Ziganshina LZ, Muslimova SYu, Sakhautdinova IV, Zulkarneeva EM. Symptoms and clinic of postmenopausal vulvovaginal atrophy in different stages of postmenopause: A cross sectional study. Gynecology. 2023;25(2):153–157. DOI: 10.26442/20795696.2023.2.202132
Симптомы и клиника постменопаузальной вульвовагинальной атрофии в различные стадии постменопаузы
Зиганшина Л.З., Муслимова С.Ю., Сахаутдинова И.В., Зулкарнеева Э.М. Симптомы и клиника постменопаузальной вульвовагинальной атрофии в различные стадии постменопаузы. Гинекология. 2023;25(2):153–157. DOI: 10.26442/20795696.2023.2.202132
Ziganshina LZ, Muslimova SYu, Sakhautdinova IV, Zulkarneeva EM. Symptoms and clinic of postmenopausal vulvovaginal atrophy in different stages of postmenopause: A cross sectional study. Gynecology. 2023;25(2):153–157. DOI: 10.26442/20795696.2023.2.202132
Гипоэстрогения, связанная с менопаузой, оказывает сильное негативное влияние на состояние влагалища и мочевыводящих путей и часто приводит к развитию генитоуринарного менопаузального синдрома, значительно нарушающего качество жизни женщин. Менопаузальная вульвовагинальная атрофия диагностируется у 36–90% женщин в пери- и постменопаузе. В последние годы выявлено, что это состояние также присутствует и у 19% женщин в возрасте 40–45 лет в период пременопаузы. Цель. Изучить соотношение динамики выраженности симптомов и влияния их на качество жизни женщин, а также клинические проявления постменопаузального атрофического вагинита в зависимости от стадии постменопаузы. Результаты. Пациентки уже на ранней стадии постменопаузального периода имели индекс вагинального здоровья, соответствующий умеренной атрофии. На протяжении всего изученного периода постменопаузы клинические проявления вагинальной атрофии прогрессивно нарастали, и в позднем менопаузальном периоде индекс вагинального здоровья соответствовал выраженной атрофии. Заключение. Мы считаем, что терапия вульвовагинальной атрофии должна начинаться с периода ранней менопаузы. В это время женщины наиболее заинтересованы в лечении, так как качество их жизни значительно страдает за счет вновь появившихся крайне неприятных ощущений. В то же время незначительные атрофические изменения тканей влагалища и вульвы легче поддаются терапии.
Hypoestrogenism associated with menopause has a strong negative effect on the condition of the vagina and urinary tract, and often leads to the development of genitourinary menopausal syndrome, significantly disrupting the quality of life of women. Menopausal vulvovaginal atrophy is diagnosed in 36 to 90% of peri- and postmenopausal women. In recent years, it has been revealed that this condition is also present in 19% of women aged 40–45 years during premenopause. Aim. The aim of the study was to study the relationship between the dynamics of the severity of symptoms and their impact on the quality of life of women, and the clinical manifestations of postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis, depending on the stage of postmenopause. Results. Patients in the early postmenopausal period had a vaginal health index consistent with moderate atrophy. Throughout the postmenopausal period studied, clinical manifestations of vaginal atrophy progressed, and in the late menopausal period, the vaginal health index was consistent with severe atrophy. Conclusion. In our opinion the therapy of vulvovaginal atrophy should begin with the period of early menopause. At this time, women are most interested in treatment, as their quality of life suffers significantly due to the newly appeared extremely unpleasant sensations. At the same time, minor atrophic changes in the tissues of the vagina and vulva are easier to treat.
1. Portman DJ, Gass ML; Vulvovaginal Atrophy Terminology Consensus Conference Panel. Genitourinary syndrome of menopause: new terminology for vulvovaginal atrophy from the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health and The North American Menopause Society. Climacteric. 2014;17(5):557-63. DOI:10.3109/13697137.2014.946279
2. Gandhi J, Chen A, Dagur G, et al. Genitourinary syndrome of menopause: an overview of clinical manifestations, pathophysiology, etiology, evaluation, and management. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2016;215(6):704-11. DOI:10.1016/j.ajog.2016.07.045
3. Alvisi S, Gava G, Orsili, et al. Vaginal Health in Menopausal Women. Medicina (Kaunas). 2019;55(10):615. DOI:10.3390/medicina55100615
4. Cagnacci A, Xholli A, Sclauzero M, et al. Vaginal atrophy across the menopausal age: results from the ANGEL study. Climacteric. 2019;22(1):85-9. DOI:10.1080/13697137.2018.1529748
5. Nappi RE, Seracchioli R, Salvatore S, et al. Impact of vulvovaginal atrophy of menopause: prevalence and symptoms in Italian women according to the EVES study. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2019;35(5):453-9. DOI:10.1080/09513590.2018.1563883
6. Kingsberg SA, Krychman M, Graham S, et al. The Women's EMPOWER Survey: Identifying Women's Perceptions on Vulvar and Vaginal Atrophy and Its Treatment. J Sex Med. 2017;14(3):413-24. DOI:10.1016/j.jsxm.2017.01.010
7. Nappi RE, Palacios S, Panay N, et al. Vulvar and vaginal atrophy in four European countries: evidence from the European REVIVE Survey. Climacteric. 2016;19(2):188-97. DOI:10.3109/13697137.2015.1107039
8. Murina F, Di Francesco S, Oneda S. Vulvar vestibular effects of ospemifene: a pilot study. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2018;34(7):631-5. DOI:10.1080/09513590.2018.1427717
9. Jannini EA, Nappi RE. Couplepause: A New Paradigm in Treating Sexual Dysfunction During Menopause and Andropause. Sex Med Rev. 2018;6(3):384-95. DOI:10.1016/j.sxmr.2017.11.002
10. DiBonaventura M, Luo X, Moffatt M, et al. The Association Between Vulvovaginal Atrophy Symptoms and Quality of Life Among Postmenopausal Women in the United States and Western Europe. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2015;24(9):713-22. DOI:10.1089/jwh.2014.5177
11. Тихомирова Е.В., Балан В.Е., Титченко Ю.П., Фомина-Нилова О.С. Возможности негормональной терапии пациенток с вульвовагинальной атрофией. Российский вестник акушера-гинеколога. 2020;20(4):58-64 [Tikhomirova EV, Balan VE, Titchenko YuP, Fomina-Nilova OS. Opportunities for non-hormonal therapy of patients with vulvovaginal atrophy. Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist. 2020;20(4):58-64 (in Russian)]. DOI:10.17116/rosakush20202004158
12. Bleibel B, Nguyen H. Vaginal Atrophy. In: StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. 2022.
13. Sarmento ACA, Lírio JF, Medeiros KS, et al. Physical methods for the treatment of genitourinary syndrome of menopause: A systematic review. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2021;153(2):200-19. DOI:10.1002/ijgo.13561
14. Palacios S. Assessing symptomatic vulvar, vaginal, and lower urinary tract atrophy. Climacteric. 2019;22(4):348-51. DOI:10.1080/13697137.2019.1600499
15. Barlow DH, Cardozo LD, Francis RM, et al. Urogenital ageing and its effect on sexual health in older British women. Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 1997;104(1);87-91.
16. Bachmann GA, Notelovitz M, Kelly SJ, et al. Long-term non-hоrmопаl treatment of vaginal dryness. Clin Рrасt Sexualitv. 1992;8:3-8.
17. Panay N, Palacios S, Bruyniks N, et al. Symptom severity and quality of life in the management of vulvovaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women. Maturitas. 2019;124:55-61. DOI:10.1016/j.maturitas.2019.03.013
1. Portman DJ, Gass ML; Vulvovaginal Atrophy Terminology Consensus Conference Panel. Genitourinary syndrome of menopause: new terminology for vulvovaginal atrophy from the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health and The North American Menopause Society. Climacteric. 2014;17(5):557-63. DOI:10.3109/13697137.2014.946279
2. Gandhi J, Chen A, Dagur G, et al. Genitourinary syndrome of menopause: an overview of clinical manifestations, pathophysiology, etiology, evaluation, and management. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2016;215(6):704-11. DOI:10.1016/j.ajog.2016.07.045
3. Alvisi S, Gava G, Orsili, et al. Vaginal Health in Menopausal Women. Medicina (Kaunas). 2019;55(10):615. DOI:10.3390/medicina55100615
4. Cagnacci A, Xholli A, Sclauzero M, et al. Vaginal atrophy across the menopausal age: results from the ANGEL study. Climacteric. 2019;22(1):85-9. DOI:10.1080/13697137.2018.1529748
5. Nappi RE, Seracchioli R, Salvatore S, et al. Impact of vulvovaginal atrophy of menopause: prevalence and symptoms in Italian women according to the EVES study. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2019;35(5):453-9. DOI:10.1080/09513590.2018.1563883
6. Kingsberg SA, Krychman M, Graham S, et al. The Women's EMPOWER Survey: Identifying Women's Perceptions on Vulvar and Vaginal Atrophy and Its Treatment. J Sex Med. 2017;14(3):413-24. DOI:10.1016/j.jsxm.2017.01.010
7. Nappi RE, Palacios S, Panay N, et al. Vulvar and vaginal atrophy in four European countries: evidence from the European REVIVE Survey. Climacteric. 2016;19(2):188-97. DOI:10.3109/13697137.2015.1107039
8. Murina F, Di Francesco S, Oneda S. Vulvar vestibular effects of ospemifene: a pilot study. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2018;34(7):631-5. DOI:10.1080/09513590.2018.1427717
9. Jannini EA, Nappi RE. Couplepause: A New Paradigm in Treating Sexual Dysfunction During Menopause and Andropause. Sex Med Rev. 2018;6(3):384-95. DOI:10.1016/j.sxmr.2017.11.002
10. DiBonaventura M, Luo X, Moffatt M, et al. The Association Between Vulvovaginal Atrophy Symptoms and Quality of Life Among Postmenopausal Women in the United States and Western Europe. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2015;24(9):713-22. DOI:10.1089/jwh.2014.5177
11. Tikhomirova EV, Balan VE, Titchenko YuP, Fomina-Nilova OS. Opportunities for non-hormonal therapy of patients with vulvovaginal atrophy. Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist. 2020;20(4):58-64 (in Russian). DOI:10.17116/rosakush20202004158
12. Bleibel B, Nguyen H. Vaginal Atrophy. In: StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. 2022.
13. Sarmento ACA, Lírio JF, Medeiros KS, et al. Physical methods for the treatment of genitourinary syndrome of menopause: A systematic review. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2021;153(2):200-19. DOI:10.1002/ijgo.13561
14. Palacios S. Assessing symptomatic vulvar, vaginal, and lower urinary tract atrophy. Climacteric. 2019;22(4):348-51. DOI:10.1080/13697137.2019.1600499
15. Barlow DH, Cardozo LD, Francis RM, et al. Urogenital ageing and its effect on sexual health in older British women. Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 1997;104(1);87-91.
16. Bachmann GA, Notelovitz M, Kelly SJ, et al. Long-term non-hоrmопаl treatment of vaginal dryness. Clin Рrасt Sexualitv. 1992;8:3-8.
17. Panay N, Palacios S, Bruyniks N, et al. Symptom severity and quality of life in the management of vulvovaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women. Maturitas. 2019;124:55-61. DOI:10.1016/j.maturitas.2019.03.013