В статье представлен обзор современных литературных данных по проблеме влияния препаратов женских половых гормонов и фитоэстрогенов на состояние печени. Ключевые слова: женские половые гормоны, печень, эстрогены, прогестины, фитоэстрогены, изофлавоны.
This article provides an overview of contemporary literature data on the problem of the influence of drugs female hormones and phytoestrogens on the liver. Key words: female sex hormones, liver, estrogens, progestins, phytoestrogens, isoflavones.
1. Герок В., Блюм Х.Е. Заболевания печени и желчевыделительной системы. Пер. с нем. Под ред. акад. РАМН В.Т.Ивашкина, проф. А.А.Шептулина. М.: МЕДпресс-информ, 2009.
2. Misra Vijay Laxmi, Khashab Mouen, Chalasani Naga. Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Cardiovascular Risk. Curr Gastroenterol Rep 2009; 11: 50–5.
3. Aithal GP, Watkins PB, Andrade RJ et al. Case definition and phenotype standardization in drug-induced liver injury. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2011; 89: 806–15.
4. Akiyama T, Ishida J, Nakagawa S et al. Genistein, a specific inhibitor of tyrosine-specific protein kinases. J Biol Chem 1987; 262: 5592–5.
5. Andersson KK, Kappas A. Hormones and liver function. In: Schiff L, Schiff ER, editors. Diseases of the liver. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott 1982;
p. 167–235.
6. Boocock DJ, Faust GE, Patel KR et al. Phase I dose escalation pharmacokinetic study in healthy volunteers of resveratrol, a potential cancer chemopreventive agent. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2007; 16 (6): 1246–52.
7. Castiella A, Lucena MI, Zapata E et al. Autoimmune hepatitis induced by drugs. Gut 2009; 58: A198.
8. Chan MY, Gho WM, Chen ZY et al. Oestrogen receptor alpha is required for biochanin A-induced apolipoprotein A-1 mRNA expression in HepG2 cells. Br J Nutr 2007; 98: 534–9.
9. Chao Y, Chan WK, Wang SS et al. Phase II study of megestrol acetate in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1997; 12 (4): 277–81.
10. Chilvers C. Oral contraceptives and cancer. Lancet 1994; 344: 1390–4.
11. Codes L, Asselah T, Cazals-Hatem D et al. Liver fibrosis in women with chronic hepatitis C: evidence for the negative role of the menopause and steatosis and the potential benefit of hormone replacement therapy. Gut 2007; 56 (3): 390–5.
12. Daghfous R, El Aidli S, Rjeibi I et al. Norgestrel (Lutenyl) induced severe acute hepatitis. Gastroenterol Clin Biol 2004; 28: 94–5.
13. Deltenre P, Denninger MH, Hillaire S et al. Factor V Leiden-related Budd-Chiari syndrome. Gut 2001; 48: 264–8.
14. Department of Reproductive Health and Research, World Health Organization. Family planning evidence updates. www.who.int/reproductive-health/family_planning/updates.htm 2008.
15. Di Costanzo L, Drury JE, Penning TM, Christianson DW. Crystal structure of human liver D4–3-ketosteroid 5b-reductase (AKR1D1) and implications for substrate binding and catalysis. J Biol Chem 2008; 283: 16830–9.
16. Elouni B, Ben Salem C, Zamy M et al. Cytolytic hepatitis possibly related to levonorgestrel/ethinylestradiol oral contraceptive use: 2 case reports. Ann Pharmacother 2010; 44 (12): 2035–7.
17. El-Serag H. Hepatocellular carcinoma: an epidemiologic view. J Clin Gastroenterol 2002; 35 (5): 72–8.
18. El-Serag H, Rudolph K. Hepatocellular carcinoma: epidemiology and molecular carcinogenesis. Gastroenterology 2007; 132 (7): 2557–76.
19. Farges O, Ferreira N, Dokmak S. Changing trends in malignant transformation of hepatocellular adenoma. Gut 2011; 60 (1): 85–9.
20. Farinati N, De Maria N, Maran C et al. Hepatocellular carcinoma in alcoholic cirrhosis: is sex hormone imbalance a pathogenetic factor. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1995; 7 (2): 145–50.
21. Gemer O, Moscovici O, Ben-Horin CL et al. Oral contraceptives and liver hemangioma: a case-control study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2004; 83 (12): 1199–201.
22. Giannitrapani L, Soresi M, La Spada E et al. Sex hormones and risk of liver tumor. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2006; 1089: 228–36.
23. Goldfarb S. Sex hormones and hepatic neoplasia. Cancer Res 1976; 36: 2584–8.
24. Hayashida K, Shoji I, Deng L et al. 17b-estradiol inhibits the production of infectious particles of hepatitis C virus. Microbiol Immunol 2010;
54 (11): 684–90.
25. Hebbar V, Shen G, Hu R et al. Toxicogenomics of resveratrol in rat liver. Life Sci 2005; 76: 2299–314.
26. Hecht Y. Hepatic and biliary repercussions of estrogens: dose or duration of treatment effect. Contracept Fertil Sex (Paris) 1991; 19: 403–8.
27. Heresbach D, Deugnier Y, Brissot P, Bourel M. Dilatations sinusoïdales et prise de contraceptifs oraux. A propos d'un cas avec revue de la littérature. Ann Gastroenterol Hepatol 1988; 24: 189–91.
28. Kapp N, Tilley IB, Curtis KM. The effects of hormonal contraceptive use among women with viral hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver: a systematic review. Contraception 2009; 80: 381–6.
29. Kawakami Y, Tsurugasaki W, Nakamura S, Osada K. Comparison of regulative functions between dietary soy isoflavones aglycone and glucoside on lipid metabolism in rats fed cholesterol. J Nutr Biochem 2005; 16: 205–12.
30. Kiriwat O, Petyim S. The effects of transdermal contraception on lipid profiles, carbohydrate metabolism and coagulogram in Thaiwomen. Gynecol Endocrinol 2010; 26 (5): 361–5.
31. Klejdus B, Mikelová R, Petrlová J et al. Evaluation of isoflavone aglycon and glycoside distribution in soy plants and soybeans by fast column high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with a diode-array detector. J Agric Food Chem 2005; 53: 5848–52.
32. Lamon-Fava S. Genistein activates apolipoprotein A-I gene expression in the human hepatoma cell line Hep G2. J Nutr 2000; 130: 2489–92.
33. Lang C, Meier Y, Stieger B et al. Mutations and polymorphisms in the bile salt export pump and the multidrug resistance protein 43 associated with drug-induced liver injury. Pharmacogenet Genomics 2006.
34. Langer M, Chiandussi L, Chopra IJ, Martini L. The endocrines and the liver, 1982.
35. Lee YM, Choi JS, Kim MH et al. Effects of dietary genistein on hepatic lipid metabolism and mitochondrial function in mice fed high-fat diets. Nutrition 2006; 22 (9): 956–64.
36. Lei H, Lu F, Dong H et al. Genistein reverses free fatty acid-induced insulin resistance in HepG2 hepatocytes through targeting JNK J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci 2011; 31 (2): 185–9.
37. Lindgren A, Olsson R. Liver damage from low dose oral contraceptives.J Intern Med 1993; 234: 287–92.
38. Mahady G, Fabricant D, Chadwick L, Dietz B. Black Cohosh: An Alternative Therapy for Menopause? Nutr Clin Care 2002; 5 (6): 283–9.
39. Maio M Di, Daniele B, Pignata S et al. Is human hepatocellular carcinoma a hormone-responsive tumor? World J Gastroenterol 2008; 14 (11): 1682–9.
40. Meier Y, Pauli-Magnus C, Zanger UM et al. Interindividual variability of canalicular ATP-binding-cassette (ABC)-transporter expression in human liver. Hepatology 2006; 44: 62–74.
41. Misra Vijay Laxmi, Khashab Mouen, Chalasani Naga. Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Cardiovascular Risk. Curr Gastroenterol Rep 2009; 11: 50–5.
42. Nagasue N, Kohno H, Yamanoi A et al. Progesterone receptor in hepatocellular carcinoma: correlation with androgen and estrogen receptors. Cancer 1991; 67 (10): 2501–5.
43. Naser B, Schnitker J, Minkin MJ et al. Suspected black cohosh hepatotoxicity: no evidence by meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinicaltrials for isopropanolic black cohosh extract. Menopause. 2011; 18 (4): 366–75.
44. National Institutes of Health. Workshop on the safety of black cohosh in clinical studies. Washington, DC: National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. NIH Office of Dietary Supplements 2004.
45. Neuberger JM, Davis M, Williams R. Clinical aspects of oral contraceptive associated liver tumours. In: Davis M, Tredger JM, Williams R, editors. Drug Reactions and the Liver. London: Pitman Medical 1981; 271–83.
46. Osterheld JR, Cosa K, Sandson NB. Med-Psych drug–drug interactions update: oral contraceptives. Psychosomatics 2008; 49: 168–75.
47. Posadzki P, Watson LK, Ernst E. Adverse effects of herbal medicines: an overview of systematic reviews. Clin Med 2013; 13 (1): 7–12.
48. Ricketts ML, Moore DD, Banz WJ et al. Molecular mechanisms of action of the soy isoflavones includes activation of promiscuous nuclear receptors. A review. J Nutr Biochem 2005; 16: 321–30.
49. Ridker PM, Miletich JP, Hennekens CH et al. Ethnic distribution of factor V Leiden in 4047 men and women: implications for venous thromboembolism screening. JAMA 1997; 277: 1305–7.
50. Robinson GE. Low-dose combined oral contraceptives. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1994; 101: 1036–41.
51. Russell R, Kingsland С. The risks and benefits of the combined oral contraceptive pill. J R Coll Physicians Edinb 2008; 38: 224–7.
52. Salas AL, Montezuma TD, Fariña GG et al. Genistein modifies liver fibrosis and improves liver function by inducing uPA expression and proteolytic activity in CCl4-treated rats. Pharmacology 2008; 81 (1): 41–9.
53. Salas AL, Ocampo G, Fariña GG et al. Genistein decreases liver fibrosis and cholestasis induced by prolonged biliary obstruction in the rat. Ann Hepatol 2007; 6 (1): 41–7.
54. Schindler AE, Campagnoli C, Druckmann R et al. Classification and pharmacology of progestins Maturitas 2003; 46 (1): 7–16.
55. Setchell K, Brown N, Desai P et al. Bioavailability of pure isoflavones in healthy humans and analysis of commercial soy isoflavone supplements. J Nutr 2001; 131: 1362–75.
56. Shimizu I, Yasuda M, Mizobuchi Y et al. Suppressive effect of oestradiol on chemical hepatocarcinogenesis in rats. Gut 1998; 42 (1): 112–9.
57. Spitzer D, Krainz R, Graf AH et al. Pregnancy after ovarian stimulation and intrauterine insemination in a woman with cavernous macrohemangioma of the liver. A case report. J Reprod Med Dec 1997; 42 (12): 809–12.
58. Takahashi Y, Odbayar TO, Ide TJ. A comparative analysis of genistein and daidzein in affecting lipid metabolism in rat liver. Clin Biochem Nutr 2009; 44 (3): 223–30.
59. Uetrecht J. Idiosyncratic drug reactions: past, present,and future. Chem Res Toxicol 2008; 21: 84–92.
60. Villaseca P. Non-estrogen conventional and phytochemical treatments for vasomotor symptoms: what needs to be known for practice. Climacteric 2012; 15 (2): 115–24; doi: 10.3109/13697137.2011.624214. Epub 2011 Dec 8.
61. Wong CK, Keung WM. Bovine adrenal 3b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (E.C. isomerase (E.C. characterization and its inhibition by isoflavones. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1999; 71: 191–202.
62. Yang W, Lu Y, Xu Y et al. Estrogen represses hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) growth via inhibiting alternative activation of tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs). J Biol Chem 2012; 287 (48): 40140–9.
63. Yeh S, Chen P. Gender disparity of hepatocellular carcinoma: the roles of sex hormones. Oncology 2010; 78 (1): 172–9.
64. Yu MW, Chang HC, Chang SC et al. Role of reproductive factors in hepatocellular carcinoma: impact on hepatitis B- and C-related risk. Hepatology 2003; 38 (6): 1393–400.
65. Zhang H, Cui D, Wang B et al. Pharmacokinetic drug interactions involving 17-alpha-ethinylestradiol: a new look at an old drug. Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46: 133–57.
66. Zollner G, Fickert P, Silbert D et al. Adaptive changes in hepatobiliary transporter expression in primary biliary cirrhosis. J Hepatol 2003; 38: 717–27.
67. Zollner G, Fickert P, Zenz R et al. Hepatobiliary transporter expression in percutaneous liver biopsies of patients with cholestatic liver diseases. Hepatology 2001; 33: 633–46.
1. Герок В., Блюм Х.Е. Заболевания печени и желчевыделительной системы. Пер. с нем. Под ред. акад. РАМН В.Т.Ивашкина, проф. А.А.Шептулина. М.: МЕДпресс-информ, 2009.
2. Misra Vijay Laxmi, Khashab Mouen, Chalasani Naga. Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Cardiovascular Risk. Curr Gastroenterol Rep 2009; 11: 50–5.
3. Aithal GP, Watkins PB, Andrade RJ et al. Case definition and phenotype standardization in drug-induced liver injury. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2011; 89: 806–15.
4. Akiyama T, Ishida J, Nakagawa S et al. Genistein, a specific inhibitor of tyrosine-specific protein kinases. J Biol Chem 1987; 262: 5592–5.
5. Andersson KK, Kappas A. Hormones and liver function. In: Schiff L, Schiff ER, editors. Diseases of the liver. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott 1982;
p. 167–235.
6. Boocock DJ, Faust GE, Patel KR et al. Phase I dose escalation pharmacokinetic study in healthy volunteers of resveratrol, a potential cancer chemopreventive agent. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2007; 16 (6): 1246–52.
7. Castiella A, Lucena MI, Zapata E et al. Autoimmune hepatitis induced by drugs. Gut 2009; 58: A198.
8. Chan MY, Gho WM, Chen ZY et al. Oestrogen receptor alpha is required for biochanin A-induced apolipoprotein A-1 mRNA expression in HepG2 cells. Br J Nutr 2007; 98: 534–9.
9. Chao Y, Chan WK, Wang SS et al. Phase II study of megestrol acetate in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1997; 12 (4): 277–81.
10. Chilvers C. Oral contraceptives and cancer. Lancet 1994; 344: 1390–4.
11. Codes L, Asselah T, Cazals-Hatem D et al. Liver fibrosis in women with chronic hepatitis C: evidence for the negative role of the menopause and steatosis and the potential benefit of hormone replacement therapy. Gut 2007; 56 (3): 390–5.
12. Daghfous R, El Aidli S, Rjeibi I et al. Norgestrel (Lutenyl) induced severe acute hepatitis. Gastroenterol Clin Biol 2004; 28: 94–5.
13. Deltenre P, Denninger MH, Hillaire S et al. Factor V Leiden-related Budd-Chiari syndrome. Gut 2001; 48: 264–8.
14. Department of Reproductive Health and Research, World Health Organization. Family planning evidence updates. www.who.int/reproductive-health/family_planning/updates.htm 2008.
15. Di Costanzo L, Drury JE, Penning TM, Christianson DW. Crystal structure of human liver D4–3-ketosteroid 5b-reductase (AKR1D1) and implications for substrate binding and catalysis. J Biol Chem 2008; 283: 16830–9.
16. Elouni B, Ben Salem C, Zamy M et al. Cytolytic hepatitis possibly related to levonorgestrel/ethinylestradiol oral contraceptive use: 2 case reports. Ann Pharmacother 2010; 44 (12): 2035–7.
17. El-Serag H. Hepatocellular carcinoma: an epidemiologic view. J Clin Gastroenterol 2002; 35 (5): 72–8.
18. El-Serag H, Rudolph K. Hepatocellular carcinoma: epidemiology and molecular carcinogenesis. Gastroenterology 2007; 132 (7): 2557–76.
19. Farges O, Ferreira N, Dokmak S. Changing trends in malignant transformation of hepatocellular adenoma. Gut 2011; 60 (1): 85–9.
20. Farinati N, De Maria N, Maran C et al. Hepatocellular carcinoma in alcoholic cirrhosis: is sex hormone imbalance a pathogenetic factor. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1995; 7 (2): 145–50.
21. Gemer O, Moscovici O, Ben-Horin CL et al. Oral contraceptives and liver hemangioma: a case-control study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2004; 83 (12): 1199–201.
22. Giannitrapani L, Soresi M, La Spada E et al. Sex hormones and risk of liver tumor. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2006; 1089: 228–36.
23. Goldfarb S. Sex hormones and hepatic neoplasia. Cancer Res 1976; 36: 2584–8.
24. Hayashida K, Shoji I, Deng L et al. 17b-estradiol inhibits the production of infectious particles of hepatitis C virus. Microbiol Immunol 2010;
54 (11): 684–90.
25. Hebbar V, Shen G, Hu R et al. Toxicogenomics of resveratrol in rat liver. Life Sci 2005; 76: 2299–314.
26. Hecht Y. Hepatic and biliary repercussions of estrogens: dose or duration of treatment effect. Contracept Fertil Sex (Paris) 1991; 19: 403–8.
27. Heresbach D, Deugnier Y, Brissot P, Bourel M. Dilatations sinusoïdales et prise de contraceptifs oraux. A propos d'un cas avec revue de la littérature. Ann Gastroenterol Hepatol 1988; 24: 189–91.
28. Kapp N, Tilley IB, Curtis KM. The effects of hormonal contraceptive use among women with viral hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver: a systematic review. Contraception 2009; 80: 381–6.
29. Kawakami Y, Tsurugasaki W, Nakamura S, Osada K. Comparison of regulative functions between dietary soy isoflavones aglycone and glucoside on lipid metabolism in rats fed cholesterol. J Nutr Biochem 2005; 16: 205–12.
30. Kiriwat O, Petyim S. The effects of transdermal contraception on lipid profiles, carbohydrate metabolism and coagulogram in Thaiwomen. Gynecol Endocrinol 2010; 26 (5): 361–5.
31. Klejdus B, Mikelová R, Petrlová J et al. Evaluation of isoflavone aglycon and glycoside distribution in soy plants and soybeans by fast column high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with a diode-array detector. J Agric Food Chem 2005; 53: 5848–52.
32. Lamon-Fava S. Genistein activates apolipoprotein A-I gene expression in the human hepatoma cell line Hep G2. J Nutr 2000; 130: 2489–92.
33. Lang C, Meier Y, Stieger B et al. Mutations and polymorphisms in the bile salt export pump and the multidrug resistance protein 43 associated with drug-induced liver injury. Pharmacogenet Genomics 2006.
34. Langer M, Chiandussi L, Chopra IJ, Martini L. The endocrines and the liver, 1982.
35. Lee YM, Choi JS, Kim MH et al. Effects of dietary genistein on hepatic lipid metabolism and mitochondrial function in mice fed high-fat diets. Nutrition 2006; 22 (9): 956–64.
36. Lei H, Lu F, Dong H et al. Genistein reverses free fatty acid-induced insulin resistance in HepG2 hepatocytes through targeting JNK J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci 2011; 31 (2): 185–9.
37. Lindgren A, Olsson R. Liver damage from low dose oral contraceptives.J Intern Med 1993; 234: 287–92.
38. Mahady G, Fabricant D, Chadwick L, Dietz B. Black Cohosh: An Alternative Therapy for Menopause? Nutr Clin Care 2002; 5 (6): 283–9.
39. Maio M Di, Daniele B, Pignata S et al. Is human hepatocellular carcinoma a hormone-responsive tumor? World J Gastroenterol 2008; 14 (11): 1682–9.
40. Meier Y, Pauli-Magnus C, Zanger UM et al. Interindividual variability of canalicular ATP-binding-cassette (ABC)-transporter expression in human liver. Hepatology 2006; 44: 62–74.
41. Misra Vijay Laxmi, Khashab Mouen, Chalasani Naga. Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Cardiovascular Risk. Curr Gastroenterol Rep 2009; 11: 50–5.
42. Nagasue N, Kohno H, Yamanoi A et al. Progesterone receptor in hepatocellular carcinoma: correlation with androgen and estrogen receptors. Cancer 1991; 67 (10): 2501–5.
43. Naser B, Schnitker J, Minkin MJ et al. Suspected black cohosh hepatotoxicity: no evidence by meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinicaltrials for isopropanolic black cohosh extract. Menopause. 2011; 18 (4): 366–75.
44. National Institutes of Health. Workshop on the safety of black cohosh in clinical studies. Washington, DC: National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. NIH Office of Dietary Supplements 2004.
45. Neuberger JM, Davis M, Williams R. Clinical aspects of oral contraceptive associated liver tumours. In: Davis M, Tredger JM, Williams R, editors. Drug Reactions and the Liver. London: Pitman Medical 1981; 271–83.
46. Osterheld JR, Cosa K, Sandson NB. Med-Psych drug–drug interactions update: oral contraceptives. Psychosomatics 2008; 49: 168–75.
47. Posadzki P, Watson LK, Ernst E. Adverse effects of herbal medicines: an overview of systematic reviews. Clin Med 2013; 13 (1): 7–12.
48. Ricketts ML, Moore DD, Banz WJ et al. Molecular mechanisms of action of the soy isoflavones includes activation of promiscuous nuclear receptors. A review. J Nutr Biochem 2005; 16: 321–30.
49. Ridker PM, Miletich JP, Hennekens CH et al. Ethnic distribution of factor V Leiden in 4047 men and women: implications for venous thromboembolism screening. JAMA 1997; 277: 1305–7.
50. Robinson GE. Low-dose combined oral contraceptives. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1994; 101: 1036–41.
51. Russell R, Kingsland С. The risks and benefits of the combined oral contraceptive pill. J R Coll Physicians Edinb 2008; 38: 224–7.
52. Salas AL, Montezuma TD, Fariña GG et al. Genistein modifies liver fibrosis and improves liver function by inducing uPA expression and proteolytic activity in CCl4-treated rats. Pharmacology 2008; 81 (1): 41–9.
53. Salas AL, Ocampo G, Fariña GG et al. Genistein decreases liver fibrosis and cholestasis induced by prolonged biliary obstruction in the rat. Ann Hepatol 2007; 6 (1): 41–7.
54. Schindler AE, Campagnoli C, Druckmann R et al. Classification and pharmacology of progestins Maturitas 2003; 46 (1): 7–16.
55. Setchell K, Brown N, Desai P et al. Bioavailability of pure isoflavones in healthy humans and analysis of commercial soy isoflavone supplements. J Nutr 2001; 131: 1362–75.
56. Shimizu I, Yasuda M, Mizobuchi Y et al. Suppressive effect of oestradiol on chemical hepatocarcinogenesis in rats. Gut 1998; 42 (1): 112–9.
57. Spitzer D, Krainz R, Graf AH et al. Pregnancy after ovarian stimulation and intrauterine insemination in a woman with cavernous macrohemangioma of the liver. A case report. J Reprod Med Dec 1997; 42 (12): 809–12.
58. Takahashi Y, Odbayar TO, Ide TJ. A comparative analysis of genistein and daidzein in affecting lipid metabolism in rat liver. Clin Biochem Nutr 2009; 44 (3): 223–30.
59. Uetrecht J. Idiosyncratic drug reactions: past, present,and future. Chem Res Toxicol 2008; 21: 84–92.
60. Villaseca P. Non-estrogen conventional and phytochemical treatments for vasomotor symptoms: what needs to be known for practice. Climacteric 2012; 15 (2): 115–24; doi: 10.3109/13697137.2011.624214. Epub 2011 Dec 8.
61. Wong CK, Keung WM. Bovine adrenal 3b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (E.C. isomerase (E.C. characterization and its inhibition by isoflavones. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1999; 71: 191–202.
62. Yang W, Lu Y, Xu Y et al. Estrogen represses hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) growth via inhibiting alternative activation of tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs). J Biol Chem 2012; 287 (48): 40140–9.
63. Yeh S, Chen P. Gender disparity of hepatocellular carcinoma: the roles of sex hormones. Oncology 2010; 78 (1): 172–9.
64. Yu MW, Chang HC, Chang SC et al. Role of reproductive factors in hepatocellular carcinoma: impact on hepatitis B- and C-related risk. Hepatology 2003; 38 (6): 1393–400.
65. Zhang H, Cui D, Wang B et al. Pharmacokinetic drug interactions involving 17-alpha-ethinylestradiol: a new look at an old drug. Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46: 133–57.
66. Zollner G, Fickert P, Silbert D et al. Adaptive changes in hepatobiliary transporter expression in primary biliary cirrhosis. J Hepatol 2003; 38: 717–27.
67. Zollner G, Fickert P, Zenz R et al. Hepatobiliary transporter expression in percutaneous liver biopsies of patients with cholestatic liver diseases. Hepatology 2001; 33: 633–46.
Ю.Б.Успенская, И.В.Кузнецова
ГБОУ ВПО Первый Московский государственный медицинский университет им. И.М.Сеченова Минздрава России