1. Fraser CM, Gocayne JD, White O et al. The minimal gene complement of Mycoplasma genitalium. Science 1995; 270: 397–403.
2. Himmelreich R, Hilbert H, Plagens H et al. Complete sequence analysis of the genome of the bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Nucleic Acids Res 1996; 24: 4420–49.
3. Tully JG, Taylor-Robinson D, Cole RM, Rose DL. A newly discovered mycoplasma in the human urogenital tract. Lancet 1981; p. 1288–91.
4. Jensen JS, Uldum SA, Sonderg-Andersen J et al. Polymerase chain reaction for detection of Mycoplasma genitalium in clinical samples. J Clin Microbiol 1991; 29: 46–50.
5. Palmer HM, Gilroy CB, Furr PM, Taylor-Robinson D. Development and evaluation of the polymerase chain reaction to detect Mycoplasma genitalium. FEMS Microbiol Lett 1991; 61: 199–203.
6. Jensen JS. Mycoplasma genitalium – the aetiologic agent of urethritis and other sexually transmitted diseases. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2004; 18: 1–11.
7. Manhart LE, Critchlow CW, Holmes KK. Mucopurulent cervicitis and Mycoplasma genitalium. J Inf Dis 2003; 187: 650–7.
8. Haggerty CL. Evidence for a role of Mycoplasma genitalium in pelvic inflammatory disease. Curr Opin Infect Dis 2008; 21: 65–9.
9. Hannan PC. Comparative susceptibilities of various AIDS-associated and human urogenital tract mycoplasmas and strains of Mycoplasma pneumoniae to 10 classes of antimicrobial agents in vitro. J Med Microbiol 1998; 47: 1115–22.
10. Horner PJ, Gilroy CB, Thomas BJ et al. Association of Mycoplasma genitalium with acute non-gonococcal urethritis. Lancet 1993; 342: 582–5.
11. Gambini D, Decleva I, Lupica L et al. Mycoplasma genitalium in males with nongonococcal urethritis: prevalence and clinical efficacy of eradication. Sex Transm Dis 2000; 27: 226–9.
12. Johannisson G, Enstrom Y, Lowhagen GB et al. Occurrence and treatment of Mycoplasma genitalium in patients visiting STD clinics in Sweden. Int J STD AIDS 2000; 11: 324–6.
13. Falk L, Fredlund H, Jensen JS. Tetracycline treatment does not eradicate Mycoplasma genitalium. Sex Transm Infect 2003; 79: 318–9.
14. Bradshaw CS, Jensen JS, Tabrizi SN et al. Azithromycin failure in Mycoplasma genitalium urethritis. Emerg Infect Dis 2006; 12: 1149–52.
15. Bjornelius E, Anagrius C, Bojs G et al. Antibiotic treatment of symptomatic Mycoplasma genitalium infection in Scandinavia: a controlled clinical trial. Sex Transm Infect 2008; 84: 72–6.
16. Jernberg E, Moghaddam A, Moi H. Azithromycin and moxifloxacin for microbiological cure of Mycoplasma genitalium infection: an open study. Int J STD AIDS 2008; 19: 676–9.
17. Bradshaw CS, Chen MY, Fairley CK. Persistence of Mycoplasma genitalium following azithromycin therapy. PLoS One 2008; 3: e3618.
18. Mena LA, Mroczkowski TF, Malanda N, Martin DH. A randomized comparison of azithromycin and doxycycline for the treatment of Mycoplasma genitalium positive urethritis in men. Clin Infect Dis 2009; 48: 1649–54.
19. Schwebke JR, Rompalo A, Taylor S et al. Re-evaluating the treatment of nongonococcal urethritis: emphasizing emerging pathogens – a randomized clinical trial. Clin Infect Dis 2011; 52: 163–70.
20. Ross JD, Cronje HS, Paszkowski T et al. Moxifloxacin versus ofloxacin plus metronidazole in uncomplicated pelvic inflammatory disease: results of a multicentre, double blind, randomised trial. Sex Transm Infect 2006; 82: 446–51.
21. Hamasuna R, Takahashi S, Kiyota H et al. Effect of gatifloxacin against Mycoplasma genitalium-related urethritis: an open clinical trial. Sex Transm Infect 2011; 87: 389–90.
22. Maeda SI, Tamaki M, Kojima K et al. Association of Mycoplasma genitalium persistence in the urethra with recurrence of nongonococcal urethritis. Sex Transm Dis 2001; 28: 472–6.
23. Manhart LE, Broad JM, Golden MR. Mycoplasma genitalium: should we treat and how? Clin Infect Dis 2011; 53 (Suppl. 3): S129–42.
24. Jensen JS, Bradshaw CS, Tabrizi SN et al. Azithromycin treatment failure in Mycoplasma genitalium-positive patients with nongonococcal urethritis is associated with induced macrolide resistance. Clin Infect Dis 2008; 47: 1546–53.
25. Jensen JC. Mycoplasma genitalium as an STI-consequences for patient management. London, United Kingdom: International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease Research (ISSTDR), 2009.
26. Bebear CM, Renaudin H, Bryskier A, Bebear C. Comparative activities of telithromycin (HMR 3647), levofloxacin, and other antimicrobial agents against human mycoplasmas. Antimicrob Agents Chem 2000; 44: 1980–2.
27. Yasuda M, Maeda S, Deguchi T. In vitro activity of fluoroquinolones against Mycoplasma genitalium and their bacteriological efficacy for treatment of M. genitalium-positive nongonococcal urethritis in men. Clin Infect Dis 2005; 41: 1357–9.
28. Ведение больных инфекциями, передаваемыми половым путем, и урогенитальными инфекциями. Клинические рекомендации. М.: Деловой экспресс, 2012.
29. Прилепская В., Кисина В., Соколовский Е. и др. К вопросу о роли микоплазм в урогенитальной патологии. Гинекология. 2007; 9: 31–8.
30. Хрянин А., Решетников О. Mycoplasma genitalium – новый патогенный микроорганизм, передаваемый половым путем? Врач. 2011; 13: 27–31.
1. Fraser CM, Gocayne JD, White O et al. The minimal gene complement of Mycoplasma genitalium. Science 1995; 270: 397–403.
2. Himmelreich R, Hilbert H, Plagens H et al. Complete sequence analysis of the genome of the bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Nucleic Acids Res 1996; 24: 4420–49.
3. Tully JG, Taylor-Robinson D, Cole RM, Rose DL. A newly discovered mycoplasma in the human urogenital tract. Lancet 1981; p. 1288–91.
4. Jensen JS, Uldum SA, Sonderg-Andersen J et al. Polymerase chain reaction for detection of Mycoplasma genitalium in clinical samples. J Clin Microbiol 1991; 29: 46–50.
5. Palmer HM, Gilroy CB, Furr PM, Taylor-Robinson D. Development and evaluation of the polymerase chain reaction to detect Mycoplasma genitalium. FEMS Microbiol Lett 1991; 61: 199–203.
6. Jensen JS. Mycoplasma genitalium – the aetiologic agent of urethritis and other sexually transmitted diseases. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2004; 18: 1–11.
7. Manhart LE, Critchlow CW, Holmes KK. Mucopurulent cervicitis and Mycoplasma genitalium. J Inf Dis 2003; 187: 650–7.
8. Haggerty CL. Evidence for a role of Mycoplasma genitalium in pelvic inflammatory disease. Curr Opin Infect Dis 2008; 21: 65–9.
9. Hannan PC. Comparative susceptibilities of various AIDS-associated and human urogenital tract mycoplasmas and strains of Mycoplasma pneumoniae to 10 classes of antimicrobial agents in vitro. J Med Microbiol 1998; 47: 1115–22.
10. Horner PJ, Gilroy CB, Thomas BJ et al. Association of Mycoplasma genitalium with acute non-gonococcal urethritis. Lancet 1993; 342: 582–5.
11. Gambini D, Decleva I, Lupica L et al. Mycoplasma genitalium in males with nongonococcal urethritis: prevalence and clinical efficacy of eradication. Sex Transm Dis 2000; 27: 226–9.
12. Johannisson G, Enstrom Y, Lowhagen GB et al. Occurrence and treatment of Mycoplasma genitalium in patients visiting STD clinics in Sweden. Int J STD AIDS 2000; 11: 324–6.
13. Falk L, Fredlund H, Jensen JS. Tetracycline treatment does not eradicate Mycoplasma genitalium. Sex Transm Infect 2003; 79: 318–9.
14. Bradshaw CS, Jensen JS, Tabrizi SN et al. Azithromycin failure in Mycoplasma genitalium urethritis. Emerg Infect Dis 2006; 12: 1149–52.
15. Bjornelius E, Anagrius C, Bojs G et al. Antibiotic treatment of symptomatic Mycoplasma genitalium infection in Scandinavia: a controlled clinical trial. Sex Transm Infect 2008; 84: 72–6.
16. Jernberg E, Moghaddam A, Moi H. Azithromycin and moxifloxacin for microbiological cure of Mycoplasma genitalium infection: an open study. Int J STD AIDS 2008; 19: 676–9.
17. Bradshaw CS, Chen MY, Fairley CK. Persistence of Mycoplasma genitalium following azithromycin therapy. PLoS One 2008; 3: e3618.
18. Mena LA, Mroczkowski TF, Malanda N, Martin DH. A randomized comparison of azithromycin and doxycycline for the treatment of Mycoplasma genitalium positive urethritis in men. Clin Infect Dis 2009; 48: 1649–54.
19. Schwebke JR, Rompalo A, Taylor S et al. Re-evaluating the treatment of nongonococcal urethritis: emphasizing emerging pathogens – a randomized clinical trial. Clin Infect Dis 2011; 52: 163–70.
20. Ross JD, Cronje HS, Paszkowski T et al. Moxifloxacin versus ofloxacin plus metronidazole in uncomplicated pelvic inflammatory disease: results of a multicentre, double blind, randomised trial. Sex Transm Infect 2006; 82: 446–51.
21. Hamasuna R, Takahashi S, Kiyota H et al. Effect of gatifloxacin against Mycoplasma genitalium-related urethritis: an open clinical trial. Sex Transm Infect 2011; 87: 389–90.
22. Maeda SI, Tamaki M, Kojima K et al. Association of Mycoplasma genitalium persistence in the urethra with recurrence of nongonococcal urethritis. Sex Transm Dis 2001; 28: 472–6.
23. Manhart LE, Broad JM, Golden MR. Mycoplasma genitalium: should we treat and how? Clin Infect Dis 2011; 53 (Suppl. 3): S129–42.
24. Jensen JS, Bradshaw CS, Tabrizi SN et al. Azithromycin treatment failure in Mycoplasma genitalium-positive patients with nongonococcal urethritis is associated with induced macrolide resistance. Clin Infect Dis 2008; 47: 1546–53.
25. Jensen JC. Mycoplasma genitalium as an STI-consequences for patient management. London, United Kingdom: International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease Research (ISSTDR), 2009.
26. Bebear CM, Renaudin H, Bryskier A, Bebear C. Comparative activities of telithromycin (HMR 3647), levofloxacin, and other antimicrobial agents against human mycoplasmas. Antimicrob Agents Chem 2000; 44: 1980–2.
27. Yasuda M, Maeda S, Deguchi T. In vitro activity of fluoroquinolones against Mycoplasma genitalium and their bacteriological efficacy for treatment of M. genitalium-positive nongonococcal urethritis in men. Clin Infect Dis 2005; 41: 1357–9.
28. Ведение больных инфекциями, передаваемыми половым путем, и урогенитальными инфекциями. Клинические рекомендации. М.: Деловой экспресс, 2012.
29. Прилепская В., Кисина В., Соколовский Е. и др. К вопросу о роли микоплазм в урогенитальной патологии. Гинекология. 2007; 9: 31–8.
30. Хрянин А., Решетников О. Mycoplasma genitalium – новый патогенный микроорганизм, передаваемый половым путем? Врач. 2011; 13: 27–31.
А.М.Савичева, Е.В.Шипицына
ФГБУ НИИ акушерства и гинекологии им. Д.О.Отта СЗО РАМН, Санкт-Петербург