Обзор литературы посвящен оценке информативности современных онкомаркеров и их комбинаций в дифференциальной диагностике доброкачественных и злокачественных образований яичников вне и во время беременности. Ключевые слова: онкомаркеры, опухоли и опухолевидные образования яичников, доброкачественные опухоли яичников, рак яичников, пограничные опухоли яичников, дифференциальная диагностика, беременность.
The literature review is devoted to evaluation of possibilities of serum biomarkers and their combinations in differential diagnosis of benign and malignant adnexal masses in pregnant and nonpregnant women.
1. Адамян Л.В., Мурашко Л.Е., Романова Е.Л. Хирургическое лечение опухолей и опухолевидных образований яичников у беременных с использованием современных технологий. Проблемы репродукции. 2005; 3: 60–4.
2. Алексеева М.Л., Гусарова Е.В., Муллабаева С.М., Понкратов Т.С. Онкомаркеры, их характеристика и некоторые аспекты клинико-диагностического использования. Проблемы репродукции. 2005; 3: 43–5.
3. Ашрафян Л.А., Киселев В.И. Опухоли репродуктивной системы (этиология, патогенез). М.: Димитрейд График Групп, 2007.
4. Бохман Я.В. Руководство по онкогинекологии. Л.: Медицина, 1989.
5. Ильина Л.М. Рак яичников: новое в диагностике и лечении. Информационное письмо ассоциации гинекологов-эндокринологов России №11 от 30.04.2011.
6. Краснопольский В.И., Логутова Л.С., Буянова С.Н. и др. Хирургическая и акушерская тактика при сочетании беременности с опухолями половых органов. Акуш. и гинекол. 2002; 5: 41–5.
7. Магнитская Н.А. Диагностика и лечение образований яичников у беременных. Автореф. дис. ... канд. мед. наук. М., 2012.
8. Савельева Г.М., Бреусенко В.Г., Соломатина А.А. Диагностика опухолей и опухолевидных образований яичников. Рос. вестн. акушера-гинеколога. 2005; 6: 53–61.
9. Серов В.Н., Кудрявцева Л.И. Доброкачественные опухоли и опухолевидные образования яичников. М: Триада-Х, 1999; 149.
10. Урманчеева А.Ф., Кутушева Г.Ф., Ульрих Е.А. Опухоли яичника (клиника, диагностика и лечение). СПб.: Н-Л, 2012.
11. Aggarwal P, Kehoe S. Ovarian tumors in pregnancy: a literature review. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2011; 155: 119–24.
12. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Gynecologic Practice. Committee Opinion No. 477: the role of the obstetrician-gynecologist in the early detection of epithelial ovarian cancer. Obstet Gynecol 2011; 117: 742.
13. American College of Obstetricians anf Gynecologists. ACOG Committee Opinion: number 280, December 2002. The role of the generalist obstetrician-gynecologist in the early detection of ovarian cancer. Obstet Gynecol 2002; 100: 1413.
14. Anton C, Carvalho FM, Oliveira EI et al. A comparison of CA125, HE4, risk ovarian malignancy algorithm (ROMA), and risk malignancy index (RMI) for the classification of ovarian masses. Clinics 2012; 67: 437–41.
15. Bast RC Jr, Skates S, Lokshin A, Moore RG. Differential diagnosis of pelvic mass: improved algorithms and novel biomarkers. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2012; 22: 5–8.
16. Behtash N, Karimi Zarchi M et al. Ovarian carcinoma associated with pregnancy: a clinicopathologic analysis of 23 cases and review of the literature. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2008; 8: 3–10.
17. Chen L, Berek JS, Goff B et al. Ovarian tumors of low malignant potential. http://www.uptodate.com /contents/
18. Coskun A, Kiran G, Ozdemir O. CA 19-9 can be a useful tumor marker in ovarian dermoid cysts. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol 2008; 35 (2): 137–9.
19. Dodge JE, Covens AL, Lacchetti C et al. Preoperative identification of a suspicious adnexal mass: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Gynecol Oncol 2012; 126: 157.
20. Drapkin R, von Horsten HH, Lin Y et al. Human epididymis protein 4 (HE4) is a secreted glycoprotein that is overexpressed by serous and endometrioid ovarian carcinomas. Cancer Res 2005; 65: 2162–9.
21. Duffy MJ, Bonfrer JM, Kulpa J et al. CA125 in ovarian cancer: European Group on Tumor Markers guidelines for clinical use. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2005; 15: 679.
22. Fung ET. A recipe for proteomics diagnostic test development: the OVA1 test, from biomarker discovery to FDA clearance. Clin Chem 2010; 56 (2): 327–9.
23. Galgano MT, Hampton GM, Frierson HF Jr. Comprehensive analysis of HE4 expression in normal and malignant human tissues. Mod Pathol 2006; 19: 847–53.
24. Geomini P, Kruitwagen R, Bremer GL et al. The accuracy of risk scores in predicting ovarian malignancy: a systematic review. Obstet Gynecol 2009; 113: 384.
25. Hakansson F, Hodgall EV, Nedergaard L et al. Risk of malignancy index used as a diagnostic tool in a tertiary centre for patients with pelvic mass. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2012; 91: 496–502.
26. Hellström I, Raycraft J, Hayden-Ledbetter M et al. The HE4 (WFDC2) protein is a biomarker for ovarian carcinoma. Cancer Res 2003; 63: 3695–700.
27. Hoover K, Jenkins TR. Evaluation and management of adnexal mass in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2011; 97–102.
28. Huhtinen K, Suvitie P, Hiissa J et al. Serum HE4 concentration differentiates malignant ovarian tumours from ovarian endometriotic cysts. Br J Cancer 2009; 100: 1315–9.
29. Jemal A, Bray F, Center MM et al. Global cancer statistics. CA Cancer J Clin 2011; 61: 69.
30. Kadija S, Stefanovic A, Jeremic K et al. The utility of human epididymal protein 4, cancer antigen 125, and risk for malignancy algorithm in ovarian cancer and endometriosis. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2012; 22: 238–44.
31. Karlsen MA, Sandhu N, Hodgall C et al. Evaluation of HE4, CA125, risk of ovarian malignancy algorithm (ROMA) and risk of malignancy index (RMI) as diagnostic tools of epithelial ovarian cancer patients with pelvic mass. Gynecol Oncol 2012; 127: 379–83.
32. Kim YM, Whang DH, Park J et al. Evaluation of the accuracy of serum human epididymis protein 4 in combination with CA125 for detecting ovarian cancer: a prospective case-control study in a Korean population. Clin Chem Lab Med 2011; 49: 527–34.
33. Kumari I, Kaur S, Mohan H, Huria A. Adnexal masses in pregnancy: a 5-year review. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol 2006; 46: 52–4.
34. Leiserowitz G, Xing G et al. Adnexal masses in pregnancy: how often are they malignant? Gynecol Oncol 2006; 101: 315–21.
35. Lenhard M, Stieber P, Hertlein L et al. The diagnostic accuracy of two human epididymis protein 4 (HE4) testing systems in combination with CA125 in the differential diagnosis of ovarian masses. Clin Chem Lab Med 2011; 49: 2081–8.
36. Lin J, Qin J, Sangvatanakul V. Human epididymis protein 4 for differential diagnosis between benign gynecologic disease and ovarian cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2013; 167 (1): 81–5.
37. Montagnana M, Danese E, Ruzzenente O et al. The ROMA (The Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm) for estimating the risk of epithelial ovarian cancer in women presenting with pelvic mass: is it really useful? Clin Chem Lab Med 2011; 49: 521–5.
38. Moore LE, Fung ET, McGuire M et al. Evaluation of apolipoprotein A1 and posttranslationally modified forms of transthyretin as biomarkers for ovarian cancer detection in an independent study population. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2006; 15: 1641.
39. Moore RG, Jabre-Raughley M, Brown AK et al. Comparison of a novel multiple marker assay vs the Risk of Malignancy Index for the prediction of epithelial ovarian cancer in patients with a pelvic mass. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2010; 203: 228.e1–6.
40. Moore RG, McMeekin DS, Brown AK et al. A novel multiple marker bioassay utilizing HE4 and CA125 for the prediction of ovarian cancer in patients with a pelvic mass. Gynecol Oncol 2009; 112: 40–6.
41. Moore RG, Miller MC, Disilvestro P et al. Evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of the risk of ovarian malignancy algorithm in women with a pelvic mass. Obstet Gynecol 2011; 118: 280–8.
42. Moore RG, Miller MC, Eklund EE et al. Serum levels of the ovarian cancer biomarker HE4 are decreased in pregnancy and increase with age. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2012; 206: 349–54.
43. Muller CY. Doctor, should I get this new ovarian cancer test–OVA1? Obstet Gynecol 2010; 116 (2 Pt 1): 246–7.
44. Nosov V, Su F, Amneus M et al. Validation of serum biomarkers for detection of early-stage ovarian cancer. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2009; 200: 639.
45. Runowicz CD, Brewer M, Goff B, Barss VA. Management of ovarian cancer in pregnant women. http://www.uptodate.com /contents/
46. Sarandakou A, Protonotariou E, Rizos D. Tumor markers in biological fluids associated with pregnancy. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci 2007; 44: 151.
47. Ueland FR, Li AJ, Goff B, Falk SJ. Serum biomarkers for evaluation of an adnexal mass for epithelial carcinoma of the ovary, fallopian tube, or peritoneum. http://www.uptodate.com /contents/
48. Ueland FR, Desimone CP, Seamon LG et al. Effectiveness of a multivariate index assay in the preoperative assessment of ovarian tumors. Obstet Gynecol 2011; 117: 1289.
49. Using OVA 1. http://www.ova-1.com/physicians/using-ova1
50. Yin BW, Lloyd KO. Molecular cloning of the CA125 ovarian cancer antigen: identification as a new mucin, MUC16. J Biol Chem 2001; 276: 27371.
51. Yurkovetsky Z, Skates S, Lomakin A et al. Development of a multimarker assay for early detection of ovarian cancer. J Clin Oncol 2010; 28: 2159–66.
52. Han S, Lotgerink A, Van Calsteren K et al. Physiologic variations of serum markers in gynecological malignancies during pregnancy: a systematic review. BMC Medicine 2012; 10: 86.
53. Zhao XY, Huang HF, Lian LJ, Lang JH. Ovarian cancer in pregnancy: a clinicopathologic analysis of 22 cases and review of the literature. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2006; 16 (1): 8–15.
1. Адамян Л.В., Мурашко Л.Е., Романова Е.Л. Хирургическое лечение опухолей и опухолевидных образований яичников у беременных с использованием современных технологий. Проблемы репродукции. 2005; 3: 60–4.
2. Алексеева М.Л., Гусарова Е.В., Муллабаева С.М., Понкратов Т.С. Онкомаркеры, их характеристика и некоторые аспекты клинико-диагностического использования. Проблемы репродукции. 2005; 3: 43–5.
3. Ашрафян Л.А., Киселев В.И. Опухоли репродуктивной системы (этиология, патогенез). М.: Димитрейд График Групп, 2007.
4. Бохман Я.В. Руководство по онкогинекологии. Л.: Медицина, 1989.
5. Ильина Л.М. Рак яичников: новое в диагностике и лечении. Информационное письмо ассоциации гинекологов-эндокринологов России №11 от 30.04.2011.
6. Краснопольский В.И., Логутова Л.С., Буянова С.Н. и др. Хирургическая и акушерская тактика при сочетании беременности с опухолями половых органов. Акуш. и гинекол. 2002; 5: 41–5.
7. Магнитская Н.А. Диагностика и лечение образований яичников у беременных. Автореф. дис. ... канд. мед. наук. М., 2012.
8. Савельева Г.М., Бреусенко В.Г., Соломатина А.А. Диагностика опухолей и опухолевидных образований яичников. Рос. вестн. акушера-гинеколога. 2005; 6: 53–61.
9. Серов В.Н., Кудрявцева Л.И. Доброкачественные опухоли и опухолевидные образования яичников. М: Триада-Х, 1999; 149.
10. Урманчеева А.Ф., Кутушева Г.Ф., Ульрих Е.А. Опухоли яичника (клиника, диагностика и лечение). СПб.: Н-Л, 2012.
11. Aggarwal P, Kehoe S. Ovarian tumors in pregnancy: a literature review. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2011; 155: 119–24.
12. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Gynecologic Practice. Committee Opinion No. 477: the role of the obstetrician-gynecologist in the early detection of epithelial ovarian cancer. Obstet Gynecol 2011; 117: 742.
13. American College of Obstetricians anf Gynecologists. ACOG Committee Opinion: number 280, December 2002. The role of the generalist obstetrician-gynecologist in the early detection of ovarian cancer. Obstet Gynecol 2002; 100: 1413.
14. Anton C, Carvalho FM, Oliveira EI et al. A comparison of CA125, HE4, risk ovarian malignancy algorithm (ROMA), and risk malignancy index (RMI) for the classification of ovarian masses. Clinics 2012; 67: 437–41.
15. Bast RC Jr, Skates S, Lokshin A, Moore RG. Differential diagnosis of pelvic mass: improved algorithms and novel biomarkers. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2012; 22: 5–8.
16. Behtash N, Karimi Zarchi M et al. Ovarian carcinoma associated with pregnancy: a clinicopathologic analysis of 23 cases and review of the literature. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2008; 8: 3–10.
17. Chen L, Berek JS, Goff B et al. Ovarian tumors of low malignant potential. http://www.uptodate.com /contents/
18. Coskun A, Kiran G, Ozdemir O. CA 19-9 can be a useful tumor marker in ovarian dermoid cysts. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol 2008; 35 (2): 137–9.
19. Dodge JE, Covens AL, Lacchetti C et al. Preoperative identification of a suspicious adnexal mass: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Gynecol Oncol 2012; 126: 157.
20. Drapkin R, von Horsten HH, Lin Y et al. Human epididymis protein 4 (HE4) is a secreted glycoprotein that is overexpressed by serous and endometrioid ovarian carcinomas. Cancer Res 2005; 65: 2162–9.
21. Duffy MJ, Bonfrer JM, Kulpa J et al. CA125 in ovarian cancer: European Group on Tumor Markers guidelines for clinical use. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2005; 15: 679.
22. Fung ET. A recipe for proteomics diagnostic test development: the OVA1 test, from biomarker discovery to FDA clearance. Clin Chem 2010; 56 (2): 327–9.
23. Galgano MT, Hampton GM, Frierson HF Jr. Comprehensive analysis of HE4 expression in normal and malignant human tissues. Mod Pathol 2006; 19: 847–53.
24. Geomini P, Kruitwagen R, Bremer GL et al. The accuracy of risk scores in predicting ovarian malignancy: a systematic review. Obstet Gynecol 2009; 113: 384.
25. Hakansson F, Hodgall EV, Nedergaard L et al. Risk of malignancy index used as a diagnostic tool in a tertiary centre for patients with pelvic mass. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2012; 91: 496–502.
26. Hellström I, Raycraft J, Hayden-Ledbetter M et al. The HE4 (WFDC2) protein is a biomarker for ovarian carcinoma. Cancer Res 2003; 63: 3695–700.
27. Hoover K, Jenkins TR. Evaluation and management of adnexal mass in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2011; 97–102.
28. Huhtinen K, Suvitie P, Hiissa J et al. Serum HE4 concentration differentiates malignant ovarian tumours from ovarian endometriotic cysts. Br J Cancer 2009; 100: 1315–9.
29. Jemal A, Bray F, Center MM et al. Global cancer statistics. CA Cancer J Clin 2011; 61: 69.
30. Kadija S, Stefanovic A, Jeremic K et al. The utility of human epididymal protein 4, cancer antigen 125, and risk for malignancy algorithm in ovarian cancer and endometriosis. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2012; 22: 238–44.
31. Karlsen MA, Sandhu N, Hodgall C et al. Evaluation of HE4, CA125, risk of ovarian malignancy algorithm (ROMA) and risk of malignancy index (RMI) as diagnostic tools of epithelial ovarian cancer patients with pelvic mass. Gynecol Oncol 2012; 127: 379–83.
32. Kim YM, Whang DH, Park J et al. Evaluation of the accuracy of serum human epididymis protein 4 in combination with CA125 for detecting ovarian cancer: a prospective case-control study in a Korean population. Clin Chem Lab Med 2011; 49: 527–34.
33. Kumari I, Kaur S, Mohan H, Huria A. Adnexal masses in pregnancy: a 5-year review. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol 2006; 46: 52–4.
34. Leiserowitz G, Xing G et al. Adnexal masses in pregnancy: how often are they malignant? Gynecol Oncol 2006; 101: 315–21.
35. Lenhard M, Stieber P, Hertlein L et al. The diagnostic accuracy of two human epididymis protein 4 (HE4) testing systems in combination with CA125 in the differential diagnosis of ovarian masses. Clin Chem Lab Med 2011; 49: 2081–8.
36. Lin J, Qin J, Sangvatanakul V. Human epididymis protein 4 for differential diagnosis between benign gynecologic disease and ovarian cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2013; 167 (1): 81–5.
37. Montagnana M, Danese E, Ruzzenente O et al. The ROMA (The Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm) for estimating the risk of epithelial ovarian cancer in women presenting with pelvic mass: is it really useful? Clin Chem Lab Med 2011; 49: 521–5.
38. Moore LE, Fung ET, McGuire M et al. Evaluation of apolipoprotein A1 and posttranslationally modified forms of transthyretin as biomarkers for ovarian cancer detection in an independent study population. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2006; 15: 1641.
39. Moore RG, Jabre-Raughley M, Brown AK et al. Comparison of a novel multiple marker assay vs the Risk of Malignancy Index for the prediction of epithelial ovarian cancer in patients with a pelvic mass. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2010; 203: 228.e1–6.
40. Moore RG, McMeekin DS, Brown AK et al. A novel multiple marker bioassay utilizing HE4 and CA125 for the prediction of ovarian cancer in patients with a pelvic mass. Gynecol Oncol 2009; 112: 40–6.
41. Moore RG, Miller MC, Disilvestro P et al. Evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of the risk of ovarian malignancy algorithm in women with a pelvic mass. Obstet Gynecol 2011; 118: 280–8.
42. Moore RG, Miller MC, Eklund EE et al. Serum levels of the ovarian cancer biomarker HE4 are decreased in pregnancy and increase with age. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2012; 206: 349–54.
43. Muller CY. Doctor, should I get this new ovarian cancer test–OVA1? Obstet Gynecol 2010; 116 (2 Pt 1): 246–7.
44. Nosov V, Su F, Amneus M et al. Validation of serum biomarkers for detection of early-stage ovarian cancer. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2009; 200: 639.
45. Runowicz CD, Brewer M, Goff B, Barss VA. Management of ovarian cancer in pregnant women. http://www.uptodate.com /contents/
46. Sarandakou A, Protonotariou E, Rizos D. Tumor markers in biological fluids associated with pregnancy. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci 2007; 44: 151.
47. Ueland FR, Li AJ, Goff B, Falk SJ. Serum biomarkers for evaluation of an adnexal mass for epithelial carcinoma of the ovary, fallopian tube, or peritoneum. http://www.uptodate.com /contents/
48. Ueland FR, Desimone CP, Seamon LG et al. Effectiveness of a multivariate index assay in the preoperative assessment of ovarian tumors. Obstet Gynecol 2011; 117: 1289.
49. Using OVA 1. http://www.ova-1.com/physicians/using-ova1
50. Yin BW, Lloyd KO. Molecular cloning of the CA125 ovarian cancer antigen: identification as a new mucin, MUC16. J Biol Chem 2001; 276: 27371.
51. Yurkovetsky Z, Skates S, Lomakin A et al. Development of a multimarker assay for early detection of ovarian cancer. J Clin Oncol 2010; 28: 2159–66.
52. Han S, Lotgerink A, Van Calsteren K et al. Physiologic variations of serum markers in gynecological malignancies during pregnancy: a systematic review. BMC Medicine 2012; 10: 86.
53. Zhao XY, Huang HF, Lian LJ, Lang JH. Ovarian cancer in pregnancy: a clinicopathologic analysis of 22 cases and review of the literature. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2006; 16 (1): 8–15.
ФГБУ Научный центр акушерства, гинекологии и перинатологии им. акад. В.И.Кулакова Минздрава России, Москва