В работе исследовалось влияние диеногеста на морфофункциональное состояние эндометрия у больных с наружным генитальным эндометриозом. Показано, что диеногест эффективно купирует болевой синдром у больных с наружным генитальным эндометриозом и улучшает морфофункциональное состояние эндометрия, купирует проявления воспаления в слизистой оболочке матки.
In this paper we investigate the effect of dienogest on endometrial morphology and function in patients with external genital endometriosis. It is shown that dienogest is effective in reducing pain in patients with external genital endometriosis and endometrial morphology and function improves, suppresses manifestations of inflammation in the lining of the uterus. Key words: dienogest, external genital endometriosis, the endometrium.
1. Сотникова Л.С., Удут Е.Н., Насырова Р.Ф., Тонких О.С. Современная терапия эндометриоза. Опыт применения визанны. Проблемы репродукции. 2012; 6: 34–9.
2. Belaisch J, Allart JP. Endometriosis and surviving adolescence. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2006; 34 (3): 242–7.
3. Frackiewicz EJ. Endometriosis: an overview of the disease and its treatment. J Am Pharm Assoc (Wash) 2000; 40 (5): 645–57.
4. Barbieri RL, Missmer S. Endometriosis and infertility: a cause-effect relationship? Ann N Y Acad Sci 2002; 95 (5): 23–33; discussion 34–6: 396–406.
5. Buletti С et al. J Assist Reprod Genet 2010; 27: 441–7.
6. Allaire C. Endometriosis and infertility: a review. J Reprod Med 2006; 51 (3): 164–8.
7. Garrido N, Navarro J, Garcia-Velasco J et al. The endometrium versus embryonic quality in endometriosis-related infertility. Hum Reprod Update 2002; 8 (1): 95–103.
8. De Ziegler D, Borghese B, Chapron C. Endometriosis and infertility: pathophysiology and management. Lancet 2010; 376: 730–8.
9. Khoufache K et al. Anomalies in the inflammatory response in endometriosis and possible consequences: a review. Minerva Endocrinol 2012; 37 (1): 75–92.
10. Баскаков В.П. Клиника и лечение эндометриоза. Л.: Медицина, 1990.
11. Matalliotakis IM, Athanassakis I, Goumenou AG et al. The possible anti-inflammatory role of circulating human leukocyte antigen levels in women with еndometriosis after treatment with danazol and leuprorelin acetate depot. Mediators Inflamm 2001; 10 (2): 75–80.
12. Brown J, Farqufar C. Endometriosis: an overview of Cochrane Reviews. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2014; 10 (3): CD009590.
13. Oettel M, Carol W, Elger W et al. A 19-norprogestin without 17a-ethinyl group II: dienogest from a pharmacodynamic point of view. Drugs Today 1995; 31: 517–36.
14. McCormac Dienogest (review). Drugs 2010; 70 (16): 2073–88.
15. Nakamura et al. Eur J Pharmacol 1999; 386: 33–40.
16. Harada et al. Future science group, Women’s Health. 2010; 6 (1): 27–35.
17. Johnson NP, Hummelshoj L. Consensus on current management of endometriosis. Hum Reprod 2013; 28 (6): 1152–68.
18. Shimizu Y, Mita S, et al. Dienogest, a synthetic progestin, inhibits prostaglandin E2 production and aromatase expression by human endometrial epithelial cells in a spheroid culture system. Steroids 2011; 76: 60–7.
19. Strowitzki T, Marr J, Gerlinger C et al. Dienogest is as effective as leuprolide acetate in treating the painful symptoms of endometriosis: a 24-week, randomized, multicenter, opel-label trial. Hum Reprod 2010; 25 (3): 633–41.
1. Сотникова Л.С., Удут Е.Н., Насырова Р.Ф., Тонких О.С. Современная терапия эндометриоза. Опыт применения визанны. Проблемы репродукции. 2012; 6: 34–9.
2. Belaisch J, Allart JP. Endometriosis and surviving adolescence. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2006; 34 (3): 242–7.
3. Frackiewicz EJ. Endometriosis: an overview of the disease and its treatment. J Am Pharm Assoc (Wash) 2000; 40 (5): 645–57.
4. Barbieri RL, Missmer S. Endometriosis and infertility: a cause-effect relationship? Ann N Y Acad Sci 2002; 95 (5): 23–33; discussion 34–6: 396–406.
5. Buletti С et al. J Assist Reprod Genet 2010; 27: 441–7.
6. Allaire C. Endometriosis and infertility: a review. J Reprod Med 2006; 51 (3): 164–8.
7. Garrido N, Navarro J, Garcia-Velasco J et al. The endometrium versus embryonic quality in endometriosis-related infertility. Hum Reprod Update 2002; 8 (1): 95–103.
8. De Ziegler D, Borghese B, Chapron C. Endometriosis and infertility: pathophysiology and management. Lancet 2010; 376: 730–8.
9. Khoufache K et al. Anomalies in the inflammatory response in endometriosis and possible consequences: a review. Minerva Endocrinol 2012; 37 (1): 75–92.
10. Баскаков В.П. Клиника и лечение эндометриоза. Л.: Медицина, 1990.
11. Matalliotakis IM, Athanassakis I, Goumenou AG et al. The possible anti-inflammatory role of circulating human leukocyte antigen levels in women with еndometriosis after treatment with danazol and leuprorelin acetate depot. Mediators Inflamm 2001; 10 (2): 75–80.
12. Brown J, Farqufar C. Endometriosis: an overview of Cochrane Reviews. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2014; 10 (3): CD009590.
13. Oettel M, Carol W, Elger W et al. A 19-norprogestin without 17a-ethinyl group II: dienogest from a pharmacodynamic point of view. Drugs Today 1995; 31: 517–36.
14. McCormac Dienogest (review). Drugs 2010; 70 (16): 2073–88.
15. Nakamura et al. Eur J Pharmacol 1999; 386: 33–40.
16. Harada et al. Future science group, Women’s Health. 2010; 6 (1): 27–35.
17. Johnson NP, Hummelshoj L. Consensus on current management of endometriosis. Hum Reprod 2013; 28 (6): 1152–68.
18. Shimizu Y, Mita S, et al. Dienogest, a synthetic progestin, inhibits prostaglandin E2 production and aromatase expression by human endometrial epithelial cells in a spheroid culture system. Steroids 2011; 76: 60–7.
19. Strowitzki T, Marr J, Gerlinger C et al. Dienogest is as effective as leuprolide acetate in treating the painful symptoms of endometriosis: a 24-week, randomized, multicenter, opel-label trial. Hum Reprod 2010; 25 (3): 633–41.
1. ФГБОУ ВПО Ивановская государственная медицинская академия Минздрава России;
2. ФГБУ Ивановский НИИ материнства и детства им. В.Н.Городкова Минздрава России;
3. ГБУЗ ВО Городская клиническая больница скорой медицинской помощи, Владимир