Одним из способов совершенствования комбинированной оральной контрацепции является оптимизация режимов ее приема. Стандартный режим использования комбинированных оральных контрацептивов (КОК) не всегда оправдывает ожидания женщин, особенно в ситуациях, когда к их применению существуют дополнительные лечебные показания. Пролонгированные режимы применения КОК в большей степени соответствуют как задачам контрацепции, так и терапевтическим целям использования прогестаген-эстрогенных препаратов. Распространение пролонгированных режимов тормозится рядом предубеждений, связанных с недостаточной информированностью врачей и пациентов, а также малым числом лекарственных средств, аннотированных для применения без межгормональных интервалов. Недавно зарегистрированный на территории России низкодозированный КОК, содержащий левоноргестрел и этинилэстрадиол, предоставляет возможность выбора пролонгированной контрацепции в режиме 84+7. На примере данного препарата в обзоре рассматриваются вопросы контрацептивной и неконтрацептивной эффективности, приемлемости и перспектив применения фиксированных пролонгированных режимов контрацепции.
One way to improve combined oral contraception is to optimize the regimens for its reception. The standard mode of use of combined oral contraceptyves (COCs) does not always justify the expectations of women, especially in situations where additional therapeutic indications exist for their use. The extended regimens for use of COCs are more appropriate for both contraceptive tasks and the therapeutic uses of progestagen-estrogen preparations. The spread of prolonged regimes is hampered by a number of prejudices associated with insufficient awareness of doctors and patients, as well as a small number of drugs annotated for use without inter-hormonal intervals. Recently registered in Russia low-dose COC containing levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol, provides the option of prolonged contraception in the 84+7 mode. On the example of this drug, the review addresses the issues of contraceptive and therapeutic effectiveness, acceptability and prospects for using fixed, prolonged contraceptive regimens.
Key words: combined oral contraceptives, curative effects of contraception, prolonged mode of contraception, ModellE® Libera.
1. Прилепская В.Н. Руководство по контрацепции. МЕДпресс-информ. М.: 2006. / Prilepskaia V.N. Rukovodstvo po kontratseptsii. MEDpress-inform. M.: 2006. [in Russian]
2. Cheewadhanaraks S, Choksuchat C, Dhanaworavibul K, Liabsuetrakult T. Postoperative depot medroxyprogesterone acetate versus continuous oral contraceptive pills in the treatment of endometriosis-associated pain; a randomized comparative trial. Gynecol Obstet Invest 2012; 74 (2): 151–6.
3. Dmitrovic R, Kunselman A, Legro R. Continuous compared with cyclic oral contraceptives for the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea: a randomized controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol 2012; 119: 1143–50.
4. Vandever M, Kuehl T, Sulak P et al. Evaluation of pituitary-ovarian axis suppression with three oral contraceptive regimens. Contraception 2008; 77 (3): 162–70.
5. Кузнецова И.В., Коновалов В.А. Пролонгированный прием комбинированного орального контрацептива, содержащего дроспиренон, в лечении предменструального синдрома. Проблемы репродукции. 2008; 4: 28–31. / Kuznetsova I.V., Konovalov V.A. Prolongirovannyi priem kombinirovannogo oralnogo kontratseptiva, soderzhashchego drospirenon, v lechenii predmenstrualnogo sindroma. Problemy reproduktsii. 2008; 4: 28–31. [in Russian]
6. Machado R, de Melo N, Maia H. Bleeding patterns and menstrual-related symptoms with the continuous use of a contraceptive combination of ethinylestradiol and drospirenone: a randomized study. Contraception 2010; 81: 215–22.
7. Falcone T, Lebovic DI. Clinical management of endometriosis. Obstet Gynecol 2011; 118 (3): 691–705.
8. Hirota Y, Osuga Y, Nose E et al. The presence of midkine and its possible implication in human ovarian follicles. Am J Reprod Immunol 2007; 58: 367–73.
9. ACOG Practice Bulletin № 114. Management of endometriosis. Obstet Gynecol 2010; 116: 223–36.
10. Chapron C, Souza C, Borghese B et al. Oral contraceptives and endometriosis: the past use of oral contraceptives for treating severe primary dysmenorrhea is associated with endometriosis, especially deep infiltrating endometriosis. Hum Reprod 2011; 26 (8): 2028–35.
11. Seracchioli R, Mabrouk M, Manuzzi L et al. Post-operative use of oral contraceptive pills for prevention of anatomical relapse or symptom-recurrence after conservative surgery for endometriosis. Hum Reprod 2009; 24: 2729–35.
12. Seracchioli R, Mabrouk M, Frasca C et al. Long-term oral contraceptive pills and postoperative pain management after laparoscopic excision of ovarian endometrioma: a randomized controlled trial. Fertil Steril 2010; 94 (2): 464–71.
13. Vercellini P, Eskenazi B, Consonni D et al. Oral contraceptives and risk of endometriosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hum Reprod Update 2011; 17 (2): 159–70.
14. Legro R, Pauli J, Kunselman A et al. Effects of continuous versus cyclic oral contraception: a randomized controlled trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2008; 93 (2): 420–9.
15. Seracchioli R, Mabrouk M, Frasca C. Long-term cyclic and continuous oral contraceptive therapy and endometrioma recurrence: a randomized, controlled trial. Fertil Steril 2010; 93: 52–6.
16. Подзолкова Н.М., Кузнецова И.В. Применение марвелона в пролонгированном режиме в качестве противорецидивной терапии гиперпластических процессов эндометрия. Акушерство и гинекология. 2007; 1: 53–7. / Podzolkova N.M., Kuznetsova I.V. Primenenie marvelona v prolongirovannom rezhime v kachestve protivoretsidivnoi terapii giperplasticheskikh protsessov endometriia. Akusherstvo i ginekologiia. 2007; 1: 53–7. [in Russian]
17. Lete I, Doval JL, Pérez-Campos E et al. Self-described impact of noncompliance among users of a combined hormonal contraceptive method. Contraception 2008; 77 (4): 276–82.
18. Hou MY, Hurwitz S, Kavanagh E et al. Using daily text-message reminders to improve adherence with oral contraceptives: a randomized controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol 2010; 116 (3): 633–40.
19. Rad M, Kluft C, Kam M et al. Metabolic profile of a continuous versus a cyclic low-dose combined oral contraceptive after one year of use. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2011; 16 (2): 85–94.
20. Jensen JT, Garie SG, Trummer D, Elliesen J. Bleeding profile of a flexible extended regimen of ethinylestradiol/drospirenone in US women: an open-label, three-arm, active-controlled, multicenter study. Contraception 2012; 86 (2): 110–8.
21. Stephenson J, Shawe J, Panicker S et al. Randomized trial of the effect of tailored versus standard use of the combined oral contraceptive pill on continuation rates at 1 year. Contraception 2013; 88 (4): 523–31.
22. Kaneshiro B, Edelman A, Carlson N et al. Unscheduled bleeding with continuous oral contraceptive pills: a comparison of progestin dose. Contraception 2012; 86 (1): 22–7.
23. Kaneshiro B, Edelman A, Carlson N et al. A randomized controlled trial of doxycycline to prevent unscheduled bleeding with continuous oral contraceptive pill use. Contraception 2012; 85: 351–8.
24. Kaneshiro B, Edelman A, Carlson N et al. Treatment of unscheduled bleeding in continuous oral contraceptive users with doxycycline. Obstet Gynecol 2010; 115: 1141–9.
25. Kroll R, Reape KZ, Margolis M. The efficacy and safety of a low-dose, 91-day, extended-regimen oral contraceptive with continuous ethinyl estradiol. Contraception 2010; 81 (1): 41–8.
26. Trego L, Jordan P. Military women’s attitudes towards menstruation and menstrual suppression in relation to the deployed environment: development and testing of the MWATMS-9 (short form). Women’s Health Issues 2010; 20 (4): 287–93.
27. Powell-Dunford N, Cuda A, Moore J et al. Menstrual suppression for combat operations; advantages of oral contraceptive pills. Women’s Health Issues 2011; 21 (1): 86–91.
28. Read CM. New regimens with combined oral contraceptive pills – moving away from traditional 21/7 cycles. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2010; 15 (Suppl. 2): S32–41.
29. Benagiano G, Carrara S, Filippi V. Safety, efficacy and patient satisfaction with continuous daily administration of levonorgestrel/ethinylestradiol oral contraceptives. Patient Prefer Adherence 2009; 3: 131–43.
30. Szarewski A, von Stenglin A, Rybowski S. Women’s attitudes towards monthly bleeding: results of a global population-based survey. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2012; 17 (4): 270–83.
31. Szarewski A, Moeller C. Women’s perceptions about reducing the frequency of monthly bleeding results from a multinational survey. Open Access J Contracept 2013; 4: 29–37.
32. Nappi RE, Kaunitz AM, Bitzer J. Extended regimen combined oral contraception: A review of evolving concepts and acceptance by women and clinicians. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2016; 21 (2): 106–15.
33. Edelman A, Micks E, Gallo MF et al. Continuous or extended cycle vs. cyclic use of combined hormonal contraceptives for contraception. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2014; 7 (7).
34. Первый препарат на Российском рынке, который содержит 84 таблетки с 20 мкг этинилэстрадиола и 100 мкг левоноргестрела и 7 таблеток с 10 мкг этинилэстрадиола для непрерывного режима приема в течение 91 дня. http://grls.rosminzdrav.ru/ 22.03.2017
35. Инструкция по применению препарата МОДЭЛЛЬ® ЛИБЕРА. / Instruktsiia po primeneniiu preparata MODELL''® LIBERA. [in Russian]
36. Thomas SL, Ellertson C. Nuisance or natural and healthy: should monthly menstruation be optional for women? Lancet 2000; 355 (9207): 922–4.
1. Prilepskaia V.N. Rukovodstvo po kontratseptsii. MEDpress-inform. M.: 2006. [in Russian]
2. Cheewadhanaraks S, Choksuchat C, Dhanaworavibul K, Liabsuetrakult T. Postoperative depot medroxyprogesterone acetate versus continuous oral contraceptive pills in the treatment of endometriosis-associated pain; a randomized comparative trial. Gynecol Obstet Invest 2012; 74 (2): 151–6.
3. Dmitrovic R, Kunselman A, Legro R. Continuous compared with cyclic oral contraceptives for the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea: a randomized controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol 2012; 119: 1143–50.
4. Vandever M, Kuehl T, Sulak P et al. Evaluation of pituitary-ovarian axis suppression with three oral contraceptive regimens. Contraception 2008; 77 (3): 162–70.
5. Kuznetsova I.V., Konovalov V.A. Prolongirovannyi priem kombinirovannogo oralnogo kontratseptiva, soderzhashchego drospirenon, v lechenii predmenstrualnogo sindroma. Problemy reproduktsii. 2008; 4: 28–31. [in Russian]
6. Machado R, de Melo N, Maia H. Bleeding patterns and menstrual-related symptoms with the continuous use of a contraceptive combination of ethinylestradiol and drospirenone: a randomized study. Contraception 2010; 81: 215–22.
7. Falcone T, Lebovic DI. Clinical management of endometriosis. Obstet Gynecol 2011; 118 (3): 691–705.
8. Hirota Y, Osuga Y, Nose E et al. The presence of midkine and its possible implication in human ovarian follicles. Am J Reprod Immunol 2007; 58: 367–73.
9. ACOG Practice Bulletin № 114. Management of endometriosis. Obstet Gynecol 2010; 116: 223–36.
10. Chapron C, Souza C, Borghese B et al. Oral contraceptives and endometriosis: the past use of oral contraceptives for treating severe primary dysmenorrhea is associated with endometriosis, especially deep infiltrating endometriosis. Hum Reprod 2011; 26 (8): 2028–35.
11. Seracchioli R, Mabrouk M, Manuzzi L et al. Post-operative use of oral contraceptive pills for prevention of anatomical relapse or symptom-recurrence after conservative surgery for endometriosis. Hum Reprod 2009; 24: 2729–35.
12. Seracchioli R, Mabrouk M, Frasca C et al. Long-term oral contraceptive pills and postoperative pain management after laparoscopic excision of ovarian endometrioma: a randomized controlled trial. Fertil Steril 2010; 94 (2): 464–71.
13. Vercellini P, Eskenazi B, Consonni D et al. Oral contraceptives and risk of endometriosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hum Reprod Update 2011; 17 (2): 159–70.
14. Legro R, Pauli J, Kunselman A et al. Effects of continuous versus cyclic oral contraception: a randomized controlled trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2008; 93 (2): 420–9.
15. Seracchioli R, Mabrouk M, Frasca C. Long-term cyclic and continuous oral contraceptive therapy and endometrioma recurrence: a randomized, controlled trial. Fertil Steril 2010; 93: 52–6.
16. Podzolkova N.M., Kuznetsova I.V. Primenenie marvelona v prolongirovannom rezhime v kachestve protivoretsidivnoi terapii giperplasticheskikh protsessov endometriia. Akusherstvo i ginekologiia. 2007; 1: 53–7. [in Russian]
17. Lete I, Doval JL, Pérez-Campos E et al. Self-described impact of noncompliance among users of a combined hormonal contraceptive method. Contraception 2008; 77 (4): 276–82.
18. Hou MY, Hurwitz S, Kavanagh E et al. Using daily text-message reminders to improve adherence with oral contraceptives: a randomized controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol 2010; 116 (3): 633–40.
19. Rad M, Kluft C, Kam M et al. Metabolic profile of a continuous versus a cyclic low-dose combined oral contraceptive after one year of use. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2011; 16 (2): 85–94.
20. Jensen JT, Garie SG, Trummer D, Elliesen J. Bleeding profile of a flexible extended regimen of ethinylestradiol/drospirenone in US women: an open-label, three-arm, active-controlled, multicenter study. Contraception 2012; 86 (2): 110–8.
21. Stephenson J, Shawe J, Panicker S et al. Randomized trial of the effect of tailored versus standard use of the combined oral contraceptive pill on continuation rates at 1 year. Contraception 2013; 88 (4): 523–31.
22. Kaneshiro B, Edelman A, Carlson N et al. Unscheduled bleeding with continuous oral contraceptive pills: a comparison of progestin dose. Contraception 2012; 86 (1): 22–7.
23. Kaneshiro B, Edelman A, Carlson N et al. A randomized controlled trial of doxycycline to prevent unscheduled bleeding with continuous oral contraceptive pill use. Contraception 2012; 85: 351–8.
24. Kaneshiro B, Edelman A, Carlson N et al. Treatment of unscheduled bleeding in continuous oral contraceptive users with doxycycline. Obstet Gynecol 2010; 115: 1141–9.
25. Kroll R, Reape KZ, Margolis M. The efficacy and safety of a low-dose, 91-day, extended-regimen oral contraceptive with continuous ethinyl estradiol. Contraception 2010; 81 (1): 41–8.
26. Trego L, Jordan P. Military women’s attitudes towards menstruation and menstrual suppression in relation to the deployed environment: development and testing of the MWATMS-9 (short form). Women’s Health Issues 2010; 20 (4): 287–93.
27. Powell-Dunford N, Cuda A, Moore J et al. Menstrual suppression for combat operations; advantages of oral contraceptive pills. Women’s Health Issues 2011; 21 (1): 86–91.
28. Read CM. New regimens with combined oral contraceptive pills – moving away from traditional 21/7 cycles. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2010; 15 (Suppl. 2): S32–41.
29. Benagiano G, Carrara S, Filippi V. Safety, efficacy and patient satisfaction with continuous daily administration of levonorgestrel/ethinylestradiol oral contraceptives. Patient Prefer Adherence 2009; 3: 131–43.
30. Szarewski A, von Stenglin A, Rybowski S. Women’s attitudes towards monthly bleeding: results of a global population-based survey. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2012; 17 (4): 270–83.
31. Szarewski A, Moeller C. Women’s perceptions about reducing the frequency of monthly bleeding results from a multinational survey. Open Access J Contracept 2013; 4: 29–37.
32. Nappi RE, Kaunitz AM, Bitzer J. Extended regimen combined oral contraception: A review of evolving concepts and acceptance by women and clinicians. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2016; 21 (2): 106–15.
33. Edelman A, Micks E, Gallo MF et al. Continuous or extended cycle vs. cyclic use of combined hormonal contraceptives for contraception. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2014; 7 (7).
34. Первый препарат на Российском рынке, который содержит 84 таблетки с 20 мкг этинилэстрадиола и 100 мкг левоноргестрела и 7 таблеток с 10 мкг этинилэстрадиола для непрерывного режима приема в течение 91 дня. http://grls.rosminzdrav.ru/ 22.03.2017
35. Instruktsiia po primeneniiu preparata MODELL''® LIBERA. [in Russian]
36. Thomas SL, Ellertson C. Nuisance or natural and healthy: should monthly menstruation be optional for women? Lancet 2000; 355 (9207): 922–4.
ФГБОУ ВО «Первый Московский государственный медицинский университет им. И.М.Сеченова» Минздрава России. 119991, Россия, Москва, ул. Трубецкая, д. 8, стр. 2
I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Trubetskaia, d. 8, str. 2