Разные формы витамина В6 (пиридоксин, пиридоксаль, пиридоксаль фосфат) являются эндогенными кофакторами более 100 ферментов организма человека. Влияние пиридоксина и других форм витамина В6 на эти ферменты обусловливает его участие в широком круге метаболических процессов. Витамин В6 также считается фармакокинетическим и фармакодинамическим синергистом магния. К настоящему времени в базах данных научных публикаций по биомедицине имеется более 10 тыс. исследований по молекулярным, экспериментальным и клиническим эффектам пиридоксина и других витамеров В6. В настоящем исследовании проведен систематический анализ этого значительного массива публикаций на основании современных алгоритмов поиска научной информации. Имеющаяся доказательная база позволяет утверждать, что применение препаратов пиридоксина в сочетании с магнием перспективно для поддержки функции почек, сохранения структуры костей, снижения воспаления, онкопротекции, при депрессии и предменструальном синдроме, а также для профилактики диабета и сердечно-сосудистой патологии. Исследования указывают на высокую безопасность применения пиридоксина как в общей, так и в акушерско-гинекологической практике.
Various forms of vitamin В6 (pyridoxine, pyridoxal, pyridoxal phosphate) are endogenous co-factors of over 100 enzymes in human organism. The impact of pyrodoxine and other forms of vitamin В6 on such enzymes mediates the vitamin involvement in a wide range of metabolic processes. Vitamin В6 is also pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic magnesium synergist. Up to the present moment, the databases of scientific publications in biomedicine contain over 10000 studies in molecular, experimental and clinical effects of pyridoxine and other vitamers В6. In the present study, the systematic analysis of large set of publications was made on the basis of modern algorithms of search of scientific information. The available evidential base suggests that the use of pyridoxine products in combination with magnesium is prospective for support of liver function, preserved bone structure, reduced inflammation, oncoprotection, depression and premenstrual syndrome, as well as prophylaxis of diabetes and cardiovascular disorders. The studies have shown that pyridoxine is rather safe both in general and obstetric-gynecologic practice.
1. Kant AK, Block G. Dietary vitamin B-6 intake and food sources in the US population: NHANES II, 1976–1980. Am J Clin Nutr 1990; 52 (4): 707–16.
2. Bercovici JP, Mabin D. Vitamin B 6 deficiency following the taking of estrogens. Nouv Presse Med 1977; 6 (27): 2439.
3. Громова О.А. Магний и пиридоксин: основы знаний. М.: ПротоТип, 2006.
4. Торшин И.Ю., Громова О.А. 25 мгновений молекулярной фармакологии. М.: А-Гриф, 2012.
5. Ravichandran V, Selvam R. Increased lipid peroxidation in kidney of vitamin B-6 deficient rats. Biochem Int 1990; 21 (4): 599–605.
6. Wolfson M, Cohen AH, Kopple JD. Vitamin B-6 deficiency and renal function and structure in chronically uremic rats. Am J Clin Nutr 1991; 53 (4): 935–42.
7. Федеральное руководство по использованию лекарственных средств. М.: ГЕОТАР-МЕД, 2012.
8. Corken M, Porter J. Is vitamin B(6) deficiency an under-recognized risk in patients receiving haemodialysis? A systematic review: 2000–2010. Nephrology (Carlton) 2011; 16 (7): 619–25.
9. Scheinman JI, Voziyan PA, Belmont JM et al. Pyridoxamine lowers oxalate excretion and kidney crystals in experimental hyperoxaluria: a potential therapy for primary hyperoxaluria. Urol Res 2005; 33 (5): 368–71.
10. Chetyrkin SV, Kim D, Belmont JM et al. Pyridoxamine lowers kidney crystals in experimental hyperoxaluria: a potential therapy for primary hyperoxaluria. Kidney Int 2005; 67 (1): 53–60.
11. Li S, Wu C, Nong H, Deng Y. Morphometrical study on inhibitory effect of vitamin B6 and banana-stem extract on calcium crystallization. Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi 1998; 36 (12): 763–5.
12. Curhan GC, Willett WC, Speizer FE, Stampfer MJ. Intake of vitamins B6 and C and the risk of kidney stones in women. J Am Soc Nephrol 1999; 10 (4): 840–5.
13. Dubick MA, Gretz D, Majumdar AP. Overt vitamin B-6 deficiency affects rat pancreatic digestive enzyme and glutathione reductase activities. J Nutr 1995; 125 (1): 20–5.
14. Hou CT, Wu YH, Huang PN et al. Higher plasma pyridoxal 5'-phosphate is associated with better blood glucose responses in critically ill surgical patients with inadequate vitamin B-6 status. Clin Nutr 2011; 30 (4): 478–83.
15. Ahn HJ, Min KW, Cho YO. Assessment of vitamin B(6) status in Korean patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. Nutr Res Pract 2011; 5 (1): 34–9. Epub 2011.
16. Shen J, Lai CQ, Mattei J et al. Association of vitamin B-6 status with inflammation, oxidative stress, and chronic inflammatory conditions: the Boston Puerto Rican Health Study. Am J Clin Nutr 2010; 91 (2): 337–42. Epub 2009.
17. Меховская Л.Ю. Питание беременных Кузбасса: гигиеническая оценка его влияния на течение беременности, состояние внутриутробного плода. Автореф. дис. ... канд. мед. наук. Иркутск, 2006.
18. Torshin I.Yu., Gromova O.A. Magnesium and pyridoxine: fundamental studies and clinical practice. Nova Science, NY, 2011.
19. Holstein JH, Herrmann M, Splett C et al. Low serum folate and vitamin B-6 are associated with an altered cancellous bone structure in humans. Am J Clin Nutr 2009; 90 (5): 1440–5.
20. Громова О.А., Торшин И.Ю., Керимкулова Н.В. и др. Дефицит магния как патогенетический фактор остеопороза, остеопении и рахита. Систематический анализ молекулярных и клинических исследований. Методические рекомендации для врачей. Под ред. В.Н.Серова. М., 2012.
21. Morris MS, Sakakeeny L, Jacques PF et al. Vitamin B-6 intake is inversely related to, and the requirement is affected by, inflammation status. J Nutr 2010; 140 (1): 103–10.
22. Ambrosch A, Dierkes J, Lobmann R et al. Relation between homocysteinaemia and diabetic neuropathy in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabet Med 2001; 18 (3): 185–92.
23. Martinez M, Cuskelly GJ, Williamson J et al. Vitamin B-6 deficiency in rats reduces hepatic serine hydroxymethyltransferase and cystathionine beta-synthase activities and rates of in vivo protein turnover, homocysteine remethylation and transsulfuration. J Nutr 2000; 130 (5): 1115–23.
24. Chacko SA, Song Y, Nathan L et al. Relations of dietary magnesium intake to biomarkers of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction in an ethnically diverse cohort of postmenopausal women. Diabetes Care 2010; 33 (2): 304–10.
25. De Oliveira Otto MC, Alonso A, Lee DH et al. Dietary micronutrient intakes are associated with markers of inflammation but not with markers of subclinical atherosclerosis. J Nutr 2011; 141 (8): 1508–15.
26. Midttun O, Hustad S, Schneede J et al. Plasma vitamin B-6 forms and their relation to transsulfuration metabolites in a large, population-based study. Am J Clin Nutr 2007; 86 (1): 131–8.
27. McKinley MC, McNulty H, McPartlin J et al. Low-dose vitamin B-6 effectively lowers fasting plasma homocysteine in healthy elderly persons who are folate and riboflavin replete. Am J Clin Nutr 2001; 73 (4): 759–64.
28. Meydani SN, Ribaya-Mercado JD. Vitamin B-6 deficiency impairs interleukin 2 production and lymphocyte proliferation in elderly adults. Am J Clin Nutr 1991; 53 (5): 1275–80.
29. Chiang EP, Bagley PJ, Selhub J et al. Abnormal vitamin B(6) status is associated with severity of symptoms in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Am J Med 2003; 114 (4): 283–7.
30. Huang SC, Wei JC, Wu DJ, Huang YC. Vitamin B(6) supplementation improves pro-inflammatory responses in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Eur J Clin Nutr 2010; 64 (9): 1007.
31. Громова О.А., Торшин И.Ю., Баранов А.А. и др. Роль различных форм омега-3 полиненасыщенных жирных кислот в акушерстве и неонатологии. Методические рекомендации для врачей. Рос. общество акушеров-гинекологов, 2012.
32. Van Wijk N, Watkins CJ, Hageman RJ et al. Combined dietary folate, vitamin B-12, and vitamin B-6 intake influences plasma docosahexaenoic acid concentration in rats. Nutr Metab (Lond) 2012; 9 (1): 49.
33. Harris HR, Cramer DW, Vitonis AF et al. Folate, vitamin B(6), vitamin B(12), methionine and alcohol intake in relation to ovarian cancer risk. Int J Cancer 2012; 131 (4): E518–29.
34. Chou YC, Chu CH, Wu MH et al. Dietary intake of vitamin B(6) and risk of breast cancer in Taiwanese women. J Epidemiol 2011; 21 (5): 329–36 doi.
35. Ishihara J, Otani T, Inoue M et al. Low intake of vitamin B-6 is associated with increased risk of colorectal cancer in Japanese men. J Nutr 2007; 137 (7): 1808–14.
36. Wyatt KM, Dimmock PW, Jones PW, Shaughn O'Brien PM. Efficacy of vitamin B-6 in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome: systematic review. BMJ 1999; 318 (7195): 1375–81.
37. Bibi S, Qureshi F, Ahmad M et al. Hyperhomocysteinaemia, vascular related pregnancy complications and the response to vitamin supplementation in pregnant women of Pakistan. J Pak Med Assoc 2010; 60 (9): 741–5.
38. Munger RG, Sauberlich HE, Corcoran C et al. Maternal vitamin B-6 and folate status and risk of oral cleft birth defects in the Philippines. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2004; 70 (7): 464–71.
39. Толмачева С.М. Индивидуальные методы профилактики кариеса зубов и болезней пародонта у беременных женщин. Автореф. дис. ... канд. мед. наук. 2004.
40. Mahomed K, Gulmezoglu AM. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) supplementation in pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2000; 2: CD000179.
41. Hillman RW, Cabaud PG, Schenone RA. The effects of pyridoxine supplements on the dental caries experience of pregnant women. Am J Clin Nutr 1962; 10: 512–5.
42. Jewell D, Young G. Interventions for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2003; 4: CD000145.
43. Нормы физиологических потребностей в энергии и пищевых веществах для различных групп населения Российской Федерации, 2008. Методические рекомендации
44. Antopol W, Thomas M. Experimental study of the effects produced by large doses of vitamin B6. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 1942; 1: 330–6.
45. Schaeppi U, Krinke G. Pyridoxine neuropathy: correlation of functional tests and neuropathology in beagle dogs treated with large doses of vita- min B6. Agents Actions 1982; 12: 575–82.
46. Krinke G, Naylor DC, Skorpil V. Pyridoxine megavitaminosis: an analysis of the early changes induced with massive doses of vitamin B6 in rat primary sensory neurons. J. Neuropathol Exp Neurol 1985; 44: 117–29.
47. Schaumburg HH, Kaplan J, Windebank AJ et al. Sensory neuropathy from pyridoxine abuse: a new megavitamin syndrome. N Eng J Med 1983; 309: 445–8.
48. Malmgren R, Collins A, Nilsson CG. Platelet serotonin uptake and effects of vitamin B6-treatment in premenstrual tension. Neuropsychobiology 1987; 18: 83–6.
1. Kant AK, Block G. Dietary vitamin B-6 intake and food sources in the US population: NHANES II, 1976–1980. Am J Clin Nutr 1990; 52 (4): 707–16.
2. Bercovici JP, Mabin D. Vitamin B 6 deficiency following the taking of estrogens. Nouv Presse Med 1977; 6 (27): 2439.
3. Громова О.А. Магний и пиридоксин: основы знаний. М.: ПротоТип, 2006.
4. Торшин И.Ю., Громова О.А. 25 мгновений молекулярной фармакологии. М.: А-Гриф, 2012.
5. Ravichandran V, Selvam R. Increased lipid peroxidation in kidney of vitamin B-6 deficient rats. Biochem Int 1990; 21 (4): 599–605.
6. Wolfson M, Cohen AH, Kopple JD. Vitamin B-6 deficiency and renal function and structure in chronically uremic rats. Am J Clin Nutr 1991; 53 (4): 935–42.
7. Федеральное руководство по использованию лекарственных средств. М.: ГЕОТАР-МЕД, 2012.
8. Corken M, Porter J. Is vitamin B(6) deficiency an under-recognized risk in patients receiving haemodialysis? A systematic review: 2000–2010. Nephrology (Carlton) 2011; 16 (7): 619–25.
9. Scheinman JI, Voziyan PA, Belmont JM et al. Pyridoxamine lowers oxalate excretion and kidney crystals in experimental hyperoxaluria: a potential therapy for primary hyperoxaluria. Urol Res 2005; 33 (5): 368–71.
10. Chetyrkin SV, Kim D, Belmont JM et al. Pyridoxamine lowers kidney crystals in experimental hyperoxaluria: a potential therapy for primary hyperoxaluria. Kidney Int 2005; 67 (1): 53–60.
11. Li S, Wu C, Nong H, Deng Y. Morphometrical study on inhibitory effect of vitamin B6 and banana-stem extract on calcium crystallization. Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi 1998; 36 (12): 763–5.
12. Curhan GC, Willett WC, Speizer FE, Stampfer MJ. Intake of vitamins B6 and C and the risk of kidney stones in women. J Am Soc Nephrol 1999; 10 (4): 840–5.
13. Dubick MA, Gretz D, Majumdar AP. Overt vitamin B-6 deficiency affects rat pancreatic digestive enzyme and glutathione reductase activities. J Nutr 1995; 125 (1): 20–5.
14. Hou CT, Wu YH, Huang PN et al. Higher plasma pyridoxal 5'-phosphate is associated with better blood glucose responses in critically ill surgical patients with inadequate vitamin B-6 status. Clin Nutr 2011; 30 (4): 478–83.
15. Ahn HJ, Min KW, Cho YO. Assessment of vitamin B(6) status in Korean patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. Nutr Res Pract 2011; 5 (1): 34–9. Epub 2011.
16. Shen J, Lai CQ, Mattei J et al. Association of vitamin B-6 status with inflammation, oxidative stress, and chronic inflammatory conditions: the Boston Puerto Rican Health Study. Am J Clin Nutr 2010; 91 (2): 337–42. Epub 2009.
17. Меховская Л.Ю. Питание беременных Кузбасса: гигиеническая оценка его влияния на течение беременности, состояние внутриутробного плода. Автореф. дис. ... канд. мед. наук. Иркутск, 2006.
18. Torshin I.Yu., Gromova O.A. Magnesium and pyridoxine: fundamental studies and clinical practice. Nova Science, NY, 2011.
19. Holstein JH, Herrmann M, Splett C et al. Low serum folate and vitamin B-6 are associated with an altered cancellous bone structure in humans. Am J Clin Nutr 2009; 90 (5): 1440–5.
20. Громова О.А., Торшин И.Ю., Керимкулова Н.В. и др. Дефицит магния как патогенетический фактор остеопороза, остеопении и рахита. Систематический анализ молекулярных и клинических исследований. Методические рекомендации для врачей. Под ред. В.Н.Серова. М., 2012.
21. Morris MS, Sakakeeny L, Jacques PF et al. Vitamin B-6 intake is inversely related to, and the requirement is affected by, inflammation status. J Nutr 2010; 140 (1): 103–10.
22. Ambrosch A, Dierkes J, Lobmann R et al. Relation between homocysteinaemia and diabetic neuropathy in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabet Med 2001; 18 (3): 185–92.
23. Martinez M, Cuskelly GJ, Williamson J et al. Vitamin B-6 deficiency in rats reduces hepatic serine hydroxymethyltransferase and cystathionine beta-synthase activities and rates of in vivo protein turnover, homocysteine remethylation and transsulfuration. J Nutr 2000; 130 (5): 1115–23.
24. Chacko SA, Song Y, Nathan L et al. Relations of dietary magnesium intake to biomarkers of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction in an ethnically diverse cohort of postmenopausal women. Diabetes Care 2010; 33 (2): 304–10.
25. De Oliveira Otto MC, Alonso A, Lee DH et al. Dietary micronutrient intakes are associated with markers of inflammation but not with markers of subclinical atherosclerosis. J Nutr 2011; 141 (8): 1508–15.
26. Midttun O, Hustad S, Schneede J et al. Plasma vitamin B-6 forms and their relation to transsulfuration metabolites in a large, population-based study. Am J Clin Nutr 2007; 86 (1): 131–8.
27. McKinley MC, McNulty H, McPartlin J et al. Low-dose vitamin B-6 effectively lowers fasting plasma homocysteine in healthy elderly persons who are folate and riboflavin replete. Am J Clin Nutr 2001; 73 (4): 759–64.
28. Meydani SN, Ribaya-Mercado JD. Vitamin B-6 deficiency impairs interleukin 2 production and lymphocyte proliferation in elderly adults. Am J Clin Nutr 1991; 53 (5): 1275–80.
29. Chiang EP, Bagley PJ, Selhub J et al. Abnormal vitamin B(6) status is associated with severity of symptoms in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Am J Med 2003; 114 (4): 283–7.
30. Huang SC, Wei JC, Wu DJ, Huang YC. Vitamin B(6) supplementation improves pro-inflammatory responses in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Eur J Clin Nutr 2010; 64 (9): 1007.
31. Громова О.А., Торшин И.Ю., Баранов А.А. и др. Роль различных форм омега-3 полиненасыщенных жирных кислот в акушерстве и неонатологии. Методические рекомендации для врачей. Рос. общество акушеров-гинекологов, 2012.
32. Van Wijk N, Watkins CJ, Hageman RJ et al. Combined dietary folate, vitamin B-12, and vitamin B-6 intake influences plasma docosahexaenoic acid concentration in rats. Nutr Metab (Lond) 2012; 9 (1): 49.
33. Harris HR, Cramer DW, Vitonis AF et al. Folate, vitamin B(6), vitamin B(12), methionine and alcohol intake in relation to ovarian cancer risk. Int J Cancer 2012; 131 (4): E518–29.
34. Chou YC, Chu CH, Wu MH et al. Dietary intake of vitamin B(6) and risk of breast cancer in Taiwanese women. J Epidemiol 2011; 21 (5): 329–36 doi.
35. Ishihara J, Otani T, Inoue M et al. Low intake of vitamin B-6 is associated with increased risk of colorectal cancer in Japanese men. J Nutr 2007; 137 (7): 1808–14.
36. Wyatt KM, Dimmock PW, Jones PW, Shaughn O'Brien PM. Efficacy of vitamin B-6 in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome: systematic review. BMJ 1999; 318 (7195): 1375–81.
37. Bibi S, Qureshi F, Ahmad M et al. Hyperhomocysteinaemia, vascular related pregnancy complications and the response to vitamin supplementation in pregnant women of Pakistan. J Pak Med Assoc 2010; 60 (9): 741–5.
38. Munger RG, Sauberlich HE, Corcoran C et al. Maternal vitamin B-6 and folate status and risk of oral cleft birth defects in the Philippines. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2004; 70 (7): 464–71.
39. Толмачева С.М. Индивидуальные методы профилактики кариеса зубов и болезней пародонта у беременных женщин. Автореф. дис. ... канд. мед. наук. 2004.
40. Mahomed K, Gulmezoglu AM. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) supplementation in pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2000; 2: CD000179.
41. Hillman RW, Cabaud PG, Schenone RA. The effects of pyridoxine supplements on the dental caries experience of pregnant women. Am J Clin Nutr 1962; 10: 512–5.
42. Jewell D, Young G. Interventions for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2003; 4: CD000145.
43. Нормы физиологических потребностей в энергии и пищевых веществах для различных групп населения Российской Федерации, 2008. Методические рекомендации
44. Antopol W, Thomas M. Experimental study of the effects produced by large doses of vitamin B6. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 1942; 1: 330–6.
45. Schaeppi U, Krinke G. Pyridoxine neuropathy: correlation of functional tests and neuropathology in beagle dogs treated with large doses of vita- min B6. Agents Actions 1982; 12: 575–82.
46. Krinke G, Naylor DC, Skorpil V. Pyridoxine megavitaminosis: an analysis of the early changes induced with massive doses of vitamin B6 in rat primary sensory neurons. J. Neuropathol Exp Neurol 1985; 44: 117–29.
47. Schaumburg HH, Kaplan J, Windebank AJ et al. Sensory neuropathy from pyridoxine abuse: a new megavitamin syndrome. N Eng J Med 1983; 309: 445–8.
48. Malmgren R, Collins A, Nilsson CG. Platelet serotonin uptake and effects of vitamin B6-treatment in premenstrual tension. Neuropsychobiology 1987; 18: 83–6.
1. ГБОУ ВПО Ивановская государственная медицинская академия Минздрава РФ
2. ФГБУ Научный центр акушерства, гинекологии и перинатологии им. акад. В.И.Кулакова Минздрава РФ, Москва
3. ФУПМ Московский физико-технический институт