Эффекты комбинированной оральной контрацепции на сексуальность и качество жизни женщин
Эффекты комбинированной оральной контрацепции на сексуальность и качество жизни женщин
Габидуллина Р.И., Галимьянова Э.И., Багирли Р.Р., Шарапова А.М. Эффекты комбинированной оральной контрацепции на сексуальность и качество жизни женщин. Гинекология. 2019; 21 (2): 66–70.
DOI: 10.26442/20795696.2019.2.190387
Gabidullina R.I., Galimyanova E.I., Bagirli R.R., Sharapova A.M. Effects of combined oral contraceptives on the sexuality and quality of life of women. Gynecology. 2019; 21 (2): 66–70.
DOI: 10.26442/20795696.2019.2.190387
Эффекты комбинированной оральной контрацепции на сексуальность и качество жизни женщин
Габидуллина Р.И., Галимьянова Э.И., Багирли Р.Р., Шарапова А.М. Эффекты комбинированной оральной контрацепции на сексуальность и качество жизни женщин. Гинекология. 2019; 21 (2): 66–70.
DOI: 10.26442/20795696.2019.2.190387
Gabidullina R.I., Galimyanova E.I., Bagirli R.R., Sharapova A.M. Effects of combined oral contraceptives on the sexuality and quality of life of women. Gynecology. 2019; 21 (2): 66–70.
DOI: 10.26442/20795696.2019.2.190387
Цель. Изучить влияние комбинированных оральных контрацептивов на сексуальность и качество жизни женщин. Материал и методы. В статье представлен обзор литературы по результатам поиска исследований в электронных ресурсах MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library и Elibrary. Результаты. С начала своего первого применения в 1960 г. гормональная контрацепция получила всемирное признание как высокоэффективный метод контроля над рождаемостью. Однако гормональные компоненты оральных контрацептивов влияют на нейроэндокринную систему женщин, оказывая различные эффекты на настроение, либидо и в целом на сексуальность и качество жизни. Литературные данные о влиянии контрацепции на сексуальность, физиологическое и эмоциональное состояние женщин неоднозначны. Известно, что гормональное обеспечение полового влечения связано с гормонами яичников. В то же время в гипоталамусе, контролирующем половую функцию и настроение, определяется высокая концентрация рецепторов к эстрогенам и тестостерону. Механизмы реализации эффектов андрогенов и прогестерона на половое влечение неоднозначны. Выявлена положительная связь между сексуальным интересом, сексуальным реагированием, сексуальным фантазированием, частотой половых актов и уровнем тестостерона в плазме крови. При этом известно, что эстрадиол, воздействуя на специфические структуры головного мозга, может повышать способность женщин к оргастическому реагированию и половому удовлетворению. Заключение. Влияние контрацепции на сексуальную жизнь женщин, несомненно, является важным фактором при принятии решения о выборе способа контрацепции и неотъемлемой составляющей в практике акушера-гинеколога, что требует дальнейших исследований в данном направлении.
Ключевые слова: комбинированные оральные контрацептивы, половые гормоны, сексуальность, сексуальная дисфункция, качество жизни.
Aim. Examine the impact of combined oral contraceptive on sexuality and the quality of women’s life. Materials and methods. The article presents a review of Electronic literature databases MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library and Elibrary. Results. Since its first introduction in the 1960s, hormonal contraception has been widely used as a highly effective birth control method. However, the hormonal components of oral contraceptives affect the neuroendocrine system of women, exerting various effects on mood, libido, on sexuality and quality of life in general. Based on literature data the effect of contraception on sexuality, the physiological and emotional state of women are various. It is known that the hormonal supplementation of sexual desire is associated with ovarian hormones. At the same time, a high concentration of estrogen and testosterone receptors has been determined in the hypothalamus, which controls sexual function and mood. The mechanisms to implement the effects of androgen and progesterone on sexual desire are ambiguous. It was found a positive relationship between a sexual interest, sexual response, sexual fantasy, frequency of sexual intercourse and a testosterone level. At the same time, it is known that estradiol can increase the ability of women to orgasmic response and sexual satisfaction by acting on specific brain structures. Conclusion. The effect of contraception on women’s sexual life is an important factor when choosing a method of contraception and an integral part in the obstetrician-gynecologist’s practice, which requires further research in this direction.
Key words: combined oral contraceptives, sex hormones, sexuality, sexual dysfunction, quality of life.
1. Хамошина М.Б., Минаева А.В., Лебедева М.Г. и др. Лечебно-профилактические возможности контрацептива, содержащего эстрадиола валерат и диеногест: что нового? Доктор.Ру. Гинекология. Эндокринология. 2015; 14 (115): 65–70.
[Khamoshina M.B., Minaeva A.V., Lebedeva M.G. et al. Lechebno-profilakticheskie vozmozhnosti kontratseptiva, soderzhashchego estradiola valerat i dienogest: chto novogo? Doktor.Ru. Ginekologiia. Endokrinologiia. 2015; 14 (115): 65–70 (in Russian).]
2. Burrows LJ, Basha M, Goldstein AT. The effects of hormonal contraceptives on female sexuality: A review. J Sex Med 2012; 9: 2213–23.
3. Elaut E, Buysse A, De Sutter P et al. Relation of androgen receptor sensitivity and mood to sexual desire in hormonal contraception users. Contraception 2012; 85: 470–9.
4. Grimes DA, Schultz KF. Nonspecifc side effects of oral contraceptives: Nocebo or noise? Contraception 2011; 83: 5–9.
5. Kelly S, Davies E, Fearns S et al. Effects of oral contraceptive containing ethinylestradiol with either drospirenone or levonogestrel on various parameters associated with well-being in healthy women: A randomized, single-blind, parallel-group, multicenter study. Clin Drug Investig 2010; 30: 325–36.
6. Caruso S, Sareri M, Agnello C, Romano M et al. Conventional vs extended-cycle oral contraceptives on the quality of sexual life: Comparison between two regimens containing 3 mg drospirenone and 20 μg ethinylestradiol. J Sex Med 2011; 8: 1478–85.
7. Lee M, Morgan M, Rapkin A. Clitoral and vulvar vestibular sensation in women taking 20 mcg ethinyl estradiol combined oral contraceptives: A preliminary study. J Sex Med 2011; 8: 213–8.
8. Davis SR, Bitzer J, Giraldi A et al. Change to either a nonandrogenic or androgenic progestin-containing oral contraceptive preparation is associated with improved sexual function in women with oral contraceptive-associated sexual dysfunction. J Sex Med 2013; 10 (12): 3069–79.
9. Caruso S, Malandrino C, Cicero C et al. Quality of sexual life of women on oral contractive continued-regimen: Pilot study. J Sex Med 2013; 10: 460–6.
10. Graham CA, Bancroft J. Hormonal contraceptives and women’s sexuality: A comment on Burrows et al. J Sex Med 2013; 10: 611–2.
11. Oddens BJ. Women’s satisfaction with birth control: a population survey of physical and psychological effects of oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices, condoms, natural family planning, and sterilization among 1466 women. Contraception 1999; 59: 277–86.
12. McCoy NL, Matyas JR. Oral contraceptive and sexuality in university women. Arch Sex Behav 1996; 23: 73–9.
13. Caruso S, Agnello C, Intelisano G et al. Sexual behaviour of women taking low-dose oral contraceptive containing 15 microg ethinylestradiol/60 microg gestodene. Contraception 2004; 69: 237–40.
14. Higgins JA, Smith NK. The Sexual Acceptability of Contraception: Reviewing the Literature and Building a New Concept. J Sex Res 2016; 53 (4–5): 417–56.
15. Nyunt A, Stephen G, Gibbin J et al. Androgen status in healthy premenopausal women with loss of libido. J Sex Marital Ther 2005; 31: 73–80.
16. Smith NK, Jozkowski KN, Sanders SA. Hormonal contraception and female pain, orgasm and sexual pleasure. J Sex Med 2014, 11: 462–70.
17. Goeretzleher G. The role of progesterone in hormone replactmtnn. Drugs Today 2001; 37: 1–8.
18. Федорова А.И. Эндокринологические аспекты сексуального здоровья женщин. Журн. акушерства и женских болезней. 2013; LXII (5): 74–85.
[Fedorova A.I. Endokrinologicheskie aspekty seksual'nogo zdorov'ia zhenshchin. Zhurn. akusherstva i zhenskikh boleznei. 2013; LXII (5): 74–85 (in Russian).]
19. Тихомиров А.Л., Батаева А.Е. Эволюция комбинированной гормональной контрацепции. Вопр. гинекологии, акушерства и перинатологии. 2011; 10 (4): 71–5.
[Tikhomirov A.L., Bataeva A.E. Evoliutsiia kombinirovannoi gormonal'noi kontratseptsii. Vopr. ginekologii, akusherstva i perinatologii. 2011; 10 (4): 71–5 (in Russian).]
20. Стеняева Н.Н. Репродуктивный возраст: проблемы сексуальности и контрацепция. Доктор.Ру. Гинекология Эндокринология. 2014; 12 (100): 25–8.
[Steniaeva N.N. Reproduktivnyi vozrast: problemy seksual'nosti i kontratseptsiia. Doktor.Ru. Ginekologiia Endokrinologiia. 2014; 12 (100): 25–8 (in Russian).]
21. Giraldi A, Marson L, Nappi R et al. Physiology of female sexual function: animal models. J Sex Med 2004; 1 (3): 237–53.
22. Dennerstein L, Lehart P, Burger H. The relative effects of hormones and relationship factors on sexual function of women through the natural menopause. Fertil Steril 2005; 64: 174–80.
23. Zimmerman Y, Eijkemans MJC, Coelingh HJT et al. The effect of combined oral contraception on testosterone levels in healthy women: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hum Reprod Update 2014; 20 (1): 76–105.
24. Davis SR, Tran J. Testosterone influences libido and well being in women. Trends Endocrinol Metab 2001; 12: 33–7.
25. Battaglia C, Morotti E, Persico N et al. Clitoral Vascularization and Sexual Behavior in Young Patients Treated with Drospirenone–Ethinyl Estradiol or Contraceptive Vaginal Ring: A Prospective, Randomized, Pilot Study. J Sex Med 2014; 11: 471–80.
26. Graziottin A. Libido: the biologic scenario. Maturitas 2000; 34 (Suppl. 1): S9–S16.
27. Veres S, Miller L, Burington B. A comparison between the vaginal ring and oral contraceptives. Obstet Gynecol 2004; 104: 555–63.
28. Sarrel PM. Women, work, and menopause. Menopause 2012; 19 (3): 250–2.
29. Basson R. Hormones and sexuality: Current complexities and future directions. Maturitas 2007; 57: 66–70.
30. Pastor Z, Holla K, Chmel R. The influence of combined oral contraceptives on female sexual desire: A systematic review. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2013; 18: 27–43.
31. Bancroft J. The endocrinology of sexual arousal. J Endocrinology 2005; 186: 411–22.
32. Cour F, Bonierbale M. Sexual desire disorders in women. Prog Urol 2013; 23 (9): 562–74.
33. Lindh I, Blohm F, Andersson-Ellstrom A, Milsom I. Contraceptive use and pregnancy outcome in three generations of Swedish female teenagers from the same urban population. Contraception 2009; 80: 163–9.
34. Soares CN. Depression in peri- and postmenopausal women: prevalence, pathophysiology and pharmacological management. Drugs aging 2013; 30: 677–85.
35. Lundin C, Danielsson KG, Bixo M et al. Combined oral contraceptive use is associated with both improvement and worsening of mood in the different phases of the treatment cycle – a double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2017; 76: 135–43.
36. Graham CA, Ramos R, Bancroft J et al. The effects of steroidal contraceptives on the well-being and sexuality of women: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, two-centre study of combined and progestogen-only methods. Contraception 1995; 52: 363–9.
37. Graziottin A. Contraception containing estradiol valerate and dienogest-advantages, adherence and user satisfaction. Minerva Ginecol 2014; 66 (5): 479–95.
38. Nappi RE, Serrani M, Jensen JT. Noncontraceptive benefits of the estradiol valerate/dienogest combined oral contraceptive: a review of the literature. Int J Womens Health 2014; 2 (6): 711–8.
39. Junge W, Mellinger U, Parke S, Serrani M. Metabolic and haemostatic effects of estradiol valerate/dienogest, a novel oral contraceptive: a randomized, open-label, single-centre study. Clin Drug Investig 2011; 31 (8): 573–84.
40. Caruso S, Agnello C, Romano M et al. Preliminary study on the effect of four-phasic estradiol valerate and dienogest (E2V/DNG) oral contraceptive on the quality of sexual life. J Sex Med 2011; 8 (10): 2841–50.
41. Yu Q, Zhou Y, Suturina L et. al. Efficacy and Safety of Estradiol Valerate/Dienogest for the Management of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Phase III Clinical Trial. J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2018; 27 (10): 1225–32.
42. Grandi G, Xholli A, Napolitano A et al. Pelvic pain and quality of life of women with endometriosis during quadriphasic estradiol valerate/dienogest oral contraceptive: a patient-preference prospective 24-week pilot study. Reprod Sci 2015; 22 (5): 626–32.
43. Uysal G, Akkaya H, Cagli F et al. A comparison of two different oral contraceptives in patients with severe primary dysmenorrhoea. J Obstet Gynaecol 2018; 38 (6): 828–32.
44. De Seta F, Restaino S, Banco R et al. Effects of estroprogestins containing natural estrogen on vaginal flora. Gynecol Endocrinol 2014; 30 (11): 830–5.
45. Lee JJ, Tan TC, Ang SB. Female sexual dysfunction with combined oral contraceptive use. Singapore Med J 2017; 58 (6): 285–8.
1. Khamoshina M.B., Minaeva A.V., Lebedeva M.G. et al. Lechebno-profilakticheskie vozmozhnosti kontratseptiva, soderzhashchego estradiola valerat i dienogest: chto novogo? Doktor.Ru. Ginekologiia. Endokrinologiia. 2015; 14 (115): 65–70 (in Russian).
2. Burrows LJ, Basha M, Goldstein AT. The effects of hormonal contraceptives on female sexuality: A review. J Sex Med 2012; 9: 2213–23.
3. Elaut E, Buysse A, De Sutter P et al. Relation of androgen receptor sensitivity and mood to sexual desire in hormonal contraception users. Contraception 2012; 85: 470–9.
4. Grimes DA, Schultz KF. Nonspecifc side effects of oral contraceptives: Nocebo or noise? Contraception 2011; 83: 5–9.
5. Kelly S, Davies E, Fearns S et al. Effects of oral contraceptive containing ethinylestradiol with either drospirenone or levonogestrel on various parameters associated with well-being in healthy women: A randomized, single-blind, parallel-group, multicenter study. Clin Drug Investig 2010; 30: 325–36.
6. Caruso S, Sareri M, Agnello C, Romano M et al. Conventional vs extended-cycle oral contraceptives on the quality of sexual life: Comparison between two regimens containing 3 mg drospirenone and 20 μg ethinylestradiol. J Sex Med 2011; 8: 1478–85.
7. Lee M, Morgan M, Rapkin A. Clitoral and vulvar vestibular sensation in women taking 20 mcg ethinyl estradiol combined oral contraceptives: A preliminary study. J Sex Med 2011; 8: 213–8.
8. Davis SR, Bitzer J, Giraldi A et al. Change to either a nonandrogenic or androgenic progestin-containing oral contraceptive preparation is associated with improved sexual function in women with oral contraceptive-associated sexual dysfunction. J Sex Med 2013; 10 (12): 3069–79.
9. Caruso S, Malandrino C, Cicero C et al. Quality of sexual life of women on oral contractive continued-regimen: Pilot study. J Sex Med 2013; 10: 460–6.
10. Graham CA, Bancroft J. Hormonal contraceptives and women’s sexuality: A comment on Burrows et al. J Sex Med 2013; 10: 611–2.
11. Oddens BJ. Women’s satisfaction with birth control: a population survey of physical and psychological effects of oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices, condoms, natural family planning, and sterilization among 1466 women. Contraception 1999; 59: 277–86.
12. McCoy NL, Matyas JR. Oral contraceptive and sexuality in university women. Arch Sex Behav 1996; 23: 73–9.
13. Caruso S, Agnello C, Intelisano G et al. Sexual behaviour of women taking low-dose oral contraceptive containing 15 microg ethinylestradiol/60 microg gestodene. Contraception 2004; 69: 237–40.
14. Higgins JA, Smith NK. The Sexual Acceptability of Contraception: Reviewing the Literature and Building a New Concept. J Sex Res 2016; 53 (4–5): 417–56.
15. Nyunt A, Stephen G, Gibbin J et al. Androgen status in healthy premenopausal women with loss of libido. J Sex Marital Ther 2005; 31: 73–80.
16. Smith NK, Jozkowski KN, Sanders SA. Hormonal contraception and female pain, orgasm and sexual pleasure. J Sex Med 2014, 11: 462–70.
17. Goeretzleher G. The role of progesterone in hormone replactmtnn. Drugs Today 2001; 37: 1–8.
18. Fedorova A.I. Endokrinologicheskie aspekty seksual'nogo zdorov'ia zhenshchin. Zhurn. akusherstva i zhenskikh boleznei. 2013; LXII (5): 74–85 (in Russian).
19. Tikhomirov A.L., Bataeva A.E. Evoliutsiia kombinirovannoi gormonal'noi kontratseptsii. Vopr. ginekologii, akusherstva i perinatologii. 2011; 10 (4): 71–5 (in Russian).
20. Steniaeva N.N. Reproduktivnyi vozrast: problemy seksual'nosti i kontratseptsiia. Doktor.Ru. Ginekologiia Endokrinologiia. 2014; 12 (100): 25–8 (in Russian).
21. Giraldi A, Marson L, Nappi R et al. Physiology of female sexual function: animal models. J Sex Med 2004; 1 (3): 237–53.
22. Dennerstein L, Lehart P, Burger H. The relative effects of hormones and relationship factors on sexual function of women through the natural menopause. Fertil Steril 2005; 64: 174–80.
23. Zimmerman Y, Eijkemans MJC, Coelingh HJT et al. The effect of combined oral contraception on testosterone levels in healthy women: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hum Reprod Update 2014; 20 (1): 76–105.
24. Davis SR, Tran J. Testosterone influences libido and well being in women. Trends Endocrinol Metab 2001; 12: 33–7.
25. Battaglia C, Morotti E, Persico N et al. Clitoral Vascularization and Sexual Behavior in Young Patients Treated with Drospirenone–Ethinyl Estradiol or Contraceptive Vaginal Ring: A Prospective, Randomized, Pilot Study. J Sex Med 2014; 11: 471–80.
26. Graziottin A. Libido: the biologic scenario. Maturitas 2000; 34 (Suppl. 1): S9–S16.
27. Veres S, Miller L, Burington B. A comparison between the vaginal ring and oral contraceptives. Obstet Gynecol 2004; 104: 555–63.
28. Sarrel PM. Women, work, and menopause. Menopause 2012; 19 (3): 250–2.
29. Basson R. Hormones and sexuality: Current complexities and future directions. Maturitas 2007; 57: 66–70.
30. Pastor Z, Holla K, Chmel R. The influence of combined oral contraceptives on female sexual desire: A systematic review. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2013; 18: 27–43.
31. Bancroft J. The endocrinology of sexual arousal. J Endocrinology 2005; 186: 411–22.
32. Cour F, Bonierbale M. Sexual desire disorders in women. Prog Urol 2013; 23 (9): 562–74.
33. Lindh I, Blohm F, Andersson-Ellstrom A, Milsom I. Contraceptive use and pregnancy outcome in three generations of Swedish female teenagers from the same urban population. Contraception 2009; 80: 163–9.
34. Soares CN. Depression in peri- and postmenopausal women: prevalence, pathophysiology and pharmacological management. Drugs aging 2013; 30: 677–85.
35. Lundin C, Danielsson KG, Bixo M et al. Combined oral contraceptive use is associated with both improvement and worsening of mood in the different phases of the treatment cycle – a double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2017; 76: 135–43.
36. Graham CA, Ramos R, Bancroft J et al. The effects of steroidal contraceptives on the well-being and sexuality of women: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, two-centre study of combined and progestogen-only methods. Contraception 1995; 52: 363–9.
37. Graziottin A. Contraception containing estradiol valerate and dienogest-advantages, adherence and user satisfaction. Minerva Ginecol 2014; 66 (5): 479–95.
38. Nappi RE, Serrani M, Jensen JT. Noncontraceptive benefits of the estradiol valerate/dienogest combined oral contraceptive: a review of the literature. Int J Womens Health 2014; 2 (6): 711–8.
39. Junge W, Mellinger U, Parke S, Serrani M. Metabolic and haemostatic effects of estradiol valerate/dienogest, a novel oral contraceptive: a randomized, open-label, single-centre study. Clin Drug Investig 2011; 31 (8): 573–84.
40. Caruso S, Agnello C, Romano M et al. Preliminary study on the effect of four-phasic estradiol valerate and dienogest (E2V/DNG) oral contraceptive on the quality of sexual life. J Sex Med 2011; 8 (10): 2841–50.
41. Yu Q, Zhou Y, Suturina L et. al. Efficacy and Safety of Estradiol Valerate/Dienogest for the Management of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Phase III Clinical Trial. J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2018; 27 (10): 1225–32.
42. Grandi G, Xholli A, Napolitano A et al. Pelvic pain and quality of life of women with endometriosis during quadriphasic estradiol valerate/dienogest oral contraceptive: a patient-preference prospective 24-week pilot study. Reprod Sci 2015; 22 (5): 626–32.
43. Uysal G, Akkaya H, Cagli F et al. A comparison of two different oral contraceptives in patients with severe primary dysmenorrhoea. J Obstet Gynaecol 2018; 38 (6): 828–32.
44. De Seta F, Restaino S, Banco R et al. Effects of estroprogestins containing natural estrogen on vaginal flora. Gynecol Endocrinol 2014; 30 (11): 830–5.
45. Lee JJ, Tan TC, Ang SB. Female sexual dysfunction with combined oral contraceptive use. Singapore Med J 2017; 58 (6): 285–8.
1. ФГБОУ ВО «Казанский государственный медицинский университет» Минздрава России, Казань, Россия;
2. Поволжский центр онкодиагностики, Казань, Россия
Rushanya I. Gabidullina*1, Elvira I. Galimyanova1, Rufat R. Bagirli1, Anastasiya M. Sharapova2
1. Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia;
2. Povolzhskiy Center of oncodiagnostics, Kazan, Russia