Для лечения острого стрептококкового тонзиллита существует большой спектр антибактериальных препаратов с хорошим эффектом в отношении эрадикации возбудителя. Однако длительность приема и частота дозирования препаратов может приводить к отмене пациентом лечения, что увеличивает риск постстрептококковых осложнений. Наличие антибактериальных препаратов с хорошей клинической эффективностью, удобством приема и кратностью дозирования является важным в эрадикации возбудителя. Цефалоспорины III поколения с однократным приемом в сутки обладают хорошей комплаентностью, и могут быть рекомендованы для лечения стрептококкового тонзиллита.
For the treatment of acute streptococcal tonsillitis there is a wide range of antibacterial drugs with good effect against bacterial eradication. However, the duration and frequency of dosing receiving drugs may lead to the cancellation of patient treatment, which increases the risk of post-streptococcal complications. The presence of antibacterial drugs with good clinical efficacy, ease of reception and the multiplicity of dosing is important in bacterial eradication. III generation cephalosporins with a single dose per day have good compliance, and can be recommended for the treatment of streptococcal tonsillitis.
1. Bryant AE, Dennis LS. Streptococcus pyogenes. Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases. Eighth Edition. New York: Elselver, 2015;
p. 2285–99.
2. Hoffmann S. The throat carrier rate of group A and other b hemolytic streptococci among patients in general practice. Acta Pathol Microbiol Immunol Scand B 1985; 93: 347–51.
3. Kardas P. Patient compliance with antibiotic treatment for respiratory tract infections J Antimicrob Chemother 2002; 49: 897–903.
4. Urquhart J. Ascertaining how much compliance is enough with outpatient antibiotic regimens. Postgrad Med J 1992; 68 (Suppl. 3): 49–58.
5. Greenberg RN. Overview of patient compliance with medication dosing: a literature review. Clin Ther 1984; 6: 592–9.
6. Claxton AJ, Cramer J, Pierce C. A systematic review of the association between dose regimens and medication compliance. Clin Ther 2001; 23: 1296–310.
7. Alvarez MP, Simon M, Sanchez S. Pharmacovigilance study of azithromycin tablets (500 mg) in the treatment of adult patients with respiratory tract infections. Rev Esp Quimioter 2000; 13: 297–305.
8. Kardas P. Patient adherence in respiratory tract infection: ceftibuten versus other antibiotics. Pol Merkuriusz Lek 2001; 10: 445–9.
9. Cook RC, Zachariah J. Efficacy of twice-daily amoxicillin/clavulanate in mild to moderate lower respiratory tract infections in children. Br J Clin Pract 1996; 50: 125–8.
10. Bergman AB, Werner RJ. Failure of children to receiver penicillin by mouth. N Engl J Med 1963; 268: 1334–8.
11. Schrag SJ, Pena C. Effect of short-course, high-dose amoxicillin therapy on resistant pneumococcal carriage: a randomized trial. J Am Med Assoc 2001; 286: 49–56.
12. Ellerbeck E, Khallaf N, Ansary KS. Caretaker compliance with different antibiotic formulations for treatment of childhood pneumonia. J Trop Pediatr 1995; 41: 102–8.
13. Nikolaus T, Kruse W, Bach M. Elderly patientsʼproblems with medication. An in hospital and follow-up study. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1996; 57: 383–6.
14. Branthwaite A, Pechime J. Pan-European Survey of Patients' Attitudes to Antibiotics and Antibiotic Use. J Int Med Res 1996; 24: 229–38.
15. Howe RW, Millar MR, Coast J et al. A randomized controlled trial of antibiotics on symptom resolution in patients presenting to their general practitioner with a sore throat. Br J Gen Pract 1997; 47: 280–4.
16. Bottaro G, Biasci P, Lo Giudice M et al. 5 days Cefaclor vs. 10 days amoxicillin/clavulanate in the treatment of childhood streptococcal pharyngitis. Data from a randomized clinical trial. Minerva Pediatr 2012; 64 (3): 341–6.
17. Anne S, Reisman RE. Risk of administering cephalosporin antibiotics to patients with histories of penicillin allergy. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1995; 74: 167–70.
18. Kelkar PS, Li JT. Cephalosporin allergy. N Engl J Med 2001; 345: 804–9.
1. Bryant AE, Dennis LS. Streptococcus pyogenes. Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases. Eighth Edition. New York: Elselver, 2015;
p. 2285–99.
2. Hoffmann S. The throat carrier rate of group A and other b hemolytic streptococci among patients in general practice. Acta Pathol Microbiol Immunol Scand B 1985; 93: 347–51.
3. Kardas P. Patient compliance with antibiotic treatment for respiratory tract infections J Antimicrob Chemother 2002; 49: 897–903.
4. Urquhart J. Ascertaining how much compliance is enough with outpatient antibiotic regimens. Postgrad Med J 1992; 68 (Suppl. 3): 49–58.
5. Greenberg RN. Overview of patient compliance with medication dosing: a literature review. Clin Ther 1984; 6: 592–9.
6. Claxton AJ, Cramer J, Pierce C. A systematic review of the association between dose regimens and medication compliance. Clin Ther 2001; 23: 1296–310.
7. Alvarez MP, Simon M, Sanchez S. Pharmacovigilance study of azithromycin tablets (500 mg) in the treatment of adult patients with respiratory tract infections. Rev Esp Quimioter 2000; 13: 297–305.
8. Kardas P. Patient adherence in respiratory tract infection: ceftibuten versus other antibiotics. Pol Merkuriusz Lek 2001; 10: 445–9.
9. Cook RC, Zachariah J. Efficacy of twice-daily amoxicillin/clavulanate in mild to moderate lower respiratory tract infections in children. Br J Clin Pract 1996; 50: 125–8.
10. Bergman AB, Werner RJ. Failure of children to receiver penicillin by mouth. N Engl J Med 1963; 268: 1334–8.
11. Schrag SJ, Pena C. Effect of short-course, high-dose amoxicillin therapy on resistant pneumococcal carriage: a randomized trial. J Am Med Assoc 2001; 286: 49–56.
12. Ellerbeck E, Khallaf N, Ansary KS. Caretaker compliance with different antibiotic formulations for treatment of childhood pneumonia. J Trop Pediatr 1995; 41: 102–8.
13. Nikolaus T, Kruse W, Bach M. Elderly patientsʼproblems with medication. An in hospital and follow-up study. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1996; 57: 383–6.
14. Branthwaite A, Pechime J. Pan-European Survey of Patients' Attitudes to Antibiotics and Antibiotic Use. J Int Med Res 1996; 24: 229–38.
15. Howe RW, Millar MR, Coast J et al. A randomized controlled trial of antibiotics on symptom resolution in patients presenting to their general practitioner with a sore throat. Br J Gen Pract 1997; 47: 280–4.
16. Bottaro G, Biasci P, Lo Giudice M et al. 5 days Cefaclor vs. 10 days amoxicillin/clavulanate in the treatment of childhood streptococcal pharyngitis. Data from a randomized clinical trial. Minerva Pediatr 2012; 64 (3): 341–6.
17. Anne S, Reisman RE. Risk of administering cephalosporin antibiotics to patients with histories of penicillin allergy. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1995; 74: 167–70.
18. Kelkar PS, Li JT. Cephalosporin allergy. N Engl J Med 2001; 345: 804–9.
НИИ хирургии и неотложной медицины ГБОУ ВПО Первый СПбГМУ им. акад. И.П.Павлова Минздрава России. 197022, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Льва Толстого, д. 6/8
Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University. 197022, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, ul. L'va Tolstogo, d. 6/8