Влияние повышенной массы тела и ожирения на частоту гинекологической патологии, течение родов, послеродовый период и состояние новорожденных
Влияние повышенной массы тела и ожирения на частоту гинекологической патологии, течение родов, послеродовый период и состояние новорожденных
Карахалис Л.Ю., Могилина М.Н. Влияние повышенной массы тела и ожирения на частоту гинекологической патологии, течение родов, послеродовый период и состояние новорожденных. Гинекология. 2016; 18 (6): 67–70.
Karakhalis L.Yu., Mogilina M.N. Effect of increased body weight and obesity on the incidence of gynecological pathology, during childbirth, postnatal period and the state of newborns. Gynecology. 2016; 18 (6): 67–70.
Влияние повышенной массы тела и ожирения на частоту гинекологической патологии, течение родов, послеродовый период и состояние новорожденных
Карахалис Л.Ю., Могилина М.Н. Влияние повышенной массы тела и ожирения на частоту гинекологической патологии, течение родов, послеродовый период и состояние новорожденных. Гинекология. 2016; 18 (6): 67–70.
Karakhalis L.Yu., Mogilina M.N. Effect of increased body weight and obesity on the incidence of gynecological pathology, during childbirth, postnatal period and the state of newborns. Gynecology. 2016; 18 (6): 67–70.
Повышенная масса тела и ожирение влияют на частоту гинекологической патологии, развитие детей, рост эстрогензависимых заболеваний. Рассмотрены вопросы профилактики послеродовых осложнений у женщин с избыточной массой тела и ожирением посредством применения современных дезогестрелсодержащих контрацептивов. Ключевые слова: повышенная масса тела и ожирение, профилактика заболеваний у детей, контрацепция.
Increased body weight and obesity affect the incidence of gynecological diseases, the development of children, the growth of estrogen-dependent diseases. The issues of prevention of obstetric complications in women with overweight and obesity through the use of modern desogestrel-containing contraceptives. Key words: increased weight and obesity, prevention, contraception.
1. Панькив В.И. Ожирение. Междунар. эндокринологический журн. 2013; 5 (53): 28. / Pan'kiv V.I. Ozhirenie. Mezhdunar. endokrinologicheskii zhurn. 2013; 5 (53): 28.
2. World Health Organization. Obesity and overweight. Newsletter 2014; 311.
3. Meat consumption providing a surplus energy in modern diet contributes to obesity prevalence: an ecological analysis. BMS Nutrition 2016. DOI: 10.1186/s40795-016-0063-9.
4. Kanagalingam MG, Forouhi NG, Greer IA, Sattar N. Changes in booking body mass index over a decade: retrospective analysis. from a Glasgow Maternity Hospital. Bjog 2005; 112: 1431–3.
5. www.who.int/ru/
6. Engeland A, Bjorge T, Tverdal A, Sogaard AJ. Obesity in adolescence and adulthood and the risk of adult mortality. Epidemiology 2004; 15: 79–85.
7. Rittmaster RS, Deshwal N, Lehman L. The role of adrenal hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance, and obesity in the pathogenesis of polycystic ovarian syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1993; 76: 1295–300.
8. Douchi T, Kuwahata R, Yamamoto S et al. Relationship of upper body obesity to menstrual disorders. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2002; 81: 147–50.
9. Balen AH, Dresner M, Scott EM, Drife JO. Should obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome receive treatment for infertility? (Editorial). Br Med J 2006; 332: 434–5.
10. Farquhar CM, Gillett WR. Prioritizing for fertility treatments – should a high BMI exclude treatment? (Commentary). BJOG 2006; 113: 1107–9.
11. Nelson SM, Fleming RF. The preconceptual contraception paradigm: obesity and infertility. Hum Reprod 2007; 22: 912–5.
12. Kubo Ai et al. Associations Between Maternal Pregravid Obesity and Gestational Diabetes and the Timing of Pubarche in Daughters. Am J Epidemiol 2016. DOI: 10.1093/aje/kww006.
1. Pan'kiv V.I. Ozhirenie. Mezhdunar. endokrinologicheskii zhurn. 2013; 5 (53): 28.
2. World Health Organization. Obesity and overweight. Newsletter 2014; 311.
3. Meat consumption providing a surplus energy in modern diet contributes to obesity prevalence: an ecological analysis. BMS Nutrition 2016. DOI: 10.1186/s40795-016-0063-9.
4. Kanagalingam MG, Forouhi NG, Greer IA, Sattar N. Changes in booking body mass index over a decade: retrospective analysis. from a Glasgow Maternity Hospital. Bjog 2005; 112: 1431–3.
5. www.who.int/ru/
6. Engeland A, Bjorge T, Tverdal A, Sogaard AJ. Obesity in adolescence and adulthood and the risk of adult mortality. Epidemiology 2004; 15: 79–85.
7. Rittmaster RS, Deshwal N, Lehman L. The role of adrenal hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance, and obesity in the pathogenesis of polycystic ovarian syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1993; 76: 1295–300.
8. Douchi T, Kuwahata R, Yamamoto S et al. Relationship of upper body obesity to menstrual disorders. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2002; 81: 147–50.
9. Balen AH, Dresner M, Scott EM, Drife JO. Should obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome receive treatment for infertility? (Editorial). Br Med J 2006; 332: 434–5.
10. Farquhar CM, Gillett WR. Prioritizing for fertility treatments – should a high BMI exclude treatment? (Commentary). BJOG 2006; 113: 1107–9.
11. Nelson SM, Fleming RF. The preconceptual contraception paradigm: obesity and infertility. Hum Reprod 2007; 22: 912–5.
12. Kubo Ai et al. Associations Between Maternal Pregravid Obesity and Gestational Diabetes and the Timing of Pubarche in Daughters.
Am J Epidemiol 2016. DOI: 10.1093/aje/kww006.
Л.Ю.Карахалис*, М.Н.Могилина
ФГБОУ ВО Кубанский государственный медицинский университет Минздрава России.
350063, Россия, Краснодар, ул. Седина, д. 4
L.Yu.Karakhalis*, M.N.Mogilina
Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 350063, Russian Federation, Krasnodar, ul. Sedina, d. 4