Статья посвящена проблеме влияния избыточной массы тела и ожирения на здоровье женщины в различные периоды жизни, в частности на нарушения репродуктивной функции, возникающие вследствие воздействия избытка жировой ткани.
Ключевые слова: ожирение, овуляция, лептин.
The review is devoted to the problem of the influence of overweight and obesity on the health of a woman in different periods of life, in particular, on reproductive disorders resulting from exposure to adipose tissue.
1. Yanovski SZ, Yanovski JA. Obesity. NEJM 2002; 346: 591–602.
2. Warkentin LM, Das D, Majumdar SR et al. The effect of weight loss on health-related quality of life: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. Obes Rev 2014; 15: 169–82. DOI: 10.1111/obr.12113
3. Sims GK, Sommers LE. Degradation of pyridine derivates in soul. J Environ Qual 1985; 14: 580–4.
4. Record RG, McKeown T, Edwards JH. The relation of measured intelligence to birth order and maternal age. Ann Human Gen 1997; 33: 61–9.
5. Margetic S, Gazzola C, Pegg GG, Hill RA. Int S Obes Relat Metab Disord 2012; 26 (11): 1407–33.
6. Rahmouni K, Haynes WG, Morgan DA, Mark AL. Selective resistance to central neural administration of leptin in Agouti obese mice. Hypertension 2012; 39: 486–90.
7. Matsuzawa Y, Funahashi T, Kihara S, Shimomura I. Adiponectin and Metabolic Syndrome. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2014; 24: 29–33.
8. McTernan CL, McTernan PG, Harte AL et al. Resistin, central obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Lancet 2002; 359: 46–7.
9. Seidell JC, Flegal KM. Assessing obesity: classification and epidemiology. Br Med Bull 1997; 53: 238–52.
10. Albu JB, Curi M, Shur M et al. Systemic resistance to the antilipolytic effect of insulin in black and white women with visceral obesity. Am J Physiol 1999; 277 (3Pt 1): E 551–60.
11. De Roos NM, Siebelink E, Bots ML et al. Trans monounsaturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids have similar effects on postprandial flow-mediated vasodilation. Eur J Clin Nutr 2002; 56: 674–9.
12. Lee L, Kumar S, Leong LC. The impact of five-month basic military training on the body weight and body fat of 197 moderately to severely obese Singaporean males aged 17 to 19 years. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1994; 18: 105–9.
13. Claessens M, Saris WH, van Baak MA. Glucagon and insulin responses after ingestion of different amounts of intact and hydrolysed proteins. Br J Nutrition 2008; 100 (1): 61–9.
14. Ashwell M, Gunn P, Gibson S. Waist-to-height ratio is a better screening tool than waist circumference and BMI for adult cardiometabolic risk factors: systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Rev 2012; 13: 275–86.
15. Carr M. The emergence of metabolic syndrome with menopause. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2003; 88: 2404–11.
16. World Health Organization Obesity. http://www.who.int/topics/obesity/en/
1. Yanovski SZ, Yanovski JA. Obesity. NEJM 2002; 346: 591–602.
2. Warkentin LM, Das D, Majumdar SR et al. The effect of weight loss on health-related quality of life: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. Obes Rev 2014; 15: 169–82. DOI: 10.1111/obr.12113
3. Sims GK, Sommers LE. Degradation of pyridine derivates in soul. J Environ Qual 1985; 14: 580–4.
4. Record RG, McKeown T, Edwards JH. The relation of measured intelligence to birth order and maternal age. Ann Human Gen 1997; 33: 61–9.
5. Margetic S, Gazzola C, Pegg GG, Hill RA. Int S Obes Relat Metab Disord 2012; 26 (11): 1407–33.
6. Rahmouni K, Haynes WG, Morgan DA, Mark AL. Selective resistance to central neural administration of leptin in Agouti obese mice. Hypertension 2012; 39: 486–90.
7. Matsuzawa Y, Funahashi T, Kihara S, Shimomura I. Adiponectin and Metabolic Syndrome. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2014; 24: 29–33.
8. McTernan CL, McTernan PG, Harte AL et al. Resistin, central obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Lancet 2002; 359: 46–7.
9. Seidell JC, Flegal KM. Assessing obesity: classification and epidemiology. Br Med Bull 1997; 53: 238–52.
10. Albu JB, Curi M, Shur M et al. Systemic resistance to the antilipolytic effect of insulin in black and white women with visceral obesity. Am J Physiol 1999; 277 (3Pt 1): E 551–60.
11. De Roos NM, Siebelink E, Bots ML et al. Trans monounsaturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids have similar effects on postprandial flow-mediated vasodilation. Eur J Clin Nutr 2002; 56: 674–9.
12. Lee L, Kumar S, Leong LC. The impact of five-month basic military training on the body weight and body fat of 197 moderately to severely obese Singaporean males aged 17 to 19 years. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1994; 18: 105–9.
13. Claessens M, Saris WH, van Baak MA. Glucagon and insulin responses after ingestion of different amounts of intact and hydrolysed proteins. Br J Nutrition 2008; 100 (1): 61–9.
14. Ashwell M, Gunn P, Gibson S. Waist-to-height ratio is a better screening tool than waist circumference and BMI for adult cardiometabolic risk factors: systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Rev 2012; 13: 275–86.
15. Carr M. The emergence of metabolic syndrome with menopause. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2003; 88: 2404–11.
16. World Health Organization Obesity. http://www.who.int/topics/obesity/en/
Е.В. Цаллагова, В.Н. Прилепская*
ФГБУ «Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр акушерства, гинекологии и перинатологии
им. акад. В.И. Кулакова» Минздрава России, Москва, Россия
Elena V. Tsallagova, Vera N. Prilepskaya*
Kulakov National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Moscow, Russia