Пациентки с диагнозом «климактерический синдром» (КС) составляют всего лишь 1,0% в структуре общей заболеваемости женщин, обратившихся в женскую консультацию, и 1,6% – общего числа пациенток, состоящих на диспансерном учете. Женщины, являющиеся медицинскими работниками, обращаются за медицинской помощью реже, чем менеджеры, педагоги. У пациенток с диагнозом КС сложилось определенное отношение к приему менопаузальной гормональной терапии (МГТ). Так, 22,69% женщин изначально испытывают страх перед приемом гормональных препаратов; 16,81% – переходят на прием МГТ после отсутствия эффекта от приема негормональной терапии. Только у 16,81% пациенток имеются противопоказания к приему МГТ.
Назначение МГТ (комбинация эстрадиол – Е2 1 мг/дроспиренон – ДРСП 2 мг) оказывает высокий лечебный эффект у лиц с КС (р<0,001) в течение первых (1–2 дня) суток. МГТ не вызывает повышения параметров массы тела, ухудшения биохимических показателей крови, показателей системы гемостаза.
К важному положительному влиянию МГТ (комбинация Е2 1 мг/ДРСП 2 мг) относится поддержание параметров артериального давления в пределах градации «оптимального» и «нормального» (р<0,001). Ключевые слова: климактерический синдром, менопаузальная гормональная терапия (комбинация Е2 1 мг/ДРСП 2 мг), артериальное давление.
Patients with the "climacteric syndrome" diagnosis make only 1,0% in structure of the general incidence of the women who visit the female consultation, and 1.6% - total of the patients consisting on the dispensary account. The patients who are health workers ask for medical care less than managers, teachers. Patients with the diagnosis of a climacteric syndrome had a certain relation to reception of the menopausal hormonal therapy (MHT). So, 22.69% of patients initially feel fear of reception of hormonal preparations; 16.81% – pass to reception of MHT after absence of effect from reception of non-hormonal therapy. Only 16.81% of patients have contraindications to reception of MHT.
Purpose of MHT (a combination of estradiol to 1 mg / drospirenone 2 mg) renders high medical effect at patients with a climacteric syndrome (р<0.001) during the first (1–2 days) days. MHT doesn't cause increase of parameters of body weight, deterioration of biochemical indicators of blood, indicators of system of a hemostasis.
Maintenance of parameters of arterial pressure within gradation "optimum" and "normal" belongs to important positive influence of MGT (a combination of estradiol 1 mg / drospirenone 2 mg) (р<0.001). Key words: climacteric syndrome, menopausal hormonal therapy (a combination of estradiol 1 mg /drospirenone 2 mg) , arterial pressure.
1. De Villiers TJ, Pines A, Panay N et al. On behalf of the International Menopause Society. Updated 2013 International Menopause Society recommendations on menopausal hormone therapy and preventive strategies for midlife health. Climacteric 2013; 16: 316–37.
2. Lobo RA, Davis S R, De Villiers TJ et al. Prevention of diseases after menopause. Climacteric 2014; 17: 1–17.
3. Preston RA, Norris PM, Alonso AB et al. Randomized placebo-controlled, trial of the effects of drospirenone-estradiol on blood pressure and potassium balance in hypertensive postmenopausal women receiving hydrochlorothiazide. Menopause 2007; 14: 408–14.
4. White WB, Pitt B, Preston RA, Hanes V. Antihypertensive effects of drospirenone with 17-beta-estradiol, a novel hormone treatment in post-menopausal women with stage 1 hypertension. Circulation 2005; 112: 1979–84.
5. Heinemann K, Assmann A, Dinger J. The Safety of Oral Hormone Replacement Therapy: Final Results from the EURAS-HRT Study. Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety 2012; 21 (Suppl. 3): 36.
6. Tanko LB, Christiansen C. Effects of 17b-oestradiol plus different doses of drospirenone on adipose tissue, adiponectin and atherogenic metabolites in postmenopausal women. J Internal Med 2005; 258: 544–55.
7. Rizzo MR, Leo S, De Franciscis P et al. Short-term effects of low-dose estrogen/drospirenone vs low-dose estrogen/dydrogesterone on glycemic fluctuations in postmenopausal women with metabolic syndrome. Age 2014; 36 (1): 265–74.
8. Oelkers W. Drospirenone, a progestogen with antimineralocorticoid properties: a short review. Mole Cell Endocrinol 2004; 217: 255–61.
1. De Villiers TJ, Pines A, Panay N et al. On behalf of the International Menopause Society. Updated 2013 International Menopause Society recommendations on menopausal hormone therapy and preventive strategies for midlife health. Climacteric 2013; 16: 316–37.
2. Lobo RA, Davis S R, De Villiers TJ et al. Prevention of diseases after menopause. Climacteric 2014; 17: 1–17.
3. Preston RA, Norris PM, Alonso AB et al. Randomized placebo-controlled, trial of the effects of drospirenone-estradiol on blood pressure and potassium balance in hypertensive postmenopausal women receiving hydrochlorothiazide. Menopause 2007; 14: 408–14.
4. White WB, Pitt B, Preston RA, Hanes V. Antihypertensive effects of drospirenone with 17-beta-estradiol, a novel hormone treatment in post-menopausal women with stage 1 hypertension. Circulation 2005; 112: 1979–84.
5. Heinemann K, Assmann A, Dinger J. The Safety of Oral Hormone Replacement Therapy: Final Results from the EURAS-HRT Study. Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety 2012; 21 (Suppl. 3): 36.
6. Tanko LB, Christiansen C. Effects of 17b-oestradiol plus different doses of drospirenone on adipose tissue, adiponectin and atherogenic metabolites in postmenopausal women. J Internal Med 2005; 258: 544–55.
7. Rizzo MR, Leo S, De Franciscis P et al. Short-term effects of low-dose estrogen/drospirenone vs low-dose estrogen/dydrogesterone on glycemic fluctuations in postmenopausal women with metabolic syndrome. Age 2014; 36 (1): 265–74.
8. Oelkers W. Drospirenone, a progestogen with antimineralocorticoid properties: a short review. Mole Cell Endocrinol 2004; 217: 255–61.
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The Far Eastern State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
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