mammary gland. Endocrinology 1992; 131 (5): 2257–62.
8. Battin DA, Marrs RP, Fleiss PM, Mishell DR Jr. Effect of suckling on serum prolactin, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and estradiol during prolonged lactation. Obstet Gynecol 1985; 65 (6): 785–8.
9. Stern JM, Konner M, Herman TN, Reichlin S. Nursing behaviour, prolactin and postpartum amenorrhoea during prolonged lactation in American and Kung mothers. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf.) 1986; 25 (3): 247–58.
10. Tay CC, Glasier AF, McNeilly AS. Twenty-four hour patterns of prolactin secretion during lactation and the relationship to suckling and the resumption of fertility in breast-feeding women. Hum Reprod 1996; 11 (5): 950–5.
11. Dawood MY, Khan-Dawood FS, Wahi RS, Fuchs F. Oxytocin release and plasma anterior pituitary and gonadal hormones in women during lactation. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1981; 52 (4) :678–83.
12. McNeilly AS, Robinson IC, Houston MJ, Howie PW. Release of oxytocin and prolactin in response to suckling. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) 1983; 286 (6361): 257–9.
13. Nishimori K, Young LJ, Guo Q et al. Oxytocin is required for nursing but is not essential for parturition or reproductive behavior. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1996; 93 (21): 11699–704.
14. McClellan HL, Miller SJ, Hartmann PE. Evolution of lactation: nutrition v. protection with special reference to five mammalian species. Nutr Res Rev 2008; 21 (2): 97–116.
15. Betzold CM, Galactagogues J. Midwifery Womens Health 2004; 49 (2): 151–4.
16. Kremer JA, Rolland R, van der Heijden PF et al. Return of gonadotropic function in postpartum women during bromocriptine treatment. Fertil Steril 1989; 51 (4): 622–7.
17. Haartsen JE, Heineman MJ, Elings M et al. Resumption of pituitary and ovarian activity post-partum: endocrine and ultrasonic observations in bromocriptine-treated women. Hum Reprod 1992; 7 (6): 746–50.
18. Kumar R, Cohen WR, Epstein FH.Vitamin D and calcium hormones in pregnancy. N Engl J Med 1980; 302 (20): 1143–5.
19. Kovacs CS, Kronenberg HM. Maternal-fetal calcium and bone metabolism during pregnancy, puerperium, and lactation. Endocr Rev 1997; 18 (6): 832–72.
20. Sowers M, Corton G, Shapiro B et al. Changes in bone density with lactation. JAMA 1993; 269 (24): 3130–5.
21. Kalkwarf HJ, Specker BL. Bone mineral loss during lactation and recovery after weaning. Obstet Gynecol 1995; 86 (1): 26–32.
22. Kovacs CS. Calcium and bone metabolism in pregnancy and lactation. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001; 86 (6): 2344–8.
23. Kalkwarf HJ, Specker BL, Bianchi DC et al. The effect of calcium supplementation on bone density during lactation and after weaning. N Engl J Med 1997; 337 (8): 523–8.
24. Kovacs CS. Vitamin D in pregnancy and lactation: maternal, fetal, and neonatal outcomes from human and animal studies. Am J Clin Nutr 2008; 88 (2): 520S–528S.
25. Ofluoglu O, Ofluoglu D. A case report: pregnancy-induced severe osteoporosis with eight vertebral fractures. Rheumatol Int 2008; 29 (2): 197–201. Epub 2008 Jul 17.
26. Stumpf UC, Kurth AA, Windolf J, Fassbender WJ. Pregnancy-associated osteoporosis: an underestimated and underdiagnosed severe disease. A review of two cases in short- and long-term follow-up. Adv Med Sci 2007; 52: 94–7.
27. Hellmeyer L, Kühnert M, Ziller V et al. The use of i.v. bisphosphonate in pregnancy-associated osteoporosis-case study. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2007; 115 (2): 139–42.
28. Pettitt DJ, Forman MR, Hanson RL et al. Breastfeeding and incidence of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in Pima Indians. Lancet 1997; 350 (9072): 166–8.
29. Díaz S, Aravena R, Cárdenas H et al. Contraceptive efficacy of lactational amenorrhea in urban Chilean women. Contraception 1991; 43 (4): 335–52.
30. Wasalathanthri S, Tennekoon KH. Lactational amenorrhea/anovulation and some of their determinants: a comparison of well-nourished and undernourished women. Fertil Steril 2001; 76 (2): 317–25.
31. Speroff L, Fritz MA, 2005.
32. Campbell OM, Gray RH. Characteristics and determinants of postpartum ovarian function in women in the United States. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1993; 169 (1): 55–60.
33. Visness CM, Kennedy KI, Gross BA et al. Fertility of fully breast-feeding women in the early postpartum period. Obstet Gynecol 1997; 89 (2): 164–7.
34. Korver T et al. 1998, 2005.
35. Bjarnadottir RI et al. 2001.
36. King J. 2007.
37. Reinprayoon D et al. 2000.
1. Tyson JE, Friesen HG. Factors influencing the secretion of human prolactin and growth hormone in menstrual and gestational women. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1973; 116 (3): 377–87.
2. Barberia JM, Abu-Fadil S, Kletzky OA, Nakamura RM, Mishell DR. Serum prolactin patterns in early human gestation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1975; 121 (8): 1107–10.
3. Ehara Y, Siler TM, Yen SS. Effects of large doses of estrogen on prolactin and growth hormone release. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1976; 125 (4): 455–8.
4. Haslam SZ, Shyamala G. Progesterone receptors in normal mammary gland: receptor modulations in relation to differentiation. J Cell Biol 1980; 86 (3): 730–7.
5. Murphy LJ, Murphy LC, Stead B et al. Modulation of lactogenic receptors by progestins in cultured human breast cancer cells. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1986; 62 (2): 280–7.
6. Simon WE, Pahnke VG, Hölzel F. In vitro modulation of prolactin binding to human mammary carcinoma cells by steroid hormones and prolactin. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1985; 60 (6): 1243–9.
7. Lee CS, Oka T. Progesterone regulation of a pregnancy-specific transcription repressor to beta-casein gene promoter in mouse mammary gland. Endocrinology 1992; 131 (5): 2257–62.
8. Battin DA, Marrs RP, Fleiss PM, Mishell DR Jr. Effect of suckling on serum prolactin, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and estradiol during prolonged lactation. Obstet Gynecol 1985; 65 (6): 785–8.
9. Stern JM, Konner M, Herman TN, Reichlin S. Nursing behaviour, prolactin and postpartum amenorrhoea during prolonged lactation in American and Kung mothers. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf.) 1986; 25 (3): 247–58.
10. Tay CC, Glasier AF, McNeilly AS. Twenty-four hour patterns of prolactin secretion during lactation and the relationship to suckling and the resumption of fertility in breast-feeding women. Hum Reprod 1996; 11 (5): 950–5.
11. Dawood MY, Khan-Dawood FS, Wahi RS, Fuchs F. Oxytocin release and plasma anterior pituitary and gonadal hormones in women during lactation. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1981; 52 (4) :678–83.
12. McNeilly AS, Robinson IC, Houston MJ, Howie PW. Release of oxytocin and prolactin in response to suckling. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) 1983; 286 (6361): 257–9.
13. Nishimori K, Young LJ, Guo Q et al. Oxytocin is required for nursing but is not essential for parturition or reproductive behavior. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1996; 93 (21): 11699–704.
14. McClellan HL, Miller SJ, Hartmann PE. Evolution of lactation: nutrition v. protection with special reference to five mammalian species. Nutr Res Rev 2008; 21 (2): 97–116.
15. Betzold CM, Galactagogues J. Midwifery Womens Health 2004; 49 (2): 151–4.
16. Kremer JA, Rolland R, van der Heijden PF et al. Return of gonadotropic function in postpartum women during bromocriptine treatment. Fertil Steril 1989; 51 (4): 622–7.
17. Haartsen JE, Heineman MJ, Elings M et al. Resumption of pituitary and ovarian activity post-partum: endocrine and ultrasonic observations in bromocriptine-treated women. Hum Reprod 1992; 7 (6): 746–50.
18. Kumar R, Cohen WR, Epstein FH.Vitamin D and calcium hormones in pregnancy. N Engl J Med 1980; 302 (20): 1143–5.
19. Kovacs CS, Kronenberg HM. Maternal-fetal calcium and bone metabolism during pregnancy, puerperium, and lactation. Endocr Rev 1997; 18 (6): 832–72.
20. Sowers M, Corton G, Shapiro B et al. Changes in bone density with lactation. JAMA 1993; 269 (24): 3130–5.
21. Kalkwarf HJ, Specker BL. Bone mineral loss during lactation and recovery after weaning. Obstet Gynecol 1995; 86 (1): 26–32.
22. Kovacs CS. Calcium and bone metabolism in pregnancy and lactation. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001; 86 (6): 2344–8.
23. Kalkwarf HJ, Specker BL, Bianchi DC et al. The effect of calcium supplementation on bone density during lactation and after weaning. N Engl J Med 1997; 337 (8): 523–8.
24. Kovacs CS. Vitamin D in pregnancy and lactation: maternal, fetal, and neonatal outcomes from human and animal studies. Am J Clin Nutr 2008; 88 (2): 520S–528S.
25. Ofluoglu O, Ofluoglu D. A case report: pregnancy-induced severe osteoporosis with eight vertebral fractures. Rheumatol Int 2008; 29 (2): 197–201. Epub 2008 Jul 17.
26. Stumpf UC, Kurth AA, Windolf J, Fassbender WJ. Pregnancy-associated osteoporosis: an underestimated and underdiagnosed severe disease. A review of two cases in short- and long-term follow-up. Adv Med Sci 2007; 52: 94–7.
27. Hellmeyer L, Kühnert M, Ziller V et al. The use of i.v. bisphosphonate in pregnancy-associated osteoporosis-case study. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2007; 115 (2): 139–42.
28. Pettitt DJ, Forman MR, Hanson RL et al. Breastfeeding and incidence of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in Pima Indians. Lancet 1997; 350 (9072): 166–8.
29. Díaz S, Aravena R, Cárdenas H et al. Contraceptive efficacy of lactational amenorrhea in urban Chilean women. Contraception 1991; 43 (4): 335–52.
30. Wasalathanthri S, Tennekoon KH. Lactational amenorrhea/anovulation and some of their determinants: a comparison of well-nourished and undernourished women. Fertil Steril 2001; 76 (2): 317–25.
31. Speroff L, Fritz MA, 2005.
32. Campbell OM, Gray RH. Characteristics and determinants of postpartum ovarian function in women in the United States. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1993; 169 (1): 55–60.
33. Visness CM, Kennedy KI, Gross BA et al. Fertility of fully breast-feeding women in the early postpartum period. Obstet Gynecol 1997; 89 (2): 164–7.
34. Korver T et al. 1998, 2005.
35. Bjarnadottir RI et al. 2001.
36. King J. 2007.
37. Reinprayoon D et al. 2000.
М.А.Тарасова, К.А.Шаповалова
НИИ акушерства и гинекологии имени Д.О.Отта СЗО РАМН, Санкт-Петербург
M.A.Tarasova, K.A.Shapovalova
D.O.Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Saint Petersburg